I HALSEY ENTERPRISE Î VOL. XU HALSEY, LINN COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JAN. 3, t . 1 Beaver State The S. P is at work on that new last week. •eivice ’fuesdav. Mr. ano Mrs. J. R. Hobbe of Albany -_______ i id«, track. Germ any has bankrupted herself Esther and Herietta Starnea spent Miss Rub» Schro’.l is recuperal. visited friends in Shedd Sunday. ’ I T* . - Io defraud her creditors. S b e ha* Thusday evening Mrs. Balf Bond, Thursday night with their aunt, Miss 1 The San Francisco section of th« in g from som ething much like the Harold Pugh, who has been woik- American Mathematical society win Miss Mona Bond and Mrs. Bert Clark Hattie Dannen of Shedd, and attended paid wages to idle railroad hands flu. S S n ’ l,"*” 10 R,Ubr to a PreT**nt *nE «*• »t aavav, Holt, CBlil California, came home rae8t «» ®ugene next winter, •• - 1 •••O and daughter Georgina attended the the Eastern Star installation. Hre. £ C. Miller has been very »«»•«. — them from working tor lor »ond good wage* 1 joint installation, pf the Stars ar.d A record breaking enrollment o f She h a . I A r a ill for two weeks, but is slowly ini. Guests at the tngram home during offered by the French Masons at Shedd. B Connor drove to Portland pupils In the Eugene schools Is re­ proving. Her sister, Miss Elino- last week were Mr. and Mrs. Shelton »pent money m aking arm s she had , , and sP « t Christmas with hi« ported by Joseph T. Glenn, city su­ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Minerman, who of Ingram Island, Mrs. Wm. Einfeld. promised not to make snd training B ia u e tt of Lebanon, is with her perintendent. I ’ The T rinity’' and ‘'The are visiting Mrs. Curtis of Lebanon, and daughter of Salem, Clyde Ingram soldiers she bad prmised not to ‘ auKbtera- Southern Pacific employes from Miss Pearl Thompaon ia working io Bible account of Creation ” will will leave for California the last of the of Roseburg and Jeff Riley and son of train. She has made her paper money valueless by reckleasly is- Albany at the home of Hurley Mor Roseburg and nearby pointe met fa Cottage Grove. he discussed at the Methodist week to visit Mr. Mjncre.an’g son. auing am oun t. never approached gan while Mrs. Morgan is in a hos Roseburg for a safety ftret and fuel­ church next Sunday. T. J. Skirvin, W. L. Norton, C. P. B. E. Cogswell of Portland spent a any where any time. Her ex- Pital in Portland saving conference. Mrs. Mayme Robinson of Moody, G. S. Hayes and James Mc­ few days at his farm last week kaiser and her war lords are w ell 1 Umpqua poet of the American Le­ Tacom a, with t i r e c.hiidr. n bus Williams were hunting in Tillamook fed bat thousands ■* of o* children in « 09. ¡_ , l « , gion at Roseburg ts ahead of all other Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burkhart came been visiting her aunt, Mr» ' Dr county the last of the week. that country are inautticidntly fed n l "8 Spotlight posts of the state In the matter of up from Salem Sunday to visit their Marks, and Mrs. B assett, and also today and must perish before Old winter got here a week and a paid-up membership for 1924. Rev. Robert Parker and family ranch. made a trip to Y oncalla. spring unless help comes from the half late , according to the calendar were in Albany Thursday. The Gilpin Construction company OU\Vh.8f » . .. t but wben be did arrive we all knew will begin the filling of the streets , Mrs. P. J. Forster was stricken The Claude Davis and J. W. Moore visH !b r n ’ C*n ° ° ‘ Mond,y mornin«r th« " yesterday morning with w hat is families celebrated the birthdays of In the devastated district of Astoria tb l C Ti h', , '“ . er8 Upon enouPh ‘o make the landscape about the middle of the month. described as alm ost a paralytic the two ladies, who are sisters, Sat­ nrimtt v„drr A h ,‘ a"d bY*‘h* P e»X •troke. Her sym ptom s today are urday. rite epidemic of dtpntnerta ano prim itive for Americans of today 1. ». .7 □ (Enterprise Correspondence) regarded as favorable. to adm inister. It may prevail in *" f m ° f froMn and measles prevalent In Portland for the Eldon Cross and wife spent Christ­ Nearly 200 people attended the last three or four weeks is on th« A«ia M inor, but not here. Let u* bur!lt P'P«8- G. F. dshroll and fam ily re­ mas with the latter’a parents, Mr. and Christmas tree at the Pine Grove wane, according to City Health Of­ ceived on the day before Cnriatmas feed the innocents in bedeviled Old Man Fahrenheit’s glass wa* not ficer Mrs. A. A. Morrell, at Hillsboro. Parrish. schoolhouse. The program wse very a box of tropical fruits from Germ any and the near east, if we | very full new year’s morning. It* Mrs. D. Taylor and Lawrence were much enjoyed. Efforts to find H. C. Topping, sheriff George Schroll at W interhaven, have t» go short of tobacco or pie contents rose only ten degrees above of Jefferson county, charged with con­ Fla. There were n >vel oranges, in Albany Thursday. Mrs. L. E. Eagy made a trip to 0 **’• 0. Portland was four degrees warm verting to his own use more than tangerines, grape fruit and com", Portland Thursday, returning Satur­ Charles Whitlatch and ton were •r and Albany three oolder. But »2000 belonging to the county, have quats in it. There was also $9 80 with Grant Taylor, the former’s fath­ day. Robert H. Strong, of the Portland in it for the railroad com panies, er-in-law, over the week end. firm of Strong A MacNaughton. who there were plenty of other glasses so far been unavailing. An entertainment was given at the directed the campaign for foods for in th e country whose contents th a t being the transportation I Automobile Insurance rates for col­ charge which George paid in ad- j The Ladies’ Aid of the Methodist school house Saturday evening and a starving peoples of Europe for Her were low, as was shown by the lision and property damage are due to- church realized about $13 at the food community club organized. vance. Officers bert Hoover here In 1921, has accepted «mall police court business in most be reduced throughout this state ln> Chicago was sa the near future. In the belief of a num are: President, George Chandler; vice- the chairmanship of the Oregon state cities Jan . 2. sale at Hill & Co.’s store Saturday. The Study club ladies sold $15.44 committee for the relief of starving drunk and law-defiant as ever, bui ber of Insurance men. president, Dean Bilyeu; secretary The money goes towards a carpet for worth of Christmas seals. the church. Laurel Chandler; treasurer, Fred Syl­ German children. This is affiliated Chicago is in the state cation at the L. E. Eagy home. backed by Herbert Hoover, former j (l ue8’>°n •’ ‘‘ D o e s prohibition B. M. Bond and mother and sister er several days. a report filed tn the offices of the Oregon boy, now secretary */* of V com prohibit? ” Mona were in Albany Saturday. — - - — - - U U J- Ray Hover was an Albany visitor S. J. Smith and family have been merce, and Is Indorsed by President Bad whisky (Is there any othtr public service commission. Indicated last week. r Coolidge and was likewise Indorsed by kind) did the fool-killer's work in that the corporation now hat a aur J. S. McMahan and wife were in wrestling with the flu. the late President Harding. plus of 1499 care In Oregon. Corvallis Sunday. a number of casas. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Faber and Delora Wells is back again with The recently organ»«« Portland! Jack Frost did fancy work on meny children, who have been at the O. Mrs. Charles Poole and son Curtis, k:r grandma Pray. Pulp A Paper company wfll erect a* windows Monday morning. Becker home for some time, returned Mrs. William Curtis and Mrs. Henry paper mill coating approximately »1,. J. C. Standish visited his son to their home at St. Paul Sunday. Tuesday night the tem perature Minerman visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry 200,000 on North Portland harbor, ac­ erett at Salem Sunday. roae a little, with clouds hamper- Brock of Lake Creek Sunday and stay- cording to plans of the Company, O. Becker, who was hurt recently, ing tbs radiation of beat, and Arthur Foote and wife have gene is able to be around again. The 1922 season hrcnight court con­ yesterday snow fall about all the home to Ohio for a lengthy visit *** V-J J among relatives day, though it amounted to onl) victions to 147 person* for careless­ Mr. and Mrs. Sam Campbell and about five inches, and last night it ness with fire In th* national foreatsi children visited at the J. A. Johnson W e H ave began to eliiik off the eaves and of Oregon and Washington, accord­ j Those 260,000 hens were signed up and George Bain homes during the ing lo a report |ffvnn out by the dis ­ down the guitars, ^EVERYTHING before January 1 and the Pacific Co holidays. trict forester’} office In Portland. A* a whole, Oregon was as white O ptical operative Poultry Producers* associa Authorisation by congress la nor and beautiful yesterday m orning tion still lives. Misses Sophia and Anna Heinrich EYE STRAIN a» she ever is, but today her er­ necessary for the construction of th«' were at home for Christmas. Is the Cause of Many mine begins to look bedraggled in Sellwood bridge across the Wlllamett«- Homer Speer and family of Tan HUMAN ILLS places. rlver at Portland, aa the river te «•- gent have started on a Californ The cottage prayer-meetir 7 wa* If yenr eyes give you trouble or tour. tlrely within the confines of the state,. held at the Gibson home Thursday your glasses are annoying Secretary of War Weeks has advised. B r o w n s v ille B rie fs evening. SEE US. We can Relieve You Metzger’s shoe store has added a Rherlff Hurl hurt’s tax collection de­ Bancroft Optical Co. i basement salesroom for men’s shoes partment In Multnomah county has. Miss Etta Morgan of Lebanon visit­ " 1st St. W. Albany. Phone d Walla Wall» foibldt eigaret advar- collected and turned over to County ed at the W. G. McNeil and R. K. (Continued on page 3) l* « V *V tisihg on billboards. Tell the Treasurer l^ewle this year • total « f Stewart homes Saturday and Sunday, Brownsville city council. «14,39ti.3t9.«4. which exceeds the emount ef taiee on the books for thl«. W. M. King of Brownsville baa cuf ROBERT H. BTRONQ Murderer Heckert hangs at Salem y«*e by »2*0.341 32 tomorrow unless some new legal State Chairman, American Cqmevuee and D. E. Wolgamott has transported The Upper Columns Athletic Yeagu«* 1000 cords of while fir wood for tba Per Relief ef barman Children. quibble is found sufficient to secure Instituted by the principals of the- paper mill this year, The Oregon rommlttee la to launch a delay. achoojg hf Sherman. Gilliam. Morrow soon a campaign to raise «100.000 In J- B, Hughe* of Marshfield visited this state, half in Portland and half his former "home at Brownsville end Wheeler counties last spring, will! open Its series of basketball gameetble The Rebekahs will give an enter in the outetate district». ({eadipar Christmas, His danghter-in-law and week, Th* aerlea will include 74 to» tainment and basket social next tare for the work bava lieu. opened In month for the benefit of a fund to 71» Corbett building, Portland, with two granddaughters were with him 76 Inter-high school games. H. L. Eddy In charge ae director, It and stayed for a longer visit, but he buy silverware. Oseald Wesj, Fern Hobbe and H. has been IndofjM locally by the Port­ has gone back to Marshfield, which land Council of Churches, the business he sayi fa a very lively town these M Parka ary the incorporators of the Fort Rock Development company, for Interests of the city and by the Con­ days. . ■ which srti-lee of Incorporation were» tra! Labor Council, all of which have declared that, whatever may (igve Christmas day 34 people gathered at filed with the corporation department­ been don» to bring about starvation the 81st annual reunion of the Dunlap al Salem Capital stock is to be »10,.- conditions in Germany, certain It is family at Fayetteville. The Dunlap Odd and nbrtlend will be headquarters that the Httla children there Should sisters and Mrs. Forbes of the Dun­ The lowest bid opened at Portland not be blamed end that (bey must be T'eptatn George Mayo, corps of lap drug company at Brownsville and fed and clothed •aglneera, U 8. A , for the delivery o f their mother were in the party. O R years, m others o f boys and girls 230,000 tons of rock to bo used int George Morse is working fhr the jetty construction at the mouth of the» have looked to us fo r hosiery strongly Umpqua river, was »143 a ton. It. Southern Pacific Et bridge work. made; to stand the wear and tear o f the By Anna Pennell! was filed by Joplin A KldOn of Port­ school playground. F o r as many year« Mis» Maria Wolgamott rome home land H alsey Church ol Christ Charles Pennell and family of Scio from Man Dtega for the hoiidaya. we have recommended. visited at L. E. Pennell’s a f«w days E n Watters, postmaeter/nt Staytont The long -standing appeal for a for the past two yaars. has been re­ last weel(. Church Announcements Hiss Kathleen McCarthy, a student better road from Mountain Home to moved from offteb, following a visit o f Church of (jh ri.t 1 at a Corvallis hospital, was an over- Brown*'tie is becoming lively again. a postoHiee tnapactor from Portland1 Lon Chaintee, minister. The condition of the road tends much who. It was said, found the postmaster- Bible school, 10, W. H . Robert- night visitor in Shedd. trade to Lebanon that would naturally (1300 or (1304 short In hie accounts. son, superintendent. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Powers of fall to Brownsville. Miss Mildred English has been ap­ Morning worship, 11. Lord’s Reno, Nevada, have been visiting Our lines of children's hoiiery include every sty le or pointed acting poe»ma«ter «upper every Lord’« day. quality jfou are ever likely to want. Stockings for friends in and about Shedd. There wag g hawk at Rowland wfiph There was oily one fatality due tr» Christian Endeavor, « 8 0 . school, dress-up” or knockabout wear, made with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Sprenger of Al­ ha4 wrought much havoc and hunt­ taduetrtal accidents la Oregon durla« Evening service, 7:30, reinforced heels, toes and knees, for sturdy boys and it. A reward wa* the week ending December IT, accord - ------------------- The church without a bishop, in bany were in Shedd Thursday evenin g ers failed to ’‘get” girls— all riflttlj priaJ. See our special School D is­ and attended the joint installation off,red ' ,n d Mias Gladys Belt* has Ing to a report prepared by the state the country w ithout a king. play this week. Industrial accident eommlseten. The If yon have no church home held by the Masuns and Eastern S tar.' klIled th< b,wk “nd won th< rtw*rii. victim wee Robert Williams, a laborer, com e and worship wjtb us. at hL*