* \H e lp Wanted Answer to Appeal j at Farm Home Is Remarkable HALSEY STATE BANK W h o W ill B u y a n A c re O re g o n W ill H e lp F e e e d to r th e L ittle O n e s ? H u n g r y C h ild re n Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L AND SU RPLUS $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 , Mobert H Strcne. who was state chairman or the Hoover food campaign Commercial and Savings account* Solicited In Oregon In l » t l and who le acting tn the same capacity for the present j campaign to raise »100,000 In Oregon ! for starving German children, reports The ca ll through the piper» for * «ood response from all parts of cows for the c h ild re n ’s fa rm home Oregon. He says: " It is quite remark B e s t q u a lity F e e d s a t r ig h t p ric e s dence of prejudice and h o s tility to had such a generous response that able the response which Oregonians Dr. Price, no m atter how boneotly th a t need has been supplied for ere making to the appeal for German its authors may have tried to lay the present w ith cows promised, children. Even before we have ap- aside prejudice and make ao im and the " kiddies ” w ill soon have proached anyone for money, the sub­ scriptions are coming In. both large p a rtia l statement. a ll the good, rich m ilk th a t they M illio n s o f A m e r ic a n s in T ha t report «aid th a t out of 350 can consume. I t would warm the and small amounts. It does not seem any difference to our people n . i u j m e . to make o u j ouierence B o n d a g e to I t persons who it had been claimed hearts of tne givers to see the pale i wh* t nationality, race or creed that were cured 214 had experienced no faces take on color and the sad ®hlldriB belong to, they only have to Year» ago the cigaret was given change, 89 had died w ith in six eyes become b rig h t th ro ug h the use "f' e0Dvincet there *• starvation the sobriquet “ L ittle W h ite month«, 17 bad grown worse and of this real “ “ c e h ild ’s hunger and sickness, and the sub ’i food? fr,„ri ” scrlptions come In. Slaver” because the sh ieki of the •5 had gone insaue. Before cows can give m ilk they There Is this Interesting phase Now comes the rejoinder th a t too, must have good food, and he w hite slave trade had learned thei g irls who could be induced to a m in o rity report was suppressed, fore th a t can be raised we must about this campaign, that all the ex smoke them could also more easily th a t 6000 cases had been prayed have good, fertile land to grow it. pensea connected with it are being (Enterprise rhym e m achine) borne by certain Individuals in the th an othere ba induced to take tor, th a t two of those who died Of the farm of 245 acres, 108 East and that one hundred cents of p o n rif King Tut » tv an ancient other steps downward. A young had never attended the meetings, acres have baeu paid for and 25 every dollar subscribed throughout the By LAURA M ILLER 1 m u tt. man who induces a g irl to smoke that m any who died were in an more pledged by the Baptist country will go toward the purchase Ruler of pslaen and cuatle and h u t d ying condition when church of the state, in addition to of food. and commands her for i t at the alm ost •♦♦♦♦♦••eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee» fCYlRXl hw 1... — Miller un,.. In day» of B g jp t ’e g randeur, but (£ k 191$, b y Laura "In Germany, the food w ill be dis asms tim e, perhaps w ith o u t real- brought there, that 90 per cent of the cottage it is raising money to H« could not livw forever. ix in g it, >o««s some of the respect those who were investigated had erect. This leaves the price ot 112 tributed by the American Quakers G O IN G ’EM ONE B E T T E R ” he had fo r her. lied to Price, claim in g to be acres to provide for. I t is desirable through the medium of kitchens. tVe IN T H E POST O F F IC E T u t had a scrambled fa m ily tree. The law against cigaret smoking C hristiana when they were not, that paym ent be made soon, to have received a copy of a typical menu Hi» wife was hi» »¡«ter, and in th a t by m inora, and against supplying and th a t scores who claimed to cut the burden o f interest and to which Is being served to these chil­ ”1 can do what anyone else can do," he dren which represents one hot meal a them w ith cigarets or t h j ir “ m ak­ have been healed refused to go a small girl out In Arkansas took as Followed the praellce o l ro y a lly clear the decks " fo r fa rthe r day and costs 2 cents a meal." her motto. Then «he added to It, “I f ings, ’ is being violated in every ' before the com m ittee because of building. Iu day« th a t are gone forever. it s worth while I can even go 'em onq tow n in Oregon, and o nly rarely its m anifestly hostile a ttitu de . I t I f anyone has thought o f pay­ better!" STATE BEING ORGANIZED is also asserted th a t the Vancou­ K in g T u t croaked and, the record» are its viola tors punished. ing for tlie land as being a thing Thereupon life "called her blurt" te l), The W. C. T. U., which ha ver m inisters who worked w ith apart from the children that are Oregon to Lucymny Schuer Help Save Starving G»r- as the boys «ay. such a prom ineot part in bringing Dr. Price rem ain his staunch sup­ being housed and cared for we boused iu natron sim ! j io k ltd well, man Children. had started the family record by l*e- about the laws against intoxican ts, porters. The American committee for relief mg the flrst of five small Schaers. Was wound iu I íim q »nd i Mlj would ask them to consedsr the dw e ll haa taken up the war against the beautiful field just aoross fro m the of German children, atate headquar she was within an ace of winning a h a b it-fo rm in g weed, whose users Labbe and a Burglar In * gorgeous to m b forever. b u ild in g p lot which is now grow ­ tere for which are in room 71i Corbett coveted school record at graduation, building, Portland, now has commit­ when—failure, an empty fumlly purse. are pouring more money in to the They placed his u u o i . b j in the Halsey, Jan. 14.— E d ito r E n ­ ing green w ith feed for the “ bos­ tees in various sections of the state Lucymny landed a teacher's Job. coffers of a gigantic tru st than h ill, sies th a t k in d ly people have Then the Hot Springs paper—did I would bs required to feed every terprise— I am tickled almost to given us. We would ask them to especially In the W illamette valley’ Fully organized cities include Oregon say Lucymay lived In Arkansas down Where hells and Cham bar», hewn death by w hat law I have learued one ol the m illio n s of starving w ith s k ill, from the Labbe case in Portland im agine the p re ity lake of five City, Salem. Eugene, Ashland, Med­ at the very end of a branch railroad) c h ild re n in the world. Existed. They exist thore s till, acres where boys and g irls take ford, Roseburg and others, and as A t the m on thly meeting of the I f I orawl in through Mre Vander- th e ir much-loved exercise of swim­ rapidly as possible, other communities —carried a letter from Uncle Sam to A n d may be there lo re v e r.’ Lucymay. Extrn luck? Hardly. It P ortland federation of women's goop’s window and steal her dia­ ming. boating and wading. There will be organized. was Just on announcement of exam­ organizations Saturday a resolu­ monds, and Ligbtfingered Dick is ihe pienfe ground whieb over, The state is asked by Major General inations for post office clerks. Lucy­ Lord Caernarvon tried h is hand, tio n was adopted praising Chief creeps tQrough my window and looks thi® lake, containing about Henry T Allen, well known because I elving deep th ro u g h centuries* may felt a bit of a thrill when she he was the American commander of o f Police Jenkins for his effort to finds them und reports to the sand, went into a "first-class offlee" of the two acres, where good boys ana Brought by winds from ocsau's, enforce the m inor a nti-cig a re t law court, charging me w ith th e ft or girls may disport and visitors may troops op the Rhine during the occupa United States government. tion. to raise »100,000, half in Portland and upholding any movement burgla ry, the court w ill dismiss view th e ir sport iu the water. strand, Then, “women can't earn their sal­ and half out-state, and these commit­ w hich tends to p riv e n t m inors the charge, heoause D icg did not aries," she was Informed, but she set Drifting on forever. There are garden spots where tees will look after the work in their have a fo rm a lly legal warrant. from smoking. herself to qualify for a special clerk­ There are ship. The department rules that a Lord Caernarvon took ill. In the Labbe case a party was •h ild re n w ill learn to take part respective communities A week ago F rid a y, at a gather­ w ith God in m aking things grow, 2,000.000 little ones facing starvation clerk must handle letters at the rule R abidly grew wore» u n til ing of Y a m h ill inem btrs of the enjoyed bv members of the 400. and other acres where pigs, chick­ and American aid alone will save >f 10 per minute, JJIss Schoer aver- He paid uis fin a l m a rta l b ill Booze was one of the dainties A m erican Legion at Sheridan, Ad A n d passed along forever. ens, goats, calves and other ani- them, according to official advices Iges 00 per minute, and has, on tests, jutant-gennral George A. W hite of provided to accentuate the th rills mats may be cared for and housed limbed up to 72 without error. But Oregon, one of the founders of the of the occasion. Some of it was Native» quailed w ith fear aud la id she held no political "pull," and spe- by the clubs that the “ club man ” legion, declared th a t he had taken stored and Labbe was urrested. T u t had power, e’en when dead, lal clerkships wqre Jobs handed to from 0 . A C, w ill be organizing Deep Human Touch to b is last puff, tu rn ed oyer a new The case was throw n out of court 'he faithful. She stuck to the Job. To protect hie sacred bed - very soon. Then there are the leaf w ith the new year, and deter­ because the w arrant had been Malta i t safe forever. Four years ago came the merit ru i­ German ChHdren's Fund strawberry piiteh and the orchard, m ined n o t only to keep bis resolu­ sworn to on knowledge and belief ng semi-annual examination« to de­ in which they w ill be taught to H ow ard C arver took the spade, termine those eligible for special clerk- tio n but to attem pt to get the and not on positive knowledge The Altrua club of Oswego. work, and w ith s k ill, by the O. A (scoffed a t spells and, undism ayed, ve ry good for Air. Labba and me. shlp«., "When my winning day ar- legion as a national organization Or., had »15 In Its treasury and Hug where 'tw as declared T u t’» B u t the court ordered the evl- C. men who are co-operating with after hearing of the pitiful condi­ lved, ’ she says, ' i t was on merit to com m it its e lf to a campaign of done.” dence — the liq u o r — destroyed. us us fn this “ reai home on a real abade tion of millions of German chll e xterm in atio n. f a r m ’’ where homeless, unloved Outside the offlee she has mothered Guarded h im forever. dten, officially confirmed by D uring the war the tobacco W hy in thunder was th a t ? Other children w ill be prepared for use­ (wo younger slatefs, gone Into the American agent», voted unanl tru s t, under the disgnise of pat- courts in the country have been fu l and happy cltissuehip. Howerd got a stomach ache local Y. W. C. A. and learned team mously to give the money to the retu rning ille g a lly seized liq u o r to riotienct, waged a nation-w ide cam ­ And was forced a rest to take. Who w ill be the firs t to’ send in work by gaining members for the post fund being raised in Portland by paign, securing free advertising its owners, and when my ease either the entire amount or a por. the American committee for re­ ifflee clerks' organization. When a • oee I " they »aid, “ T u t’e shad» in nearly a ll the newspapers, for comes up I w ant those diamonds tion, w ith pledge for com pletion of lief of Oerman children new organization that seeks out suc- w ill m a le donations to buy cigaret« for the returned to Dick and me. A|ton Mell, a young man tem •essful women reached Hot Springs, It Hie hones »«f« forever.” paym ent o f $200 each fo r one or didn't require political pull to make A S q l in t v ie w . boys in the trenches. Much cash porarlly working in Pendleton, more acres? S in d to Farm Home read of the situation and sent Lucymay Schaor successively local Efteooua Howard cams again. was contributed. I t went into the office, 635 Stock Exchange b u ild ­ hta pass book on the United (Eugene Register) and state president of the business Quita relieved of tum m y pain, coffers of the tru st. The little ing, Portland, tuakiug checks pay- State» N stlo ial bank In Port snd professional women's club. She w hite slavers went to the soldiers Laughed a t jin x and dug a m a in M r. Labbe is the president o f able to C hildre n's Farm Home. land, with ao order to pay »50 still holds, so far as «he knows, the and m any of the la tte r became large steel company. He would H ith reus wed endeavor. from hta savings account toward post offlee record. “Of post offlee slaves to the weed and the trust. he shocked and ind ign an t if I. W the fund. He had but a few work,” she says. " I believe a good Wondrous things he now la id bwrw. One of them was the son of a W ., disregarding the law of prop- dollar» left. A n in itia te d school law, ual- woman worker can succeed better than Silver, gold and earthen ware, doctor in B row nsville. When he erty, should begin the practice of terned on Ihe Oregon corn pul ory The Meat-cutter»' union of a man. Her hands are quicker and Frícele«» fru ita of « k ill, too rare came home the pride of his mother sabotage in bis pla nt. Portland voted »»00 from It» her brain travels faster." And as for statute, is to 1 e voted on fn Wash­ 'lo lie b id forever. treasury. in hsr noble soldier was shocked by living In the smaller place she sug There was liq u o r in the Labbe ington Many ether slmHar Instances the discevery that he sinokvd. gesta, "One must prepare herself for Shrines of cedar, decked w ith gold, house, which indicates th a t the could be cited. special line to succeed.” She rem onstrated. He prom ­ ow neris loose iu hta idea of re­ o o Nasty Little W hite Slaver t MILL R U N ....................... $29 per ton * HSH MEAL, $4.65 pr. sack of 1001b. u OAT CHOP.......... $28 per ton and up o <'9 1 9 Ground and Whole CORN j 9 E d ito r Enterprise— Please pub- bah in yo u r paper a t as early a date as possible, and oblige A da W allac « U nhuh , Executive Sec. Farm Home. O. w . F R U M Tut-Ankh-A men : M ary S u cceed s $ on M ain S treet ♦ Dad’s and Mam’s Restaurant ised to quit. spect for be t'aw . He did not know th a t he w s i a I» is unfortunate that many who ■lave beyond redemption u n til he want s tric t enforcement of other Second st, opposite Halsey Garage tried to keep his promise. laws do not hesitate to break the Short orders at all hours up to 11 p. m H is m other saw him sm oking p ro hib itio n law. again and said : Y ou promised to q u it.” In v a lid a tio n o f the tax super " M other, I can’t,” said he. vision commission law is causing There are several times as many slkvea in this co u u try today as a great deal of trouble, but not these ever were negroes in the more ih s n getting rid o f i t 18 south. One lies on his deathbed w o rth .—Eugene Register. n o t tw o miles from the c ity h all. Twioe as m any cigarets are sold All work donefpromptly and reason­ now as when the tru s t performed ably. Phone No. 269 th a t feat of advertising aud sales­ m anship at the expeuss of the p a trio tic public. General W hite wa« w ith the boy« in France and he is w ith them here. He says: “ Under war conditions m illions of yeung men became cigaret ustre, encouraged by welfare or­ ganisations and conditions of “«rviee. I t is now tim e to dtmob-1 ilixe the eigaret, The cigaret is an w ill make the new In d e s ig n a n d fin is h th e Insidious weed and so easy to take th a t the h a b it is acquired a ll too year look brighter an j do away with th» ra re • » •ily . We should not pass th e worry of the two pairs of glasses war vice along to v o c n j America.*' O pticalfm anufactu rin g p lan t Square Meal, 50c F. M. G R A Y , draym an J UNIVERSAL J STOVES and RANGES KRYPTOKS on prem ises Or. Price end Diviue Healing Meade & Albro, The editor o f thsE aterprice is a I ronounced skeptic, a disbeliever Optometrist«, Manufacturing Optician« In the euparuatural end no cham ­ Albany, Oregon pion ef D r. Price, but he want» to ---------------------------------- ------------- — :?d d“d Robinson Floral