Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, January 31, 1924, Page 4, Image 4

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• •••••« ••« •
I t b e tte r p ic tu re «
a r e w a d e th e G lo b e
will sh o w th e m .
: Announcement Extraordinary
S U N —MON.— T U B -W H O .
Feb. 4-4-5-6
T h e S u p e r P ro d u c tio n
H unchback
N o tre D am e
: LO N
JAN. 41
P A C I«
C H A N E Y '!
a t p o p u la r p ric e s
Halsey Happenings, etc.
(Continued from page 1)
Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Kitchen and ton
Lavelle drove up from their home in
Portland Friday evening, and while
his parents went on to Eugene to see
Mrs. Kitchen's parentg, Mr. and Mrs
John Bryan, Lavelle remained in this
vicinity with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Hockensmith of
Albany were Sunday guests of the
former’s mother and sister, Mrs. M
G. and Miss Mona Bond.
George Pike of Loraine went to Eu
gene Monday.
Miss Inez Trefry, who
quite ill, is improving.
Lyle Standish returned to Portland
Monday after a short visit with
friends and relatives.
Mr. W illis, night operator here, was
a Eugene visitor Monday.
A co-operative cannery, to be locat
ed at Albany, in h ein * discussed by
fruit growers.
I). I. Isom, who has been in ill
health for some time, w ent to Eugene
Sunday where he entered a hospital
J. W. Moore, who is employed by
the Alsea Lumber company nt Glen
brook, spent Sunday at home.
I>r. and Mrs. T. I. Marks drove to
Corvullis Sunday afternoon and railed
on their son Roland, who is a senior
at O. A. C.
T he Metzger Shoe Service o f A1
bany has filed articles of incorpor
The capital stock Is $10,000
and A. W. Metzger, H azel Metzger
and W. I* Marks are the lncorpora
The company keeps a standing
advertisement in the Enterprise.
Sheep-killing dogs have been play
ing havoc with different flocks in the
neighborhood o f Halsey recently,
Sunday morning they rot after O. W
I-'ruin’s sheep just out o f the city and
killed and maimed several.
morning they went after J. W. Mil
ler’s and II. C. Davis' sheep with the
same result.
Fred Canady, singing evangelist
from East Liverpool, Ohio, com
menced a two-weks revival at the lo
cal M. E church Sunday.
Mr. Can
ady was converted when thirty years
old and has been singing for the past
eleven years.
He will be assisted in
the work by the local pastor. Rev.
ltoht. I. Parker.
for treatment.
I9 M
M cLUliea ■«< pazeets, of tne RMRg 1
A lf o r d A r r o w s
sad tbe old. are naturally opposite by
tbe coutrary effects of hope and d
iBaterprlaa 0»rroepei.4»ace)
spoadeace, of expectation and expert
«race. without eriane or folly on either
John LaRue of Halsey called at the
side. , . .T h u s parents and children John Wilibanka, J. F., D. I. and E. D.
for tbe greatest part, live on to love Isom homes Thursday of last week
less and leas.’*
Although Mr. LaRue is almost 72
years old he made the trip on foot.
»d by a day at lit* Henry Zimmerman
I home
The friends of Donna Rohertaos
«di! be interested to know that she
has received the state piano teachers’
certificate and is now an accredited
teacher, qualified to give high school
credits in piano in any standard high
school in the state.
School Notei
♦ M ary S u cceed s
o n M a in S t r e e t
1 9 U . by L a u ra M illa r
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Starnes drove
Last Friday night there were three to Albany one day last week.
high sb cool b a sk etb a ll tea m s from
Mrs. Edna Geer, county school su­
Halsey playing in other towns.
perintendent, visited the Alford school
The girls played the Brownsville last week.
girls on Brownsville.*» floor.
Tom Lusby of Springfield visited
score was 8 to C in H alsey’s favor,
A reception was enojyed after the his sister, Mrs. J. F. Isom, several
Their next game will he at ¿ays the first of the week.
A famous psychologist ouce told me
tbe difference between a woman’s and
L. C. Merriam railroad section boss
a man’s mind.
“Throughout the ages.” he ex­
here has been awarded the cash prize
plained, “man measured success by
of 1100 given annually by the South­
, the property he could amass In one
ern Pacific for the best kept section
form or another. Woman had to gain
in the Portland division.
the approval of a man. Ills surplus
provided for both her physical and
C. P. Moody is a candidate for the
spiritual needs.
eb a irm a n sh ip o f tbe P o rtla n d d iv is ­ Scio, February 8.
Claude Davis and family of Albany
"These two traits run deep. Woman
The boys’ first team played at Mill viaited Claude’s sister, Mrs. John Is more conventional, that Is, more In­
ion of tho Order o f Railway Tele­
Mrs. Willbanks’ terested In community approval than
Voting will be done by City and met defeat by a score of Willbanks, Sunday.
They also enjoyed a re daughter, Mrs. John Hames, and fam­ man. However advanced a feminist,
mailed ballots within a few weeks. 25 to 16.
ily of Roseburg also called in the a f­ she usually gains pleasure from In
It is a position of considerable re­ ception given in their honor.
tangible approval rewards, while a
The boys’ second team played at ternoon.
sponsibility and importance.
man on the same Job couuts tbe cash.”
Turner and met defeat by 26 to 2.
Mr. and Mrs. . A. Starnes attended
Pure theory? Perhaps. Yet In hun­
The four-county boy scout merger
funeral of Mr. Freerksen at Shedd dreds of letters from women In the
has been perfected! Oscar Haytcr of
working world, the Intangible factors
Dallas is president, Elmo T. White of one has settled down into the regular Thursday of last week.
do seem to make for contentment.
Salem head of the business depart­
Mrs. George Workinger called on The truth seems to be that these wom­
ment, M. Feresthetsen o f Salem bead
en Just haven’t bothered to be mate­
Tuesday afternoon Mr. Bergenhoff, Mrs. E. D. Isom last Friday.
of the educational department, C. C a missionary from the Phiilipines,
rially “successful," because they’re
Austin and Otto Alford and families
"happy” In their work.
Hall of Albany head of camping, H. spoke to the high school and grades
visited at the Lee Ingram home Sun­
This Uttle letter Is a case In point.
A. Scalien o f Corvallis, field depart­ His speech was much enjoyed by all.
Is Julia Wossman a success or not?
ment head and N. H. Buckstaff of He told of the conditions in the Phii­
Mrs. J. F. Isom has received word Her name was sent by a member of
Albany, treasurer.
lipines; of the good work which Uncle
of the marriage of her sister, Miss the Louisiana board of health, who
thought of her us a successful force
Next Sun
C. P. Moody’s parents came from Sam has done over there.
Ruth Lusby, to Raymond Strawn of In her town. What do you think?
Harrisburg to visit and to attend the day night he will relate some of his Toledo last Saturday.
"Dear Mrs. Miller:
revival m eetings at the Methodist experiences.
“I covet very much the honor of
Rena Walker returned to school
deat at the normal school at Mon­ being written up as a woman who has
succeeded on 'Main Street’, but such a
mouth, spent the week end at home.
write-up about me wouldn't he ut all
J. P. Smith, a former resident of according to the facts In my career.
this community, died at the home of It would be pure fiction.
“I am principal of an elementary
daughter, Mrs. May Hale in F res­
In o r d e r to g e t th e
school of twelve teachers, drawing a
no, Cal., last week, at the age of 81
salary of only $1,800 a year. I'm a
p e o p le of th is n e ig h b o r ­
very obscure person, living on a ’side
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mercer came street’ In a sweet, sleepy old South
h o o d a c q u a in te d w ith m y
down from Eugene Sunday and took ern town.
"If you had asked for a story of
w ork I will o ffer fo r a lim -
Mrs. Mercer’s father, D. I. Isom to
, ’
.. some one who has been happy In a
Eugene to enter a hospital for medi-
town j coul„ flt ,nt0 youp p]nn
tirn e m y
cal treatment.
I meddle Into nearly everything that
happens In my little community, fall
Rev. R. I. Parker, pastor of the more often than I succeed, but enjoy
! R e g u la r $ 4 0 set o t p la te s f o r ..........
Halsey Methodist church, and Tom the contact meddling gives me.
Hill called at the J. H. Rickard home
"Please, when you finish your plan
[ A ls o 2 2 k . b r id g e w o rk , p e r to o th
of writing about women who have suc-
Sunday afternoon.
______ i ceeded In small towns, turn to the
George Laubnsr, J. Bressler and 'needles In the haystacks.' 1 shall be
J I f y o u a r e in n e e d o f d e n ta l w ork it will p a y
i. Zimmerman of Halsey called so glad to he used.
, y o u to g e t m y e s tim a te .
"Sincerely yours,
on D. I. Isom Sunday morning.
(Signed) "JULIA C. WOSSMAN.”
Chester Curtis ta d fam ily spent the
Every eleventh farm house in the
evening at the home of Mrs. Curtis’
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tandy, United States is vacant, states the
department of agriculture at W ash­
D E N T I S T , • near Harrisburg Saturday.
It states further that out
' C u sick B an k B u ild in g , A lb a n y , O re g o n
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kickanap,
____ . „ .
Desmond Bayne and Violet Burnett o i * total “f 2,289,000 farmers and
of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Cosper tenan* fa™ erR moro tha" 108’000
of Boise. Idaho, were week-end guests have ,ost thelr farms or other Prop-
at the John Burnett home.
erty throu*h foreclosure or bank­
Monday with a sm iling face after
ruptcy; over 122,000 have lost their
having her tonsils removed last week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. .H. Fisher of property without legal proceedings,
W ith the H ig h
Let a ll com e to see M onroe play Springfield visited at the Green home and nearly 373,000 have retained their
School Classic«
property only through the leniency of
against the Halsey boys Feb. 1 on
/ creditors.
Deo Rolfe is visiting at the home of
Halsey’s floor.
his father, John Rolfe.
We have one new pupil, Miss Ida
by Margaret Boyd.)
Jackson, who is enrolled as a junior. The County Open Forum
“ I ’ve often offered to taka tho man
Fifty dollars in prizes is offered to
agamsnt of tnlnga, but you know
(Browasvilie Timas)
S P la te s
; th a t
; F it
DR. C. FICQ, •
you’ve taken It III always, and teamed
Linn county students for essays on
to think I wanted to push you out of
care of the teeth. The dentists of the
your place.”— gllaa Marnor.
There Is nothing that Is able to hold ,itate offer the money.
Its place In ihe world without constant
i n
. , .
struggle. One o f the keenest of all; A ' L ’ Beok,)l>dorf, returned m is-
struggles Is that between the eeteh , , *“ n arY from the Phillipinn islands,
llshed generation and the rising gen , 8 » v* • slereop ticon lectu re at the
♦ration, whether of plants or animals high sc I ion I yesterd ay m orn in g He
or men.
w ant to J u n ctio u C ity at n oon .
Long ago, Abram and Lot, the older
In the national contest recently con­
generation and the younger, found
that “the land was not able to bear ducted by the Illinois Watch company,
them, that they might dwell together," in the endeavor to interest the high
and they ^separated, the young man school students in the study of ex-
going to live la the clues of the plains, president Abraham Lincoln, judged
tbe older one going to live *n the coun
locally by Attorney A. A, Tussing,
try of Caiuisn
Their exstuple has
been followed by many millions since. Mrs. B. M. Bond and Mrs. H. F. Eng­
The age-old straggle between father lish, Everett Corbin of the senior
and son Is embittered by the fact that class was pronounced winner in the
neither recognizes It as a part of the Halsey high school, and will on the
natural working out of nature's law», 12th of February be presented with a
r,,ar<U hl» own '•»»• • • medal, commerating the event
in eqrv*.i U ' X - ‘" t - a * " " " “ ° ne side ot the medal
enKra' r<)
interval or from tea to fifty years .. ,
between the time the aoR feels cap- Ith# f,C* ° f Unco,n and- ° n the ° “ >er
able of taking over the management ! *lde lhe name of the »tudent.
N o tic e t o D o g O w n e r s
H. Wayne Stanard, president of the
Brownsville Chamber of Commerce,
acted as a representative at an ex
. . . .
ecutive meeting of the Linn County
Open Forum held at Albany Wednes
day evening, of which he is a mem
Others present were Chairman
F. E. Callister, o f Albany, J. C. Ir-
vine of Lebanon, J. D. Bryant of Oak-
O M L ,™ ,d O W » W O U .„ d M
No. 17, 12:15 p. m.
‘ No. Ik, 11:37 *■ m.
24, 4.27 p. is .
24, [4:27 p. in.
21. 11:42 p. ia
22. 3:20 a. m.
Nos. 21 and 22 stop only il Bagged.
No. 14, due Halsey at 5:04 p. m., stops
to lei off passengers from south of
No. 23 runs to Cottage Grove only.
No. 21 rnns to Eugene, thence Marsh­
field branch.
Passengers for south of Roseburg should
take No. 17 to Eugene and there transfer
to No. 15.
The delivery window of the
Halsey postoffice is open Sundays
from 10:50 to 11 a. m, and 12:15
to 12:30 p. m J
Sunday mail goes out only on
tbe north-bound 11:37 train:
Mail goes south once a day, closing at
11:05 a. m. ; north twice, closing 11:25
a. m. and 5:30 p. m. Mail stage for
Brownsville. Crawfordsville and Sweet
Home leaves daily at 6:45 a. m.
Horses Liked Smudges.
Pack horses used In the Canadian
survey purty which mapped the land
north of Athabasca Landing, Alberta,
did not need to be taught what a
smudge was for. The moment It was
started they crowded up Into the
smoke to escape the tormenting files.
This made It easy to round them up
for the next day’s Journey.
C o m in g to A l b a n y
D r. M ellen th in
S p e c ia lis t
in In te rn a l M edicine fo r th e
* p a st tw elve y ears
D o e s N o t O p e r a te
W ill be at
Wednesday, Feb. 20,
Office hours 10 a. m. to 4 p. m.
No C h arg e fo r C o n su ltatio u
Dr. Mellenthin is a regular graduate
in medicine and surgery and it li­
censed by the state ol Oregon.
does not operate for chronic append­
icitis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, ton­
sils or adenoids.
He has to his credit wonderful results
in diceases of the stomach, liver, bow­
els, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidneys,
bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs,
rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers sad me­
tal ailments.
Below are the names of a few of h it
many satisfied patients in Oregon :
J. A. Smith, Ontario, Oregon, ulcers
of the stomach.
Leona Ford, Washougal, Ore., aden­
W. H. Kellendonk, Estacada, Ore.,
high blood pressure.
Mrs. Ed Eberhardt, Scio, Ore., gall
E C. Nichols, Lebanon,Ore., append­
All owners of dogs eight mouths old or
,are / cqu,red to 'S iurT
therefor during the month of January.
Those failing to secure such licenses are
subject to a fine of $10 and costs,
. Payment of
claims for damages
done to domestic animals will be op-
po, cd hy the CODTt if the ¿iaimant is i c it is .
the owner of a dog aot licensed prior to
Remember above date, that con.
tne ^atc oi ,uch daniape.
suitatioa on this trip will be free
,‘ ‘d ' g . “ f.J .'iJ
and that bis treatm ent is different.
D. Morgan of Harnsburg.
dogs and licenses are procured fon, the
Married womeu must be accompanied
It was planned to hold booster county clerk
by their husbands.
Il M P sy n b . County Judge
meetings at various portions of the
A1dre»s; 211 Bradbury Jbldg., Loa
D C T momì Commissioner
county, the first to be held at Crab­
J D I som , Commissiouer
Angeles. Cal.
tree, February 4 at 8:00 p. m. and at
Ash Swale and Riverside dates later
on, the date to be settled upon later.
The questions of the timber cruise
and of the Santiam highway into
The officerr of the Halsey sone of
eastern Oregon was deemed to be two
the Oregon State Teachers' associa­
MILL R U N ..........................$29 per to n
of the most important questions ready
tion, elected here Saturday, are A. IL
to be solved.
Weber, Harrisburg, president; Mrs.
F IS H MEAL, $4.65 pr. sack o f 1001b.
By unanimous consent a famous
Coshow, Brownsville, vice-president;
OAT C H O P ........... $28 p er ton an d up
and historic slogan was suggested for 1
Mrs. Inez Freeland. Halsey, secretary-
treasurer and Prof. Henry F. English, « d ht’h.f’ ^
rf h ^ r «
Mias Leitner offered to the )On-
G round an d W hole CORN
• « . . u
Forum, it being “One for All and All
Halsey member pf the county commit­ ina tne time fhe father feels readr u -
.0 atep out.
During .11 this period ° . V ’ ’ J
for One.”
Prof. W. L, Starr of Browns­
It Is to the young man's Interest to 1
1 P**1 - * * “y ' *
ville is the county chairman,
push hit father out of hie place, aBd C,°P7 ul
1 be 1 erfecl T rib u te.”
B e s t q u a lity F e e d s a t r ig h t p r ic e s
Angler's Luck.
Mrs. Frank Ackerman and daugh­ It la to the older man's Interest to G*ady» Hadloy was given first
Charlie Duck—Funny, I'm so dura
ters Isabelle and Barbara returned to hold his own. The result Is usually pl*ce and Agues Chandler second, much nearer tht water and yet he
their home at Suver Saturday, after much the same es that observed when
a youag tree grow, up close to Its
A pub,ic
in grades seems to get all die fish and frogs.
a short visit with Mrs. Ackerman's
Rig time
aiater, Mrs. W. A. Cummings, follow- parent oak. After both have atrug ; 9 to 12 in c lu siv e are eligible lo Public invited
n*».1" ’ i 1" ”
■I1 ,h* •«» compete for $300 in prizes for essays
^ c X ^ h r X i M - m ^
’’“ - . i s m ” o ffc r ^
O. W . FR U M
•R eeeeeeeaee eee eee eee w eae e
Ladies, apply Hair Hold before
It will bold the wavs, even ea
tbs Jampest of dava
Alto used at a hair diesai.ig
RIN G O Drug Store
ssstssssstos «**•*»♦'
on the side away from each other and
by dying off oa the aide next to each
oth er-eo that you will never see a
perfectly developed oak unless yon
find one that atanda alone.
The struggle Is bitterest where the
X m X :
. ' . r ^
t ^ t r . ^
fesalnaa of medicine sad of tbe law
An unpractlced obserrar." taya Dr
Johnson, “expecta
the love
of par
ents and children to b« constant and
♦qua), bat this klndneaa soldrnn con
tlnues beyond tbe years of infancy;
In a short time the children Nx-om.
rivals to their parents., Benefits are
allsyrd hy reproachea. aad gratltade
debated by eavy. . . . T?ie_opt»lfins
American Legion.
It is ex Come here e good laugh over fit to-kitl
,h ,t
h>gh schools in
’his county will be representeC. The All ladiee bringing baskets admitted
judges are Judge Bean of the federal
Schools Churchill and W. B Ayer,
c u ,n " -
Mu” —
library association
Frank Stel!
macher is tha Linn county chairmsu.
In twenty-nine of the thirty six
counties in the state the percentage
of attendance at public schools is
higher than in thia count y, and Lion
county is in twenty-first place in point
of the percentage of boya who grad­
uate from high school.
Owner can have
same by paying
n « «
w a . v t b d
Tw o c o rd s of
fo u r-fo o t
Enterprise Office.
T he A rriv al of
T h a t Box o f C andy
is always quite an event: but how the
enthusiasm dampens if the confectionery
falls short of what tbe appreciative oae
has a riahi to expect t If you send a
box of our delicious confections they'll
he evervthing she dreamed of and
more. Of course our coulectioaerr «•
pure, sad it certainly cannot be called
high in price.
Clark's Confectionery