M ß t, HALSEY ENTERPRISE VOL. XII HALSEY, LINN COL’NTV, OREGON. THURSDAY, JAN. 1», 1924 HALSEY HAPPENINGS ANO COUNTY EVENTS > "—— Short Storiesfrom Sundry Sources Mies Grace Kirk is attending tbs normal school. * lowed by a theater party.—-Friday’s Herald The teachers’ institute at Lebanon will probably be Jan. 19. D. O. Woodworth of the Woodworth Drug company has received a silver medal from the American Jersey Cattle cluh for the performance of one of his Jgysey heifers which pro­ duced 577 pounds of butter fat in a year. The average yield of butter fat per cow in this country is 16b pounds. Can yop guess why purt jerseys bring so much more money when sold than scrubs? Effort to Save Starving German Children Has Strong Indorsement There has never been a campaign In Oregon more generally and mere heartily Indorsed than that which is now under way to raise 1100,oon tor starving German children, who ere left wlthoat anywhere near adequate food because of conditions over which they and those near and dear to them have no control. In co-operation with the American Friends (Quakers), the American Committee for Relief of German Children, with headquarters In 715 Corbett building, Portland, and with many committees in various sec­ tions of the state, is striving speeflily to alleviate the suffering of these innocents. President Coolidge and Herbert Hoover ere b i. king the campaign to the fullest extent. Major-General Henry T. Allen, who commanded American troops on German soil, la director-general. Governor Pierce is a committee member. Robert H. Strong of Strong A MacNaughton. Portland, and who directed the Hoover food relief campaign in Oregon in 1921 for European sufferers, is state chairmen. All lines of butineas are represented on the state committee. Indorsements have come from labor unions, churches, various business nnita and numerous individuals in all walks of life, for they realise that little children should not be left to starve for any reason, and are measuring up to the high standard Americans have always set when relief la needed. (By Special Correspondent) OREGON OCCURRENCES RECITED FOR READERS Belle Burson, who had been home for the past two weeks returned to her work in Lebanon last week Tues­ day night. Epitome of Events in the Beaver State Brownsville Briefs Mr. and Mrs. Will Sylvester re­ Ths estimated loss to property la turned to their home in Marshfield Eugene by fire during 1923 was 11»,- after having spent the holidays with 291 Cecile Mayberry was here for » Mrs. Sylvester’s parents, Mr. and Sales of fishing and hunting licensee week-end visit with her friends. Mrs. C. C. Carlton. at Hood River this season established Bert Minckley hauled a truckload j - Little Edna Harrison scalded her a record for 1923. bogs to Albany last week for O. W leg quite seriously the forepart of the Receipt* from hunters' and anglers Frum. week. Dr. Waltz is directing th* The Oregon State Teachers' asso­ licenses in Marion county for the year care of the wound by phone. ciation. membership in the county is Mrs. G. Mitzner is in poor health 1923 aggregated $9993. and Mias Amanda is home from th' to be divided into five sections, cen­ Mr. and Mrs. Clevs Harrison spent Salem postal receipts for the year tering at Brownsville, Shedd, Albany. normal school helping. a few days at Berlin last week, the 1923 aggregated $1(8.416.24 as against Lebanon and Scio. guests of Mrs. Harrison’s brother. $145.013.49 for the year 1922. Andrew Dougherty’s farm is be Lawrence Dawson. Thursday F. M. French, the veteran ing run by his two younger brothers A meeting of the state executive weather observer of Albany, predict­ Serie and Charles, this year. School at Ash Swale closed after committee of the American Legion ed clear an,d colder wgather for Fri­ one day’s session last week on ac­ will be held la Portland Saturday. A delegation from Brownsville, day. The Portland weather bureau count of the deep saow Many of ths Oregon pensions have been granted Mountain Home, Sodaville and Leban­ predicted "rains and warmer." Mr. smaller children lived quite a distance as follows: John B. Bell, Eugene, $12; on asked the county court Friday to French's forecast was .realized, and from th* schoolhouse and could not Charles Pennington. Butte Falls, $16. improve the Mountain Home road end Friday the Portland man sw'ung into attend now, On account of the severe were promised an investigation when linrt Receipts of hemp at Portland for By Anns Pennell? cold weather there is to be no school 1923 were 42,864 bales, according to weather conditions are better. Mrs. Roy Duncan and family of this week, either. Helen Robinson is spending the compilations by the Merchants’ Ex­ The Linn and B enton Pomona week with her sister, Mrs. A. Noti spent the holidays with relatives Mrs. Emma Harrison spent the first change. grange recommends an export dutv Foote. in Shedd. of the week with her sick brother, Dr. E H. Smith I* dead at hl* home on all lumber leaving the United Cuthbert Cooper of Brownsville Will Rodgers, at Albany. Will Kirk wa3 a passenger to Eu In Lakeview. Dr. Smith had been States, Governor Pierce recom­ The very latest official word from was a Shedd visitor Thursday. gene Tuesday. There Is to be an all-day meeting county Judge of Lake county for the mends a state tax on all timber cut headquarters of the American Com­ last nine year*. Mr. Winegar spent a few days with T he supreme court denies Heckert’s mittee for Relief of German Children, at the Baptist church next Sunday. Reports from other towns indicate An aggregate of 1016 arrest* were appeal. He may yet try the federal of which Major-General Allen, com­ his family. He has been stationed f t Drs. Milliken and Wright arc to ♦•hat Halsey had less snow, a higher court. made la Multnomah county by th* mander of the American troops on th* Gaston. preach. Rhine during occupational days, la na­ minimum temperature and less dam­ criminal department of Sheriff Hurl- Mrs. Fred Sprenger spent last week If enough men will boost the hurt's office In 1923. age to water pipes during the freeze Mrs. D. F. Dean of Baudon arrived tional director, Is that conditions in •ast week than any of the others. Tuesday evening for a visit with her Germany beggar description. Millions at the home of her folks, Mr. and Mountain Home road we are going to Automotive tranBportstloa teas In of children, undernourished because get a road through that way. It will the amount of $24.923.26 were turned daughter, Mrs. C. P. Stafford, and of food scarcity and frightfully piti­ Mrs. J. Porter, near Halsey. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stevenson, who husband of this ci.ty. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Abraham and help Brownsville merchants, too. over to the state treasurer by the pub­ able conditions resulting from the were in San Francisco for some weeks, But if you can't boost, don’t knock. lic service commission during 1923. L. C. Merriam received word Wed war, absolutely face starvation; Amer­ son Lester left Sunday for Long have gone to Long Beach. ican charity alone will gave them. It Beach, California, where they expect Frank Newland, who has been in Twenty Journeymen plumber* went r.esday night of the death of his Time was when neoule could econ­ mother at Bandon and left the follow is declared officially in dispatches to spend the rest of the winter. Washington all fall, returned to his on strike at Salem because their em­ from General Allen and Herbert omize by using canned meats instead ing day for that place. ployers had refused to Increase their Hoover, on President Coolidge's au­ A. Elder is home for a few months’ home in Ash Swale last Saturday. wage scale from $7.60 to I8 60 a day. “f buying fresh in the local market«. thority. vacation, after a steady run with the M ansi Lawrence spent Sunday Word hes been received from the Pcrhans “them days is gone forever.’’ Economic breakdown, valueless S. P. bridge crew. A campaign by means of which It _ with her friend , Josie Carlson, in At any rate, choice cuts cost less in R. A. Templeton family at Coburg money and other things combine to ' 1» hoped to recruit all national guard Ash Swale neighborhood. the Halsey market than canned goods. that they are all sick with scarlet make of this situation one of the most ' On account of weathor conditions units stationed at Portland up to full appalling In the world's history. Babes school was closed in Shedd last week. About twenty of th« young folks strength Is to ha inaugurated Imme­ fever except R. A. himself. The second annual gathering of the as innocent of wrong-doing as any Carl Robnett spent the week end in In and north of town enjoyed coast­ diately. Mrs. G. W. Momhinweg wa3 on ever born are going to die for lack of P.artcher & Rohrbough furniture com­ Shedd, coming from near Myrtle ing one t'.ening last week oa ths Motor vahlele license fees for De­ food unless Aperies saves them pany staff was held in the private the sick list the first of the week. Stsnsrd hill. They expect to go cember. based on the, 1923 registra­ Other ways have been tried, without Point, where he is working. lining room of the Hotel Albany last again some evening this week if the tion*. aggregated $13,068.53. according Miss Alberta Koontz returned to results. Miss Katleen McCarthy of Corvallis enow stays on. night, when twelve member s gath­ her studies at Willamette University "Oregon will do Its share, which has to a report prepared by Sam A Koier. ered for dinner and a social time fol- Sunday, after spending the holidays been placed at $100,000.” said Robert visited relatives in Shedd over Sun­ secretary of state Fred Harrison lost, three of his fine H. Strong, of the firm of Strong & day. at her home. Receipts at the Eugene postofflee MacNaughton, Portland, who was geese and a turkey recently. Evi­ Mrs. F. B.^ Sprenger Is reported lacked less than 11600 of reaching the state director for the Hoover food re­ dently someone wanted them as badly The K.ing'3 Herald class will meet lief campaign for Europe here in 1921, quite sick again. $100,000 mark during 1923. This Is as Fred did. at the M. E. church Saturday after and who la state chairman for this W e H ave a gain of 11 par cent over the receipts Several water systems, pipes, en­ noon for a social and business meet campaign. “Word Is reaching our of the previous year. .EVERY THING ing. headquarters, 71S Corbett building, gines and automobiles froze up dur­ H arry Park visited Halsey ye; - An lea Jam In th* Columbia river at O ptical that the whole state la aroused; that ing the cold spell, but otherwise no terday Crates Point, near The Dalles, and Mr. and Mbs. B. M. Bond and son our people everywhere are deeply af­ great amount of damage wav done. E Y E S T R A IN J. S. Bauick want to Harrisburg complete suspension of all ferry serv­ Wellington visited all the surrounding fected by the sad condition* with Is the Cause of Many Tuesday. ice along th* mld-Columbl* wars fea­ school districts Monday, leaving at which German children are faced, and HUMAN ILLS ( that they are ready to respond with tures of the cold snap last week. each schoolhouse a large calendar for Rrank Walker will run the o d If your eyes give you trouble or their money to alleviate this terrible Purchase of 100,000,000 feet of Um­ farm again. He baa leased it from their u n during the year 1924 with suMering. All possible speed should your glasses are annoying SEE US. We can Relieve You William Phillips, who beugiit it ber on 1100 acres In Clatsop end Tilla­ compliments of tbc Ha’sey State be made In thia work and we are or­ fF n te rp rls e <~orr»»p»i«S»»w«) bought much of mook counties. Iw olriag a considera­ Bank. B a n c r o ft O p tic a l C o. Alford school started Monday, after last year, and ?OU« b‘ ® ' „ L ganizing In every section of Oregon two weeks’ vacation. P * ™ 01,1 property 1 he tion of $1,760.000. was announced by to that end. I appeal on behalf of the 313 lat St. W. Albany. Phone d (Continued on page 3) innocent onsa for hearty co-operation, latter goes on a farm near Crow- the Yerrek Logging company of Kerry. for prompt and liberal response la Mrs. Starnes came home Sunday foot, which he has lasted, Through the efforts of people of money to the cry for aid that has from the Harry Common’s home. I The Albany Hera,d'a Brownsville Lake county and William L. Finley gone up." where she has been staying the last « w * «the Templetons" are mov- of Portland a bill will be Introduced ¡ing to Los Angeles. There In congress to set aside an are* in Secretary Wallace of the depart­ Lake county as' a federal antelope ¿lay FoUsnyan, from near Harris- 3omelhing like a hundred Templetons ment of agriculture says; The year reservation. burg, was an afternoon caller at the at Brownsville. If they all migrate 1924 comes with the promise of con­ There was one fatality la Oregon Chester Curtis home Saturday. j there