—— PAG H « HALSEY E N T E R P R IS E — ««««««■«— * GLOBE ALBANI SUNDAY—M O N D A Y T o V aulb D avi » ,’ then Sonny aad now Richard Barthel mess DBG. J7 IWi O u r S ch o o ls The Innocents are Still Perishing Corner Stone of the World-Supremacy of Help Shield Them from This Nation Cold and Hunger bailers got revenge last week Wed­ HALSEY RAILROAD TIME nesday, beati.ig Harrisburg 12 to 6. < Nor,h booth * * * ♦ ♦ • # * # * * No. I«. 11:3? a. m. No. l7_ , j . „ p * In “The Brown Mouse” Jim * * Irvine strives for knowledge-- * * sot “culchaw.” * * • * * * « * « # * * 24, 4:28 p. m. 23, 4.28 p. m, 22. 4:.M> a. ru. 21, H ;3 j p jjjf Nos, 21 and 22 stop only if Aagged The high school will play the alum­ SUNDAY MAIL HOURS ;tu«l Mabie Holmes Parsons, P ort ni a gam*: of basketball this evening. Prizes for High The two letters below tell The delivery window of the their own story. Is there an School _____ Publications , Best 8Chool magazine— Tha program given by the highlflaiggy postoffice i« open Sunday« • IO nS Hugh Hume, editor Spectator; I »«h001 Fnday was ver>’ Rood and its from 10:50 to 11 a ui and la is Oregonian who cannot spare at • P ro f Victor L- 0. Chittick, E n g - 8UcceM * * »«»buted to Miss to 12:30 p. m. supported by least a small sum to save the M c h n n l I’J i h . e . School Ed tors, bend in Ii8h department, Reed C dlei?, ‘ Berth. Leitner. Sunday mail goes out only on lives of the inuoeent victims of Dorothy Gish Productions Portland; John T. Hotchkiss, J . ) The Halsey college students are ,ho north-bound 11:37 train: war? * * * * * * * * * * K.<»ill. < o., Portland; and Ralph home for their Christmas and new goe* «outh once a day, closing at Portland, Dec. 22. Keep your eyes on At the concurrent convention D. (u ser, UBgociate professor of year’s vacation. a ’ V’STJl ’"»ce. closing 1115 Dear Mr. Wheeler: It is u of the high school press associa­ journalism, University. -------------------- | B r o ^ . ^ ’drew’f o X i i ^ J , 1*?« Brownsville. Cra*v for,’, ville” , nd “‘w ie ' pleasure to receive your issue tion and the high school student 2,0 school may enter the com- jT W T w w w e e w v e e e v e e e e e Home leaves daily at 6:45 a. m. of December 13th, in which you body officers at Eugene, Jan. petition for awards which h a s ! M a r y Succeeds forwarded publications to • « w C « give our recent ucur cunt cubic*, 11 and 12, awards will be made not the University long enough in } on M a in S treet Paid-for Paragraphs aucli generous apace. It i* by the following judges: Q. H. Davidson and wife have a advance of the convention to j Best example of a re p o rte rs' pretty hard to receive loennagen new Echophone Grand radio receiving By L A U R A M IL L E R enable the judges to have plenty ? I ¡Adm ittance Here 5 Cents set in their home north of town. C. like thia all the time uud not work on a high school paper— Ben H ur Lampman, local staff, p.'b'nXiv'Z I . . . . . . . . . . « . . . . . . — .. P. Stafford has ordered an Echophone give them wide publicity. The Portlund Oregonian; Frank Jen puom.ations. I @. IS IS , by L«iir» Mlll»r a Line Special, but it has not yet arrived. attitude of the press o f the state kins, editor Eugene Register; uud OUT WHERE THE WHEAT Both of the/ machines were purchased haa utmost without exception George Turnbull, professor of p * ’ For Sale— 3 Collie Pups. Good BEGINS through the M. V. Koontz company. been ao very friendly that our journalism. University of Oregon. stock. E rnest G ourlrv , phone 1 ^ With the High The secretary-treasurer of a farm Best original editorial—N. J. Mrs. Cha/jes Mercer of Eugene is a cam pa i hub huve been to a large loan association in St. Paul, Kan., School Classics guest a t the home of her parents, extent successful because of Levinson, editorial writer, P ort­ doesn’t properly belong In any cate­ land Telegram; George I’utnam, M r. and Mrs. D. I. Isom. Old - papers for ------------ eale at 5c a Lundi# this cooperation. gory of Main Street women. For her i - By M A R G A R E T BO YD publisher Salem Capital Journal; ' Linn county school budget* are 111,- bnck yard contains 318 acres. The at l he Enterprise office, 1 hope that some duy during and Colin V. Dymeut, dean of work for the farm loan association. 800 less this year than last. this winter, when It is cold in th«' college of literature, science, <® bv M arrarat Boyd.) and other work for the Big Island “ Cured by wearing a spider hunfi nchool board are casual tasks while ¡Reelfoot Lake The tax commission g»ve the O. K. Hulsey, but colder in the Near and the arts, University of Ore­ gon. reund one’s neck in a nutshell."— the farm Is literally the big Job. to - nil the county estimates. may I remember I that ---- Linn vvunvy I Euat, > « you 7 — ••••«,* IJU I But Susie Gibbons, an orphan, who Best general mechanical make Evangellna. in Tennessee Charles Ballard arrived from S h e r-' NOHI** M H le kiddie« ure warm has certainly found success by either up of a newspaper—Elbert Bede Among the moat Interesting of super­ wood Monday evening to viait at the and ------ * ---------- comfortable through your | editor Cottage Grove Sentinel stitions are those concerning disease man’s or woman's measuring tape, Clark Smith home. No, it wasn't has accumulated opinions that Miss Born of an Earthquake in | * Paul **m ««• R. n Kelty, a y , u news ew i e editor u n o r f Port o rt and its cure. Wearing something Town-Bred or Miss City-Born may the Charles Ballard who published the around one’s neck to ward off disease Uncle Sam’s Youth 1 think it will be of interest lan<1 Oregonian; and Robert C well ponder. Enterprise fo r a couple of years. or to cure disease Is one of the most to your readers to know what Hal1’ Proft‘S8or of journalism, As to where a girl should seek sue Neither was the publisher this visit­ common superstitious practices, and Is cess— "depends on what kind of back­ Tennessee owns Reelfoot Lake an Oregon man not connected University of Oregon, o rs father, whose name is also almost as much in vogue now as it was bone the girl has," Miss Gibbons says in trust for all the people and in any way re I ®eBt recwd of service to a with near east re­ In Evangeline’s day. City school teach­ Charles. They are not even ac lief thinks of it. I enclose a high school by a high school ers can tell a tale of woe about the lit­ laconically. “The real question Is soon, if present plans are ful­ 'luainted with the publisher Bellard. whether the girl Intends to make good, publication—Judge Jacob B. copy of a letter from Prof. Hly tle red flannel bags filled with asafoe- the size of the town that hap­ filled, every foot of land around He was in -u Kgnzler, Portland; W. A. Reid, tida or with garlic cloves that tene­ not W alter Davie of Shedd has got of McMinnville. pens to be her home.” secretary CorvaUis Chamber of the lake will be the greatest ment children wear to protect them from the M urphy Seed company of party of tourists last Summer And as to the qualities that have Albany three Empire milking mach­ who visited the orphanages in Commerce; and Earl Kilpatrick, from sore throat, diphtheria, whooping made for her own success— "keeping state-owned game sanctuary in and Greece. dean of the University of Oregon cough, and the like. Strings of Job’s perpetually busy" is one part of the America. ine heads, the object being while m ilk­ Palestine, Syria, tears are still sold to mothers who be­ prescription. Getting along well with ing by machine to discharge each Before the party broke up they extension division. lieve that a baby that wears a string The earthquake that formed Best method of obtaining and people Is another essential Ingredient got together one day and sub cow ’s m ilk separately, ao that he can of these tears w ill cut Its teeth pain even for a fanner, though Miss 3usie Reelfoot Lake began in the ear- f 12,00(1 toward our handling advertising for a high lessly. Rabbits’ feet, secured under Gibbons keep yield and test records of the in scribed isn't conceited enough to funds. school newspaper or magazine— proper conditions, when worn on a ly winter of 1811. It continued dividual animals. claim the credit due her. Instead she Yesterday I received a cable-, Harry Marcus, advertising man string around the neck will protect the explains: more than , three months “I have had my housekeep­ tor 1 lie Robinson Floral company pf gram dated last Monday, stat- aK'‘r Oregon Journal, Portland; wenrer from a variety of ailments, as er fifteen years. She Is an angel. My I urtland, whose advertisement ap­ lug that for the 2,000 children until by March, 1812, more Hurd, manager Cor well as bring him good luck. farm manager has been here seven pears in this paper this week fo r the in the Russian Caucasus then v,' vullis There Is scarcely a communltv that years. My friends are veritable Gi­ tli an 75,000 acres of land had ni“ Gazette-Times; and ' ' \V. v F v first time, is the one with whose con­ is not an ounce of sugar, and G. Thatcher, professor of adver­ does not boast of at least one person braltar«. It seems to me the chief sunk to a depth of from seven duct, G. T. Kitchen, late of this place, they sorely need its heat pro tising, University school of Jo u r­ who can blow Are out of a burn and tribute they’ve paid my father—who to thirty feet. The final con­ prevent blistering. The blowing must was the best dad on earth—has taken is associated. vulsion of nature opened a dueing qualities, for they are nalism. accompanied by the repetition of tbs form of watching my welfare.” Most adequate production of be passage from the sunken land to of 5,000 feet, The new «¡detract which the South­ a t an altitude a charm that cannot he communicated But It’s when she explains why she n mimeographed newspaper— with the tem perature below the Mississippi River, three by one woman to another or one man ern Pacific is about to lay here, is zero. Floyd \V. Westerfield, manager to another, hut must always be taught couldn't be hauled or coaxed or driven miles west, and the Father of made necessary by the Increasing to life In the big city that Susie Gib­ Springfield News; Grace Edg- by one of the opposite sex. The neigh­ Cordially yours, freight business. The present side­ bons truly waxes eloquent. “W eill I W aters rushed in to claim its ington, editor Old Oregon, Uni­ bor who blew the lire out of all the don’t J- J. Ilandsaker have to wake up In the morning new-found conquest in less tracks w ill accommodate only 67 cars. State Director Near versity of Oregon; and Mary E. burns In the neighborhood when I was nnd hear the pattering feet of the than forty-eight hours the sunk­ Sometimes there are 66 to 65 cars in a child Is now n stately old dowager family above. No elevated trains— Kent. University extension divi­ East Relief. a train, and frequently it is necessary who Is a pillar In the church and a where humanity Is packed In like en land had become a great sion. for a passenger train to pass a freight Best high school notes section mainstay of the local cultural move­ stock in Western cattle cars. No Iron lake. The waters of the Missis- McMinnville, Oregon. Dee. 17. ments; but she still blows lire out of clad hour for lunch. No dictaphones sippi River flowed backward for here. Mr. M artin, night agent here, While traveling in Syria and in a Portland paper—Charles her neighbors’ burns. has seen ninety cars of Rocky l ord 1’ulestine last summer at hit Fisher, editor Eugene G uard; There ts scarcely a community of (thank the good Lord). No coming twenty-four hours to fill in the melons in a train at the town of that own expense, I took the palus Hal E. H obs , managing editor, out of an office at 6:30 to join In n void left by the subterraenan auy size that does not have In It at road homeward rush, with all the love­ name in Colorado. disturbance. This is well-auth­ and had the privilege of visit­ Oregon City Enterprise ; and Erie least one old woman who can "meas­ ly day gone. No prisonlike existence enticated history. ure'’ a child and so cure It of the “take W. Allen, dean of the E lliot McW illiams came up from ing quite a number of the .......................... >“> Uuiveis within granite walls." As the land sank it carried off." an ailment that doctors dignify by Albany Saturday evening and spent tions of the near east relief. I iiv HChool of journalism the name of marasmus. with it about one hundred Best high school notes section the night with friends in Halsey. M r and of observing the work and ’**“*' “ *.... * ----- There are likewise few communities square miles of virgin forest. their methods at in a paper outside of Portland— and Mrs. McW illiams drove up Sun­ examining Brownsville Briefs that lack at least one — **pnw-wnw' _ ------ doc­ The storms and winds of more I was astonished at I. D. Felsheim, editor Western tor who will cure any day tad were accompanied horn, by first bund. sort of ailment than a century have swept away the amount of work done In all World. Bandon; A rthur Rudd, their son tad lames Rector, who spent from colic to cancer by reciting charms To™ M iller, the Brownsville small- may thousand trees but thou­ editor University of Oregon Em of the stations, with the least snd incantations. We usually pride fruit grower, has discovered a wav of a day with his friend E llio tt sands yet remain in the lake, expenditure of money, and the erald; and Alfred Powers, assis­ ourselves upon having outgrown witch putting up loganberries in d - i ‘ g S° gaunt specters M r. and Mrs. C. P. Moody and two of the great ¡dent marks of economy ou tant director. University exten­ craft in medicine, hut I have never yet that the a b a n ^ T d , found a high school student who did ‘ , L u d C° ° r “ re Perfectly earthquake children spent Sunday with rela.ivea all sides. I was impressed with sion division. that shook the : i aerved and th® product is as beau- American continent during pio­ In Harrisburg. Best advertising and business not know either the name of a white tifu the great service rendered to i as a picture and as good to eat thousands management of a high school pow-wow doctor or some one who did as fresh logans. neer days. Some trees have Representatives from every civic the thousands and know the name of one. They never he of orphan children, the kind year book—Staff of the Univers­ lleved died and these rear their blast­ and community organization in the In them personally; but they al­ ity school of journalism. Evangelist Wilson, who conducts ed limbs skyward like the masts county have been invited to a mass of rare given (hem, the instruc­ ways had sn aunt or a cousin or a Best story in a high school the meetings at the tabernacle, has a of ships, but others still flourish. tion, both mental and vocation­ neighbor who did believe in them. meeting at Riverside January 9 fo r residence here. Now Mrs. Wilson B is a flooded forest which the purpose of completing the a r­ al. the strength of personality magazine—Edison Marshall. M ed of the teacher« and workers, ford; Charles Alexander. Albany; i The Halsey gram m ar school foot- has been taken ill and sent to the makes a natural breeding place rangements for the Linn county cisix who are some of the most self- Brownsville hospital association. tu an,l "'«terfowl. suerific-ing anil consecrated men Ttw Wrong Mr. Wright 1 he foregoing information about Mrs. Freeland, the coach, deserves The Rr,lde around the Christian Proprietor Rawlings of theGlohe the- and women I have ever seen Reelfoot Lake js from the Dearborn The senior play at Rialto hall Sat- _ I much praise fo r her work The char- ch“ rch’ on th« hill near the bridge, ter, Albany, planned to treat the ehil- Many of them are religious Independent. cess. I acters . . . ------------- ... is being improved and a new sidewalk urday evening was a great success dren of th . W C. T . U. farm home to a statesmen. were as follows: A M r. Smith, who lived at Rais built. picture show Christmas. Diphtheria I think that the near east Jh> Seymour Sites, who assumes the role of vr, prairie, in Lane county, and who eama t., brought n quarantine to the home and lief, by its wonderful nation W eyland Clingstone, one of the boys of long » g L -B v e r e tt’co h ? " NiC*' from the region affected by that (Brownsville cor. Democrat) H‘ L ° rbln prevented him, but he sent candy to 1 with* philanthropy, is doing as Fre. .r,c k Bon,I,. s „ e , „ « » h e w - F r .n k earthquake, used to-tell about it as he Lroaby. a titirn td at Fort M • m e—T im « ... n i the little onaa instead. lu n ch to bind the nation« o? the Captain Loot Brstenface. from the old country— leoige Cross ”* “,e r' Activities of the Christmas sea­ ad heard the story from ancestor*. -artli together as any one far- son hare consisted of a big com. I t affected a large area of the more Frank who runs the h ' tlonal philanthropy, our boxes, each containing two " hen the colored man came down, Mr. Smith said, he struck th * ground run­ made of pure, unadulterated sugar and live mice and addressed to a pop a « ..» ,* delighted to meet Mr. flavorings, and consequently no matter ular girl. Every time a girl got ning, and for all he knew he might « \ ickrev, the geueral secretary. how much is eaten there can be no one of these boxes and opened it be running yet, fo r he was never «sen • h >/ s A y o u a i f « in Hevrout und Jerusalem, and in those parts again. harmful effect. Take home a boa. there was a stampede. J he with t)r. Doughty. Both of knowing that it is the purest casdv ♦ i these officers of the mui r cast ; 36 6 made. • i relief I know to be the most Wellington, little son of M r. and * J consc< rated, devout, N oticb of A ffointmbnt conecieo Mrs R M. Bond of this city. wa. on of Administrator with will annexed tions and effleleat men to be • P io p p i next a m the sick list Thursday. Notice it hereby given tb it the nnder- found any where. signed, by an order of the Couaty Court f met your Armenian repre f Linn County, Oregon has been •*- in sentative on the train the other io r I u L,0i* .JoI1ln,°n -e n t home pointed administrator with the will an­ to Salem for the holidaTs. nexed of the estate of S A. Ribelin. «1"' He. too, is a eboice deceased All persons having claim* spirit and I an: sc glsd be ia «gainst said estate are required to pre­ /9 2 ^ f c j helping in thia good work. Am Any Girl in Trouble FO R S A L E sent them within six months from the way or place I ran help thia date of this notice, with the proper » . ? eomtuuaicate w.th « ...g » Le. oi th . Salv.t.os Army at ,h . Christ like w «n k .. done on ao vouchers, to the nndersigned at hia res­ idence at 375 E. Fifteenth at North. «plentlid a arale.' Mt’ me I n q * . White » .e ld Hame M .v f .k a v e ^ . P0„ l .u i No. 1 mich cow» giving 3 g allom a day Portland, Oregon. ■fc I Cordiallv m urs. Datel and first published this 2Mh l * ***♦♦♦»»««*«»+«» W ill sell reasonable price dsyof November. 1923 V illi«ta J. Slj. ‘ F U R Y ’i I Flaming Youth J Clark's Confectionery L RINGO Drug Store Î i Good Jersey Cow W . A. M e n u S, s. H av bs , Administrator aforesaid. ' mob A. T rs s iN G , Atty for admr,