LSEY ENTERPRISE VOL. XII HALSEY, LINN COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, JAN. 1?, i« ’4 HALSEY HAPPENINGS AND COUNTY EVENTS further adventure. At Salem the;, got out of funds. Here they agree I at one restaurant to split wood for their breakfast and got supper at the S h o rt S to ries from S u n d ry other. They turned up all right in S ources the,morning and did the wood split­ ting. which gave them a good name somevvhçr MI», Dortoliy Ternau cam* home here. 1 A n d d that , x - y - y ° u exist? from Portland Thursday. A d that understand, Mrs. E. E. Marstcrs left Sat Notice the new railroad timetable r. Mrs J h° u6h J/Diay nev^r see your face, for a visit with her daughter, on the last column of page 4. Dwight Smith, at Klamath Falls, to l£ N o 7 rasP yfu by the hand, -’rent Into effect Sunday. Don't mbs Marsters, who brought her to the your train. | T hougfj you may never speak one word train, favored the Enterprise office ' The Halsey State bank reelected its with a call. In v o tin g thoughts we share, c-ficers and directors last week. Mrs. Blanche Sweet came dnwj. ' et I s h a lQ n o K w h e re ’cr I g0, Suspicion grows that D. F. Burge from Eugene Thursday to take her of Harrisburg was robbed and mur­ sister's place with her mother, Mrs our understanding rare 4M dered. instead of committing suicide. Forster, who continues to improve. The Albany creamery did 15 per Mrs. Eliza Brandon went to Plain- ' k" ° W' s° mch°"'. that you are touched ? cent more business in 1923 than in view last week Wednesday to thf 1922. funeral of her sister-in-law, Mis I hrough sense o f ear and eye, “V With a decree of divoarce from Ben­ Alice Brandon, whose death was men­ By plaintive, thrilling melody, jamin F. Comer granted to Cora tioned in our columns last week. Comer at Albany Thursday was an By gorgeous sunset sky; '' - J , Mr. Isom, the Union oil man, was order prohibiting Benjamin from ex- in town Friday. T h at oft your heart is filled with pain' huming the body of their dead daugh Glenn Hill of Harrisburg was h o e ter at Lacomb. Friday. I hat still is ecstasy, < , NO. 22 With the High School Classics With the High School Clastic* By MARGARET BOYD By MARGARKT BOYD (© by Margaret Boyd.) •The seeming truth which cunning time, put on To entrap the wisest.” —The Merchant of Venice. Util« evil j, done u t|)e «nt Ufh’ ,hnt,rU,h: dan* " I untruth that posses for truth. People S e nrOhirH,,llng’>' b,"1,‘' ,‘ " 11- Karlyro ! / ,?.r‘“n of ,a,e« “»KJ them.' “ki 1 ,rue? They continue to ask the some thing alt their lives. It Is not, however, always en«y to I«™ what 1, true. Some of X om » S . X ld ,rU'“ “ **’ ,he ,op « • HvJl '‘**P m°t,nt#In; others sold she uvetl at the bottom of a well No -o tter which dwelling piac. w.2 ascribed to her, all acknowledge that It was dlfflcun to catch a g|,In, J “ ' h X " he,"ier we cl,rab »« ‘nnb by hard mental labor or dig for truth wX'n' ,ht> wb«t I can make ouL"_8llaa Marm It to hard for ua to reall»« the d flcultle« that attended fencing a gardi or field before the days of wire fen in«; yet on« does not need to be vei old to remember when the first wove! »ire fences were put up. Before the days of wire fencing th common fencing material» were rail hoarda. pickets, stamps, atone an uadeea. The most popular fences for lncloi jng fields before the days of wlr fencing were rail fence«; while boar, fences or picket fences were common lntloa1“« «»rdeus or towns Building a rail feuce was a matte, of great skill and no little labor. Thi trees that were to be used for ralli *ere first cut into logs of the de.lreU J ? g h'.,8nd ,he l0” wer* ,hen *pll' Albany ha« adopted a billboard oi n Fred Jackson came up from Salem 1 hat, as by wine that's aged.and fit nto rail,. Oak and chestnut were thi dinence. A license fee of $26 a year Saturday, returning the same day. favorite woods for rails in the country Emerson said: "O„d ¿fferg t„ is charged those going into the bill He is a guard at the state prison. V ou re thrilled by sky and s i ? " where I grew up, but hickory and board business and the sire, etc., o’ m se I V m setWeen ,njth an,! «alnut and hard maple and the other npvt s "hkh you P“*»e. you can hardwood trees were also used. Well- Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stewart and billboards is regulated, with a bill­ pendulum 6 bOtl1' 'bese- «« • I know, somehow, that in a crowd board committee authorized to mauo granddaughters of Peoria were tran Pendulum, man oscillates ever He In built rail fences would last for a half sacting business in Halsey Saturday. modifications in particular cases. Zm n iX I°VT ° f ^ “«e-predominates century or more. Increasing In plctur- i ou oft are lone and drear, Mrs. L. C. Merriam was in Albani- * ' accept the first creed, the first esqueneas as they became weathered It is thought the war department •nd overgrown with most , nd Hcben. T hat few there be who know and see , Saturday. the flr,t pollUcal Party he will permit the Harrisburg bridge to , f#nce8 wera a Ovorlte haunt >»eets. most likely his father's He gets bo built without a draw. of the striped chipmunk and the llxard (Continued from page 5) L i f e , as you find it, here; -ZL, X h «»” reputation ; but fhe Io ’ r d°°r ,rU,h He 1,1 whom and the fence corner, of such fence, George Finley came up from P ort-1 ° ft you meet with those whose souls »ere usually grown up with blackber mils to » X i ,r “ th predomln»»es sub land and took Saturday morning's rlea, sassafras, sumac and the like. mils to the Inconvenience of suspense stage for Holley. Are en rapport quite true, Up through Michigan, Ontario and and Imperfect opinions." P other parts of the northern country Old man divorce lost ground with And oh, the sting when others sing' se e m X DtWC » X ah° Ut us thf <'nr” > one often sees slump fences-, the Dan Cupid during 1923 in Linn coun­ seems flat. Hdls and mountains seem weirdest possible objects especially la to rMt u^ „ „ Hg # oo out o f tune with you! T' ty according to a report from the dim twilight. The stumps are ukuatly >rr'i|k'-D~H. Mnd a Cfc. I— clerk s office. The highest mark for the CW’tnr,e8 ,he wisest men believed great things several feet In diameter PM h Z T r " "Ut Knd 80 taUffllt ,h,‘lr and are hauled out of the ground weddings in three years was establish­ P“P ' t s ‘e 8e,‘nilD« ’ruth of the with several feet of root fringing them ed, with a total of 234, 44 more than The Portland Telegram la m en t,1 •o rld s sha|»e « a , disproved less than in 1922. In 1922 divorce suits enter­ -hat industries might.go to California Pull Together or Bust n»e centuries „go. When the truth of the whole way around. They are an ranged on edge around the field, ordi­ ed numbered 64 and last year onlv and Washington on account of the I earth"P h Ph}'8l,‘"1 f«ct- "Uch as the narily with the bottom of the stump (C. E. Spence, Market Agent) 40 were filed. • n jmc tax, and urges its repeal at U I. X n“6, 7 ? 80 h“rd to co""> There Is little hope that conditions it is small wonder that the truth of facing the road and the top of thw the next election. It forgets that in­ Lester McKillip of Harrisbburg, who «romp facing the field and with the dustries do not pay income tax, but for grain and other farm products troth o7 n hU,n"n ae,l,’n8 an,, tl,e roots Interlocking in the air like the began as a cleik there and has obtain­ ! K to iX m "nd °PlnlOn' 18 8" dlf only the individual, but that California will he much better this year, for tentacles of great octopuses. ed a license from the 3tate board of has a corporation tax which really | there is nothing in sight to warrant a ro -k m f*n<’"8 " ra r(’n,n>"»l>' found In pharmacists, has opened a drug True, there rre somethinr tr o t? X 7?.nt f° look U?K’n blsfory as the hilly and mountainous »actions of axas these industries. The people change. store there. That burg had been ‘"«'»rv ns the eastern and southern states. They like twenty bills before Congress to ■'« m' m .CarlZ,e think for themselves these da.vs, and a distillation of rumor," and Nn left without such a store. they are not being frightened by trie aid the farmer.-, one or two of which poleoh defined It ns "a fahia agreed were built by farmers who knew of Harry Bressler has come home no other way to dispose of the stone» calamity howl of the city dailies.-_ niay pass, but the most of them pro- I "Pon While Voltaire, nrlilng upon ro!t ’i ’iL Pl<'kM from Lyons, where he has been sec­ '•'earing vide simply for easier means to bor- ' one phase of history, pointed out "So »heir fields, and grow wh'" Junction City Times. higher from tion foreman since the first of the io.v money. If all of them bées me j riXs ¿ h '.6" h ’ ”868 " r R a «° cl »'^ «' year to year as each plowing turns up month. 1 ,e apParent cause, so mere stones They , r. „ y , laws the farmer would not he pros-1 Prevents Raindrop Beads. H. E. Sveen and William Schaef­ perous because of them. The situa I many unknown springs tn«v be et osorgrown with grapevines and poison To prevent raindrops of water from X u X ”6 .P Rrw"tlon nt » »"»«’ that Ivy and Virginia rreepsr and briar» fer were guests of Marshal Recto »»ending on glass, wipe off the glass | tion is one where the farmers • must It Is Impossible, centuries afterward »nu*hern Idaho, Is the their ubiquity in the Eighteenth heart sick ” So true 1» this thi less condition. world ™ fl"’ MUnt,T ,f »«•* oentury. N ot only, were there the Thoreau, looking around at his at When farmers smart hard enough 343 fr . measurement I, then will come mass action for pro­ •tate lotteries w ith '“ potentiality of qualntance,. expressed ttie belief that to t h ? , ‘he fl"°r "f th” bridge 'The mans of men lead live» of auto And when by organization nche* beyond the dreams of av- desperation. What Is called resign, I® »he stream, and the length of the tection. ind co-operation they can control the &rX ’ b'Jt ’ bopkeepera o f every non Is confirmed desperation." •pan to IMS feet. Aside from Its e , because Bh the hrl,1eP ” n1 '»’erect greater treater part of their production, dc- 1 rank ran' their private venture, as Pstience has merits, hat no pleas ' "Kh "’»»rials had to be terminc tires There Is no doubt that what ermine a fair profit nrofit price nrir« on pro »n inducement to purchasers. hauled a great distance, the structure ever we greatly desire wU| come M Ihe Annual Register fo r a 1777 duvts and hold for that price they — — o ---- - »»• m wns completed In four B -n lh , ua if we hare the patience to wait foi will get it, the aano ss all other Sl>e»ks of jottcry magazine proprie- It long enough; hut It take, ,<» os combinations get their profits. tore. _ aa — tora, Inttcrv lottery ♦.,'i„— tailor», i lottery atay- gre«t phlloanphy to lead ua to , , , The co-operative poultry aa»ovi assoria 4M- | '»kers, lottery glover,, lottery hat- with Rurroughs- tion has gon^ over and is Ugned si ..... — ut , raakcra, lottery tea merchants, lot- ’ 8K«*eJe,<,Ja " y ha"a* »»« wait f y another five years' business. It te n snuff and tobacco merchants, i re t. SI* ,or wla4 "®e ,,a* n»r ••»: r For « lot i f ? my own r* »!"<• h d been nr fa irly .uccessfful opera- ( lottery handkerchief», lottery Aom, or fata «w tion fo r several years, with the ex- baker,, lottery barber. f - R . ° ‘ • s » ception of one disastrous season, but man for beimr sh»v d A k*-™ * ’Vt.I'fM.f'SL* " ' « " ‘ ' r to t h . sky; »he trouble was that it was not strong X may R ’ or years, m others o f boys and girls ^ a o i L n * ” “ - Rer '’ • ’•J»’ «•« h»»h. e n o u g h -it did not control enough of jn„ £ , 0 / f * ” d 1 c a a keep my own away fram m . nave looked to us fo r hosiery strongly ♦k. --------------- „ ., * ,n« £ I ° ) . lottery shoeblack», lo t­ Mo,t of us want what we wai the egg output. So the made; to stand the wear and tear o f the tery eating house» (one in Wych when a s want II When w , are p tract, provided that unless , f at has »trpet, Temple Bor, where i f you ’lent. It is because our only choice school playground. F o r as m any years 250,000 hens were signed up the con­ ca,l for 6 pennyworth of roast or between patience and Impatience. we have recom m ended. tracts were not binding. ” UCh * fh" p»’‘*"e» « hoi|pd beef yOU receive » note of Job but little of tn» angulah of thi hand with a number which, i f it patience—the ,agulah that led him t Church Announcement) Mersly a Stone. turn out fortunate, may entitle the curse the day of bi, birth, crying oe Church of C h ris t; Let the day perish wherein I s i o s H a h ! Upp? * d »*“" "f ’he Tertian cater of the beef to 6 guineas), lot­ Lon C hatnleo. m inister. Period found In Patagonia some tery oysttr stall» (by which the fo r­ born’; the angnlas expressed iB m «»hie school. 10. W. H . Robert l*i merely a curiously shaped »ton- speech, w hen I lie down, r »on, superintendent. O ur line, of children', hosiery include every style or "nd of no scientific value, acbordlic tunate may get 5 guinea» fo r 3 pen­ When shall I »rue. tad the Blfht b( M orning worship, 11 a committee of eminent scientist, nyworth of oysters), and, to com­ gone? and I am full of tossing, ti Lord's i “h , fe * V e f l k e ’ y , 0 W a a t ' Stocking, for «upper e fery L ord ’s day. •chool, dreM-up or knockabout wear, made with VnO8 A*re8 and Inph"’ plete thia curious catalogue, an old and fro onto tbs dawning of y ,, da y ' C hristian Endeavor, 6:30. has’ e , nf "a,Ural hl8,OrJ' W,lk'' woman who keep» a sausage stall in Gna of the great m ates of mlsander mr". h7 ? ,Oe* “ d k n e e *’ for bov, and has Carefully examined Evening serviee, 7:30, «landing between the old and Lb« 5l»y thS « e k 7 ° “r ’P*C‘l1 &h001 D ‘*- one of the little ,Ue>'8 alley» leading ' e U ‘ ” "»e o f , to The church w itho ut a bishop, in young la due to the fact that the old w s. vxclteu bccauae It w„, .uppos«' *«'ote up in chalk halk “ U t - can be serenely patient and the young the country w ith o u t a king. exlaunce’ , ",C* * ,r lery »»usage», or 5 s h illin g , to be cannot It w,a Helmet who told the I f you have no nhurch horns gained fo r a farthing rehsh.” — tsle of the fanner who refused te come and worship w ith us. p’anr an apple orchard becauee th, Manche,ter Guardian. M ethodist: ’rrea matured so slowly he might Bet Three Good Habits. Robert Parker,_ pastor. reap the benefits of his roll Th» There are three h ib.ta whlrh, but Sunday School’ 10. firmer s father refnaed for th» same Knergy. one condition be added, will give von Preaching. 11. Energy set free by the tyanamuta- reason; hat the old grvndfarh^ ^ c it ­ everything In the world worth hnving. . Interm ediate League, C;30. sad beyond which the Imagination of tion of hydrogen .tow s contalne.l In a ed ’he orchard tad lived to drlaa cider w, tM. w