9*9 PAOS 2 HALSEY E N TERPR ISE H A L U T IMTERPRISe JAN. J. 1924 sugar producers ought not to be very Beet growers »rid cane grower* are not getting their share of what we pay for sugar, and they would not get their share of another cent a pound if the tariff j forced us to pay it. Ws haven’t heard of any heavy stockholder in the sugar trust whose family went with­ out a Thanksgiving turkey because he couldn't afford it. _____ sS—MOT v e t r a i—esw *. seriously entertained. ’. a a b lto B r a e v e r y T k s re 4 a y « , W a . H. W H tE L B H rtptlona. 11.14 a year I* advance. Advertising, 2ttt an inch ; no discoun for nine or space ; no charge for coni position or changes 1» “Paid-for Paragraphs." te a Una. advertising disguised aa news. Utfiee hours, 9 to 12 and 2 to 6 except Mondays and Friday forenoons. MOTORS A ND ROADS Road a built with tax fund« far public highw ays an* being commercialized to such an ex ­ tent that the taxpayer is virtu­ ally called upon to tinunce pri­ vate atage line« through building their roada for them. —The Manufacturer. TOST MODERN PASSENGER LOCOMOTIVES BOUGHT BY S. P. TO HANDLE GROWING WESTERN TRAFFIC Subscribers have been lucky (or unlucky, according to bow re­ ceipt of ibe paper is regarded) in getting the Enterprise at all io the last two weeks. With about double the usual work, due to the season and uo printer available as extra help, there has been much night work and very little proof­ reading , therefore even muretypo- grapeical errors than usual. “Corns and Tell Us About Thing*." Those work In the schools.” The other w#g 'Jim Irwin, who was becoming famous, and who felt he had done nothing to deserve fume. Professor W ithers, an extension lecturer from Amea, took Jim to dinner at the best hotel In the town, for the purpose of talking over Don’t cry. The taxpuyer in with him tbe needs of the rural financing thoae roada becauac schools. be enjoys the service those "You've got to come down to our The rum smuggling fleet on the farm ers’ week next year, and tell ua stage linea give, and he could about these things," said he to Jim. not get it if he did not provide Atlantic coast has lost »5,000,000 in "Can’t you?” the year through seizure of liquor rouds. Jim 's brain reeled. He go to a gath­ * a being . a .n k I i,n<> r.nd venicle», vehicles, and and has has sunk sunk 5000 5000 ca»es cases | . ering ot real educators and tell his Moreover, A there more th T he evolu tion o f th e railroad locom otive h e r e is show n in a striking m anner. A t the top crude notions! How could He get tbe one e an auto o to Io every .very live live men, men, women »om en 1 A ° JJ , . ‘’ “M to avo,d 8eizurc and arre8t , U No. 4300, n e w .a t gig a n tic m ountain-type lo co m o tiv e o f th e Southern P acific, for h ea v y trans- money for his expenses? B ut he had ’•nd u ohildrea in Oregon, some of' th ’ and th* C08t of a" the li<’uor ohildrafk in O riffiin vnm a ' ■ C o n ti n e n ta l iia a«Anme trains. Qt*« S tan d in g — beside ¿ it, preme confidence in the thing dealt u * ir owners must be paying road ' smup»flcd ashore- and million, of dol- ton, or L ocom otive No. 1 o f that railroad. B elo w is the fam ou s " R ock et” w hich Dulled the with. t* x n outside of their license fees' lar* ot profit made by the »"Wiclcri. first train in 1829, at w h a t w as then con sid ered the rem ark ab le sp eed o f 24 m iles an hour. ‘T il come,” said he. | lias been paid by the fool consum ers. and t ie gaioliue tax. “Tliank you.” said the Ames man. “T here's a small honorarium attached, HE m ost modern passenger 1 auxiliary booster engine and «7.860 In the general policy of the S o u th e r n The fees collected by the stale Yet they are avid for the chance tj you know." do more guzzling and pay for it. locomotives thus far designed pounds when this auxiliary engine Is Pacific of keeping w ell to the fo r e in for not jr vehiole registration lust Jim was staggered. He tried to re­ have ju st reached the Pacific used in starting and at slow speed, serving the public with the very best member what an honorarium Is. Wns year exceeded $4,000,000, and th* coast and will be of m aterial The tractive power of 57,510 pounds, tran sp o rtatio n possible. Our congiessman tried hard to ac­ be obliged to pay an honorarium for gasoline tax anouier $¿,000,000, the record w inter converted Into hauling capacity. in rr» i« « s , .. the chance to speak before the college complish something in December but aid in handling — • ■ ■ ■ '« ■ s “ r . , ; s , » •■ r« - S ' ^ , ^ 5 all of which went into the ruail gathering? Well, he'd save money and almost completely failed. The ob­ They are the result of years of ot 26°?**“ p e r'm iie '« “ modern hJavy w U h'rilm inaH on ^ ± 7 pay It. fund, yet a Houk of newspapers stacle that prevented them was con- study and experience by Southern fourteen-car passenger train at a speed slack is accomnH.h J a J taklD|{ "I—I'll try to take care of the hon­ ars couiiuually howling about the orarium ,” said he. "I’ll come.” Sreumen. Pacific experts and planned to beat of "My miles an hour About 3.250 a 1 9uch devlcea public building aud maintaining The professor laughed. It was the m eet conditions here. Operation of horsepower, equal to 147 "flivver" and t h . h n n « t« \„ i W“ter heaters autom obile. I. developed “ Y e w reC Y d. f“ ‘r n Y i - a t m T ’“ “ 8 first Joke the gangling Innovator had the roads and the curs using i hem Ninety years of railroad engine heavier tra in , on .onger r u n . will resu lt, together with added com fort Tbe flr,t °f these gigantic engines omy P ira tin g e .o n ­ perpetrated. free of charge. history are illustrated at the lop It won't bother you to take care of to passengers through sm oothness in wl1* operate over the difficult moun- T ,,„ It is estimated that touiists left of this page. It." said he. "but If you’re not too ex- startin g and handling or train s tain and de8ert ru n between Los , h„ “ ew Paclflc engines will make travagnnt It will pay your expenses ot trains. Angeles and Ei Paso the t r o u g h run w ithout change be- »18.000,000 in Oregon last year. and give you a few dollars over.” Thinovitch Known as the "4-8-2,” or "Moun- The South.™ __ __ tween San F ™n«l»co and Los Angeles. Tiioae who got it can well afford a Jim breathed more freely. An hon­ tain Type." these m onster engines derad slxty-three new locomotives °to T hta” ^ ' ^ Y n g ^ d u r i n ^ ' t h 1^ ^ " few dollars road tax. The money W hat's the difference between a are to be put into service with the be placed In service during 1924 This yea? has m a d e ™ orarium was paid to the person receiv­ . I, S ® *a8t the tourist spends finds its nay draw n tooth and Soviet R ussia's den­ opening of the new year by the South- is In addition to the ten "M ountain the through r u n o f « « “ b -Jf r t COrd ln ing the honor, then. W’h at a relief I “All right," he exclaimed. ’T il be “ ’ between into about every home. Eveu the ial th at she is backing revolutionary em Pacific Company In handling Type" p a .s e n g .r en g in e.; six heavy OgYS and S p ark . glad to comer* propaganda in o th er co u n tries? heavy transco n tin ental trains. Pacific Type” passenger locomotives, farmer who sells potatoes at 50 “Let's consider th at settled,” said _. for use between San Francisco and ,,T 16 ney est tyP® Pullm an cars and One is tooth out and the o th er is the professor. “And now I must be cents a bushel that are retailed at i , , « , 'Quipped with the very Los Angeles, and thirty-four Improv- ° Ule5 #quitlim ent °f latest design also too th in — in the w ords of a Russian. going back to the opera-house. My latest devices for increasing power ed "2-10-2" heavy freight engines now 8 r* 7 ° B placed 10 operation to carry $3 gets some of it. Perhaps if the "Tudam thinovjtch.” talk on soil sickness comes next. I and economy; are 97 feet, 6% Inches being delivered out the railroad's plan for furnishing tourists hadn’t eaten potatoes he tell you, the w inter w heat crop has « » ¿ S . ' S ' : been—” . would have received only 46 cents. D etectives w orking on the Siskiyou But Jim was not able to think much train robbery got a le tte r from V an­ power H 57,510 pounds w ithout th t available within the next year to aid add u t 'h Y c o m f o r t ^ r u X , ? “ 6" 110“ of the w inter w heat problem as they couver saying It was th o u g h t one of went back to the auditorium. He was THE PRICE OF MEAT. the robbers had been seen th ere They worth the appreciation of a college IL 1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIl I thought 11 It a a jo Joke because th th e e signa- sig n s » __ . . . . . . , ‘"ougne ae Recause professor, trained to think on the very A statement issued by Armour & I ture w„ ..p D Ory.. whjch 18016386 m atters Jim had been so long mulling Co. is that meat production is not in-1 lerpreted, "Pretty d— dry.” fnvea- over In Isolation and blindness! creasing in proportion to the increase i tigation proved that Mr. Dry is a Callsta Simms thought she saw in human population. Therefore the I railroad agent at the Vancouver town something shining and saint-ltke about Fisk and Gates tires and tubes. Complete line of automobile accessories the comely face of her teacher as he price of meat ia rising. Sustaining ,nd thought he had seen one of them Ford parts W illard battery service came to her at her post ln the room this statement, figures are quoted in which the school exhibit was held. When in need of anything for the automobile give us a call, as our showing that in 1891 there were 2299 . S,hedL** ",,d high prices are rig h t and service is prompt Callsta was In charge of the little chil­ , per .. thousand of popula- | hou„ basketbailers dren whose work wns to be demon­ Trouble calls and wreck jobs given prom pt attention. food animals lotuorrow play 0 L lt at the opera P strated that day, and was In a state tion In the United States, while in ■■ of exaltation to which her starved be­ ing had hitherto been a stranger. P e r­ haps there was something sim ilar ln falsphoge 16x5 sanu. On the heels of this announce*' F O O T E B RO S. Props. her condition of fervent happiness to m eat c o m « > r i e i |C u t Flower» Pot and bedding Plan«» that of Jim. She, too, was doing some­ mem comes a statement by the In-1 pir, t40 East 40lh al P O R T L A N D . beep kind to die for th e w - ajxd heg|d«J (1923) was the greatest in hiitorjr, Ore. Phone Sellwood 1757 was not Newton Bronson iD charge of By HERBERT QUICK exceeding last year's figures by a bil­ th« corn exhibit, and a member of the DELBERT STARR lion and a half pounds.” com Judging team ? n l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l |||||||||||||||||||||||lll,|,,„ :t To (be eyes of the town girls who (Copyright by The Bobfaa-Uerrill Company) 1 an million more hogs were1 Funeral Director and L i­ passed about among the exhibits, she bought by the packers in 1923 than ia censed Em balm er was poorly d ressed ; but If they could v n a r i t n ah have seen the clothes she had worn on Motor Hearse, the year before. So many hogs cut Efficient Service. that evening when Jim Irwin first Lady A ttendant the farmer's price for the animals, J At th* Farm ers' Institute. called s t their cabin they could per­ firownaville............................. ....... Oregon" Hay is w orth ju s t as m uch in sto rag e a- but how much did the price of cured Every Iowa county has Its F anners’ haps have understood the sense . of Institute. Usually it Is held ln the well being and happiness In CMlIsta's you m ight get for it in case o f fire. Th ? pork products come down? county sent, and Is n gathering of soul at the feeling of her dress, aDd W . L. W R IG H T J .\ h farm ers for the purpose of listening the boughten“ cloak she wore—and Armour say s. " The farmer get* g| j Mortician & Funeral Director i» iinprpving discussions and addresses any of them, even without knowledge centa out of every dollar we get for h o th instructive and eptertnlnlng. The Halsey and Harnaliurg «f Ipii, rnlghf have ifp(ieratood Calls- o f loss by fire. the products derived front hit live­ C all I) T avlur , Halatjr. or ■VoodrulT district was Interested in tg * Joy at th* knowledge thgf iipwtpg W. L. WausuT. Harrisburg j the institute, however, becausp of the Bronson’s eyes were en her from bis stock.” Somebody elae, then, gets fact that a rural-school exhibit wss station by the big pillar an awful slice out of the price paid "Hello, C allsta!" said Jim. “How one of its features that year, and that over the retailer's counter for those Colonel \\ iHiilruff had secured an are you enjoying It?" products. Oh ' said Calista, and drew a long, urgent invitation to the school to take I can make — both r F A M aaa.as and CITY ------------ r i R nm | V long breath. “Ah'm enjoying myae'f part In It. The dav theae last figures were j'_O A N S at a very row rate of inlcicst Such exhibits are now so common right much, Mr. Jim .” published A ttorney G eneral Dougher- J * ro,n 5 ,0 10 7, a r »- W rite me for par Any of the home folks coming ln that It is not worth while for us to describe it; but then, the sight of a to see ?" ty filed a petition in the federal dia- 1tre,,Iara w’. Larisa Sileni, Or*. ee. sell,” answered Callsta. "All clsss of children testing and weighing Second st., opposite Halsey Garage trict court in Chicago for an order! uilta. »xaminlng grains for viability the school board have stopped by this '* m orning" Short orders at all boar» Up to 11 p. m. and fotil seeds, planning crop h)l'g compelling Swift 4 Co., Cudahy A All work >lonr|proiuptly and reason­ Jim looked about him. They* m o th u s . Judging grains snd Ijvs itoeg Co. and Wilson A Co. to give the gov­ ably. Phone No. 269 was so new in that county as to be the were now. over In a corner, with their suffer from ernment access to tfseir books, as re­ heads together He went toward them, real sensation of the Institute. h e ad a ch e ? his face still beaming with that radi­ Two persons were a good deal em quired by law. They refuse and are Arutit A, Tussing Have your eyes Hie average yie’d of dairy cot*« barrsssed by the success of the ex­ ance which had shone so plainly to fighting their case in court. exam ined hibit. One was the county superin­ the eyes of Callsta Simms, but they LA W YE R ’AND NOTARY ¿Il Oregon i.< one-third wore than tendent. who was constantly In receipt saw In it only a grin of exultation over If they are such benefactor« of the of undeserved compliments upon her his defeat Of them at the hearing be­ In ike if fW»£4 AfAtCR. H vlset , O k k (} on public why not let us all see the wisdom in f sterlng really "practical fore Jennie Woodruff. When Jim had Optom etrist, with proof 7 drawn so close as almost to call for y F . M. F r e n c h a S o n s the extended hand, he felt the repnl- A Chicago dispatch in Tuesday '* rion of th*ir attitudes and rheersd off J E W E L E R S O PT IC IA N S , co some pretended errand "th a dark Oregonito say* j corner serosa iae i^o«. « Albany, Oregon Hog prices dropped 14 4 per They resumed their talk. cent in 192K, but the housewife "And as I was sayin'," went en paid about as much tor pork a« Bonner. "I wan- to get this guy, Jim Irwin. An bein the cause of his git. eh* did a year ago snd even mote tin the school. I d like to he on the tor lard. board to kick him off; but if you fel- First Clam Work would like to have some one elae, With the price of auger where it I won't run. and If the right feller Is Agent for Eugene Steam Laundry has been in recent vrjera fne howl for •arsed, m n«« „p what friend* I got Sent Tuaadaia. pr him" “ t- 1 5 . heavier customs protection of hom<| Tou gat aa friend can git a* maay I ?*«• •• f PB fan." sgid Peanos. "} First Class A u to Repairing T ’.T *' "“ I Robinson Floral (o HALSEY GARAGE A m e r ic a n E a g le Fire Insurance Co. 11 • ui t ;i 11 E.mli» Pira I usurante couipau i' jwill pay you 85% of the cash value in cas ! FARM LOANS C. P. STAFFORD, Agent. F. M. GRAY. Dad s and Maui’s Restaurant D R A Y M A N ( Why A f IDIlf Ills» S. T . F R E N C H Barber »hop W Baths J- w STEPHKNSON. Frep, Square Meal, 50c BROWN MOUSE