HALSEY STATE BANK Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L AND SU RPLU S $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 I ^/Ÿlbany£/)irectory : STme. FISH MEAL f EGG MASH OYSTER SHELL MILL RUN BRAN BARLEY STOCK MOLASSES In t o , that «re worth feeding «re worth feeding well. zR J GENERAL « 2 in our line. A Ibauy Bakery, 321 Lyon street, . Be»l one-pound loaf of bread made 5 cents. Wedding cakes to order Ev-• • HARDWARE? H IL L & (s. Albany • A lbany Floral Co. Store. Radio Cut flowers and plants. Floral art for every and all occasions. Flower phone 45S- J. and stock feed here. ikLBANY ^O . W . F R U M Electric Electric wiring. Delco lig h t products fitkN N W i t u i p W m . H öflich . Buy yonr poultry , —Continued FARM LOANS In design and finish the (Jniveral is a work of J rare art 9 Commercial and Savings accouna Solicited A/¿awy GARAGE. Write for booklet describing onr 26- y«*»r Mural Credit Amortized I.cant. 2 J * ° “,u P* y* ° Ut 10 W m en ts, re- bring the principal. Cheap raws No ■,, . B kam L and C o ., Lyon St., Albany, Ore Phone 312 V Satisfaction guaranteed Price $3,50 F R E D B. J O N E S Piano Tuning and Repairing ALBANY I iano Tuner for leading mnsic «tores ____ Albany in r i ^ f f b R E AND" used FARM MACHINERY bought, »old and exchanged at all times ben t . s u d t e l l I hone 76-R, m n . Broadalbin s t. Albany ** Stude- baker” and " S ta r” automobile». General repairing and supplies. G. T, Hockensmith.—Lloyd Templeton. (Continued from page l ) Oregon Occurrences D lu e Bird Restaurant, 309 Lyon Seattle and San Zranclsco, according to announcement b , J. A Ormandy general passenger agent for the com pany. The contracts provide for Si miles of red-bed and include the build­ ing of e. 3700-foot tunnel under the aummlt of the Cascade range. street. E»t here when in Albany Open from 6 to 2 and 5 to 8. Mas. H lovnt . B R U N S W IC K SHOE ° SERVICE ShocMhat cos! lf5> pcr month Qf we> r Haliey Happenings, etc. than sparkin' bees, from the county tank you better run." PHO NO G RAPHS (Continued from page 1) at superintendent down." "What say, Ex?" asked Bonner, The Mountain States Poker com­ W O O D W O R T H ' S "’«.'be.” said Mrs. Bronson, "Suits me all right," «ala Bronson. The Oregon public aerVtce commi« pany is to build a new electric power but I don’t see sparkin’ In everything " I guess we three have hod our fight slon has revoked the certificate of R. C. FICQ station between Marshfield a itf N o rth boys and girls do as quick as some." out and understand each other.” r E N T IS T operation Issued to the Royal Blue D Bend, to cost 2176,000. I wonder.’ sold Mrs. Bonrsr, "if " I don’t like the way Colonel Wood­ stage lines on the ground that the Albany, Oregon ruff acta," said Bonner. “He rounded Colonel Woodruff would be as friendly 312 West Second street corporation had allowed ita liability Only one nun was killed in hunt­ up that gang of kids that shot us all to Jim Irwin If he knew that every­ and property damage Insurance to ex­ E Y is tb u rn Bros.— T w o big grocery ing accidents in this tounety thia body says Jennie decided he was to to pieces at that hearing, didn’t he?" pire. Stages have been operated by “I tank not," replied Peterson. “I keep his eertlf-klt because she wants stores, 212 W. First and 225 South year, and only five were killed and the company between Portland and Main. Good merchandise at the right eight injured in the state. tank he was just Interested In how him to get ^tong In the world, so he Thus too prices. can marry her?" Yennle managed it.” Astoria. cost of the sport in human gore :* “I don’t know as she Is so verv “Well," said Bonner, “he seems to The case brought by the Pacific | !? • I «ns developed and printed. less than usual. take a lot of Interest In this exhibition friendly to him," replied Mrs. Bron­ — * ri« • ■ Spruce corporation to reatraln the Ore i A We j ““ ” ** the'“ h t - • b»ck to you. here. I think we’d better watch the son; "and Jim and Jennie are both of Twenty-one relatives of L. F . H ig ­ Woodworth Drug Company, Albany Or- gon public service commission from en- I age. you know.” colonel. That decision of Jennie’s was legón. ~ bee and wife, tt mue and , h #If gou|h_ forcing an order making the corpora “Yes, but how about our schools for Jim. crooked." 'Climb in. Jim !" sal J he. "Dan nnd tlon'a railroad a common carrier be­ V i n t garage going north. east of Peopa, gathered at the horn« ‘•Veil,’’ said Haakon Peterson, "talk heln ruined by a love affair?” Interro­ Tires, accessories, oils, gasoline, Christmas and enjoyed a reunion o f of crookedness w it’ Yennle Woodruff gated Mrs. Bonner, as they moved Dolly didn’t like to see you walk." tween South Beach and Waldport, will * "They're looking ilne," said Jim. repair work. away. “Ain’t that your business and don’t get wery fur w it’ me." he appealed to the federal ^jourt of ap old and young with the pleasures of There Is a good deal to say when­ __________ W . H, H u l b u r t . "Oh, I don't mean anything bad. mine?" the season peals at San Francisco, It Is am ever two horse lovers get together. Instead of desiring further knowl­ Haakon," replied Bonner, “but It nounced. Q ooil bargains on~ second-hand But when Jim had alighted at his own A second time one of the Brock wasn’t an all-right decision. I think edge of what they were discussing pianos and organs, A good new Certified seed potatoes from the Jim felt a dreadful disgust at the door, the colonel spoke of what had she’s stuck on the guy." year present tb.u will last. sisters of Harrisburg, who conduct« a been in his mind all the time. Weston mountain dtatrict entered I d The caucus broke up after making whole thing. Jennie was against him Davenport Music House. confectionery there, has m .r r ie d -n o t I saw Bonner and Haakon and E i _________ __ an official teat In the Yakima valley he believed, and as for her being in sure that the three members of the the same one. Ethel Brock and K a rl school board would be ns one man in love with him—to hear these women doing some caucusing today," said lie. wlth lot* from 1? other districts in I K p O R D S A L E S AND SERVICE Kimmell ware united last week an«L Tires and accessories mafhfalnlng a' hostile front to Jfni discuss It was Intolerable. He felt his “They expect to elect Bonner to the Oregon, Washington and Idaho pro-I - - the highest score In the tests 1 Repairs propose to reside in Harrisburg. duced Irwin and his tenure of office. It face redden as at the hearing of some board again." K irk -F ollak M otor C o . “Oh, I suppose so," replied Jim. looked rather like a foregone conclu­ horrible Indecency. And while he was according to information that has I — ______ Last summer the Lebam,,, ca-jw -ry Well, what shall we do about It?” been received by Fred Bonnlon. coun | jp o r t m ille r F u rn itu re C o ., fu in i- sion, In a little district wherein there raging Inwardly, paying the penalty of cut the price of berries b e lo * that publicity to which he was not yet asked the colonel. were scarcely twenty-five votes. The ty agent. I * ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. Jim was silent. Here was a matter three members of the board with their hardened, he heard other voices. Pro­ A total of n , 849 applications for rash street, Albany*k sample» ;------- --------------- could muster two or three ballots each Jennie and Colonel Woodruff were cept the broad and general one that bonus and loans have been received, I of the condemned frulff to Salem am t truth Is mighty and shall prevail—but making an Inspection of the according to a report prepared by the Floral and Music Shop —and who was there to oppose them? rrral- c n U b t e T a T d ^ r a l ^ n . 11' 1” ' 0 ' it was canned as f?<,t cIaM . y herr. that the speed of Its forward inarch Is . Z ' d school exhibit. upon the Salem, cannery was gfvew ’I hear he has been having some problematical. slon. Cash bonus applications paid a«- Albany ,.h< CHAPTER X III hone 1661 contract» f«»^. g0 raUfh of t hia year*« “I think," said the colonel, "that It's gregate 21,600, /epreeentlng I4A34,- ” trouble with his school board," the -------— .................. .. — up to us to see thnt the people have a 360 00 Application« for loans paid by I J O L M A N Si JACKSON crop tfw ' ig doubtful i f the Leban- professor was saying. The Colonel Takas th t Field. chance to decide. I t ’s really Bonner “Yes,” said Jennie, "he h*as. Pro­ 2^ G innery w ill be operated. Those Jim stood apart and alone with his the commission total 4937 and aggre- ' Everything in the line olTat« -------- l,aUerJ thoughts after his rebuff by the cau­ ceedings before me to revoke his cer­ against Jim Irwin." iruit-grow ers are not as meek and gate 213.237,300. “What you need Is a man to take cusing members of the school board. tificate.** _______ ’ Opposite Pos’ oific» helpless as the jokesters represent The Oregon supreme court. In an that office away from Bonner.” "On what grounds?" “I don’t sec,” said a voice over ub Candy Co., First »iteet, ne7t farm ers to be. "Incompefency," answered Jennie. "Well, I ’m free to say I don’t know opinion written by Justice Brown, held against the cooking exhibit, "what door to Blain Clothing Co. I found that his pupils were really that any one can, but I'm willing to that all the proceeding! attending the there Is in this to set people talking. The natne of the burglar who rol — going very well In the regular course try Buttonholes! Cookies! Humph!" I think that In about a week I '••ua « d ..10 of bond. In the amount I t f Home m . d e ^ n d X d 'i e . Cream bed the Sternberg store is Robert shall pass the word around that I'd of 32.200,000 by the Harney Valley I r | y ~ ---------------;-------- Y ana fee Cream, It was Mrs. Bonner who had clearly of study—which he seems to be net Carry. He was able to C arry o ff like to serve my country on the school rlgatlon district were legal. The epln come to scoff. W ith her was Mrs. lectlng." Cleaning Wbrks, Inc the plunder, but our sheriff failed t o board.” I n n ______ . I Bronson, whose attitude was that of "I'm glad you supported him," said Ion affirmed the decree of Judge Del ,, . _ Fourth anil I.yon carry him home from Medford, where» Jim’s face lighted up— and then ton Biggs, who heard the case In the a person torn between conflicting In­ the professor. " I’m glad to find you Master Dyers Sod Cleaaers he had beqn jailed, fo r he sawed hi» % M ade-To-M easure Clothes fluences. Her husband had Indicated helping him." darkened. Harney county circuit court. to the crafty Bonner and the subtle “Really," protested Jennie “I don't w«,y out and disappeared. Even then they'd be two to one. A. C. Strange, county school super I f yeu have friends they' should I ’pterson that lie was still Joyal Jo fhp thlpjt myself—" Colonel." Intendent for Clatsop county, was a have your photograph. •chool hoard, but while consorting The courts have decided the county •'What do you think of his notions?’ "Maybe," replied the colonel, “and «»» » Clifford’s Studso with the censorious Mrs. Bonner she naked the colonel. tax commission law void. W ell, the maybe not.* That would have to be elected president of the Oregon 8tate 3 « West F irst street, Albany. evinced restiveness when the school "Very advanced," replied Professor figured on. A cracked log splits easy." Teachers' association, In session at count es can spend enough tax money I r v i n s G arag e— N e x t to C o n im ti- and Its work was condemned. Was not Withers. "Where did he Imbibe them “Anyhow," Jim went on. "what's the Portland. Miss Cornelia 8pencor, of with one less compiission's cost to1 her Newton In charge of a part of this ell?" use? I shan't be disturbed this year— Portland, was elected vice president * nity house. Raide flattery distnb Pay. In fact, they could spare a few utors (or Lmu eounty. Repairs marie show? Was he not an open and de­ “He’s a Brown Mouse," said the col and after that— what’s the use?"' and J. O. MacLstighlln, of Benton on all makes o( batteries. more salary drawers. In Linn coun­ fiant champion of Jim Irwin, and a onel. "A phenomenon In heredity—per ""by, Jim." said the colonel, "you county, and A C. Rice, of Portland. ty the budget committees were so* constant and enthnstastlc attendant haps a genius." aren't getting short of breath are you? momhers of the executive committee | 1 \ ^ ^ G N K 1 ( ) E L E C T R I C CO. upon, not only his clauses, but a vari­ "Ah. I see," replied the professor " , I thought you good for the mile, and V ,.- kii-af« .V - n . .1 All kinds of electric apparatus re- conservative that the commission could Fire blight and thç äau Jose scale paired Conservative ety of evening and Saturday affairs? Mendellsn segregation, you mean?" prices All Work not find any budget items to pare off. you aren’t turning out a quarter horse, And had not Newton become a better Certainly." «aid the colonel. "The are you? I don't know what all It Is w ill be a t t jf le a I h every orchard In fully guaranteed 119-121 W. Second. In other counties In the state budgets boy—a wonderfully better boy? sort of mind that Imbibes things from you want to do, but I don't htHeve V diet Ilia county Where feund next en am i m oney are b » *i when wvre cut down an aggregate of about Mrs. Bronson's heart was filled with Itself." you can do It ip pip« wontbs. can spring, If plans announced by R. F 21,0004)00. busy. Alake your dftll.vn work resentment that she also could not be “W'ell, he's rather wonderful," de you ?" Wilbur, deputy state and county hortl our savin igs department. AC banv STsTR enrolled among Jim Irwin's supporters, clsred the professor "4 h#d linn iu cultural Inspector, are realised Cll B amx . Under Net In nine years!" replied Jim. High waters and engine trouble p a r Ün goverga,.B’ríu¿e"rví«Í0’n whep Mrg. Bonner sneered at the lunch today. He surprised me. I have Well, then, let's plan for ten years," matlc conditions during the past year the Harrisburg ferry boat out erf com­ [fonhojes and cookies. Mr#. Rronsdn Invited him to make an address at said the colonel. " I ain’t going to be­ have been ravoreble to the spread of l^ ille r Motor Sales mission Saturday night and it was w knowing how tljp little fingers had Ames next winter during farmers' Dakltpd and Jewett cart come a reformer at my time of life as the fire blight, he stated. Pruning of puttied themselves over the one, and week." pected that several days would pass- Supplies and accesitene« temporary Job. W ill you stick If the diseased and Infected wood and young faces had become floury and red "H er F i n k e d Raker Sts Albany, Oregon before tra ffic could be resumed there. we can swing the thing for you?" the use of poison spray will he retort over the other, flared up a little. Jhnnie’i Tone khowefl her asibnlsli- I will," said Jim, in 9 manner of • ed to. orton Si Spear Servio« Com- We want that bridge. “And I don’t see,” said she, “anv- ment. Jim the underling. Jim the off person taking the vows in some sol­ pany (Continued on i a<* thlng to laugh at. I ’d like to help ox. Jim the thorn In the county super emn Initiation. No emergency fund M available Headquarters for goad tires them." * Intendent s side. Jim the country All right," said the colonel. "W e’ll from which J I none 65 First and I.yon rrapk Adsras. of Mrs. Bonner was far too good a teacher! It was stupefying. Only a Transpasition keep quiet and see how many votes Klpmalh rwlla, can he paid for dike diplomat to be cornered In the same "Oh, you mustn’t Judije him by his M u r p h y M o to r Co. B u io k and we can muster up at the e|?ctlan How A printer dropped a rmuil Unnif* enclosure with a rupture of relations construction performed by him some­ looks," said the professor. “I really many esn yp.u ipoak far?" Chevrolet automobiles. Tires and And quite right, too." said she. do hope he’ll take some sdvjce on the thing more than a year ago In process accessories. fol of iinotvpe mutter, which it Jim gava himself for a few mlnutzg. Albany, Oregon. Phone M k The little things ought tfi be helped “ «Iter qf clothe*—put w a cravat and cast, each line in one piece, ready to thought. It was a new thing to of reclaiming a part of Hank's marsh ho roe apd by their rooifiers r a different shirt and collar when he him, this matter of mustering votes— In Klamath county. It has been sug D e a l estate. M o n e y to loan. A li to print from. He picked it up, "Well,'' said Mrs. Bronson, "taka eoaie* to Ames— but I have no doubt and a thing which he had always gestod by American Legion officers * * kinds of insurance written. not notioing that ho got the liar» them Simms glrla now. They have to he will." looked upon as rather reprehensible at Klamath Falls that Contractor Call on J. V hr», ” “J * hr p out,lde their home.” He hasn't s n , other." said the col The citizen should |0 forth with no Albany Sute Dank Bnllding transposed, and thia ia the way it Adams should he paid for this work Yes, agreed Mrs. Bonner, “and a onel. looked last week : coercion, no persuasion, no suggestion, for which he submitted a bill for lof more help than a farm hand Aan "Well, it won’t signify, if he has the and vote bis sentiments. IgO SC O S AMES h a r d w a r e . 95« Ex-Secretary of th$ fotpyfek bane The Fnferpri.se cannot indorse P re ’em In school. I shouldn’t wonder truth to tell us," said the professor. How many can you round ap?" undertook to ^uaftfa fee the reclame tht» doctor’« predication of the W IN C H E S T E R S T O K E \ . WM • 101 ” d°n't know about “Has he?" asked Jennie. persisted the colonel why they come north." ok Hank's asarsh and other tule 322 w. First at. "Miss Woodruff,” replied the pro­ destruction of half the wild I think." said Jim "iVPt ( can lands In the upper Klamath lake cotta sooA*-Tfar r*P“M Mri Bron- fessor earnestly, "he has something If all wild species were sent 8. G I L B R R T Si 8 O N •on, I don t know as it ’s any of my that looks toward truth, and some­ speak for 0 ,4 ^ 4 kud (Wit Man Simms try on the bails of giving long-time cure « firenrtu. burinee. » ,ong . . they b e h .v , jh?tn’ The colon«) laughed. thing we need. ppiy fnf he will leases on the land to he reclaimed Chinawarq and g ift shop "Fine politician!” he repeated. "Fine 330 W eal F irs t Albony eompctetil fellow who can pro- Again Mrs Bonner felt the sltua- go. Just what he will amount to, It Is politician! Well. Jim, yau round up to the coatraetors In return for their in* every irresponsible and in- construction Work. The American Le­ Q T R N H K R G B R O S ? grocerieg, Impossible to say. But something must yourself and Old Man .Simms and I'll Cutting out of hand tlsast are not private property fruits, produce. 235 Lyon street. "Ain't It some of our business?" be done for the rural schools- some­ see what I can do - I ’ll see what I cua gion post at klam ath Falls prote.-HuA away at all the birds and beasts however, and after bld| seen re­ W e sell groceries and «he queried. "I wonder now : By the thing along the lines he Is trying to do present practice of blazing ceived, the of 'which oa re- H u j.r e a m r i^ n r 2 6 IK w e, Newtle keeps his eye on th.t follow. He Is a struggling soul, and (T o be continued) suit, would l,e better than the clalpMag Haaii's marsh was submitted Simms girl, I shouldn't wonder If it he Is worth helping. You won’t make C T I M s o N T H E s h o e D o c t o r any mistake If you make the most of naterl st once it believes the re- might turn out your business." The first district (n«eO(Mf «2 the by Contractor Adams, the interior de StCMiil street, opposite Hamilton's Mr. Irwin." "Pshaw!" scoffed Mrs and animals could be extermi- partmeat decided to let ae c o n trac t stora. farm loan assoc^atloas aepred by the Bronson. Jim slipped out of a side door and “Puppy lave!" game in a year, but if the bird» "Sndifen Service." National Fdr^i Loan Hank of Spokane Adams proceeded with the w ort and can t tell bow far It’ll go.” per­ fled He started home, on foot ss he to Nirvana no more of them will he held In Portland January 34. submitted hl# hUl for a pert of i{, Jfaff cbthe' 4 miTc ur so out he was do Andarso A Son. dislrih. i l l e d Mt#. BooitWr -J (H I you theM 3« uL .. /».illesi . I „rllàfwell,’ Chal­ 'vould dje in agony, front shot­ vvsrtsken by the colonel, driving At least two delegates from each assu which the dehenmeat has refused to ’ ’ Ufer» j a getting to_be nothin» aifire gun wounds. And humanity Hudsólí a ’ lfupin'obile cars fal»kljr along with room in Us puggj elation In the vicinity of Portland are pay oa the gkoaads that he waa not mers. Fisca. Hu