J UNIVERSAL 1 ccokin,K y e , b e l a s t w ord in » OTAVDci J ! S1 D () A VES and ' ' e u h a» a u v d e th e convenience i i ic ie n c y e b e s t lin o , [ RANGES o f th e m e v e r s h o w n , I n d e s ig n a n d f in is h th e U n iv e r a l is a w o rk o f i ( ra re a r t MORRIS ROCKERS, , LUU Guaranteed UrtllrtUL Experts Massasoit 30*3!. Cord Tire for $9 ( « D in in g J A /Z w w y rectory Other makes of tires priced proportionately. Our stock of accessories is very eonipla te and pncea are right hen in want of anything lor car or tractor give ns a call Your patron- < F u r n it u r e H A LS E Y RN PHRA sslSt’ Repairing bv A LB E R T FOOTE Prop. Form the Habit o f b u y in g general hardwakej H IL L A- ( 3 farm I xjans “ A lhany Bakery, 321 Lyon street, Piano Tuning and Repairing -pound loaf ol bread made. Best one-pound 15 cents. Wedding cakes to order Piano Tuner for leading music stores in Albany Round Trip Tickets N o w 's —C o n tin u ed Write for booklet describing our 20- Ib is is good advice. If you live ? * * r Rural credit Amortised Loans, I in Alhany, trade in Albany if you ive rile loan pays out in 3». payments, re- Cheap rates. No I in some other town, trade in that town." del'a* ,h* I But in these automobile days many re­ B e a m L a n d C o ., s id in g elsewhere find it advisable to do 153 Lyon St., Albany, Ore I at least part of their buying in the I larger town T h .-e who go to Albany Satisfaction g na ran teed Ito transact business will find the firms Plione 312 V Price «3,50 I named below ready to fill their reqmre- I ments with courtesy and fairness. F R E D B. JO N E S HALSEY GARAGE Telephone 16»5 FAGfc A lb a n y E lectric Store. Radio sets. I I G lb n n The saving made on two tripe bv p u r­ chasing “ return ” instead of '“ one­ way ” tickets is approxim ately the cost of one round tr ip ticket, Electric wiring. Delco l ight prodnets W il l a r d W m . H o v l ic h . I A lb a n y Floral Co. C ut flowers ALBANY FURNITURE AND“ u»ei FARM MACHINERY bought, sold and exchanged at all times B E N T. S U D T E L L I and plants. Floral art for everv I and all occasions. Flower plione 458-J. j I'hone ,b-R. 133 jq. Broadalbin st, Albany gJijniiiniiniiiiiiiiiniHniHiniiiiiiiiiiiire --------------------------- a .was eleven when the party parked I A L B A N I G A R A G E , "S tu d e - the time their machines before the schoolhouse 3 T rip s f o r th e price o f 2 | baker" and " S ta r" automobile«., door. j General repairing and supplies. to visit There are visitors here before us,” G. T, Hockensmith— Lloyd Templeton. I In a dd itio n to saving yon money, the »aid Jennie. tra in can be depended on to furnish you ! D I ub B ird Restaurant, SOB Lyon ; i “Sfems rather like an educational C a lifo rn ia s w ith ■*“* street. Eat here when in Albany. vr.r n.e‘ , Sal<1 Doctor Brathwayt of Open from 6 to 2 and 5 to 8. Mississippi. "How does he aceommo- Slioes that cost less per month of w»sr Mas. B lo u n t . date so many visitor. In that small Safe and C o m fo rta b le edifice? Low Halsey Happenings B R U N S W IC K • , ‘‘I Sr" BOt a'Tsre'” «aid Jennie, 1 P H O N O G R A P H S , that he has been in the habit of re­ (Continu'd from page 1) servioe, irrespective o f rain, snow, ice at W in te r ceiving so very many from outside the Mrs. L. E. Walton viaited Harris­ W O O D W O R T H 'S and other unfavorable weather con­ district. Well, shall we go in?” burg Friday. ditions. I Once Inside. Jennie felt a queer re­ I C. FICQ Excursions turn of her old aversion to Jim’s ■ DENTIST Mrs. L. C. Merriam was an Albany metliods— the aversion which had visitor Saturday. R ide th e T ra in 312 W e« Second street Daily caused her to criticize him so sharply Ida Mitzner spent Saturday and on the occasion of her first visit. The Ip astb u rn Bros.— Two big grocery Sunday with home folks. Local Agent will gladly give you any .reason for the return of the feeling stores, 212 W. First and 225 South lay In the fact that the work going on information vou may wish regarding James Rector and Allen Beene were Main. Good merchandise at the right By HERBERT Q U IC K 1 , was the same sort, but of a more In­ fares and train schedules. prices. Harrisburg visitors Saturday. tense character. It was so utterly un­ "IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUÌ5 p ’llm s developed and printed. lik e a school as Jennie understood the Mi. and Mrs. T. H. McCrea of Cor­ (CopyrUhl bp T h. Bobk.-M.rriU ComW , | X We mail them rig.it back to you. word, that she glanced back at the vallis took the train here for Los An­ JOHN M. SCOTT Woodworth Drug Company, Albanv, Or group of educators with a little blush geles Friday. A m »Alien,«, Tnsffic M aha , « egon. ,The school was in a sort of uproar CHAPTER XX Portland. Oregon ^ot that uproar of boredom and mis Herman Bierly underwent a n.incr p p irs t garage going n o rth . chief of which most of us have fntnll- surgical operation at Alhany Inst • Theory and Practice. Tires, accessories, oils, . gasoline, gai ! Superintendent Jennie sat at her M r memories, but a sort of eager up- week. He was accompanied by R E repair work. 4 « a k . t a po very satisfactory frame of ,roar, In which every child was In- Bierly. W. IL I ÎÜ L B U R T . mind. In the first place the court wag itenseiy Interested In the same thing- ’’ ORD SALES A N D S E R V IC E and did little rustling things because J. B. Cornett of Shedd is this year's to convene on the following Monday, Tires and accessories of this Interest; something like the chairman of the Linn county braiwh so that her one-room office was not to rending up on the literature of Repairs hum at a football game or a dog­ of the Pacific Coast Woolgrowers As­ hers for a few days. To Wilbur the creamery promoter, and It is a K ir k -P o l la k M otor Co. fight. fcmythe, who did her the honor of call- sociation. very fine thing to have one In the flesh Portland Saves 8000 I? O R S A L E — Oregon and M « r- log occasionally, she remarked that ' On one side of the desk stood Jim with whom to—to— demonstrate. If Irwin, and facing him was a smooth M r Carmichael will allow me to say George M, Geisendorfer, owner of German Babies x siali strawberry plants, $3.50 per If they didn't soon build the new stranger of the old-fashioned lightning- 1000; Cuthbert red rssplierry plants, four farms, on one of which are the courthouse so as to give her such ac­ M P*rJ£M,2;__ Stent erir Bios.. 235 Lyon Cascadia mineral springs, is being rod-agent type— the shallower and las­ Portland people in two weeks Carmichael looked at Bonner, made commodations as her office really subscribed 124.000 toward relief er sort of salesman of the kind whose needed, "they might take their old an expressive motion with his head p p o rtu tille r F u rn itu r« Co., fu m i. sued in Portland for divorce on the for German children, who are sole business Is to get signatures on office—so there!” toward the door, and turned as If to * ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. ground of infidelity. included In the millions In Qer the dotted line, nnd let some one else leave. "Fair woman.” said Wilbur, as he Funeral directors. 427-433 west First many who face starvation be­ do the rest. In short, he was a Mrs. M. H. Crandall of Portland street, Albany, Oregon. B ell," said he, "I can do plenty of creased his Prince Albert In a parting , “closer.” cause, as Herbert Hoover ex­ who has lieen visiting Mrs. H. Cling- business with real men. I f you want bow. "should adorn the home!" pressed It, of the economic • Standing hack of him In evident dis­ U a ll's F loral and Music Shop tnan, left for Eug«ne Saturday for a to make the deal I offer you. and I "Bosh!” sneered Jennie, rather breakdown, following the world 11 Cut flowers and floral designs. tress wns Sir. Cornelius Bonner, and can show yon from the statistics I've pleased, all the same, "suppose she visit with her son, who is a univer­ Y«r. Moviug to larger place next door *t£.J grouped about were Columbus Broun, got at the hotel that It's a special deal Isn't fair, and hasn't any home!” As the American committee B. B. Hamm, Ezra Bronson, A. B. Jnst to get atnrted In this part of the Phone 1661 sity student. Thia question of adorning a home for relief of German children has Tglcott and two or three others from Shedd high school will play "Put­ IJ O L M A N & JACKSON state, and carries a thousand dollars was no nearer settlement with Jennie outside the Woodruff district. shown It costs two cents per With of cut In price to you— let's leave ting It Up to Patty” tomorrow even­ than It had ever been, though In­ Grocery—Bakery meal to feed a child one hot envelopes In their hands and the light Uverylbing in the line of eats these children and this he school- creasingly a matter of speculation. ing at the Wocdman hall. They sur­ meal dally In Germany This of bnttle In their eyes stood Newton ma'am and get something done.” ____ Opposite Postofiice prised the printer by paying in ad- There were two or three men— rather means that the people of Port Bronson, Raymond Simms, Bettlna "I can't allow you to depart." said good catches, too— who, if they were land have saved 8000 children T J u b Candy C o ., First street next vanc® I°r their printing and advance Hansen, Mary Smith and Angie T i l l for 150 days. encouraged— but what was there to cott. the boys filled with delight the Jim more gently than before, "without x x door to Blain Clothing Co. of the fair sex in half a century is thanking you for the very excellent any of them? This Is what Jennie girls rather frightened nt being en­ "We never fought children," Noon lunches. evidenced by the fact that the treas­ talk you gave us on the advantage of | | Home made candy and ice Cream. asked her paper-weight as she placed gaged In something like a debate with said MaJorGeneral Allen, head urer who signed the check is a Kiri. the co-operative creamery over the of the natloh wide relief cam it on a pile of unfinished examination the salesman. L J u b C leaning W orks, Inc. centralizer. We In this school believe People who pay so promptly usually palgn, and the people are show papers. And the paper-weight echoed, As the latest-coming visitors moved in the co-operative creamery, nnd .. Cor. Fourth and Lyon g i\e the money’s worth for what they "not a thing out of the ordinary!" lng they support his declaration If forward, they heard the schoolmaster Master Dyers and Cleaners we can get rid of you. Mr. Carmichael The state-wide campaign for this And then, said Jennie, "Well, you little receive. Better go. finishing his passage at arras with the Made - To Measure Clothes without buying your equipment I relief work Is getttng nicely un­ simpleton, who and what are you so salesman. think your work here may be pro­ der way. too, with a good re­ The property of Jim Burge, who so out of the ordinary that you should I f you have friends they should "lo u should not feel exasperated at sponse from the people every­ x have your photograph. sneer at Wilbur Smythe and Beckman ua. Mr. Carmichael,” said he in tones ductive of good." mysteriously had his head blown open where. He s off three or four points on the Flfleld and auch men?” And echo an­ o f the most complete respect, “for Clifford's Studio with a shotgun at his home east of 3.13 West First street. Albanv. average overrun tn the Wisconsin co­ swered. "W hat? ”—and then the mall- what our figures shew. You are un­ ops.” said Newton. Harrisburg, brought $450. which, with carrler came In. fortunate In the business proposition Trviu'a Garage— Next to Commi)- each in the bank, pays his debts. “And we thought." said Mary Smith, Slot Machines In Ancient Egypt. I Down near the bottom of the pile you offer this community. That is a lt A nitv bouse. Exide Battery distrib­ that wed need more cows than he Ancient Egypt hoisted a "penny-lu- she found this letter, signed by a At the meeting called to consider utors for Linu countv. Repairs made Even these children have the facts to said to keep up a creamery of our I Hie-.-lzit machine, while one explorer southern state superintendent of on all makes of batteries. the county tax budget no objections own." found In the ruins of Nineveh a kind prove that the creamery outfit you schools, but dated at Kirkville, Mis­ were raised and the county court or­ offer Is not worth within two thousand ih, ’ replied Jim, "but we mustn't of magnifying glass, and nearly four souri : agneto electric co Official Strom berg carburetor serv­ dered the items placed on the tax expect Mr. Carmichael to know the thousand years ago the Egyptians and "I am a member of a party of south­ dollars of what you ask for It, and Couaervsti ve prices All roll. subject as well as we do, children He Assyrians observed the stars through ice station. ern educators— state superintendents that It is very doubtful If It Is the work guaranteed. 119 121 w . Second. makes a practice of talking mostly to a primitive telescope. In the main—en tour of the country sort of outfit we should need." Mra. Kate Gengenbak and daugh­ people who know nothing about It— "Til bet you a thousand dollars—" M m ami aionny aft, beat when to see what we can find of an Instruc­ and he talks very well. AU In fsvbr of L” busy. Make your dollars work in ter Gertrude have been visiting the tive nature in rural school work. began Carmichael hotly, when Jim Character. Ranking Mr. Carmichael please a„y our savings department. A lb a ny S t a T k Professor Withers of Ames suggests waved him down. Real greatness has nothing to do B a n k . Under government supervision. e in ic r C. W. F alk and wife. A bout A y b . "Not with me,” said Jim. “Your that w« visit your schools, and especial- three weeks ago they sailed from with a uisns sphere. It does not lie- friend, Mr. Bonner, there, knows what a ly the rural school taught by a young in the magnitude of hla outward l V f il l e r Motor Safes Germany to this country. They chance there la for you to bet even a man named Irwin, and I wonder If you (To be continued) Oakland and Jewett cars •geney, or In the extent of the bene­ I-*'®- went to Portland Friday. w ill he free on next Monday morning, thousand cents with me. Besides, we Supplies and accessories fits he produces. Grandeur of chnr if we come to your office, to direct us know our facts. In thia school. We’ve Albany, Oregon “The Hunchback of Notre Dame” acter lies wholly In the force of the First and Baker Sts. to the place? I f you could accompany been working on them for a long soul, that la the force of thought, will be on the screen at the Globe time." orton Speer Service Com­ us on the trip, and perhaps show us moral principle and love.— William theater, Albany, from Sunday to Tues­ pany “Bet your life we have!" Inter some of your other excellent schools, Ellery Channing. Noted Army Chaplain Headquarters for good tires day next, inclusive. Those who have pointed Newton Bronson. jwe should be honored and pleasetL" Ftione 65 First and Lyon read the immortal story will want to "Before we finish,” said Jim, “I want | And then ranie the shock—a party Pleads for Babies NoTtcn o r A p p o in t m k n t op A d m in is - ,of state officials were coming Into the to thank you gentlemen for bringing ÌY J 'irp h y Motor Co. B uick and see it and those who haven't ought TBATOB Rev Dr. John W. Beard, pas­ T’ l r Chevrolet ii.v r county to study Jim Irwin's school! automobiles Tires and io. Notice is htrebv givsu that the un tor of the Mount Tabor Presby­ They would never come to study W il­ dersigued, by an order of the County accessories terian church. Portend, chaplain The nearly 100 measures th«t have Albany, Oregon Phone 2«0. bur Smythe's law practice—never In Court of I-inn County, Oregon, has of Portland post ol^he American |tbe world— or her work as county become laws, for the benefit of the been appointed administrator ol the Legion and chaplain of one of estate of Emaline Gormley, deceased. T V ew patterns of c h in a and pot people, through the efforts of the superintendent—never!— and Jim was the companiea of the famous All persons having claims spsiast said tery constantly arriving at getting seventy-five dollars a month, grange constituted the theme of an 91st Division oversea«, to estate are required to present them S. S. G il b e r t A- S o n '» and had a mother to support. But address delivered at Riverside Satur­ within sfx months from the date ol this strong champion ot the cam ,there could be no doubt that there was aotice. with the proper vouchers, to the palgn to save German children O e a l estate M o ney to loen. A ll day by Milton A. Miller, candidate for something to Jim—the man was out undersigned at his residence in liaise, from starvation and never loses the democratic nomination to the ,of the ordinary. And wasn't that Just kinds ol insurance written. in Linn county. Oregon an opportunity to say something Call on J. V P ip s United States senate, before three what she had been looking for In her Dated and first published this 17th for that cause. Albany State Bank Building Linn county granges and one Ben­ day of January, 1924 mind? "We fought and conquered the E. K. G o h m l iv . I Jennie wired to her southerner for II.- C O E A M E S l l A I I l i W A R ! ' , ton county grange at a union meet­ German militarists,” said the Administrator aforesaid 4he number of his party, and secured ing on the fiftieth anniversary of the the noted chaplain, "but. as Major A A. T u m ik g . Atty, »or Admr automobiles for the trip. She sent a W IN C H ESTER STO K E grange in Oregon. General Henry T. Allen, com­ ¡note to Jim Irw in telling of the 322 W. First st A d m in is t b a t o b ' s N oticm mander of the American troops Charles Sterling of Brownsville prospective w.*"lt«tlon. She would show on the Rhine during the oecups Notice is hereby given that the un­ all concerned that she could do some econd-hand piano , good s ta n d ­ probably understands the feed and hay tlon. said. 'We never feught dersigned. administratrix of the estate ard m ake; 9lSO, [things, anyhow, and she would send situation as well as anybody in Linn children.' W e helped win the of W. G. Carter, deceased, has filed her ¡these peonle on with a good Impres­ Davenport Music House. final account in said estate with the war as such. bnt. as when we ounty and his advices from eastern sion of her county. county clerk of Linn county, Oregon, were fighting the enemy, we Oregon lead him to think the lowering | She was glad of the automobiles ths C T IM 8 O N T H E H H O E DOCTOR and the county judge has set Monday, bound up his wounds If cap­ the 11th day of ; tbruarv, 1924. at the Second street, opposite Hamilton's of freight rates on hay from there next Monday morning, when at nine- tured. we now shall bind up the will not affect the hay market in the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at store. "111 Be« You a Thou een« Dellara," thirty the train discharged upon her terrible wounda Inflicted by the time and the county courtroom of "Sudden Servie«.” valley, as the eastern growers will Crio« Cirmlehaol Hotly. a dosen very alert, very uptodate, war's awful fury against these raid eonnty as the place. Ir r hearing ob­ |» e r/ Inquisitive southerners, male and little ones who suffer so _ Let's jections to said final aceount and ibe I V g l d o Apderion A S o i l , diatrib- pocket the difference in freight and In Mr? Carmichael. We have been female, most of whom seemed to have help feed them, by ell means settlement ef saizkestate nlors and dealers for Maxwell, Chai deliver in the valley only at the for­ Jeft their "r's" Ip thy gulf region, Jj T M a b v I. C a » t « b . Azltninistratrix. mers, E«»etl, Hudson A Hu Dm obi le ears. mer prices. L. L. S w a n , Attorney for Admx. ',cc«»scries, Snppliea 1st & Broadalbin We BROWN MOUSE < .— - - c wM O SHOE © SERVICE * IH ¡¡r ,-ey Southern) Pa ci f ic M . M R S (Continued on page 4) .