tic. . W. P. W ahl, . i f . and daughter, " ï “ " . ,h* . •Btbusiaatic M,_____ i a • . . . an u ir /if ifa Lrinrl t .h t Wilma and A. C. Armstrong and wife ¡«flair of its kind io years, Ira P. visited at the Seth Mills home V.el Lane i . !i, extension secretary, gave ¡th etaik. Mrs. Editli Robnett and ncsday evening of last week. a (Continued from &g* 1) Mrs. J. E. Willoughby of was here on business Friday. Shedd Louise and Truman, Goldie and Genevieve wells and Mrs. Adda The new Albany bridge across the Mrs. C. F. Moody and children were Halaey Willamette will probably be on Ells­ Ringo represented the passengers to Harrisburg Saturday. Christian Endeavor, worth Street. William Wells came from Albany Saturday. In the list of Rebekah oflicecrs Seth Mills and wife drove tc New­ berg Thursday to spend the day witn installed last week the Enterprise Glenn Frum was a week-end visitor Mr. Mills’ mother, who is 94 years omitted two names— Rena Walker, here. conductor, and Adda Ringo, war­ Old. den. Mrs. G. W. Momhinweg returned Darwin Rathman of Shedd paid $25 E. 8. Hayes’ automobile from a visit to Shedd Saturday. was bumped off the highway and costs Monday for hunting on land Harrisburg collected no fines in on which trespass notices had been in the north edge of town last 1923. evening. A wheal was torn off. posted. the fender smashed, the windshield Herman Bierly left for Albany Mrs. L. II. Armstrong and daugli broken and other damage done by Thursday for a stay 01 a few days, S. C. Veatch. Thomas Simon and U r sn d M ri’ W ' P ’ W *hl ’ iiitrd the car of a Mr. Sampson of Sa le in . Nobody was hurt oulsde the son Ira and Clarence Waggener were the Harry Commons home Wedncsdaj pocketbook, which sustained quite afternoon of last week. in Eugene Monday. a wrench. GRAVE OF FAMOUS Rihirtg ef Burial Place of Chief Massa aolt le Denounced— Wee Greet Friend of Pilgrims Mrs. G. W. Laubner went to Curry Albany yesterday. “ Doc” West from Sixes, coqnty, brother-in-law of E. B. Gage, i> seriously ill at (G . W. Shaw's. A brother from Medford snd • sister groin Roseburg were beie for a time but went home Monday. His condition in so aerjous that a H A L S E Y E N T P R A se tS E PAG E |5 Coati oued ^yíb a n yJíy)ire cto ry FARM LOANS Piano Tuning and Repairing $1.401.60 Outstanding warrants $1,401 60 238.40 Mr. aud Mrs. Albert Raudle and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McCullough cele tbeir niece, Daisy Buckner, of Al trated thier golden wedding Tuesday Estimated receipts License fees , ____ $ 20.00 bauy were guests of Mr. end Mrs. auioq Zueqiv a qj ui Road tax . . . . . . . . . . . 500,00 H. M- M iller aud daughter Beulah auiib ||cuis v of friends and relatives attended, and uesday. $ 520.00 2 640.00 Golden W edding__ ______ IW4 Americans have, by discovering late­ W rite for booklet describing our 2fl- ly the neglected remains o f Governor year Rural Credit Amortized Loans. 'lu is is gouu a d t i i e . 11 you live The loan pays out in 20 payments, re­ Oglethorpe, shamed the English Into taking steps to honor the burial place in Albany, trade iu Albany ; it you live tirin g the principal. Cheap rains. N o in some other town, trade in that town. *' delay. of a leading founder of an American But in these automobile days many re­ B eam L a n d C o .. state. Thia la wall. Oglethorpe lived siding elsewhere find it advisable to do L5J Lyon St.. Albany, Ore and died an Englishman, but hie part at least part of their buying in llie In the establishment o f Georgia was larger town Those who go to Albany Phone 312 Y Satisfaction guaranteed Important In American history and to transact business w ill find the firms Price $3,50 named below ready to fill their require­ worthy of honor by Englishmen as well ments w ith courtesy and fairness. F R E D B. JO NES as Americana. But It now appear* that lately we had buried upon New Eng land soil a great original American A lbany Bakery, 321 Lyon street, ALBANY and that we have not only disinterred Best cue-pound -pound loaf of bread made, made. bis dust, but presented to a New York 5 cents. Piano Tuner for leading music stores in museum auch remains of his apparel Wedding cakes to order. Albany and relics as were found in hie grave. New Electric Store. Radio The Am erican whose hnrial place A lb an y sat». Electric w iring. Delco t ight and " s e thus dishonored was no other used products than the original friend and benefac­ G u n n W illard W m . H öflich . bought, told and exchanged at all times tor of the Pilgrim Fathers, Chief M an saaolt of tha Wampanoag nation. He A lb a n y Floral Co. Cut flowers B E N T. S U D T E L L It was who sent his henchman Sainoet Z x and plants. Floral art for every to the spot o f shore now known as and all occasions. Phone 7b-R, 123 N. Broadalbin a t , Albany Flow er phone 458-J. Plymouth to bid the Englishmen of the Mayflower welcome when they ar­ Stnda- A L B A N Y G A R A G E. rived. x haker baker ” an«ì and " S t a r " i automobile;. W ith every reason to be suspicious General repairing and supplies. of them, Masaasott received them with T, Hockensmith.— Lloyd Templeton. e honor, favor and confidence. H e was a kingly man— grave, noble of hearing, D lu o Bird Restuuraut, 309 Lyon wise, liberal, Just and tru th fu l. He street. Eat here when in Albany. made a 'tre a ty of peace and friendship Open from 6 to 2 and 5 to 8. Shoes that cost less per month of wear with the English aettlera. and fa ith ­ M ia B lount . fully kept hts part of its terms ns long The O r Grouch as he lived. r u n s w ic k Under his directions the Englishmen P H O N O O R A F II S Dr. 9belton has always inadn at were taught how to raise the American his radio outfit a means of giving W O O D W O R T H 'S crops and how to utilise the resources free entertainment to the people of of the forest. H e did much to put upon Browuaville. Concerts, lectures, r c ficq Itg feet the Infant colony which was sermons, etc., from various far­ DENTIST destined to play so large a part In the Albany, Oregon away places have bean enjoyed history o f the world. Massnaolt died ” without money and without at W arren, now In Rhode Island, and 312 Wesi Second street pries.’ * He has been a beneficent was buried there— burled In a gold- astburo B ro s .— T w o big g ro ce ry laced coat that Governor Winslow had stores, 212 W . F irst and 225 South ” prince of the power of the a ir.” Now ha has received an anonymous presented to him. and w ith the brass­ Main. Good merchandise at the right barreled pistol which was also the P il­ prices. threat of dire coutequenees if be grim governor’s gift. does not desist. Perhaps the printed. In the Indian fashion, the grave was Epilrua developed and threatener, if he dared to noma out unmarked, but It was rifled, and In 1! * We m ail them rig h t back to you. in daylight (skunks work in the were found crumbling bones, and nleo Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, O r­ dark) would look like the repre- thé shreds of gold lace of Governor egon-___________ Delora Wells’ father W. L. Wells of L. T. Harris of Eugene, who recent­ ly resigned from the Oregon supreme' Junction City was in town Friday and bench, was given a banquet at the Saturday, visiting Albany before he hotel Marion, Salem, Monday evening went home. B y Anna Pennelli by the bar of Polk, Linn and Marion Harry Commons was in Albany last Word has been received of the mar­ counties. A. A. Tussing of Halsey Thursday afternoon. riage of Miss Edna Gregory to Mar­ and E. E. Sox of Albany represented Alfred Brandon end wife and his shal Ayers of Lakeview. Miss Linn county and the latter was one of sisters, Mesdamcs Lucy Blanchard Gregory is a former Shedd girl where the speakers. and Mary Wiles, and Mr. and Mrs. S. she has a host of friends who wish her Dale, son of A. A. Tussing and wife, Morgan, all relatives of Mrs. Eliza much joy and happiness. was married Saturday in Eugene to Brandon, surprised her Saturday with Miss Pearl Thompson, who has been Miss Lillian Haasea of Junction City an all-day visit and also surprised her T h j l r home w ill be iu Eugene by providing a well-enjoyed lunch at quite ill, is reported better. Lvmatt Pennell and Harold Pugh The recent freeze killed many logan noon. drove to Portland Wednesday, return berries. M rs. Clayton Smith and M rs. W . C ing Thursday. The young people will conduct the Smith visited Mrs. Carl Seef eld Fri­ Mrs. Seef eld has been having Ruth L arge olJ Brownsville is services at the M. E. church Sundae day. some trouble with her throat, but is visiting relatives in Shedd. evening better. Mrs. Ida Robson spent Wednesday Cal. Wooley has brought his son Mrs. C. P. Stafford was a passen­ in Corvallis. home from Corvallis to recuperate She was from an illness which included pneu ger to Portland Tuesday. A farewell party wa3 given at the to be a guest of the F. H. Porter fam­ M. E. church last Wednesday for Mrs. monia. ily while there and attend the per­ J. W. Moore, Glenn Watson and An formances of the San Carlos grand Winegar and family. drew Brower have gone to work in the opera company. Loyd Ziegler and his cousin Mr. lumber mill at Glenbrook Miss Lida Dudley visited her aunt, Gcisey visited the Pennell s on Lloyd’s return trip from California to Port­ E. B. Penland was in Albany Mon Mrs, Pearl True Saturday and Sun­ land. day. W inslow’s ednt, the brass barrel of the day returninig back to Mr. Commons' The Oak Plain grange No. 6 held a pistol and also a medallion w ith a The D. S. McWilliams family, from Sunday evening to take up her duties public installation in Shedd Saturday. bust of the prince of Orange which Albany, had dinner at the S. J. Smith W. C. Smith and wife were on the The installing officer was Bertha must also have been Massasolt's prop­ home Sunday and attended church sick list last week with grip. Both Beck assisted by Mrs. Minnie Ohling, erty. The identification appears to have New feed racks a t the stockyards are up again. both of Riverside and Mrs. Minnie been complete— and also the despoil­ are among Southern Pacific improve Shoel and Mrs. Yantis of Albany. The ing of the kingly Indian's grave. And W. P. Wahl and family and Mrs. L. m enu. H. Armstrong was in Albany Satur­ following officers were installed: H now the question Is : W hy should not Mrs. Frank Tindle visited Mrs. G day. B. Sprenger, master; Mrs. Fred Massasolt's bones. If any trace of them Sprcngcr, lecturer, Fred Sprenger, as­ now remains, be le ft to rest In peace? W. Momhinweg at Halsey Thursday. Charley Kutch spent Friday even­ sistant stew ard; P II Freerksen, sec­ Does a great American of 300 years Mrs. Fannie Ross and daughter ing at the A. C. Armstrong home. ago become merely a museum curi­ retary; Harry Sprenger, gate keeper; osity because he was an Indian?— Bos­ Bela arrived Friday from Portland to Mr3. A. E. Whitebeck visited at the Mrs. Dal Duncan, chaplain, The Three ton Transcript. visit. Mrs. Ross’ mother, Mrs. M. M. Ward, and sister, Mrs. Albert Miller. A. C. Armstrong home Saturday af Lady Officers, Mrs. Robt. Arnold Another Language. lernoon. Mrs. Harry Sprenger and Mrs. R. C Born, Dec. 10, to Mr. and Mrs. John L ittle Chicagoan fris k in g In Bru­ Marga son; Mrs. Lura Maison as lady A. C. Armstrong and wife visited to n )— Aw , fudge! You're bughouse! Kropf. a d au g h ter. Harry Common s Sunday after­ asst, L ittle Bostonian (dppn'r shocked)— When Glenn Krum returned to Sa­ noon. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Rodgers enter Oh, such terrib le pn 1 deplorable vul­ lem from his week-end visit his moth­ g a rity ! You should say bectle-gnrage. E. E . G ormlty has been ap­ taînëd the young m arried people's er went with him pointed administrator of his bible class at their home Wednesday NOTICE Mrs. D. II. Sturtevant visited Port­ mother'll estate. evening To the taxpayers of the city of Halsey land Friday. Henery Freerksen is reported quite i Notice is hereby given t in t s meeting E. S. Hayes, Richard Brown, of tsapayer of the city o) Hslsev lisa Miss Rena Walker returned Monday B. A. Perry and Mrs. J. J. Cor- ilL been celled for Friday evening, Febru­ from Corvallis where she had bec.i ooran were passengers to Albany ary 8th, 1924, at the hour af 7 p ni , at Mrs. W inegar aud fam ily and the city couueil chambers, for (lie p ur­ having her throat treated today. Mr. Ejnst aud wife w ent to Y am ­ pose of adopting the budget for the city Fred Robert and Elva Sweet and John Davis was iu Halsey from hill, where ther intend to make tbeir of Halaey for the year 1924, as approved ■wives visited at the P. J. Forster Brownsville today. ny the budget committee September home. 25th, 1923. home Sunday. Mrs. Blanche Sweet of Eugene The Odd Fellows and Rebekahs held Estimated budget fur the city of llalsey The annual meeting and election of arrived today to visit her mother a a joint installation of officers at the for the year December 31st, 192). to December 31st, 1924 : officers of the Linn county Red Cross few days. W. O. W. hall in Shedd Saturday eve­ Estimated expeatet will be at Albany January 15 in the Mrs. E. A- Bergenholts arrived ning. Council men ... $ 72.90 evening. Everyone who has paid a from Idaho today to visit her Marshal labor, e t c . 222.00 Mrs. Sarah Randolph is visiting her dollar membership tee is eligible to daughter, Inez Trefry, who bar M ayo r______ ______ 12 00 sister Mrs. Clell Thompson. Health officer______ 12 00 Participate. yeen living with her graodmothei, R e c o rd e r...................... 50.00 On Friday night the Shedd high L ig h tin g . . . . . _ 112.00 William Corcoran was home from lira. M E. Bassett. basket ball team played the Monroe Elections ....................... CO.Ofl O A. C. foi the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Pen land left team at Monroe. The Shedd boys $1,000.00 $1,000 00 Frank Porter was home the latter Wednesday for Berkeley, C al., to won- visit their son, Dr. Hugh Penland. part of the week. Street intersections $ 200 00 Members of the U. P. church are L u m b e r__ _________ 300 00 Mrs. George Maxwell went to B. E. Cogswell returned home to G ra v e l...... ................. 620 00 unction City yesterday for a few graveling the road in front of the M a in t city property 85.00 Portland Monday, after looking after days’ visit. church. Miscel. and labor 136.6(1 his farm during the snow. Shedd Snapshots JAN.|17. INDIAN FURNITURE AND FARM MACHINERY SHOE O SERVICE B D . . E aticu below. th ir s t garage going north. *■ Tires, accessories, oils, gasoline, repair work. tv . H . llULBURT. ood bargain« on s e c o n d -b a n d pianos and organs. A good new year present tbai w ill last. Davenport Music House. G 'O R D SALES AND S E R V IC E Tires and accessories Repairs K irk -P ollak M otor C o . E V rtm ille r F u rn itu re Co.,- fu m i, ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. . Funeral directors. 427-433 west street, Albany, Oregon. H nil'« Floral and Music First . Shop Good service and prompt delivery on cut flowers and floral designs. Albany I'hone 169J I H( O LM A N sn ifiraiB -e A JACKSON G rocery— Bakery E veryth in g in the line of eats Opposite Postoffice Burlough Nears End Last week a report became current J that Miss Goldie Wells, missionary in door to Blain C lothing Co. Noon lunches. Africa, who had been at home with 1| Home-made candy aud ice Cream. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. ub Cleaning Works, luc. Wells, and family, pn a furlough, had Cor. Fourth and .yon Master Dyers and Cleanera started on her return to the dark con­ M a d e -T o -M e a s u re Clothes tinent. An Enterprise writer turned it in f you have friends they should have your photograph. and it was published as a fact. It Clifford's Studio i was erroneous. The lady had gone J.H West First street, Albanv. . . . „ . . . . . . ------------------only to Portland on a brief trip. T rv iu ’a G arage— Next to Com w u- D u rin g her v is it home Mias Wells * n ity house. E xid e Battery distrib- has talked in many pi places in tho utors tor Linn county. Repai Repairs made ____ ■-__. . . northwest regarding the w ork done in on all makes of batteries. Africa. AGNETO E L E C T R IC CO. The latter part of this month sha Official Strömberg carburetor serv­ expects to go for a month’s stay in station. Couservative prices A ll ice si work guaranteed 119-121 W . Seiond. Kentucky and in March she expects to set i.ail on her return voyage to her e n and money am best wbnn field of labor. busy. Make your dollars work in Next seventh day, which will be tho our savings department A x b a R v STATg B ank . Under government supervision last Sunday of (Miss Wells' visit to Halsey, the women's missionary soc­ tiler Motor Sales iety of the Christian church will hold Oakland and Jewett cars Supplies and accessories a farewell meeting In her honor a t Firs: First ami Baker Sta. Albany, Oregon their house of worship at 2:30. All orton A Speer Service Com­ Indies are invited to be present to pany meet the young worker before her ub Candy Co,, First street, next H H I M M M M Mrs. Hannah Cummings, who letters, flowers and telephone mess RKCAPITULATION Headquarters for good tires departure. has been quite ill with grip, is im ­ ages of congratulations trod on one Estimated expenses.._________ $7640 00 Phone 65 First and Lyon proving. H er daughter, Mrs. another's heels all day long. Estimated receipts .................. . 520.00 It is anticipated there will be many (Tear lake and Fish lake are cover­ Lillie Nixon, is with her. Amount to be raised by tax ....$2,120.00 urphy Motor Co, Buick and present to hear her goodhy message. W. R. McCullough of Albany is nurse is employed. ed with snow and it is over two feet deep on the Cascades. School budget election February' 7 at 7:30 in the evening. Let’s cast eight votes, at least, this time, and beat the record of 7 made at the last budget meeting. Jtay Hover was Tom Friday. ìaiting his brother John Salash Tuesday. went to B brt S. C lark , Albaoy their aon, as ¡3 Charles P. McCullough of Pasadena, Cal., and Mrs. Wayne Mis. Adda Ringo attended tbs Dawson of Albany and Mrs. J. C. Ir special services at the BrowusvilJe vine of Lebanon are daughters. The baptist church Sunday. McCulloughs lived for twenty-four A Christian Kodeavor ¡.banquet years on a farm which they still own song and devotional service and lecture at the Pre.byterien church near Halsey, moving to Albany in io Albany Tuesday night was pro i m Mayor. By order of the Conaeil. 6 . P. C ross , Recorder. D . H S tcrtkvakt . Chairman Committee. M‘ Chevrolet automobiles. Tires and accessories scces Albany. Oregon Phone 2fl0. Mr. Robertson, superintendent of the | Bible school, has asked that there be at least 100 present in honor of her eal estate. Money to loan A ll and our Christ when Bible school as­ kinds of insurance written. sembles at 10 A. M. It will prob- Call on J. V Pipe, A lb an y State Bank B uilding , ably be five years before she takes an- i other furlough. R State of Oregon ) County of Ltnn I • ' • ' 1 hereby certify that the foregoing is oscoe a mbs hardware a trne and correct copy of the bndget of the city Of. Halaey. at approved by tlie the levying board on September 25lh, WINCHESTER STOKE 1923. B. F. C ross , 322 W. First st. Recorder of the C*ty of Halsey. R ' , At tha Church of Christ there will | be a special addreta in the evening 8. G I L B E R T & B O N by a near east relief worker from Portland. The Christian Endeavor N otick op ArporieTssiwT op A dm inis ­ Chinaware and g ift shop j society plana to have a gospel team trator AlbHny [fiom Eugene visit the society on the Notice is hereby give« that the un- 330 West First derrigned, by an order of the County This team will T E N B E R G B R O S , gmcerie», evening of Jan. 27. Court of I.m n County, Oregon, has have full charge of the C. E. hour and fruits, produce. 235 Lyon etregL been appointed administrator of the overjr person is invited. estate of Ktualine Gormley, deceased. We sell groceries and Pilone 26.1R A ll persons having claims against said Buy cream. Lon Chamlee. s. S estate are required Io preseat them T IM 8 O N T H E SHOE DOCTOR w ithin sia months from the date of this Second street, opposite Ham ilton's Hamm urabi Law. notice, with tha proper vouchers, to the un.lersigtied at his residence in Halsey, store. According to the code a f Ham m e- "Sudden Service.” in Linn county. Oregon rabi, king of Babylonia In 2200 B C , Dated snd first published this 17th « Id n A np A Hon. dialrih. • builder built a house and It cn|- day of January. 1924 u to rs s n d d é a tv » f«r M asw ell, Chai- ■•P**«! and caused the death o f the E. K. G ormliv . mera, Erses. Hudson A lluom obilv cars, owner of the house, that builder was Adm inistrator aforesaid Acfeaaories, So prlies. 1st & Beoada’bin. i p u t to death. A. A, T esttxc, Atty, tor Admr. S W