» PAGE 3 HALSRY ENTLKPKISR JA N 10. 1*24 t HALSEY ENTERPBISE i I.ast week we mentioned gome of the waya in which automobiles pay for the ro3ds they use. Here is one ■ r H«. II. WMKKLKIl little item we omitted. The United) government has collected **b a < .r.pilons, »1.60 a year la advance States 1589,013,021 in taxes on automobiles, A d v e rtis in g , 20c an in c h , no diaooun •or lim e o r apace : no charge lo r com tires and accessories while it has paid uoailion or changea. 2d4,7-i2,2'iy c.i federal aid highways, " P a id -fo r P arag rap h e,’* 6c a line. ■»• a d v e rtis in g disguised aa news. fhus the autos paid Uncle more than wica what he spent on those roads. Office honra. 9 to 13 anil 2 to 6 cxccp Boil it down and you will probably Mondava and Friday lorencuna. 'ind th tt, instead of using the roads without cost, the autos are more than CRIME’S GOAL laying for the roads they uae. A»» lagee-aSm l—.Wirr aeevraJ—«ew» »•S-r. publlahed ever? m urad«/ Form the Habit of buying Round Trip Tickets "Paw says he’ll be on hand prompt," sata Raymond. "But he bad to be p’swuded right much. Paw’s proud— and he can't read." 534848235353532353232353532323532323 “Sometimes I think the more people read the less sense they've got." said l Newton. “I wish I could tie dad u p ! I wish I could get snakebit, and make him go for the doctor!" BROWN I MOUSE The boys crossed the ridge te the ’ wooded valley In which nestled the Simms cabin. They found Mrs. Simms N o w ’s greatly exercised In her mind because young McGeehee had been found play­ ing with some blue vitriol used by the time Raymond In his school work on the 3 T r ip s f o r t h e p ric e o f 2 treatment of seed potatoes for scab. “His hands was nil blue with It," to visit said she. “Do you reckon, Mr. Neve- In rd d itio n to saving you money, the ton, lh a t it'll plzen him?" tra in can be depended on to fu rn ish you C alifornia “Self pity is the most despicable o< | By HERBERT QUICK —--- "Did he swallow any of It?" asked w ith Two Johnsons' Hiram and Magnus, Newton. | emotion» ” says Dr. Esther I’ohl Love L .J iiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin iiiii Joy. “N ah !” said McGeehee scornfully. >re firing verbal broadsides against (Ospyrtght br The Bobba-Merrill Company) S a f e a n d C o m fo rta b le Newton reassured Mrs. Simms, and Low On the gallows a t Salem last Fri >se Cclvin Coolidge, who appears like went away pensive. Jim Irwin's meth­ to be the republican candidate foi day George Parker did not deny m ur­ ods had already accomplished much In j (C o n tin u e d , service, irrespective o f ra in , snow, ice W inter preparing Newton and Raymond for i dering Sheriff Dunlap, yet he com ■he presidency the coming fall. C H A P T E R X IV and o ther u n fa vo ra b le weather con­ citizenship. He had shown them the j plained that he did not have a d itions. -• • •- ■■ ■ - fact that voting really has some re­ a Minor Casts Half a Vote- Excursions trial signifying, not th a t he was r.nt ' A1 Smith scys he would rath er be March came In like neither a Hon lation to life. At present, however, nor a lamb, but was scarcely a week the new wine In the old bottles was R id e t h e T r a in guilty and did not deserve the nc.’iah I » business man in New York than Daily old before the wild ducks had begun to causing Newton to forget his filial ty, but th a t he believed there were governor in Albany. Is Albany so score the sky above Bronson's slew duty, and his respect for his father. Local Agent will gladly give you any He wished he could lock hits up In looking for open water and badly loopholes and quirks in the 1 much dryer than New York? information vou may wi»h regarding harvested cornfields. Wild geese, too, the barn so he couldn’t go to the '■■hereby ho might hnvc defeated th ——- ♦ ♦ -------- fares and train schedules. bonked from on high as If In wonder school election. He wished he could abject of that law. th at these great prairies on which their become ill—or poisoned with blue Mr. Tooze seems to believe that he forefathers had been wont fearlessly vitriol or something—so his father No sane person who read the ev> the republican party in Oregon. JOHN M. SCOTT to alight hod been changed Into a dis would be obliged to go for a doctor. t!:nce in the case doubts th a t Parkct Maybe he is. A«»t Passenger T n a ffc Manager gustlng expanse of farms. Colonel He wished—well, why couldn't he get Portland. Oregon deliberately took a human life in th< Woodruff's hired man. Pete, stopped sick? Newton mended his pace, and Newton Bronson and Raymond Simms looked happier. hope that he mght thereby escape t : "I’ll fix him!” said he to himself. as they trnmped across the colonel's T h e y ’r e AH B o b b e d A lik e l>’ alty due him for stealing un auto “What time’s the election, Ez?" pasture, gun In hand, trying to make mobile. themselves believe that the shooting asked Mrs. Bronson at breakfast. “I'm goln' at four o'clock,” said (B y G K. W a lk e r) was good. Porker complained that he was tin Ezra. "And I don’t want to hear any “This ain’t no country to hunt In, Yes, we have no old la d ie s ." lucky, from the time he hail been dig said he. “Did either of you fellows more from any one"—looking at New­ SITUATION IS PITIABLE T h a t w h s w ritte n long ago. ton—“about the election. It’s none of ever have any real duck-shooting?" owned by his parents. He died a A n d i t ’s h a rd to find th« babie “The mountings," said Raymond the business of the women an’ boys." Oregon M ethodist Bishop A p p ta li fo r Second st., opposite Halsey Garage he lived, pitying himself. O r p h rases so an d so Newton took this reproof In an un­ “air poor places for ducks." A id fo r S ta rv in g G erm an C h ild re n . Short orders at all hours up to 11 p. til. expectedly submissive spirit. In fact, “Not big enough water," suggested The world is open before every It’s tru e i t ’s h ard to find th»m ; Bishop W. O. Shepard of Oregon, Yes, th e y ’re really h ard to find with headquarters In Portland, Is a Pete. “Some wood-ducks, I suppose?” he exhibited his very best side to the young man In America. He may II you o n ly get b ehnd them “Along the creeks and rivers, yes. family that morning, like one going on keen sympathiser with and supporter obey the laws, earn an honest living sell." said Raymond, “but nothing to a long Journey, or about to be married And view them from b ehind, of the efforts now In progress through­ off, or engaged In some deep dark depend on." and be a success, or he may whine I New out the state and nation to collect a plot. before my sto ry ’s ended, "I've never been nowhere," said fund of money for the relief of starv­ because he was not bom to the F or I wish not to deceive, Newton, “except once to Minnesota— "I s’pose you’re off trampin' the ing German children, of whom there purple and muy slink alohg the road Aon we have the old w h o 're s p ltD and—and that wasn't In the shooting slews at the sight of a flock of duckn are several millions. Bishop Shepard season." d id , four miles off as usual?” stated Mr. It a member of the Oregon committee that leads to the gallows Bronson challenglngly. A year ago Newton would have A n d we wish not th em to grieve, which Is endeavoring to raise >100,001) boasted of having "bummed” his way ’I thought,” said Newton, “that Td And ” «•« m ay Luve th in g s aud In this state and la giving It hla per­ All work done|promptly and reason­ YOU MAY SAVE THE WOULD. sonal attention. to Faribault. His hesitant speech was get a lot of raisin bait ready for the o th e rs ," ably. Phone No. 269 a proof of the embarrassment lus new pocket-gophers in the lower meadow. "I can readily appreciate the situa­ . As w e've often h eard it sung, respectability sometimes Inflicted upon They’ll be throwing up their mounds Suppose you cut out the coupon at p u t we liave o u r d e a r old m others, tion In Germany," said Bishop Shop- j him. aril. "With others, I made quite a by the first of April." the bottom of columns J «ml 4, fourtl A n d »< love them , every o u t. A m o r A . T u s s in g study of conditions In Europe, tnclud "I used to shoot ducks for the mar­ 'Not them," said Mr. Bronson, some­ page. Suppose you fill It out and ket at Spirit Lake,” said Pete. “I know what mollified, “not before May. When yon seek a day o f pleasure lng Germany, in 1920. It was then 1 LAWYERjAND NOTARY apparent that Just such a situation as Fred Gilbert Just as well ns I know Where’d you get the raisin idee?" mail it to the address therein. Sup­ A n d y o u r head is in a w h irl now exists would develop. That mil- ! you. But that's all over, now. You’ve W e learned it in school," answered pose, of all who vote on that peace A nd von have a dsv of leisure H alsey , O kkoon lions In Germany and elsewhere would got to go so fur now to get decent Newton. “Jim had me study a bulletin A nd expect to meet y o u r girl. enter the wlntor without sufficient | plan, there is a majority of one in its shooting where the farmers won’t drive on the control and eradication of Oh, yo u r h eart is lig h t sud m arry, fcod was news that did not surprise you off, that It costs nine dollars to pocket-gopheta. You use raisins with favor, then that one vote might be mo at all. it Is a pitiable situation, B u t we fin d it hard ro find send a postcard home.” strychnine In ’em—and It tells how.” yours. Suppose, by reason of that ITm i p re tty lit tle fa iry one which deserves deep sympathy “I think we'll have fine shooting on Some fool notion, I s'pose," said W hy sull Her from am! response from those who are able mnjority, that plan is forwarded un the slew in a few days," said Newton. Mr. Bronson, rising. "But go ahead W hen we view her fro m behind. !» headache? to help, for It should never be that “Humph I” scoffed Pete. “I give you If you're careful about handlin' the ill. in the long-druwn-out process of I Wo can see a d a in ty slipper little ones who have had no possible Have our eyes my word, If I hadn’t promised the strychnine.’’ connection with what has happened A n il an ankle tr im and neat. time, it becomes the busis on which colonel I’d stay with him another year, examined Newton spent the time from twelve- over thore should suffer thus. They And it 's where we were to meet I'd take a side-door Pullman for the thirty to half after two In watching the nations of the world combine to a rt paying a terrible penalty for some­ her, Sand Hills of Nebraska or the Devil’s the clock; and twenty minutes to S. T . F R E N C H outlaw war. In such an event you’ld thing they knew nothing of. It all Io the p a rk 's brat rustic seat lake country tomorrow—If I had three found him In the woodshed, pen­ goes to ilic w how te rrible Is war." Optometrist, with have performed un net of more bene \\ e almost, fa in t and «m other— gun." knife In hand, a small vial of strych­ Io o u r ilis iu a v we fin d "If It wasn't for a pasel of things nine crystal before him. a saucer of fit to the world than the life of th F . M. F r e n c h & S o n s thnt keep me hyeli," said Raymond, raisins at his right hand, and another All interested in the Linn county 1 bat »be a aa old aa m other, greatest mar. In history! JE W E L E R S — O PTICIA N S "I'd like to go, too.” B lit we viewed her from behind, budget are invited to meet at the exactly like It, partially filled with "The colonel," said Pete, “needs me. gopher halt—raisins Into which a min­ Out of such small beginnings come A lb a n y, Oregon county courtroom Saturday, Jan. 26, (’so th a t bo she, o'er vonder, He needs me In the election tomorrow. ute crystal of strychnine had been In­ the greatest things in the universe. to disucss it with the levying board. Over on the other side, What's the m atter of your ol’ man. serted on the point of the knife. Newt? What for does he vote for that Who knows wh.it minute ati.mlc A rr« ,e i| in „Il b |.f aplendor, At three-thirty Newton went Into Bonner, and throw down an old neigh­ the house and lay down on the horse­ W it li tier fa th e r by her s id e t motion began the cycle that even bor?” t\ h h aaten o 'e r to meet her, hair sofa, saying to his mother that he unity tent the suu whirling throng! “I can't do anything with him I” ex­ felt kind o’ ifunny and thought he’d lie Bi*t when clove enough we find claimed Newton Irritably. "He’s nil T h " t we do (mi hare to greet her, down a while. At three-forty he the ages? tangled up with Peterson and Bonner. heard his father’s voice in the kitchen F u r we viewed her fro m behind "Well," said Pete. “If he'd Just stay and knew that his sire was preparing There was onco a little lake or pons F isk and Gstes tires and tube,. Com, lete line of automobile accessories At once we apv an o th e r nt home it would help some. If he to start for the scene of battle. In the mountains In Orleans count y .... . Kor' 1 P*rt* W illard battery service W ith h e r h a ir bobbed off so votes for Bonner, It'll be Just about A groan Issued from Newton's lip»— When ta m e d « V th iag for the eutomobil, give u , . call, our \ t., south of Memphremagog lake. a stand-off." neat ; prues are right *. og service is p ro m p t gruesome groan. But his father’s , "He never misses a vote!” said voice from the kitchen door betrayed Little stream s and springs flowed in In her lis t a sp len d id fea th er — Trouble call! and wreck jo re given prompt attention. Newton despairingly. M y I D o n 't she look ju « i sweet? no agitation. He was scolding the ta it and It in turn overflowed on i'a f an t you cripple him some way?” horses as they stood tied to the hitch­ Ih a t su re ly m ust he H siiv, tn utharn border, forming a stream asked Pete jocularly. ’’Darned funny A n d we haaten tip, to find ing post, In tones that showed no when a boy o’ your age can’t control Which passed into the Pessumt>sir f l i it a tie ’ a not young nor p re tty , knowledge of his sons distressed Telephone 16*5 his father's vote! So long!" fO O T E BROS. Prop*. moans. A * we v ie w e d h e r fr o m b e h in d . river, which in turn empties inte the "I wish I could vote!” grumbled “W hat’s the matter?" Connecticut and finally from the Newton. ”1 wish I could! We know It was Newton’s little sister who W ANTED a lot more about the school, and Jim asked the question. Even though re­ stato with the la tte r name into th - Spritzern Irwin bein’ n good teacher than dad garded as a pure m atter of make- Atlantic ocean. r does—and we can't vote Why can’t f rtJ i believe, such sounds were terrible. folks vote when they are interested in Some settlers north of the la. "Oh, sister, sister!" howled Newton, trae) « « • Guernsey« preferred. sn election, and know about the Is­ notin': that the barrier on their «Ms run and tell 'em that brother's dy­ K. I t M c K i k . s k v , sues. It's tyranny that you and I ing !’• , ll* ' * r N in th »I . Alim a », Ore can’t vote." <•' it wat low. sud wanting water, cut Phone 591 Y: Fanny disappeared In a manner "I reckon," said Raymond, the con­ which expressed her balanced feeling» a ditch through th at barrier and servative. “that the old-time people she felt that her brother was mak­ stalled a little stream from the po.id that fixed It thutuwny kuowed best.” ing believe, but for all that, something running their wav. The soil on thia "R a ts!’’ sneered Newton, the icono­ awful was the matter. So she went i Cor P ower»' |»„t »n,! bedding Plant* clast. "Why, Callsta knows more rather slowly to the kitchen door, and . side was soft and sandy, whereat thr.i ¡ • Ir ti els«« Funeral w o rk Prices reason 11'l.v 18 worth just ns much in storage a» about the election of school director casually remarked that Newton wag ' »ble. G ive II» a tria l. rtoum l the southern outlet was roekv than dad knows." W rite f *r )i»t o f perennial« Gres» dying on the sofa In the sitting room 4 Th> In one r.ight the banks and bottom of h *, 40 I ,1 4 *;1, ,, P O R T L A N D “That don't seem reasonable," pro­ llt,lp fmuil I" said her father.» |Ameriean I‘,;iJ.> I*'¡n . Insurance com ean/ tested Raymond. “She's prejudyced. • re. Phone bellwood 17Î7 the little ditch washed wider an*! " b y , Fanny!" said her mother— I reckon. In favor of Mr. Jim Irwin." and ran into the sitting-room—whence ! ,';1v vou the cash value in case daepei until with a rush the e t ir “Well, dad's prejudiced against him in a moment, with a cry that was al­ D ELBERT STARR Of loss by fire. er, no. he haln't either. He likes most a scream, she summoned her hus­ lake swept down the valley and 01. Jim. He’s just prejudiced against band, who responded at the top of h it F lin t r a l D ire c to r a n d L i­ end on into lake Mcniphremago giving up his old notions. No, he speed. The lake in the h llb is no ihore. A c e n se d E m b n h n e r haln't neither—I guess he's onlv Newton was groaning and in con­ prejudiced against seeming to give up vulsions. Horrible grimaces contorted little stream flows north into the f t LTucient c r ' ,u might get for it in case\nf fire. C . P. STAFFORD. Agent things. farm LOANS Take eave of the pennies and th< * can n *kt I* th F A R M «nd C IT 1 shillings will take rare of themsclvei L O A N S «t a vsty t, w rate of inteiest /«■oui 5 to to year«. W ute m» for pa Study the peace plan. Recor G. W. I.avgaa. ■ jo u r ujdguwnt aud mail it. Salem, Or« «10 Or«aoa Bldt K t YELLOW PEÑOL ’w it/itfie RED BAND Ua-XULCT lUAZKTOuiaM-UI MAOC BV II ¡K J"“ ^Nothing," replied Newton. fstber*W r °° **tlB dlnn*r’'' Ml4 *>1» * » aln Newton was convulsed by flUfid (he hearts of his parents with