H alsey enterprise VOL. XII HALSES’, LINN COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, FEB. 7. 1924 NO. 2« HALSEY HAPPENINGS AND COUNTY EVENTS Short Stories from Sundry Sources J. W. Rector, went to Salem Monday to attend the funeral of their uncle, J. S. Morgan, who died of pneumonia, afte r an illness of ten days. H. M. Ternan of Salem, employe a t the state hospital, visited his moth­ er, Mrs. J. C. Bramwell, Monday . W o o d ro w W ilson Three Families Joins the M a jo rity rs- i -c Missionary society meets with Mrs. • Josephine S tarr on Kirk avenue. . Killed by Poison t x Gave His Life to Mase Eleven Linn CountyJLives Wars Cease j , Snuffed Out “ • Mable Burson, north of town, who has t *Cn havin< “ Sleke measels, has had a rela p se an d i> q u ite i l l , 1 having trouble with her heart. Shedd high school plays “ P ut- tin g I t U p to P atty ” at Tangent tomorrow night. OREGON OCCURRENCES RECITED FOR READERS Epitome of Events in the Beaver State Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Foote spent Sun­ Ex-President Wilson died a t his j O f a party of tw elve, all in good i T , rhe h o,Pit,u f“ 1* ^ e s e d a y s ; day with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Robin­ home in Washington three-quarters of h ealth , w ho d ln a d to g e th er in Al- rh tr# were three •PPhndicitio opera-j At a wall-attended meeting at 8 t. son and fam ily of Junction City. an hour before noon last Sunday. b an y la st S a tu rd a y eleven are tlOnB Bist w efk’ Helens the Columbia County Lincoln H . M H enry went to Newport Mrs. O. Shook; who has been -visit We cannot b etter comment on the i dead. Mrs. John Jackson, north of tow,, club was organised Wednesday for a visit. ing with M. H. Shook and family, re­ situation than by using the following Mr. and Mrs. Reincld Gerber had as g av e b irth to a a lill-b o rn babe lust La Pine's fourth disastrous fire. In 8. T . Scott, roadroavter of the turned to Shedd Tuesday. quotations: guests two daughters and their fam- | Tuesday a t the hospital. The mother ae many years resulted last week In n I ----* ----------- * U C i n v i i i v r Southern Pacific, was in Halsey David Lloyd George says: “Wood- Glenn Chance took alomst a dozen ties an d a grandson fro m S cio.JJohu . is getting along nicely at present. gross loss of 120,060. Wednesday. horses to Charles Taylor, the Eugene row Wilson will become one of the Yunker. The two families were Mr. The little one was buried at the local Mrs. Hattie Kessler, 60. committed H e was The remains of Mr». Sadie horse b u y e r, S a tu rd a y . T a y lo r great figures of history, — -----and Mrs. Faul Gcrbig and four cliil- cemetery. suicide at her home at Tualatin by Perry, daughter of Mre. J. T. Me- will be b are to m o rro w b u y in g the first to embody the ideal of fra- dren, residing seven miles west of Al- ' jumping head foremost In a well. tern ity of nations into a concrete many, and Mr. and Mrs. Gotfrcd Ruh- , an d M rs. J . C. H a rriso n sn d N eil of this place, are expi-eted horses. See b is a d v e rtise m e u lj Oregon will be entitled to 10 yotea (ling O and their baby, from 1 a u K’| le r,M a rv e l I.aw Jin ce. ui d«a hete today for burial from her — -MV',, recently ilUlil Jane, daughter of Mrs. Hazel Wal­ Plan. at the democratic national convention home in Seattle, where she died. “Like the founder of C h ristian ity ,1 Germany, who were stopping with the i ^us’ness trip to ¿-ebanon Friday. lace, had friends at a celebration of to be held In New York city June 24. stable _ , Amos Simon, the local livery ______ Mre. Hazel W allace went to her fifth birthday a t the Mornhinweg the central figure in history, and like 1 Gerbigs. Onton growers of Tualatin w ill ship Lincoln, afte r him, he prosecuted his j For dinner at the Gerber home, ’ mnn; ba! bls barn about torn down Portland last evening for a short home last week Tuesday. about eight carloads this year, several ideal to his tragic death. These cir- among other things, a home-processed He ’s moving it back of his house visit. carloads short of tb* 1922 ahtpmanta. D. H. S turtevant and fam ily visited cumstances, if nothing -more, would ; can of string beans was served. Mrs wbere W*U he a little handier, C. H . Koontz was in Portland the C. M. Kimble home in Eugene make his memory last in the minds of 1 Gerber noticed a peculiar odor whet. Approval of the McNary bill, desig­ Neil Newland, north of town, a high Sunday. several days last week. men- " the can was opened, and young Yunk- : school student, has rente«! rooms in nating the Old Oregon Trail as a na­ tional highway, was given by Secre­ Mrs. S. J. Smith and children visit­ Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Frum and “ Wilson, like Lincoln and other Fr said there was an odd flavor to town and intends “batching” it the tary of Agriculture Wallace. daughters Ruth and Vivian and Misses ed Dentist Shelton in Brownsville S at­ g reat idealists, has not lived to see them, but nothing serious was su3- - rest of the school year, urday. Henry J. Hansen, 30, was drown-aV. his dream s realized. Nevertheless, pected. Helen Williams, Agnes Chandler and while hls wife looked on, when ho was his work will be carried on to his own About noen the next day all who CC* arn so n was a busine# caller Lawrence Taylor was in Albany Fri- Pearl Pehrsson saw the basketball glory and the permanent benefit of had partaken of the dinner were seiz- at ^ u a e in g 's office in H alsey Pitched out of a boat in a slough o f lay. game at Brownsville F riday night. He led his country out on- ed with illness. Mrs. Gerber and Mrs. ■ u n t, Mrs Randolph, in A lb s n v the Clatskanie river near Clatakanla. Mr. an d M rs. C arey w ent mankind. Small landslides on the Tillam ook Mrs. Gertrude Pentland was the to the road of world affairs, from Ruehling Bnd Hilda and Marie Ger- ------------ which no$$urning big, the e la tte r two children of 10 and J- tev of H ig h H R iver, n u n there m ere is no> urning back.” mg, m o S ie v e n so n oi ire r branch of the Southern Pacific- guest of her aunt, Mrs. Eliza B ran­ north on Monday’s train. Miss Bertha Leitner was with her And this is from the Associated 7 years respectively, died before Mon- L 'an., left (he tra in a t H alsey yes- brought down by continuous rain fall- don, Sunday. mother in Portland over the week end Press: day noon. 'e r d a y a n d m otored to B row ns. caused delay to trains operating over L. E. W alton, who is now the Ha» Considerable construction work The peculiar action of the malady • visit w ith Fred Robert- the road. ' .. “ Wilson's trip for the league of n a­ risburg druggist, made a flying trip to going on throughout the country near tions was undertaken afte r his p er­ was illustrated in the case of 7-year- * , r ’ Hearing of the application of tbo> his Halsey home Sunday. Halsey. J. A. Burns is building a so n al p h y sic ia n w arned h im th at old Marie Gerbig. Dr. Wallace was Rev. Mr. Newberry of Seattle is the Horfle Telephone 4k Telegraph com­ Chester Bros, electrician of Browns­ modern hen house on his farm south it might seriously and permanently called to the Gerbig home when the ! sta r attraction a t the tabernacle this pany of southern, Oregon for increas od rates has been set for February 18- ailment of the victims threatened to week. ville was in town Monday and install west of town and Lloyd Simon and H im pair his health. at Medford. be serious. He administered medicine p w —»..u „ , . . ed C. P. S tafford’s radio receiving set E. Davis are erecting garages a t their ‘I do not like to disobey you,’ he . H jl . k . w. Resseli, movie proprietor and Circulation 'of petitions was startcM^ and did some other wiring in his home. farm s in the same neighborhood. said to Dr. Grayson, ‘and I have never " , , . . . t ma>’or H arrisburg, ground the flesh at Astoria seeking the recall of Ways« done so before. But I feel I m ust go M arie sao aw ay, from w hich he off one finger in the movie machine Roland Marks was home Sunday Adrian Smith returned Sunday from Maunala, city commissioner from the out and make this fight, even if it judged there was nothing serious the I here. There was no sausage machine Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Boner of Port third ward, and John Arnold, cltycom - a ' t v d a y s ’ visit in P o rtla n d . m atter with her. He was called In connection, so the ground meat was; mlaslonsr from the fourth w arA , land were guests last week of the costs —y life.’- Mrs. A. E. Foote was an Albany la tte r’s mother, Mrs. Sophia Bass, and “Aa if the approach of illness had again and found Marie standing in the ! wasted. Cash turnover by the state kaiad de­ visitor Tuesday. fostered a premonition th a t the worst middle of the room. He took her in sister Lena of this city. ^ m' th ’0,d hls staKe car to partment to the state treasurer In Jan­ fears of his medical adviser would be his m is and was in the act of giving Herman Steinke was in Albany Link St. John of Shedd was a Hal fulfilled, he expressed to several aud­ her medicine when she fell back dead. ,01“' Nel,on and >» in n i n g one of uary aggregated $12»,870.43, according sey visitor Friday. Tuesday. The Ruehling baby imbibed the pol- **.hter * e,« h t- Nelson wrecked the to a report prepared by «Oeorge C. iences during the swing across the son with its mother's milk. ° ld c“ r for, l*e v an o u l Parta’ which Brown, clerk of the s ta te 'land board. B. M. Bond, cashier of the Halsey country’ his willingness to make the Mrs. M. M. Ward went to Albany Notice of increase « ( '-jipltal stock Cases like these are popularly but j in hls repa,r b«a«ness. State I ank, had business in A lb any g reat saciiu-«: for the treaty. Tuesday to help celebrate the wedding from $60.000 to $2,O»MV,>oo has been J °hn Waggener, partn er in the fox anniversary of her daughter, Mrs. Da­ Thursday. “ The b rea k beg an a t San F r a n ­ erroneously called ptomaine poisoning. filed with the «"«wperat'.on department vid Froman. Favorable reports came from D. I cisco. w here four years la te r an Ptomaines are inert and harmless in- Yarm east of Brownsville committed by the Fidelity Savhig« a Loan as­ Isom, who is taking X-ray treatm ent other president, W arren G. Harding, organic m atter produced by microbes, suicide Wednesday night of last week sociation, with headquarters tn Port­ R. K. Stew art and his sister, Mrs. These microbe«, not th -ir pi oduct, con- by shooting h im self. He wss 50 land. in a Eugene hospital for his throat. gone to the country on a similiar mis­ years old and unmarried stitute the poison. Two years In tide state penitentiary Kr.rl Bramwell and wife and two sion, the world court, broke under the Numerous deaths from eating can Mrs. Gussie Moses Guion has been a Is the longest sentence that has been strain of his trip and died suddenly children visited Eugene Tuesday. ned vegetables, especially string well-known and respected character after his physicians thought he was on meted out to a briotlegger tn this state W e H ave H arry Bressler went to Albany beans, have been reported in various for many years. She died last S atu r­ aa far as Dr the road to recovery.” A. Linville, federal Thursday to take charge of S. P p arts of the country lit recent years, day, aged 68. EVERY THING prohibition filpsetor, has been able t® track section as supply section fore and in at least one case, in California, O ptical Under the new Brownsville licence learn. Mrs. Maggie Carey, who has been the vegetable was a factory product. man. 8tepa to clear Oregon's name of Its visiting at Pleasant Hill, returned to E Y E S T R A IN It is claimed th at string beans ordinance movie operators will ho re ­ D. S. McWilliams and Elliott were unw n/ahle rem itatlon” as a clear­ Is the Cause of Many her home a t Crawfordsville, by way should be heated to 240 degrees for quired to pay $27.50 twice a year, cig­ up from Albany Friday. ing hbuse for divorces were taken by HUMAN ILLS of Halsey Tuesday. arette dealers $10, shooting gallery or sterilization, whereas in home canning If yeur eyes give you troub.le or ¡ the boiling point,, 212 degrees, is us- ! bowlinsc alley men $10, those ha', ing the annual conwmilon of the Eptsco Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gormley went your glasses are annoying ually ¡supposed to he sufficient | billiard table, pigeon hole table or pool pal church qf Oregon In session la home to Irving with their daughter, SBE US. We can Relieve Yon Portland. X Wholesale duplication of Between 0 o'clock Monday evening j Y25. House movers will pay Mrs. George Alford, for a week-end ^ lib e r t y bonds of eve'y issue B a n c r o ft O p tic a l C o. Owmg^ *to the start of logging oper- and 9 the hext morning there were cents per day, dance hall proprie- visit. J1J 1st St. W. Albany. Phone since 1918 in the bureau of en­ s tlo n tzv Millwood by the Hllvertnn added to the list of dead Gotfried tors ?5 Pcr daV and wood sawyers graving and p rin tin g , and the (Continued on page J) Lii's»Yy»r company, the Southern Pa- Ruehling, 25 years old, Reinold Ger- per day. Meat peddlers must itnplio i tion ol treasury officials, '^Yto has again placed Its logging Ler, 73, the Ì0-year-old Yunker boy d*S UP »10- whether they make more are startling charges t made I v Peddlers r"/fl. train tn operation between Millwood, Charles B. Brewer, special as­ and the Gerbig babe, E sther, 1 year tban one sa' e or not. snd Silverton. . « ir . j • j . . *nK into town in vehicles will sistant to the attorney general, in obi Four mòre died next day - , cn .. , .. , , P“V About 20 wiomen from surrounding t> an u .» I. $ ,-6° wh,le those who hoof it In win a report filed in the District o f uu The Ruehling boy, 18 months old, was _,,„„« -, , , . .. 1 'neighborhoods met at Freewater end Z” , , . , , Pun8*e out $1. Under the stake law Columbia supreme court He the only one of the party not poisoned. „ , „ . , , . . . , , , farm ers can peddle produce bf their formed' a woman's apple ahow asso­ also charged the departm ent of He escaped because he was fed from , ciation to promote household exhibits ... . . . , own ra ‘»>ng, and anyone can sell ar- justice with attem pting to seize a . bottle and ate no s tr n g beans. _* ui . . . a mo n g ‘worn en and children at the an­ __________ ,,d e s of " ,s own m anufacture without nual «Role ahow next felt. the evidence he had collected at Mrs. L. E .Walton was a passenger , Hctnan. the personal request of President U tility companies of Oregon plan Coolidge and the lata President to H arrisburg Tuesday. ♦ to expand not lets than from $10,- H ard in g. D. F. M cK ezcher, w ho Uab 000.000 to 312,000,000 during the year a h erd of d oer in a prtrr.te In h u s ln e * building and payroll activ­ W. A- Brownsville Briefs p irk at C raw fordsville, on Mon- ‘»«e carcass of a buck •.u . fr n‘ Halsey station to the Broad- The W. C. 1. U. are soliciting for « . y H sielw o o d re s ta u ra n t P o rt (By Ralph Lawrence) w r. , ... WiM« S c h o o l S to c k in g s OR years, mothers of boys and girls have looked to us for hosiery strongly made; to stand the wear and tear of the school playground. For as many years we have recommended. F the farm home for orphan . iu'dren land. Te do th ia he got a iicenee near CorvalHs .his week, so when j «1 frem th e sla te g am e w arden. He are asked to pay for a tag, d i it g ats $1 a po u n d for veniaon. O na cheerfully, for there is no cause more of b it does gave b irth to triplets worthy than caring for these homeless recen tly . little ones. Tuesday the local W. C. T. U. held an all-day m eeting a t the Baptist ________ church, taking their dinner and sew­ ing during the day. The county 'Enterprise Correspondence) president was with them and gave an Russell Knighten visited at the A. interesting account of the work being s Knighten home Monday, done in the county. Mr. Albertson la spending much of Sunday night the union meetings her time with her mother, Mrs. Higbee was held a t the Baptist church, Rev who Is quite poorly. Mr. Cain, the Methodist minister, . .. spoke to a full house on “Christ at h< * 7 w eather. »<>* _ „ r, . .. on the telephone line has not progress- G a tb se in a n e . I t was a touching ed very rapidly. sermon, delivered in his calm, quiet „ . . , , , . . ... B«rt Haynes and family visited at voice, and appealed to th e p u b lic the T. A. Hover home in Halsey Sun- strongly. Pastor Woodworth read a day. Pine Grove Patter« Halsey Church of C hrist A llen A Church Announcements /S fa c ii C a t Church of C hrist : Lon C ham lee, m inister. Hosiery Bible school, 10. W . H . Robert- son, superintendent. M orning worship, 11. . L o rd ’« supper every Lord's day. C hris'ian Endeavor, 6:80. Evening service, 7:30, The church without a bishop, io the country without a king. I f you have no oburch home touching tribute to ex-President Wil- come ami worship with us. O u r lines of children’s hosiery include every style or quality