r \Q i « H A L M Y K N T E k P M IM GLOBE SVNDAY- -M O N D A Y J ... 11-14 Pronounced by critic* ta ba ber beit production i ! « NORMA TALMADGE X : VOICE FROM : THE THE MINARET o ' brie S : : ! _ TH E with teams Saturday night after the game. W H A T DO AM ERICANS THINK ? Back te Nermelcy : alba . uy JAM 16 I ’m rhe following former inmates of the state insane asylum, all eommu 'ed from Linn county and all having ‘«doped” have been reported to the -ounty clerk as fully dischargui' Herman Anderson, committed March 4, 1609; Henry J. Burkhart, commit­ ted May 25, 1910; Elmer Beard, com­ mitted January 30, 1965; Charles Barang, committed January 28, 1921. James Crook, committed July 23 1918; Charles G. Fields, committed December 11, 1908; Adam Hints, committed December 30, 1910; Fred Hardman, committed January 24. 1914; Hugh Ingram, committed March 7, 1921, and Neal Rogga, com­ mitted March 8, 1923. W rit« to the Peace Award Committee and Let the The high school will send four or five delegates to the convention at Eugene January 11 and 12. W ith the H ig h School Classics H A L S E Y R A IL R O A D T IM E North South No. 18, 11:37 a. m. No. 17. 12:15 p. m. By M A R G A R ET BOYD Verdict Be Known ( £ b;- M arr»rct Boyd.) The American Peace Award brought forth 22,165 plans and many thousands of letters. Since many of the plans were the composite work of organizations, universities, etc., a single lan often represented the views of hundreds or thousands of idividuals. The content of these plans Is therefore an index of the true feeling and judgment of hundreds of thousands of American citizens. £ “. . . she had ravaged Soho and tbs adjaoent provinces, in search of impoveriahed French, who, tempted by »hilling* and half-crown», would Impart culinary mysteries to her.” —A Tale of Two Cities. 24. 4:28 p m. 23, 4.28 p. m. 22, 4:30 a. m. 21, 11:32 p. in. Nos, 21 and 22 stop only if flagged. SUNDAY M AIL HOURS For many centuries France led the The delivery window of the civilized world In tbe matter of cook­ Watch for dates oo The*« plaaa coma from ovary group Tba only possible pathway to lnter- ing and eating. Tbe French believed -H a ls e y postoffice is o|>en Sundays la American Ufa. Soma are obviously national agreement with reference to with their compatriot Savarin that 'fro m 10:50 to 11 a. m. and 12:15 from lifelong students el history and these complicated and difficult fac- "The destiny of nations depends upon to 12:30 p. m.J ig h t in g lade lntematlonsl law. Soma era from par- tors la through mutual counsel and the manner In which they feed them- Sunday m ail goes out only on featuring son* who have studied little, hat who cooperation which the plan selected selves," and they bestowed upon the lie north-bound 11:37 tra in : have thamselvae seen and felt the conlem plate«. . It la therefore ' k - .. - ------------- the subject of eating the attention that Mail goes south once a day, closing at horror ot war—or who are even now unanimous opinion of the Jury that destiny-determining matter deserves. 11:05 a. m. ; north twice, closing 11:25 A tto rie y geaeral Van W inkle living out it* tragedy. of the 23.1(5 plana submitted. Plan While their neighboring nations a. m. and 5:30 p. in. M ail stage lor a l l Assessor Giddings advise mu­ But among them all are these dom- Number 144» Is "the best practicable were leaving the matter of cooking to Brownsville, Crawfordsville and Sweet Halny Happening!, tic. nicipalities to submit their bud- laaat currents: that. If war 1* hoa- plan by which the United State* may meniitls, Frenchmen were regarding Home leaves daily at 6:45 a. m. gets to the voters before Feb. 20, netly to he prevented, there must be co-operate with other nations to it as one of the fine arts. No one (Continued on page 3) a face-ebout on the part of the nations achieve and preserve the peace of the thought it at all Incongruous when the the tas supervision law having Paid-for Paragraphs world.” M i*. De E tta Robnett of Eugene been declared void, tiro w n avilk In their attitude toward It; that by chef of Louis X V I declared that It la th* unanimous hep* of the Jury some progressive agreement the man­ came down Sunday with the Chamlees ia advertising her« this weak, "Prominence In cookery never occurs (5c a lin e ) ________ of ______muni- ufacture and _ purchase the munl- that the flrat fru it ef th * mutual eoun- and spent the day with her friends In under thirty years of age, and nothing tioaa ef war n u it be limited or atop «"d cooperation among the nation* Halsey. but consummate experience can ele­ Miss Oliva Adams end E rm a H a rry Park, Brownsville, liga ped; that while no political mechan- whleh will result from the adoption of vate one to the rank of chief profes­ 35 ewes for sale. G. Pugb of Cbedd were married lam alone w ill Insure cooperation the plan selected will be a general Mrs. H . L. Thomas returned to sor. in connection with diligent and Toe-day, among the nation*, there must b* prohibition of the th . manufacture and her home in Eugene Wednesday, studious application one must also •ama machinery of cooperation if the *ale ef all materials of war. after a visit with her brother, Cur- A law to license cats, as dogs are Old papers for sale at oc a bundle possess no small share of Intellect w. ' l l 4m » - V . www www wv n r - s / v m « 1 1 to cooperate Is to be made effec­ E L IH U ROOT. Chairman tie Veatub. licensed, la sought by Spokane bird t the Enterprise office. Within recent years, the rest of the tive; that mutual counsel among the JAMES G U TH R IE HARBORD civilised world has begun to rival D . I. Isom went to Portlaud for; lovers. nations la the real hope for bringing EDW ARD M. HOUSE France In Its interest in food and food about th* disavowal of war by the E L L E N F IT Z PENDLETON throat treatm ent yesterday. H e ' New Chapters in Old Bible The Eugene Register says It pub values. Our interest has been growing ROSCOE POUND wsa accompanied by bis daughter, lishes the Portland weather fore usl | open avowal of It* real censes and steadily ever since the Japanese sol Perhaps the largest Christina» open discussion of them; and Anally W IL L IA M A LLEN W H IT E Mrs. C. E Mercer, dlers performed such feats during the eard ever made was completed in that there must be some means of the same as it does other jokes. BRAND W H ITLO C K Russo-Japanese war on their fish and in Am erican orphanage in tbe Word come« from A rth u r Foote defining, recording. Interpreting and rice diet The statement that a third Russian Caucasus when, on C hriet- developing the law of nations. thst the fam ily has reached Litcb- Th* Queatlon to Be Voted Upon TH E W AITER'S T IP li«'d, Ohio, and found it very cold The substantial provisions which of our school children were undernour :nas day, 22,000 children com­ Statem ent o f J u ry o f A w a r d Ished proved a decided Impetus to the and was already homesick lor pleted tbe signing of a card ad­ constitute the plan selected by the They had spent some happy week* study of culinary mysteries. The Jury of Award realise* that Oregon. dressed to tbe whole American in California. The sunshine was The effect on the French people of there I* no one approach to world Jury of Award, and upon which the Curtis \ catch has been visiting brilliant and the hotel fare was peace, and that It la necessary to rec­ vote of the American people la asked, their study of culinary mysteries Is natiort in gratitude fo r the care ognise aot merely political but also are hereby submitted by the Policy delightfully set forth by Max O Rell. which has meaut life to them The in Cottage Grove the past week. good. On th* last day the waiter psychological and economic factor*. Committee as follow*: who, writing a decade or so before the 3«rd is now in the m ails, and on ' Tue b. azel social of the EGbekah had their table decorated with flow­ late war, stated: "The French are es­ its arrival in America w ill be da- lodge, to raise funds to buy silver, er*. sentially a happy people. Their cheer­ livered to President Coolidge. I. ENTER TH E PERMANENT COURT were, w ill be on Washington's “A pretty touch of aentiinent,* fulness, which strikes the foreigner In Bethlehem, where C hristine* That the United States adhere te the Permanent Court of Interna­ birthday. the moment he sets foot on French day rrigineted with the birth of oommented ma. tional Justice for the reasons and under the conditions stated by Secre­ «oil, Is due to a sound stomach. Dys­ Christ the day was celebrated in "More likely good buaineea,” d* After school Monday svdtiing tary Hughes and President Harding In February, 1ÍIJ. pepsia is not known In France. From the Standard bearer girls and dared pa. si) American orphanage where II. COOPERATE W IT H TH E LEAGUE OP NATIONS, W IT H O U T 1 the rich banker's mansion In the th e ir president. Miss L e itn e r, met there arc nearly a hundred c h il- "Huh?" asked m * in surprise. I Champs Elysees to the simple mechan PULL MEMBERSHIP AT PRESENT dren. ■t the homo of Mrs. I). T «ylo r "Have you noticed what the*« Ic’s garret at Belleville, business cares That without becoming a member of the Reague of Nation* *■ at fh e lesson was presented by Mier flower* are?" asked the obeervaat Nazareth, tbe home of Jeans for nre never allowed to Interfere with the present constituted, the United State» Government should extend Ha Anianda M itiu e r and plans lor t most of hi* life, wan the scene o f pleasures of the table." present cooperation with the League and propose participation In the P»- program were discussed More than a As to the economic side of good eat another celebration. work of its Assembly and Council under tha following conditions sod “No. What are they reservations: ing. the brilliant journalist writes: hundred boy* are being trained aa K arl BraiawalP« rlgbLfaand is in I orget-me-not*."— Boston Traa- '"The pleasures of the table are with carp-nt«rs in a shop across the Safeguarding ef Monroe Doctrina a ilin g Blood poi nm ngfoil w d a acripL In the reach of all classes In France. street from the shop of Joseph and L The United States accepts the League of Nation* as an Instrument Thp working people «re better ofT In Jesus. of mutual counsel, but It will assume no obligation to Interfere England than In France, but they arc From Athena, where Paul once wtth political questions of policy or Intrrnal administration of any I ! not so well fed or so happy. What foreign state. preached, another Jew, H enry the English working classes throw­ Alorgentbau, asked America to pro­ In uniting It* efforts with those of other States for the preaer- away In bones, scraps and vegetables, vaUon of peace and the promotion of the common welfare, the vide, not Christmas goodie*, but would suffice to nourish a poor French United State» Instala upon the safeguarding of the Monroe Doc­ family. I assure you that with a homes in an orphanuge for 5000 trine and does not abandon Its traditional attitude concerning B R O W N S V IL L E $ H A R R IS B U R G vegetable soup, a stew, some cheese children. American Independence of the Old World and does not consent to A t Beirout, Syria, was a dificr- or fruit, and good bread, these people submit It» long established policy concerning questions regarded dine remarkably well at two or three ent Christmas celebration. Word by It as purely American to the recommendation or decision of pence a head." had just come th at hundreds of other Powers. From thia it seems evident that Christian children, left homeless la •' The No Military er Economic Force • Miss Prog» was bat exercising good when their parents were exiled The.t the only kind of compulsion which nations can freely engage business Judgment when she ex­ from Asia M ino r, were wandering to apply to each other In the name of Peace ba that which «rises changed shillings »nd half-crowns for in the storms of central T u rk e y . from conference, from moral judgment, front fu ll publicity, and French culinary secrets A relief expedition from Aleppo from the power of public opinion. gathered up two hundred, nil for The United States would «»sume no obliga tlons under Article X la Its present form, or under Article X V I In f t * present form In the whom there was room in tha or- sliver e jab and there wee much School Notes Covenant, or In Its amended form as now proposed, unless In any phanages of S yria aud Palestine. swelling and pain, but it it im ­ Haligy Chur eh of Christ particular case Congress has authorised sucio action. “ Dispatches from the near east Halsey began the basketball le s ­ proving. The new addition to the old building The United States proposes thst Articles X and X V I be either sound like new chapters from the son with two victories. was dedicated last Sunday with prop­ dropped altogether or so amended and ehiinged as to eliminate “ Live* there the man with ton) old B ib le,” »ay* J. J. H a n d - In the boys’ basketball game Friday any suggestion of a general agreement to use coercion for obtain A t the morning wor­ *o d e a d ” ha doe* not th rill on er ceremonies. saker, 913 Stock Exchange b uild ­ lag conformity to the pledges of the Coveng n t ship, the pastor spoke on "Monumen­ reading telegram* from Balhlehaii- evening with Shedd, the Halsey team ing, Portland, state director. " W e Ne Obligation* Under Veraalltaai Treaty and Nazareth, from whioh placet tal Institutions’’ and at the conclusion was victorious. 7 he scote was 10 to can respond to these appeals only b* wa* wont to hear only th rou gh of hi* remarks the congregation join­ That the United States will accept no resjnnslbilltle« under th« 15. This is the first game of the as fund* and warm clothing con­ an old, old hook. See uuder cap ed the dedicatory response aervic* Treaty of Versailles unless In asy pari.Icuiar case Congress has tinue te reach us,” season for Halsey. We say, “Hurrah authorised such action. lion “ New chapters from old This was followed by the dedicatory Bible " on this page. for Halsey Hl!" prayer by the pastor. Two very League Open to All Viatlena \ M. E, Chursh Score: Mis* Goldie W elle, daughter of beautiful vocal duet« were rendered The United States Government propog -a that Article I of the Cove­ by Misses Rena and M arjorie W alker Rev. Robert Parker has been railed Cross 2 J Mr. and M r* W . L . W elle, i* on Elder nant be construed and applied, or. If necessary, redrafted, so that to his home in Kansas by The serious Corbin 5 I admission to the League shill be at »sured to any self-governing th * wey back t«> her missionary and by Mis* Donn* Robertson and Mr. I . amar When th* morning illness of his father. State that wishes to Join and that r ecelvei the favorable vote of Van Nice 2 ( work in A frica, after a year's va Albert Isom. Nolan two third« of the Awembly. service was over all adjourned to the There will be regular services at M ille r 2 C cation, Satchwell | social rooms in the basement where Robnett C M a x w e ll 2 the Methodist church during the ab­ Development ef lu'.errwdlonal Lew ' HEARD, not BEEN an excellent dinner wa« served to the Koontz sence of the pastor. Ae a condition of It* participad „„ In .the work and counsels of the Urge number present. Mr» George The visitor* did the better and . f * * 1 1 *' #' * ’* t h ,t 0,4 A*»«mhly and Council con- Rev. »1. T . Nolan of Sliedd w ill eoa- The young mother had juat read I aylor was chairman of the commit­ eent—-or obtain authority— tr, begin collaboration for the revision smoother team -work. duct tne services Sunday evening. in a newspaper thst every one ii tee for the fellowship dinner, and had snd development of Intern» tionei h t» \ employing for this purpose The W. F. M. S. of the local M. The Halsey girls were victorious the eld of a commission of jurists This Comralsalon would be eurmnnded by a haJo, the color of fine corps of assuUnt« and help­ E. church will meet next Friday a f­ directed to formúlete a n * * existing rú e s of the Uw of nations, to over Brownsville in a snappy contest) which is determined by the temper­ ers. ternoon at the home of Mrs. Robert reconcile divergent oplv Ion», to eon rider point* hitherto Inade­ Saturday night. T h * score was 9 I. Parker. ament of the person. When her le tte rs were read from President quately provided for bu» vital to the i istntenance of International husband came home the tackled E. C. Sanderson of the Eugene Bible to 23. There was a fa ir turnont Justice, and Is g»ner^. to ddlne the »octal rights and duties of him on the subject A fter settling University, who preached at this of townspeople, considering the State* The recomne-nda ‘Ions of the »Commission would be pre­ sented from time to time. In pcopet fe> an for eonelderatlon to tbe weather, and tbe students are sin­ the oolor of all her neighbor«’ halos church 28 years ago; Lester Jones, Assembly as to a recomm »ndlng If not a law making body. cerely thankful for it, but thev to her entire satisfaction, she re­ former pastor, who Is now at Astoria: hope to have a larger crowd F r i­ Prof. H. E. Knott, pastor of the H a r­ marked : Laundrv tent Taexlayt Author’s Name Net to Bo Revealed day, Feb. 1, when Halsey plavs W IL L U M H. JOHNSTON "And what about haby, Alfred? risburg congregation and H. L. Wood, Until After Referendum Xgency Hub Cleaning Work» Monroe here. from the Brownsville church. ÏS T H E 1 ’ . EVERBTT LAPB What color is he, do you think? la order that the rote may be taken A t a meeting of the church b >ard Member In Charge A reception was given the two Fink, T imagine, hemus* ha's th* aolely upon the merits of the plaa. A B E 'S P L A C E in the afternoon, George Taylor was the Polley Committee, with the ae- .■NATHAN L. M ILLER pink of perfection." elected chairman; Mr». Edith Robnett quleacenc* of Mr. Bok. hat decided MRS GIFFORD PINCHOT "Wall, my dear," replied her hus­ aot to dlecloe* the authorship of the treasurer and Irw in Gardner clerk , MRS. OGDCN REID band. caustically, “he may be pink (Isa until after th* referendum. The These took offices immediately. MRS F R A N K L IN D. ROOSEVELT whan I ’m away, but whan I ’m home Identity la unknown to the members Next Sunday the every-member ef the Jury of Award end th* Policy H EN RY L. STIMSON he's the most startling taller I’* canvass will he taken at eleven Ceasmlttee. except on* delegated M E L V IL L E E STONE for a box of Clark’s candy. Get bar a o’clock, when the chorch will try to as ember MRS. FRANK A. VAN D ER LIP box today of those dainty, luscious reach the goal set by the board in the JOHN W. DA V I8 chocolates and richly blended bon bout. CORNELIUS N. BLISS. JR. session last Munday, LBAMNED HAND Every morsel is purity personified, yet Treasurer tbe flavors are unnntcliabl» delicintu. K>R SALE Put no in attractive box-s to suit yonr Do you approve the winnir ,g pl*„ Full-bred Yea □ wish«». Get some today and you'll wish fubxtanetf •• t tn at« grays» No □ you had done it sooner. G U E R N S E Y BULL CAL F B r RIALTO THEATER S aturday Pola Negri Priscilla Dean / Spanish Dancer” “ Drifting ” A Modern Barber Shop She’ll be Thankful to You •R ILL'S ONEY w astri fee G. M trrosa. r Phons 2b4 AND TAR • for Cough.« and Colti« Addresa ................. .. City Are you a voter'........ J ** > Irat Chus Work . ' » K Agent toe Rag»«» Stenin Lanndtv $•«1 Tattdayt j * STtPHrNSON Clark’s Confectionery »ai» »rl nt I Halaer : Barber shop w Baths » •* . j RINGO Drug Stori : s s * » * » . Name ............................... w State III <• T H E AM FR1 CAN PEACE AW ARD »«» m ad iso n Í «V b n u b . n » w v o s k c it y M.«.. r u n h « • - m - g ru^ - •• ’ * < m »R • ie««« Bri« esrJlBHy «(»»»pat« « Bt. ’’BtB BNB » ••• •• •» •••« ••« ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••I A n y G irl in Tro u ble I t Z may eofamnaicate with En.ign Lee of the Salvation Army at the White Shield Hom*. 565 Mayfair avenue, Portland, Oregon.