apoatruphe or a capital latter it Out xw» _____ »e—WOT »»«» r a* e*kU*a<-4 «veer T ka ra la / ■e of place, but to the majority of ‘- ouhc , no to the People of Halsey smaller printing offices that clast of W a . N . M U 1 X I.1 U I OUR NEW SERVICE HALSEY STATE BANK help it unattainable. As a producer of .food typography •aSan^ilwas. Si.tu a /«ar ta advaaca. Advertising, 2uc aa inch ; no ditcoua the printers* union of today is any­ for time or space , no charge for com thing except a tuccets. A t » speci­ 3 ? position or chauges. men of big business its success is un- «a T a ld -fo r Paragraphs,” Sc a Use h ■ a ad v e rtis in g disguised as n e w a ieniable. Since May, 1921, in this Country, it has collected and spent i O r «R è Oftee hours, » to 12 and 2 to 6 escepi 117,000,000 in benefits to strikers for e t F Mondays and Friday forenoons L - ’ la 44-hour week, aside from all its jther financial transactions. W HAT A FALL! _______ There • i S W B.» a dozen farmers in the country Mr. Fall was secretary of the in - 1lOr every printer. Fancy them atrik mg for even an &8-hour week, at one :prior- M r. Sinclair and M r. Doheny were quarter of the pay per [printers get! .’ I Halsey, Oregon Must be Countersigned 10 lo IO $5.40 IN TRADE FOR $5 10 This card is good for >5 40 in trade for anything we sell --------- Everything for your auto --------- We buy the best and sell for less GAS------O IL ------T IR E S ----- ACCESSORIES------ LABOR 10 10 G A N S LE BROS X 1 good printer. 40 50 week those And as large a per­ M r. Fall had a cattle ranch in th< centage of the farmera as of the great southwest, but was in hard I printers are good ones today) luck and his taxes were delinquent. T alk of equality of opportunity! U. S. TIRE Dealers C-T-C “ “ Suddenly luck turned. M r. Fall Oregon Occurrence) What a gap between the people who (Enterprise Rhyme Machine) paid those taxes and stocked up with [ are "dying like fleas’* in the near east Ex-Secretary of Interior Fell many thousands of dollars’ worth of ind even in Germany, and the aver- Can’t understand the thing at all fine cattle. [ 35 printer with ior, leased Teapot Dome to the oi H im out on Teapot Dome » 44-hour week, or the hod carrier at company, in which Doheny and Sin Hard times came to M r. Fall. ; 10 or >15 for an eight-hours day! clair were interested. When it wa> He could not raise the wind at all announced that the oil company w i, likely to make >2,000,000 out of Tea pot Dome some members of congrest became inquistive. Now, how is >2,000,000 profit to tx made on a few oil wells? By getting the oil land from th. people and people. selling the oil to th- Every one of those two mil lions of dollsrs is paid by the peopb for the product of those oil wells. have been listed by the passenger de­ partment of the O.-W. R. & N. Co. L A W Y E R C A N D N O TA R Y The listings are: Associated Indus­ tries of Oregon, Portland, January 24; H alsey , O regon Portland Automobile show, Portland, Febrnary 914; Young Men's Christian association conference. Portland. Feb­ ruary 15-14; State Retail Merchants' association, Eugene, February 18-20; Northwest Association of Ice Iadus Second s t, opposite Halsey Garage tries, Portland, February, Knights Short orders at all hours up to 11 p. th . Tdtnplar — Grand Commsndery, A l­ bany. April 18; Independent Order of Dad's and Mam’s Restaurant S T A N D A R D C A S A N D O IL A R R O W GARAGE Phone 2 1 6 - 4 - A Fall Pome $35,000 Amor A. TussingJ We suggest you buy one or more of the above Cards the navy. SU R PLU S ■e Phone 216 50 AND Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited HALSEY Depe adable oil and grease service. We charge only for material used. And it takes as much talent and No labor charge. Teapot Dome was one of the oil Our service is under cover. Drive in districts which President T a ft had or I itudy and practice, mind you, to make dered reserved as a source of fuel fot | a good farm er as it does to make a in the oil business. C A P IT A L A R R O W GARAGE > í e Not transitrable Square Meal, 50c Oddfellows—Grand encampment and grand lodge, ijpod R ivjr, May 20; Foresters oj AffierUm-LCrand court, Portland. Military Order of Loyal Legion ( st|(p), Portland. May 12; LoTel Leglqn of Loggers and Lum­ bermen. PorUgnd. Mgy 19-20; Rebekah state a s s e S w , Hood River, May 20 All work done|proraptly and reason­ Patron's of Husbandry, state grange ably. E bone No. 269 The Dalles. June 3; State Letter Car i rlers’ association, Corvallis. June 28; Oregon Christian Missionary conven tlon. Turner, July 5-13; International convention Young People’s Society of Christian Endeavor, Portland, July 19-25; American Legion. Oregon divl Efficient Service. Motor Hears*. slon, Portland, September 4-6; The Lady Attendant. ’’Round-Up.” Pendleton. September 12 Brownsville________________ Oregon 20; Oregon Hictorical society, Port­ land, October 25. F. M . G R A Y , (Continued from page 1) More than 90 miles of fereet roads will be constructed ih 1924 in Ore­ gon at an estimated cost of >1,043.100, ss the result of an agreement between the state highway commission, the bureau of public roads and the forest service. To pay bis tax at tax man’s call, ¡he Um atilla county girl slayer "I am going to enter the contest But we had Teapot Dome, has been declared “ not g u ilty ’1 for the republican presidential prefer­ by reason of Insanity. Ik an put Sinclair was concerned in oil. ence vote in Oregon and have at no >er where she will kill do more.— W ith much finesse and little toil time had any intention of abandoning H e laid his plans to lease the soil I the fight In that state,” Senator Hiram Albany Herald. And exploit Teapot Dome , 1 Johnson * * ----- of * California said at Wash She will k ill no more. She bee lngton, D. C. earned her lesson. She kuuws He and Dohsnsy had money to The senate passed the bill giving burn. what a slimy, deceiving reptile a Tbev would do Fall a kindly turn, the consent of the government for con­ man can be while posing as good 'lhey loaned him funds and let struction of a bridge across the W il­ lamette river at Burnside street, Port­ and kind. The jury heeded an him learn land. Two other bills pending are for They wanted Teapot Dome. unwritten law. It is silly to say /k .„ . i i , l . m r. v i ■ • I bridges across the W illamette at Ross there is no unwritten law. Tim* tx When all that Taft held in reserve l8land and SeIIwood. „ was when no laws were written. 1 he navy’s need for fuel to serve ° f 5°°’ had They have not ell been written W as gone some congressmen bad I her main W‘th,a business block devastated by nerye T«t. fire. This is the third time in about To quiz ou Tgapot Dome. D R A YM AN DELBERT STARR Funeral Director and Li­ censed Embalmer ¡Quakers to Handle German Relie w . L. W R IG H T Mortician & Funeral Director Halsey and Harrisburg Call D. T a y lo r . Halsey, or W. L. W r ig h t . Harrisburg Official word from Major-General Henry T. Allen, national chairman of the American commltteo for relief of of the farms between producer ant German children, received by Robert I can make both F A R M and C IT Y consumer. Those prying congressmen H Strong. Oregon state chairman, last L O A N S at a very row rale of inteiest ten years that Cove has looked on week at headquarters, 715 Corbett From 5 to 10 years. W rite me for par asked Mr. Full where he got the fundi The Egyptian government is paying ruins that took each time the greater building. Portland, Is that all money trculars. G. W. L a f l a b , he expenses of five young men who They asked Fall why ha leased it. which had made him ao wealthy. share of her business buildings. Esti­ collected in this country will be used Salem, Ore. 410 Oregon Bldg He - ................ .. ....... ... M r. Fall wrote, in reply, that hi . lr8 studying American industrial Said: ” Oh, the teapot leaked, mates of the loss place it at about to buy foodstuffs in America for ship­ had never got a cent from M r. Dohenv I , rlethoda by serving apprenticeships in 320,000. H A IL E Y you see. ment to Germany. There the mater­ The bronze statue of the Circuit ials will be distributed by the Ameri- We’d be losing oil if we dido’ fiat I his country. Hassan Mohammed El or Mr. Slnclutr, so there. Ourselves of ~ Teapot Dome i7of Rider, which will be presented to the • can Quakers, who have organized to Asked where he did get so muc! .vabannia, one of them, is apprenticed (( . state by Robert A. Booth, will be do this great work. Cash paid for n the motive power department of the money he replied thut he borrowed it “ 1 get that money from frioui! I transported from Portland to Salem General Allen also wlrod the Oregon Southern Pacific in San Francisco t McLean.” (this week and will be formally un- headquarters that relief funds are be­ from Mr. Mcl-ean. >thers are in telephone engineering. ‘ Aaa,” said McLean, ” I will I veiled apd dedicated Saturday, April ing collected In Berlin and Bremen M r. McLean, asked about it, said I 'elegraphy, marine engineering and maintain 11®, at a a . M., on the capitol grounds and other places for aiding women “yes,” he loaned that money to M r I lott ed the money, aud would I at Salem. and children. This Is vouched for by mechanical drafting. Instead of go again, The state tax commission has ap­ American Investigators there. ng to the east for knowledge, as was Regardless of T»apot Dome,’ Placed under oath, Mr. McLean salt In Portland, the German-speaking proved a proposal to give employment he practice, the east now seeks to he never had loaned M r. F all anj members of 26 churches of all denom- MoLa.n was qu.stiotjsd und.r oath I £ ‘ “t , t T , dBpartmeDt ! inations and of 28 societies, following learn from the west. money. And swore that thev were liai-, i t rehabl’ ll,ted »«-aervlce men. In botlj P I each ca»e the men served In the world action taken at a mass meeting at Mr. Fall said: "T h a t’s true; hi «raduated from com- th# outset of this campaign, have con­ I he Mountain States Bectgrowers rhe reason : H» was verv loath didn’t.” tributed several thousand dollars to­ Fall should suffer for the dome, UniW8“ y Now Mr. Fall says he borrowed thi association has secured contracts for ward this relief fund. It Is also an­ he beets of its members produce at a Fall had paid his tax by now, nounced that they have been collect­ I There was one fatality in Oregon most of thut money from Mr. Doheny And stocked his ranch, and everyldue t0 ,Bd°strial accidents durihg the ing relief funds regularly for at least better price than the growers got be- and the rest, a trifle of >«0,000, or so U illV I W O O it A’l l d i n p ’ . T a n n a e v 9A a - e A s d l . . . « a week ending January 24, according to three years to alleviate suffering in ore they united, and a larger acreage from M r. Sinclair, before the Teapot Wa* of highest lineage, but, wow ! a report prepared by the state indus- their native land. #ill be grown. United, the farmers In a state-wide collection, authorized Dome tract was leased to their com will make We have no Teapot dome. trial accident commission. The vic­ by officials of the Catholic churches the new would be the most powerful organisa­ pany. tim was Ralph Fullerton, a logger In Oregon, a substantial sum was real­ Congress started a nasty quiz, living at Wendling. A total of 507 ized on Sunday Every Catholic church year look brighter and do away with the The reason for the lease, he said tion in the world and command their Questioning Fall regarding his worry of the two nairs of glasses. accidents were reported In the state participated was that the tapot leaked. I t ’s oil own prices for their products. litsurgs of affluence and wl hv ’ tis I Portland labor unions have been State health authorities have been Sinclair has Teapot Domi would be drawn o ff by near-by pumps seeking co-operation of Hood River subscribing various sums, also, and Lanina's death is reported to Puzzle: Find out which time, if at ' W . , old Sinclair the leaking pot I wh^thl*“ ' C,n“9ra t0 aBcert,ln the Central council there has a spe­ all, any of these gentlemen told th* have bean due to brain troubla. lest as for me. I never got P ’ 7 , ^ er, * " tbrBe“oaa- a fungus that cial committee of union members working on solicitation, following for­ Vsgariea of hia brain brought From him or Doheny a single dot T e tr*M a“d ,helr productB’ mal indorsement of the campaign. truth. death to thousands, if not millions. When they got Teapot Do*me •’ « h“man be,n8’ A woman’ Optometrists, Manufacturing Opticians "W hat a Fall was there, my eoun Albany, Oregon suffering apparently from some form of try men I ” Trotsky’s mysterious invisibility S io e la ir and Dohsnsy now declare blood poisoning, was recently sent to ;nded when Lenine died. He had not T h e y loaned F a ll money, fa ir and Portlan i d9n' a take P’“ 1* 00 8tral«ht »tretches At G O r ?nd m ike h’ and arp ‘ b” of recklessness and orthographical errors, punctuate and. A To tune nf T ma,k' h lm , , d a " « ra r’ "’aaB''a» ’ »« revealed In the re capitalize it according to the style I Mra' P’ J- True ,,,d M j” LUa Here is a big profit for th< middleman as there is on the product, FARM LOANS Cream and PriMuce Station Cream, Poultry, Eggs, Veal & Hides, m . H- S H O O K Fa,L 1.BJI > t^,, KRYPTONS Optical|manufacturing plant on premises Meade & Albro, Barber »hop » ' ». To tune of Teapot Dome.” X V ""'"■“ t .... reader would mark but few errors. F O R S A L E — We are hatch,sg eggi A man who could not do thia could (nini our own hr»».l not attain a good standing In the ty ­ m ^penaof O. A. t i’ hite Leghorn pographical union of those days. Good — breeding stock—Use typography was and is a skilled art,I?•». 1,Tar». Karly hatch, lie ; June but th - average ...... .........- of - , these ’ S ': » I, Halsev. but the “ printer’’ A. Pehrsson and P. H.‘ Sylvester. days is not an artist. He does not know where to place an apostrophe indicate the possessive esse tad he places capital letters and punctuation marks at random, hit or miss, through the column end cannot give a reason why he makee the use he does of any of them. A few strong publication offices, like those of the Oregonian or Journal of Portland Eugene, show and the Register indications of of having proof-readers, i f not linotype opera­ tors, who know where a comma, an Baby (Chicks Modern Barbershop A Laundry sent Tnttdays 4g»ncy Hub Cleaning Works ABE S PLACE Fresh and Cured Meets L'uarsers of B E E F | p<,r, of an lBTaatlber by the bureau of public Saturday the sun came back to his roads. Careless»««, and recklessness 4t»t>b with a pleasant spring flavor. I «ccounted for 51.J per cent of the sc In which he was employed and pro | -topped o ff at .Albany. dues a proof-sheet in which the proof­ tor canning purposes at canning prices C . H. F A L K C . L. F A L K JR. ’ FO R S A L E 1 3 T A X T/ 3 I 1 2 l.il V/ Baths Robinson Floral © cidents; Incompetence and lnexper lence, 7.> per cent; operation by In POEHLM AN oxicated persons. 7 3 per cent; ex u p r ig h t I rM a,T* 4» per cent; violation vajiki ^ u GRAND I Of traffic rul»a. 7 3 per cent Only 2 4 W IN TON make. This piano was used P*r of the aoddents were caus k L i . * - r*,7 ’’.al aaivviiiiKB T 5 *? " eB m ,n rn Krun> ware <*> bF «■■Ha of others than the driver itn * » wi nmiM, I t it a gond instrument and in I Coloring of coyote skins to be used gcxxi condition Price » 2 0 0 tor . BklDB ,0 b* U8« ’ »ale. Address R p Gourisr lout» l * * ,uba,l,utaa for fox furs has raised Halsey, or pl,*ae 154. ' ’ [ the prlc* to such an extent that 87 I hides were sold by the predatory anl -nal division of the United Stales bio logical survey for 3913 80 The price W hy suffer from was lin g o apiece The previous high headache ? record tn lot prices was 39. accord mg to Stanley O Jewett, predatory -relmal inspector Sale of the furs of predatory aatmals killed by paid hunters has netted 38401« . inCe the i inauguration of the present system Optometrist, with early in 1933. Thia Is approximately F. M. F r e n c h a, s o n s one third of the cost of the predators afflmal work la Oregon, which re­ j e w e l e r s — o p t ic ia n s placed the bounty system Albany, Oregon Conventions of various kinds J throughout Oregon during the y « r A m e ric a n E a g le Fire Insurance Co. I lav is worth ju st as much in storage a) you might get for it in case o f fire. Th j jAuiericaii Eagle Eire Insurance company »will pay you cash value in case ro f loss by fire. C. P . S T A F F O R D , A g en t Have your eves examined T. FRENCH }’••••••••••••••••••••♦ »••••••« ••••••••••••••••••• Any Gijrl in Trouble may communicate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation Army at the " hite Shield Home, 5o5 Mayf a irs venie. Portland. Oregon. 4