PAGE 4 H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E JA N HALSEY RAILROAD TIME 17. IW 4 I any ¡uefi sciences when I was gettln’ to organize one, but Tve another North S.witfr . i my schoolin'.” I ropoeltlon flrst Let's get together No. 17, 12:15 p. m. No. 18, 11:37 a. in. le i" • > “And yet,” said Jim, “some people end pool our cream. By that. I mean ii n i i i m u m i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i n i i i i i i j 23, 4.27-p. tn . 24, ;4:?7 p in. • want us to guide ourselves by the " I’m sorry," said Jim, "hut Tve a that we'll all sell to the same cream­ 21, 11:32 p. m. 22, 3:2U a. m. prior engagement.” courses of study made before these ery. and get the best we can out of "W hy. J im I" protested Jennie. 'Tve the centralizers by the co-operative Nos. 21 and 22 stop only if flagged. sciences existed.” been counting on you. Don't desert method. We can save two cents a " I don't, by hokey!” said Hofm yer. No. 14, due Halsey at 5:04 p. t u . slops m et" “I ’ll be dag-goned i f you ain't right, I to lei off passeugers from south of pound In that way, and we'll learn to " I ’m aw fu lly sorry," said Jim, "but .y>operat« wouldn't 'a' said so before I heard that When we have found Roaebnrg. I promised. I ’ll see you la te r ” ! speech— but I say so now." Just how well we can hang together, No. 23 runs to Cottage Grove only. One might have thought. Judging by we’ll be able to take up the co-opera­ v Jim's face lighted up at this, the No. 21 ru n . to Eugene, thence Marsh- the colonel's quizzical smile, that be tive creamery, w ith less danger of first convincing evidence that he had fietd branch. was pleased at Jennie's loss of her falling apart and falling.” ! scored. form er swain. “I b iieve, too,” went on M r. H of- Passengers for south of Roseburg should "W ho’ll handle the pool?" Inquired "W e’ll h are to In v ite him lodger M r. Hansen. myer. “that your Idee would please take No. 17 to Eugene and there transfer ahead of tlma,” said he. "He's getting our folks. Tve been the stundpatter to No. 15. "W e'll handle It In the school," an to be In demand." i in our parts— mostly on English and »wered Jim. Jim seemed to he tn demand— a fart — say German. W hat d'ye say to cornin' "School's about done," objected M r, that Jennie confirmed by observation. Bronson SUNDAY MAIL HOURS down and teachln’ our school? W e’ve | got a two-room affair, and I was made H e received a dozen Invitations se be “Won’t the cream pool pretty near The delivery window of the passed the groups seated on the grass pay the expenses of running the school j a committee o f one to find a teacher." —one of them from Mrs. Cornelius all summer?" asked Bonner. ) “I — I don't see how— ” Jim stam­ Halsey postoffice is open Sundays Bonner, who saw no p articu lar point "W e ought to run the school plant “I Want to Have a T alk W ith You." mered. all taken aback by this new from 10:50 to 11 a. in. and 12:15 By HERBERT QUICK tn advertising d!sgrun»lement. The all the time,” said Jim. "It's the only to 12:30 p. m J breeze of recognition. children ran to him sad clung to bis way to get full value of the Invest­ given hy County Superintendent Jen­ Sunday mail goes out only on "W e can't pay much,” said Hoftnyer. hands; young girls gave him sisterly m ent And we’ve corn-club work, plg- nie to Jim, the dean, Professor W ith ­ “Yon have charge of the dls-clp-llne the north-bound 11:37 train : Ï I I I I I I I I I H I I I I r i i i i i i i n i i i i i i i ii i i i i i i i i ii i i i i smiles and such trifles as chicken elub work, poultry work and canning- ers, and one or two others— and a In the whole school, and teach In Num­ ICtvrrlcht ter Tbs Bobbi Merrill Ccsrpanjl M ail goes south once a day, closing at drumsticks, pieces of cake and like tid­ club work which mnkn It very denira- wonderfully select and distinguished ber Two room. Seventy-five dollars a 11:05 a. m. ; north twice, closing 11:25 bits. H is passage to the numerous hle to keep In session w ith only a company It seemed to Jim. Jennie month. Does It appeal to ye?” a. in. and 5:30 p. tn. M a il stage for ( Continued > group at a square table under a big week’s vacation. I f you'll add the seized a moment's opporiuniriuto say, Appeal to h im ! And yeL how abont Brownsville. Craw fordsville and Sweet "You did beautifully, J im ; W ery •ybody the Simmses, Colonel Woodruff, the Home leaves daily at 6:45 a. ro. CHAPTER XV burr oak .was quite an ovation— an cream pool, It w ill make the school ovation o f the algnlflcance of whlrb ha the hardest working crowd In the dis­ suys so." Hansens and Newton Bronson, now ”1 faile d !” said Jim. “You know Tha -Glorious Fourth. was him self quite unaware. tric t and doing actual farm work, too. Just getting a firm start on the up­ Paid-for Paragraphs I failed. 1 couldn’t remember my A good dvall of w ater ran under the But Jennie— the daughter e f a poli­ I like M r. Bonner's suggestion.” ward path to usefulness and real hap­ Woodruff district bridges in the weeks tician and a promising one herself— "W eR.” said Haakon Peterson, who speech. I can't stay here feasting. I piness? How could he leave the little, (5c a line) between the school election and the Jennie eeneed the fact th a t Jim Irw in had Joined the group, "Ay tank we want to get out In the snow." crude, puny structure on which he had “You made the best address of the Fourth of Jqdy picnic at Eight-M ile had won something from the people o f. better have a meeting o f the board been working— on which he had been H arry Park, Brownsville, baa meeting; and you did It because you rrose. B ut few surface Indications the Woodruff district In the way or and disease It." merely pract’elng— for a year, and re­ 35 ewes for sale. forgot your speech,” Insisted Jennie. there were of any change In the little deference. Still he was the gangling, "W ell, darn It,” said Columbus move to the new field? “Does anybody else think so?” community In this annual gathering of Lincolnian, Ill-dressed, over-stricken Brown, “I want In on this cream pool “I ’m afraid I cwn't," said Jim Irw tn, "W hy, J im .' You must learn to be­ friends and neighbors. W ilbur Rmythe Jim Irw in of old, but Jennie had no — and I live outside the district 1” Old papers for sale at 5c a bundle "but— ” made the annual address, and was In longer the feeling that one's standing “W e il let you tn, Clumb,” said the lieve tn what you have done. Even " If you're only ’fra ld you can'L” at the Enterprise office. C ot Bonner says It was the best. He rather liner fettle than usual as he was somewhat compromised by asso­ colonel. said M r. Hoftnyer, “thin k It over. Pve paid bis ferm d tribute to the starry ciation w ith him. " S u r e r said Pete. "W e haln’t no says he didn't think you had It In y e !" got your post office address on this W-W- * This advice from her to "believe In flag, and to this very place as the H e had begun to pat on something more sense than to let any one In, program, and we’ll w rite you a formal most favored spot In the beet coun­ more significant than clothes, some­ Clumh. Come in, the w ater’s fine. We what you have done"— wasn't there offer. W e may spring them figures a ty o f the g re w eat state In the most something new In Jennie's attitude W e H ave thing which he had possessed all the ain’t proud I" little. T h in k It over.” powerful. Intellectual, freest and most here? Wasn't his belief In what he time, hut which became valid only as “W ell," said d u m b , ' i f this felle r Is EVERY THING “You mustn't thin k,” said Jim, “that progressive nation In the beat possible It was publicly apprehended. H e w as goln' to do school work of this kind, was doing precisely the thing which O ptical of worlds. had made him such a nuisance to the we’ve done all the things I mentioned clearly the central -figure of his group, I want In the d is tric t too.” Jim Irw ta read the Declare11oa county superintendent? However, Jim In my talk, or that I haven't made any In which she recognized the Bronsons "W e’ll come to that one of these mistakes or failures." E Y E S T R A IN rather well, Jennie Woodruff thought, those queer children from Tenne«*w. days,” said Jim. "The district Is too couldn't stop to answer the question “ Your county superintendent didn't Is the Cause of Many as she sat on the platform between which popped up In his mind. the Rlmmses. the Talcotta, the H.-in- small.” HUMAN ILLS Deacon Avery, the oldest settler In the “What does Professor Withers say?" mention any failures,” said M r. H of- sens, the Hamms and Colonel Wood­ W ilbur Smythe's car stopped at the myer. I f your eyes give you trouble or district, and Mrs. Columbus Brown, ruff's hired man. Pete, whose other distant gate and honked for him— a he asked. "D id you talk w ith her about my your glasses are ann oyin g the sola local repruaentatlve of the “H e ’s delighted— silly !" name Is not recorded. signal which broke up the party. work?" Inquired Jim, suddenly very S E E US, W e can Relieve You Daughters of the American Revolu­ “S illy !" How wonderful it was to Jim sat down between Bettlns Han­ Haakon Peterson passed the word to tion. Colonel Woodruff presided la his sen, a flaxen-hatred young Brunhilde the colonel end M r. Rronson fo r a be called "silly"— In that tone. “M h tn," Grand Array of the Republic uniform. " I shouldn't have forgotten the 313 1st SL W. Albany, Phone of seventeen, and Callata Rlmnn— board meeting the next evening. The "Then I don't see why you want T he fresh northwest breeze made Jennie saw him do It. while llatenln? to picnic broke up In a dispersion of etnld speech I f It hadn’t been for thia darned me," Jim went on, free w ith the o aka elms, hickories and W ilbur Smythe's account of the ex married couples to their homes, and boiled shirt nnd collar, and for wear­ "W hy?” asked M r. Hoftnyer. boz elders of Allght-Mlle grove, and the acting nature of the big law practice young folks In top buggies to dunces ing a cravat,” urged Jim in extenua­ waters of P ickerel creek glimmered ‘1 Tiad not supposed,” said Jim, he was building up— and would have and displays of fireworks In the sur­ tion. W ANTED a hundred yards away, beyond the "You ought to 'v e worn them around "th at she had a very high opinion of been glad te exchange placet with rounding villages. I Springers flitting figures of the boys who pre­ Bettlna. Jim walked across the fields to his the house for a week before coming,” my work." or ferred to shoot c1t their own firecrack­ “I didn't ask her about that," said The repast drew to a close; and over home— neither old nor young, having said Jennie. “ Why didn't you ask my fresh ers and torpedoes and nlgger chssera M r. Hofm yer, "though I guess she by the burr oak the crowd had grown neither sweetheart with whom to dance advice?" rather than to llrle n to those of W ilbu r " I w ill, next time, Jennie,” said Jim, thinks well of It. I asked her what Jerseys or Guernseys preferred. te a circle surrounding Jim Irwtn. nor farm to demand labor In Its In­ R. B. M c K in n ey , Rmythe. Still 'fa rth e r off could be “He seems to be making an ad exorable chores. H e turned after “I didn't suppose I needed a bitting- you are try ln ’ to do, and what sort of 1005 E Ninth st., Albany, Ore. heard the voice of a lone lemonade rig— but I guess I did I" a fellow you are. I was favorably Im ­ dress.” said W ilbur 8mythe. crawling through a w ire fence and Phone 593 Y: vender as he advertised Ice-cold lem­ Jennie ran away then to ask Nils pressed ; but she didn't mention any “ Welt. W ilbur," replied the colonel, looked longingly at Jennie as she was onade, made la the shade, w ith a ‘you had the flrst shot at ua. flnppjzc suavely assisted Into the car by the Hansen and Bettlna to Join their din­ failures.” brand new spade, by an old maid, as ner party. She had a sudden access HALSEY “ W e haven’t succeeded In adopting we move over and see what's under frock-coated lawyer. a guaranty that It was the blaiuadeat, of friendliness for the Hansens. Nils a successful system o f selling our discussion. "You sow what he did?" auld the coldest lemonade ever sold. As they approached the group, they colonel Interrogatively, as he and his refused because he was going out to cream,” said Jim. " I believe we can Under the slualleat treat a few In heard Jim Irw in answering something daughter sat on tha Woodruff veranda see tha college herds fe d ; but at Jen­ do It, hut we haven't." corrigible M arth a * were spreading the Cash paid for nie's urgent request, reinforced hy which Ezra Bronson had said "W al," said M r. Hofm yer, " I d'know that evening. "Who tuught him the snowy tahle-rlottw on which would "You think so, Ezra." said he, "anil supreme wisdom of holding back his pats and hugs, Rettlna consented. Jen­ as I'd call that a failu re. The fact soon be placed the bountiful repasts It seems reasonable that big cream troops when they grew too wild for at­ nie was very happy, and proved her­ that you're try ln ' of It shows you've stored In ponderous wicker baskets self a beaming hostess. The dean de­ got the right Idees. W e’ll w rite ye, erlea like those at Omaha, Slonx City tack T' and hampers. I t was a lovely day, In voted himself to Bettlna— and Jim Dea Moines and the other centraliser and mehhe pny your way down to look “ H a may lose them,” said Jennie. a lovely spot— a good example of the points can make butter cheaper than “Not so,” said the colonel. "In di­ found out afterw ard that this inquir­ us over. W e’re a pretty good crowd, m iniature forests which grew n atu ra l­ we would do here— but we've tha fig viduals of the Brown Mouse type a l­ ing gentleman was getting at the men­ the neighbors thJnk.” ly from tim e Immemorial In favored area that show that they aren't aco ways succeed when they find their en­ tal processes of n specimen pupil in (To he continued) locations on the lows prairies—h a lf a nam lral.” vironment. And I believe Jim hss one o f the new kind o f rural schools, Quarters of lor canning square m ile of woodland, all about In which he was only h alf Inclined to 'They can't make good butter, for found his.” which the green corn rows stood aslant purposes at canning prices Stop at the Crossing one thing,’’ said Newton Bronson cock "W ell," said Jennie, " I wish his en­ believe. H e thanked Jim fo r his In the cool hre»se. walst-hlgh and laid By. C . H. F A L K There were one-third less' auto­ vironment would find him some clothes. speech, nnd said It was “most sugges­ by.” “Why can't they?" asked O U f Han C . L. F A L K JR- It's a shame the way he has to go tive and thought-provoking," and as mobile accidents at railroad co ss They were passing down the rough sen, the father of Bettlna. looking. He'd be nlce-appearing If he the party broke up slipped Into Jim's hoard steps from the platform after ngg on the Southern Pacific in hand a check for the honornrlum. It "W ell," said Newton, ' they have to was dressed anyway.” the exercises had terminated In a have so much cream that they've got "Oh. then you haven't heard the was not until then that Jim felt quite October this year than last, though routing rendition of "America." when to ship It so fa r that It gets rotten on news," said the colonel. "Jim's going sure that he was actually to he paid. there were more automobiles and Jennie Woodruff, having slipped by Mr. Ilo fm y e r was waiting to give the way, and they have to renovate It to have his first made-to-measure suit First-Class Work everybody else to reach him. tipped Jim the final convincing" proof that he more miles of railroad traffic. w ith lime and other Ingredients he for Ames It's all fixed." Jim Irw in on the arm H e looked hack Agent for Eugene Steam Laundry fore they can churn I t " had produced an effect w ith his R. J. Clsncy, assistant to gen­ "Who's making It?" asked Jennie. Sent Tuesdavs. at her over h it shoulder with his slow speech. "W ell," said Raymond Simms, "1 "Gustaf Paulsen, the Dane that's eral manager of the Southam gentle smile. , reckon they sell their butter fo’ all It's “Do you teach the kind of school J . W- S T E P H E N S O N . Prop. Just opened a shop tn town.” Pacific, says : “ In October there "Isn't your mother here, JhnT* sh» w uth; an' they cshi’t get within from "A Dane?” queried Jennie. "Isn’t you lay out In your talk?" he asked. asked "I've been looking all over foeh to seven cents a pound ss much he Bettlna's uncle?" “I try to," said Jim, “and I believe I were 127 grade crossing accidents A dm inistrator ' s N otice do.” the crowd and can't see her.” fo' It ss the farmers' creameries In involving automobiles, of which "Ratherly." said the colonel Jocular­ Notice is hereby given that the un­ “Rhe Isn't here,” answered Jim. ”1 "W ell," said Mr. nofm yer, “that's 54 tried to beat the train to the Wisconsin and Minnesota get fo’ ly. "seeing as how Bettlna's Mrs. Han­ dersigned, a dm inistratrix of the estate was In hopes that when she broke loose theirs." ¡tie kind of education I. biieve In. I sen's daughter." crossing, 27 ran into the train, 22 of W. G. Carter, deceased, has filed her and went to your Christmas dinner she ' That's a fact. O l a f said Jim Clothes are rather important, but kep' school back In Penns.vivany fifty stalled on the track and wert final account in said estate w ith the would stay loose— hut she went home years ago. and I made the scholars H o w do you kids know so d im e d the difference between ■ suit made by struok by train, 22 ran through county clerk of Linn county, Oregon, and settled hack Into her ru t." measure things, and weigh things, and the county judge has set Monday, much shout It?" queried Pete. Atkins, the tailor, and one built by and broke down crossing gats* and “Too bad," said Jennie. ''She'd have apply their studies as fur as 1 could.” the 11th day o f February, 1924, at the “H u h !" sniffed Bettlna. "We've Gustaf Paulsen, the new Danish lowered to prootect them, 1 skidded had a nice time if the had come.” hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, as “A ll good teachers have always done been reading shout £ and w riting let­ craftsman, could not be supposed to "Yes," said Jim. " I believe she ters about It, and figuring percentages that," said Jim. “Froehel, Pestsloxzl. into train and 1 ran into a wigwag the time, and the county courtroom of Be crucially Important, even when de­ Colonel Parker— they all had the idea signal installed at the crossing said connty as the place, fcr hearing ob­ would.” on It In school all winter. We've done " I want help," said Jennie. "O ur arithm etic and geography and gram­ signed for a very dear friend. And which Is st the bottom of my w ork; to warn of approaching train — jections to said final aceount and lhe settlement of said estate. hamper Is terribly heavy, please)" Jim was scarcely that—of course not) le a rn to do by doing,' and connecting aoeidenta clearly of such character mar and I don't know what else on IL" I M ary I. C arter . Administratrix. It was rather obvious to Mrs. Bonner " hy, then, did the county superinten­ up the school w ith life." “ Well, Tm agin' aay schoolin'," said L. L. S wan , Attorney for Admx. at to indicate carelessness.” that Jennie was throwing herself at Pete, “that makes kids smarter In dent hastily run to her room, and cr;? 3 I'h m," grunted M r. Hofm yer, " I Jim's head, hut that was an article of farm in' than their parents and their Why did she say to herself that the hnln’t been able to see how L atin con­ Hansens were very good people, and the Ronner fam ily creed since the de parents' hired men, OP me another nects up w ith a high school kid's life — well-to-do. and It would be n fine thing ctalon which closed the hearing at the awlg o' that lemonade, Jim I" unless he cau find a L atin settlement court houae. It must be admitted that “You sea," said Jim to hie audience, for Jim and his mother— and then cry som'eres and git a Job clerkin' In a the young county superintendent some more? meanwhile pouring the lemonade, “the store." found tasks which kept the school­ centralizer creamery la uneconomic in "But It used to relate to life," said master very close to her side C H A P T E R X V I several ways. I t has te pay excessive Jim. "the life of the people who made “Sit down, Jim ." said M n Woodruff, transportation charges. I t has to pay Greek nnd Latin a part of everybody “you've ranted a bits of what wa ve Jim Goes to Amos. excessive commissions to Its cream rise's education as well as their own. gut- It's good enough, what there Is ef Jim had never felt more the upstart buyers It has to accept cream w ith­ Latin and Greek were the only lal». out proper Inspection, and mixes the uneducated farm-hand then wbei. h< guaget In which anything worth much was Introduced to that audience at good w ith the bad. It makes such long was w ritten, you know. But now”— shipments that the cream spoils In Ames by Professor JVIthers, nor more Jim spread out hla arms as If to take transit and lowers the quality of the completely disgraced than when he in the whole world— “science, the m ar­ butter. I t can't make the beet use of concluded his remarks. Even the ap­ velous literatu re of our tongue In the the butterm ilk. All these losses and plause was to him a kindly effort ,.n dost three centuries! And to make a leaks the farmers have te stand. I the part o f the audience to comfort chilu learn L atin w ith all that, a thou­ ran prove— and so can the six or him In his fsllnre. His only solar* sand times richer than all the lite ra ­ eight pupils In the Woodruff achdhl was the look In Jennie's eyes. ture o f Latin, lying unused before "Young man,” said an old fanner who have been working on the cream h im !“ question this winter— that we could who wore thick glasses and locked "Know any Latin?” asked Mr. Hof- make at leas* six cants a pound on like t Dutch burgomaster. " I want ta m je r have a little talk w ith you.” our butter If we had a co-operative Jim blushed, as one caught In con- "This is Mr. Hoftnyer o f Potts» »to­ cream er^ and all sent our cream to It." demnl.ig what he knows notMng about. "W ell," said Exra Rronson, ‘l e t ’s rn te county," said the dean of the col­ I — I have studied the grammar, lege start one." and read "Caesar/" he faltered, "hut "I'm glad to meet you." said Jim T il ge In,” said O laf Hansen. that Isn’t much. I had no teacher, and “1 can talk to you bow .” ' Me. too." said Con Bonaer. 1 had to work pretty hard, and It I “ No,” said Jennie. " I know Mr. — — — — — — ••9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 There was a general chorus < as­ Hofm yer w ill excuse you until after dton'i jo very w ell.” sent JI jb had convinced his audience I ve had all the Latin they gave ta \t a have a little party for He's got the Jury," said W llhn r dinner. Mr. Irw tn. and we ehall he late If we the colleges of my time," M id M r Hof- flmvthe to Colonel Woodruff tnyer, " If I do talk dialect: and 111 ‘‘Tea." said the colonel, "and right don't hurry." | may communicate with Ensign Lee of the Salvation A rm y at the “I'm flarry." sa>4 Jim, "but |-ve a here Is where he rung Into danger "W here can I see yoo a fter supper?” agree with you so fa r aa to M y that It,w o uld have been a crime for me to Briar Engagement" Can he k in d le the egfw dlw hen lt'e asked M r H o ta y e r E W hite Shield Home, 5o5 M ayfair avenue, Portland. Oregon. t t s y It was to sartafy M r Hoftnyer; neglect the chemistry, bacteriology, w ith him?" , . . physics, engineering and other sciences It. la d U «r*> enough o| £ such gs It Mid JIB w u i E t t f f ift J S .a dinner "WflU." u ld J;«. "J think » a aq|M that peris 15 f jn a la '— I f therg'd beta » • • « • • • • • « • • • * « • • • • • • • f l O « « A 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 BROWN MOUSE Bancroft Optical Co. Dairy Cows Cream and Produce Station Cream, Poultry, Eggs, Veal & Hides. M. H- S H O O K Fresh and Cured Meats BEEF Barber Shop ?? Baths A m e ric a n E a g le Fire Insurance Co. Hay is worth just ns much in storage a? you might get for it in case of fire. Th 3 ^American Eagle Eire Insurance compari y p ill pay you 08% o f the cash value in case of loss by fire. C. P. STAFFORD, Agent 5 Any Girl in Trouble