I ara rv i ; i . ìm MOB 4 HALSEY E N T E R FRI SR JAW. J. 1*24 Questioiv at aoao below: SAVE GERM AN C H ILD R EN The Enterprise cannot indorse G i'a c e E . H a l l the doctor*« predication of the Strong Oregon Com m ittee Works For Relief Fund. A wom an w alked alone one night destruction of half the wild For the purpose of railing $104.404 game in a year, but if the bird« la Oregon as a part of a fund of W ithin the silent park, and animal« could be exterm i­ 414.040.000 from the United States to T h e moon thrust gleaming blades of light nated at once it believe« the re­ save >.000,004 little children la Oer many who are facing starvation be­ sult would be better than the cause of the terrible coadltlons there, Across the pathw ay dark; present practice of blazing a strong committee has been named Each w ild thing in its sheltered home away at all the bird« and beast« In Portland to look generally after W a s motionless and still, th at are not private property this work throughout the slate and by every irre«potn«ible and in­ particularly In that city. In the other | A pine tree in the skyline zone com petent fellow who «an pro­ larger cities of the state committees will he named to take charge of the W a s the guardsman of the hill. cure a firearm. relief work. Portland is state head If all wild species were sent quarters, with offices In room 71S T h e wom an walked with measured tread» to N irvana no more of them Corbett building, where H. L. Eddy would die in agony from shot­ Is In charge as director Unmindful of the w ay, Robert H. Strong, of the firm of gun wounds. And humanity Strong * MacNaugbton. Is state chair­ A weight of sorrow bow ed her bead, —«tc. man He had charge of the Hoover HALSEY RAILROAD TIME W ith the High School Classics By M A R G A R E T B O Y D .»outh North No 17, 12:1.5 p. m. No. iS, 11:37 a. in. 23, 4.28 p. m. 24, 4:28 p. tu. 21, 11:32 p. m. 22, 4:30 a. ni. Nos, 21 and 22 stop only if flagged. ( • by M argaret Boyd.) "And that other child, not on tha SUNDAY MAIL HOURS hearth— ha would not forget It; ha The delivery window of the would »«e that it waa well provided for. That waa a father's duty.”—Silas Mar- HaUey postoffice is open Sunday« from 10:50 to 11 a. in. and 12:15 nar. to 12:30 p. ro. Just now we have with us many who Sunday m ail goes out only on say It Is not the father's duty to see that his children are well provided tor, the north-bouud 11:37 train: Mail goes south once a day. closing at but that it Is the state’s duty. They would have the state take over the care 11:05 a. m. : north twice, closing 11:25 of the children, as was done In ancient a. m. and 5:30 p. m. M ail stage for Brownsville. Crawfordsville and Sweet Greece, and leave the parents unham­ Home leaves daily at 6:4.5 a. m. pered, to go about their work or play as they wish. One thing these people overlook Is the fact that the same Greek state which took the children from 'heir parents and reared them, carefully se­ lected th» ones that were to live. Deli­ A d m i t t a n c e H e r e 5 C e n ts cate and alllDg babies were left out In a L in e some deserted spot where they would speedily die of exposure. Only the For Sale—3 Collie Pups. Good strong and healthy were allowed to stock. E rnest G ourlby , phone I54 live. Unleac some such artificial means of selection Is employed, then the only means we have of securing the survival Old papers for sale at 5c a bundle of the fit Is to hold each father respon­ sible for the support of Ills own chil­ st the Enterprise office. dren. The Idea is that If each father must support his own children, then The Linn county tax commission­ the strongest, ablest, most Intelligent ers. out of office under the court rul­ fathers will be the ones who ran pro­ vide for the most children, and so will ing that the law is void, worked with­ have the greatest number of children out pay and the county will pay tha $400 or so expenses incurred, the larg­ reach adult life. Just now we are living In a period est item of which is the salary of Lius when neither natural selection nor ar­ secretary, Mrs. D. S. McWilliams, who tificial selection is allowed to operate worked faithfully and earned it. We have In every community organlza tlons that spend much money and mors Ed Martin left his job on the morn­ energy In trying to keep alive every baby born in that community— whether ing shift as S P. station agent here crippled, diseased or ‘ feeble-minded. Saturday morning and H. P. Willis, We now gauge our civilization by our In from Grants pass, took bis place. fant death rate— the lower the rate the more civilized we consider ourselves— as If It were a more humane thing to Andrew Brown came home for the nurse a suffering weakling to adult life, holidays. where he must take his crippled place In life's battle, rather than to let him FOR SALE die during his Infancy. When natural selection is not al­ lowed to operate by making every fa ther responsible for the support of Ids No. 1 uiilch cow, giving 3 gallons a day. children, and when the state tins no W ill sell at a reasonable price. sort of artificial selection such as that employed In ancient Greece, the quality W. A. M u l l e r . of the population Is bound to he low­ ered—so say the biologists. They say the results of our present policy are al ready very evident. The University of Oregon, for example, made a state­ wide survey of mental defectives a few reara ago, and found that out of a pop illation of 788,000 more than 75,000 were dependent, delinquent or feeble­ minded— all unable to work and a con­ stant strain on the finances, health and morality of the state. There Is no rea son to suppose that the older states are any better off than this state, which Is still so close to pioneer conditions. vili make the new OFF T H E IR GAME year look brighter and do away with the North—How many did you make worry of the two pairs of glasses. Paid-for Paragraphs A n d every path seemed gray; food relief campaign In Oregon In 1421, when that campaign was put on T h e stars were like a million beads to relieve distress In Europe. The ALBANY committee which has sponsored the U p on a velvet gown, relief work In Oregon consists of men But w hen the heart in silence bleeds, nromlnent In various lines of busi­ W t are proud to announce that ness. as follows: our first big feature for 1924 will T h e eyes of man look down; Charles F. Adams, of the First Na­ tional bank; J. C. Ainsworth, presi­ dent of the United States National S h e view ed in retrospect the years bank; W. B. Ayer, president Eastern A Western Lumber company, George T hat, like the falling leaves, L. Baker, mayor of Portland; Fred L. H a d flittered by, damp with her tears, Boalt, editor Portland News; Rev. Harold Leonard Bowman, pastor First with A harvest stripped of sheaves; Presbyterian church; Colonel H. C. “ W hat have I gained from life?” she cried, Cabell; Edward Cooklngham. pre»! dent Ladd A Tlltcn bank; Otto Hart W ith scornful glance towards heaven, T ie sensational play that the wig, president State Federation of author dared not sign h it name to Labor; I. Lowengart; Edgar B Piper, W h en lol she seemed to see inscribed * * * * * * * * * * * editor of the Oregonian; Bishop W. O. T h e w ords,"W hat have you given?” Shepard. Methodist Episcopal church; Coming soon Ben Selling, philanthropist; Amedee CaprSsM W D°S4 W Ca. Us The Voice from the Minaret M. Smith, president of the board of directors of the Portland community chest; Rabbi Jonah B. Wise, of Tejn K W * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * blue Persian rag on a waxed hard­ pie Beth Israel; J. E. Wheeler, pub­ wood floor. Halsey Happenings, etc. lisher Portland Telegram. Put the room In a house to match. Executive committee; Arthur M (Continued on page 3) Add a general store on the corner. Churchill; Marshall N. Dana, asso­ Place the corner In a village on a J. E. Philpott and Opal Tandy o/ ciate editor Oregon Journal; S L rock-bound Maine harbor, with a once- Harrisburg got a marriage license Eddy. Ladd A Tilton bank, treasurer By LAURA MILLER ♦ a-day boat, and a twlce-a-day autobus for the state committee; Kurt H ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * * < J Saturday. to the railhead. Koehler. E C. Sammons and Mr Can’t you see KatherlDe Walls, pro­ © . IM S . by L a u ra M illa r The county court is trying to get Strong. prietor of store and home, as a happy Every cent of the money subscribed GOTHAM, SHORT-CHANGE the Oregon-Western Colonization com­ wife? And as a low-volccd woman, pany to relinquish its title to the road for this fund will / actually go to buy ARTIST with a bank account always ready for food; from the Santiam to the summit nf emergency calls; and with a fund of Are you more Interested In people common sense? Her common sense Is the Cascades, so that federal funds lor things? Would you rnther accumu­ the sort that tells how much gingham can be used in improving it late friends or dollar bills? That Is to buy for the old women, whether to practically the way a successful young ! lay In a supply of sport sweaters or Mrs. Frances E. Gray of Cottaze woman lawyer puts the question of of yarn for the making of the same Grove, who owns property in Halsey city vs. town. The town, she Is sure, this season, and how to get from a and a farm near by, was down look­ offers more friendships. The city luny casual summer visitor top prices for Attention Is called by the Inter­ ing after them the fore part of the give you a higher pile of cash—If you the fine hooked rugs which the minis­ state Commerce Commission. In Its week. succeed above the average. Other­ ter’s widow has been persuaded to annual report fust made public, to wise the city sltort-changcs you both put on sale. the efficient service rendered by the • Mrs. L. H. Armstrong was hostess railroads during the current year and ways, she believes. The coal shortage taxed the brains I f actions speak louder than words. of many a New England business man at a little waffle supper Sunday even­ to tha facto re making thia perform­ ing. Guests were Helen Armstrong ance possible. The report says In It Is significant that Ihatsle Newaoia. last winter. Call It luck or good man­ A. B„ A. M . l.L. B.. Phi Beta Ktppa agement or both, that Southwest H ar­ part: and Clifford Ccrey. (that’s the scholarship one, you know), bor did not suffer. A laden barge, "Three noteworthy facte have char­ national president of Kappa Alpha W. P. Wahl, Delma and Mrs. Arm­ acterised the transportation history Theta (that’s a social one that’s said headed elsewhere, ran aground out side the harbor; Katherine Walls had strong were Albany visitor? Thursday of the current year— to tnke In only brains plus good the wit and the cash to take the 1 The unprecedented volume of looks), moved from Washington to cargo on shares with three other deal Deanis Rickard and Gerald JJeni- traffic bandied. Oklahoma City and Oklahoma City to ers of the county. She believes that ley, California boys who attend tha. ”2 The concurrent transformation Hot Springs, Ark. It pays to belong to business associa­ Eugene Bible University, have been of £ car-thortage condition Into one The moves were dictated by any­ tions. to read reports of advancing or vacation guests of Lawrence Wells. 3 t caf-eurplusage thing but fear of failure. In Wash­ dropping prices, to go to Boston and "3 An exceptionally equitable dis­ ington, Miss Newsom, with all her de­ Providence and New York, and to Miss Goldie Wells and Mrs. Enrl tribution of available equipment over grees accumulated before slid was meet leading dealers In many lines of O p tica )|m a n u fa ctu rin g p la n t llelseth, better known as Gladys territory In which the large traffic twenty-four, became n member of a merchandise. A modesty and love of it in today ? South—How many did you ? successful firm and was made an as­ the past which keeps her departed Wells, have been home for the holi­ movements originate. on p rem ises North—I Asked you first.—New days. "During tha first torty-fonr weeks of sociate member of the legal and ad­ father'« name still over the stote en­ trance. and makes her father's pet cat York Sun and Globe. thia year. January 1 to November 3, In­ visory war board of the city. In Oklahomn City, a place on the the biggest and thriftiest and most clusive. 43.485.48? cars were reported spoiled cat In Hancock county are Optometrists, Manufacturing Opticians loaded with revenue freight, an In »tate Democratic speakers' bureau, an School Notts crease over the corresponding period Income above the average sulery, a only a few of the traits that set apart Higbee Reunion Albany, Oregon In the basketball game between the In 1(32 of 4.455.44« cars. In 1(31 at practice that brought her "warmth of one village storekeeper. * She Is n After page 8, containing a brief high school and the alumni Thur-aay (.037.(41. and In 1(34 of 4.038.110 Not reception and genuine Interest." are a woman who would succeed anywhere, HALSEY but who finds her grentest happiness notice of the Higbee family reun­ evening the alumni were victorious, only was thia unprecedented tonnage few of the early successes attained. The story In Hot Springs 1». she and usefulness on the spot “to which ion, had been p rin te l the follow­ handled well, but the carriers re­ the score being 31 to 51. ported a surplusage as of the week says, "Just beginning to be mnde.” A It has pleased God to call her." She ing was received : Saturday evening-the high school ended July 14 of 84,310 railroad-own-’ digest of Arkansas laws is on the has taught Romance, Uke Fortune, Cash paid for Christmas day, at the home of played the boys from Halsey who at­ ad freight ears in good repair and program for the near future. Her fel­ the way to her door. C ream , P o u ltry , E g g s , V eal Rer. D. M. Higbee of Albany, low townswomen describe her as “a tend O. A. C. and played a losing 11.035 cart of private ownership woman who has won a place for not SHUTS OFF TH E OGYGEN Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Higbee and & H id es, game. Score 15 to 44. Contributing Factors H- S H O O K only herself, but for other women In their five sons and one daughter, "Some of the onetandlng factors public affairs. Though yet In her At the junior watch party Decem­ Fire extinguishers work on the ber 31 a good time was enjoyed and which have made possible this hitherto twenties, she Is one of the best In­ principle that oxygen is necessary t-g e tte r with their families, par­ ■■□equaled transportation perform formed citizens of the entire country the old year was rung out and the noce see: took of a bountiful dinner, the on topics of the day and national and • before anything can burn, and that new year was rung in. Quarters of tor canning "1. Th4 condition of power and International affairs. Withal ahe Is a in some gases, auch as carbon di­ following being present: Mr. and Mrs. C. F- Higbee and purposes at canning prices Vacation is over and the pupils and ears. winsome, womanly girl, and enjoys oxide, no fire can continue to burn. Naw locomotives and cars the good times of her home club as There are several types of extin­ teachers are hack at work. C . H. F A L K wo daughters of M arion; Mr. placed hi service. well as the more serious affairs of C . L. F A L K JR. guishers, but the usual type consists and Mrs. A. F. Albertson and sou Increase« In the mileage pel her public eeleer." I I W A R I , W I T PAINTI of a cylinder filled with bicarbonate and daugnter of Halsey ; R?V. and car per day and loading of equipment ♦ ♦ 4 *4 4 4 4 4 **4 4 4 4 4 ***4 4 4 + 4 4 4 of soda dissolved in water. Inside Mrs. D. M. Higbee and two sons "For the month of September, 1(23 ®. ISIS, br L ea n Millar Flint - What did you do when she this is • smaller bottle of sulphuric and two daughters; I. A. Higbee the average mileage per freight eat buret into tear* THE OPEN DOOR TO per day wee 2( 3. which la higher acid. When needed, the two are of P o rtlan d ; Prof, an 1 Mrs V F lam -H u n g out s »¡gn: ROMANCE Laundry sent Tuesdays than the average for any month tinea made to meet, and once the acid B. Higbee and son of H tlsey ; Mr Vara, Wet Paint.*'— Now Y o * Sun these statlstli s were Inaugurated eli \gency Hub Cleaning Works A housekeeper's guest room affords meets the soda it forms a gas, car­ and Mrs. C. M Il'gbee and twin rears ago The average for August and OiobeL t picture of her life, according to a bon dioxide. The pressure of this sons of Lacomb. wan 31.3 miles. much-traveled acquaint­ forces the cork out of the cylinder, F E N PR O D U C TS "The extent to which shippers have keen-eyed, utilised the rapacity nt cars Is re­ ance of mine. What would you make and a spray of water is played upon of this one? White paint and a flected in the average load per car "I earn a Iking from (he p e n * smell of cleanliness; huff, blue and the fire. It is not the water that la September this was »7 4 tons, and -Bo do I.* la July and Anguat waa 3« 6 tons. white paper In restful design ; quaint­ puts it out, but the gas carried with "Poetry T With tha exception of tha average ly unfashionable furniture of huff-col­ it, which “blankets" the flame, so The age of the girl doesn't count when “ LouigyW* Courier* loading for August. 1(1«, >e‘J tons ored ash, trimmed with walnut, rather cutting off the oxygen and making it conies to eandy ; big anil little, they and August. 1120. 34 g. tha average for charmingly painted In walnut brown it impossible for it to go on burn- I Journal. all lov« it. The candies that we sell are designs, and betraying by the utter August thia year la the greateet ing. made of pure, unadulterated sugar and absence of scars that It has never tfcowa for any similar month since flat