HALSEY STATE BANK Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L A N D S U R P LU S $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited *T“ ~ Moe •UNIVERSAL •STOVES and ; RANGES DSC 27. 192Î a re th e la s t w o rd in , c o o k in g c o n v e n ie n c o , a n ti e f fic ie n c y , W e have th e b e s t l i n e , o f th e m e v e r s h o w n , in H a ls e y ( > I n d e s ig n a n d fin is h th e U n iv e r a l is a w o rk o f < 1 ra re a r t < F u r n it u r e ^ / í b a n y ^ r e c t o r y |H»ns that a rt worth feeding are worth feeding well. e r y th im r f o r th e h_>me. FARM LOANS F R E D B. J O N E S A lb a n y Bakery. 321 Lyon street, Rest one-pound loat of bread made 5 cents. Wedding cakes to order ’ A lb a n y E le c tric S to re . Radio set». Electric wiring. Delco Light products G lmnw W illsmd H ILL & <§. ! Buy your poultry Continued < GENERAL HARDWAFkEJ PACE J W rite for booklet describing our 28- T h is ih good advice: " I f you live year Rural Credit Amortised Loans. in Albany, trade iu Alhany ; if you live The loan pays out in 2o payments, re­ iu some other town, trade in that town. " tirin g the principal. Cheap taies No Hut in these automobile days many re­ delay. siding elsewhere find it advisable to do ftk a a i L a n d C o ., at least part ot their buving in Use 1JJ Lyon St.. Albany, Ore larger town Those who go to Albany to transact business w ill find the firms Phone 312 V Satisfaction guaranteed named below ready to fill their require­ Price $3,50 ments with courtesy an I fairness MORRIS ROCKERS. ¿S* J D in in g T a b le s , etc., a re r ig h t in o u r lin e . E v-J CAAj IVlAiH HSH MEAL OYSTER SHELL MILL RUN BRAN BARLEY STOCK MOLASSES HALSEY BXTPKARHE A lbany Floral Co. W m . H öflich . Cut flowers * * and plants. Floral art for every and al, occasions. . Flow er phone 458-1. ALBANY and »tock feed here. GARAGE. ALBANY i iano Tuner for leading music stores in Albany New and used F U R N IT U R E A N D F A R M M A C H IN E R Y bought, sold and exchanged at all time» B E N T. S U D T E L L 1 hone 76-R, 123 N. Broadalbin a t, Albany “ Stu.le- b a k e r" and " S t a r " automobiler. Governor to Poultrymen Piano Tuning and Repairing last two years mayor of the city, died General repairing and supplies G. T, Hockensmith.— Lloyd Templeton. In Portland. 5 It is absolutely necessary that all The D i»»ue a conditional pardon for More Land, or Better Farmiug ? middlemen. It is stated by j o- . f „• W O O D W O R T H ’S Born to Mr. and Mr». John Pugh at 3 the i.v De- vre , j udge Keyes O Wasco county, who Thursday a/ternon the members of their home north of town on Monday, Oregon has a total area of partment of Agriculture that the pro- recently was sentenced to a Jail term FAR. C. FICQ the Women'« Study club were enter­ December 24, a girl. ducers on the average get only one for having liquor In his possession, , 61,188,480 acres, of which 22.1 DENTIST tained at the home of their president, per cent, or 13,542,318 acres, dollar out of three dollers paid by The spread of diphtheria and Albany, Oregon Mr». A. A Tuning, Mrs. C. P. Mrs. S. J. Smith. at a Christmas are included in farms, and 8.2 those who consume the farmers’ pro­ measles in Portland has not yet been 312 Weal Second street Moody and Mrs. B. M. Bond drove to party. Each member was asked to per cent, or 4,913,851 acres, are ducts—-two-thirds of the price paid abated, and records In the health pNi.stburii Bros.—-Two big grocery Shedd Wednesday evening of last office show 165 cases of diphtheria bring a gift, a Christmas tree being a classed as improved lands by k More», 212 W First and 225 South week and attended the Eastern Star. by , the consumer too large lartre |n . quarantine . . . and , . 581 . . cases of measles . , is decidelv too Mam. Good merchandise at the right feature of the afternoon. Each re­ the United States census. a share to pay for th? cost of distri reported. Mr. snd Mrs. J. H. Henderson of price«. ceived a gift and a hand-made card One of the questions to be bution. South Bend, Wash., arrived Tuesday Resolutions urging congress to tup- CMins developed and printed. with an original verse. Eloise raised in the land settlement The cooperative egg-selling agency for a few day«’ visit at the We mail them right back to you. Smith, acting as Santa Claus, distri­ aud reclamation division of the has been in existence under the pres­ port the formation ot an export edm home of the latter’s brother. C. P. Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, Or- mission for handling wheat were buted the gifts. coming $>tate-wide agricultural ent contract for three years. It has •gon. Stafford, and wife. The Hendersons The members were asked to do economic conference is whether only handled about one-fifth of the adopted at Pendleton by the execu were at one time residents of thia, tlve committee of the Umatilla county CNrst garage going north. stunts and those were varied and en­ Oregon should go on develop­ eggs produced in Oregon, but. accord­ 1 Tires, accessories, oils, gasoline, vicinity. tertaining, those done In costume ing more new' lands or concen­ ing to those who know, the existence farm bureau. repair work. Miss Ida Mitzner, teacher in the» The total expense to Jackson coun creating much merriment. trate to a greater extent on of this organization has yielded a net W. H. HcLBUBT. Alhany public school», la spending the« A beautiful flower bowl was pre­ settling and making more pros­ gain of at least five cents a dozen on ty in its investigation and search tor M ood largm ns on second-hand Christmas holidays at her home. sented to the president, a gift from perous the lands already devel­ every egg produced in Oregon dur­ the Siskiyou tunnel train bandits and L a pianos and organs. A good new murderers, since the day the crime year present that w ill last. the club. H. A. Renninger and family went oped. This conference will be ing that time. was committed early in October, to to Sweet Home Christmas day to be Davenport Music House. Covers were laid for sixteen and a held at O. A. C. January 23 This cooperative association has date, amounts to $670.66. with Mrs. ttenninger’s parents, Mr. two-course luncheon was served. The to 25. given to the egg producers of Oregon fHIRD SALKS AND SERVICE and Mrs. T. A. Morris. Bids for resurfacing with crushed centerpieces were minature Christinas from 5 to 30 cents a dozen more Tires and accessories rock the Umatilla Echo section of the trees, decorated with golden nuts that Mr. «ml Mre. P. M. Tindle of Repairs than the producers of the Mississippi old Oregon trail, covering a distance Buy Christmas Seels, Even Now K irk -I’ ollak M otor C o . when cracked revealed additional gifts Brownsville, with the letter’s «¡star, valley have received. The difference of 22 miles, will be opened at the next for the guests. The Christmas seals are not Red is d ie to the fact that Oregon eggs ENirtmiller Furnituie Co., ( in n i- celled nt the G. W. Mornhinweg home The next meeting will be at the Cross seals, as is often assumed were under the influence of the co­ meeting of the state highway commls A ture, rugs, linoleum. stoves ranges. in Halsey Tuesday. home of Mrs. J. W. Moore on January There are sold to finance the war on operative marketing system while the slon, to be held In Portland January Funeral directors. 427-43.1 west First Mr. and Mrn. M E. Gardner were 8. dreet, Albany, Oregon. 3rd. tuberculosis, a war which had already middle west is not organized ac a'i Albany callers Monday. Lake county leads in the state with reduced the ravages of the dread dis The contracts or this association ex­ a ll’« Floral and Music Simp relation to the proportion of boys B. 8. Clark was in Eugene Thurs­ Good service and prompt delivery ease one-half. Buy seals. The pires January 1, 1924. New contractu to girls that complete a standard four- on cut flowers and fiorai designs. At the M. E. Church day and he called on his brother-in- money you effiy for them may kill the are now being written. Unless the year high school course, according to Albany Phone 1661 law, Henry Brock, who is in the hoe- At the Methodist church Christmas very germ which would otherwise owners of 250,000 hens are signed by announcement made by J. A. Church- pit» I recovering from a recent oper­ start consumption in yourself and has the first of January', the cooperative 111. state superintendent of public In­ OLMAN a JACKSON eve a few selections were given and ten you to the grave. Grocery— Bakery ation for appendicitia. egg-selling agency will cease to exist. struction. then the story of the Birth of Christ. Everything in the line of eats The money expended by individuals —Governor Pierce. Mrs. M. M. Ward left for Albany The scenes were: While out shooting chum salmon Opposite Postoffice for the purpose of purchasing Christ­ Friday to be the guest of her daugh­ with a borrowed shotgun, Chris First—The Preparation; I, The ub Candy C o., First street, next ter, Mrs. David Froman, and expected mas seals issued by the National Tu­ A couple of weeks ago in "The Zwelfel, 16, ot Nehalem, accidentally first Evangel; 11, The Patriarchal Cov­ berculosis association arc deductible door to Blain Clothing Co. Brown Mouse,” Jennie Irwin told her tripped and fell on the gun. which to be joined there by her son, E. J. Noon lunches. enant; III, The Hope of Israel; IV, in the individual income tax return of father she wanted to "talk Jim Ir­ was discharged. The shot tore off | | Home made csndv and ice Cream. Ward of Eugene, for Christmas din­ The Candle of Prophecy; V, The the purchaser to the extent of 15 per ner. win out of some of his foolishness. the nose and part of his forehead Flush of Dawn. ub Cleaning Works, Inc. cent of the taxpayer’s net income, Since then she has talked to him and and left eye. Mrs. Effie Hevcrlant», who has been Cor. Fourth and Lyon Sccond-The Fulfillment. I, The computed without the benefit of this even threatened him with removal, but keeping house for W. R. McAllister An estimated total ot 55.692 auto­ Master Dyers and Cleaners Light in the Cottage; II, The Light in redaction. M ad e -T o -M e as u re Clothes he has stuck to his guns. This week, mobiles. the bulk of which were tour for some time, left Saturday with the Field; III, The Light in the Christmas eeals netted $620 in Al­ after a trial, she sustains him. Some­ lots, passed through Baker on the Old her little son for Brownsville to make I t you Stable; IV, The Light in the East. have friends they should bany. her home. body is discarding some foolishness, Oregon Trail during the last year, «' > have your V photograph. Third—The Adoration. I, Candles and it isn’t Jim. cording Jo a report prepared by Wal­ Clifford's Studio D. Taylor, vice president of the of Praise; II, Tiny Tapers; III, Mis­ Francis Leeper of Eugene was a 3.U West First street. Albany. ter Meacham, president o* the Old Halsey state bank, was in Portland sionary Lights; IV, Candles in the guest at the home of his grandpar­ Morris Layton, son of Guy Layton, Oregon Trail association. rviu’e Garage— Next to Com mu. Wednesday of last week. Window; V, Virgin Lamps. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leeper, at formerly of Halsey, came up from his In a decision handed down at As m tv bouse. Eaide battery clislrib- After the program the treats were their home southwest of town the Miss Iavelle Palmer returned the home in Salem Sunday to spend torta by Circuit Court Judge J. A utors for Linn county. Repairs made given out. first of the week. last of the week from Albany where on all makes of batteries. Christmas with his aunt and uncle, Eakln. the recent consolidation of she has been taking the teacher’s ex­ school district No 7, of Clatsop coun Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zimmerman. AUNKTO ELECTRIC CO. While there she was a ty with district No. 56 of Columbia A ll kinds of electric apparatus re­ aminations. county was held illegal for the reason paired. Coutervafive prices All work guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Oregon Occurrences 119-121 W . Second. Mrs. G. T. Hockensmith. that no proper notice of the special fully guaranteed (Continued fro m page 1) election was gives en and m o n ey are best when Lawrence Taylor was absent from busy. Make your dollars work in his duties at the Halsey State Bank Convictions under the prohibition Charles R. Taylor was nominated law are growing In number and he.tv our savings department. A lbany S tate on Tuesday on account of illness. for postmaster at Yamhill. H ank tinder government supervision. ler fines and Jail sentences are helns Mies Bonita lu stin g of Salem and Monroe’s new $10,000 water system meted out than ever before, accord tiler Motor Bale« her brother, Dale Tuseing of Eugene, is expected to be completed this week Ing to reports received by J. A Lin Oakland and Jewett ears are home for the holidays. Supplies aud accesscnea Earl C. McFarland was nominated vllle, federal prohibition director First and Baker Sts. Albany, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Quimby of Alsea for collector of customs at Portland from every sheriff In the state. Eighty uug pouspnerr fisve been at work In six per cent of those arrested by ths orlon & Speer Service Cora- '•«me over the last of the week to bo patiy with the home folks for Christmas. V/>dford for a week or two anti a siir state officers In the last fiscal year Headquarters for good tire« ending June 30. 1923, were contacted canine pets have met aeath. H. L. Straley and his daughter, Mrs. r ’.ione 65 First and Lyon North Bend decided to construct a There were 187$ arrests made in the Hazel Munkere, drove to Albany urphy Motor Co. B n ic k auit Thursday on a shopping tour and also new school building by a vote of 133 year and of these 1445 persons wers Chatre convicted. The fines totalled $159. Chevrolet automobiles. Tires and W e e k -e n d T ic k e t sa re o n to 13. at an election held Saturday to meet Mise Merle Streley, who, with accessories. <66.77. Lyle B. Cbappa! has been certified sa le F r id a y s , S a tu r d a y s Miss Pearl Pehrsson, was on her way Albany, Oregon. Phone 2*0 Oregon postmasters were confirm by the civil service commission as the home from the state normal and O. a n d S u n d a y s , r e tu r n lim it eal estate. Money to loan. A ll A. C. respectively. only eligible for the postmaatershfp ed by the senate as follows Fred D. kinds ot insurance written. Wagner. Ashland; Henry A. Barrett, fo llo w in g T u e s d a y . at North Bend J. P. Templeton, who lives south­ Athene; Diana 8«yder, Aurora; Arthur Call on J. V Pira. Albany State Bank Building Loganberry producers of the Salem C WahL Banks; Willie C. Cady. Bee east of town, accompanied by his fath­ la - I) a y T ic k e ts a re o n sale section are considering the advlsabtl verton, James 3. Hogan, Bend; Wil­ oscoe amjcs hardware ^ er, A. M. Templeton of Brownsville, d a ily to s ta tio n s in O re g o n tty of uniting for the regulation of liam H Haya, Brownsville; Arley A the drove to Salem Thursday. crops and prtces. W IN C H E S T E R S T O K E Solllnger, Canyon City; Curtis C, Held Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hamer cama .122 First it. The Infant daughter ot Mr. and Mrs rtch. Chiloquin; Letter A. Cawfleld, .7ake t/ie down from Saginaw Sunday to spend r / a i n . J. L. Tate of Redmond » « burned Crane; William O. Hoover. Fotail; 8. G I L B E R T & S O N Christmas »¿ith the letter’s parents, to death when the Tate residence took Andrew R Sigmund. Qervals; Frank Mr. and Mrs. C. Sickels. Chinaware and gift shop tire from an overheated stove. Regardless of weather, it is safe, W. Caster. Ral&es; William T. Ply. 3.10 Weal First Albany According to Lee McCarn. euperln Hot Lake; Nellie Elliott. John Day; Mrs. A A. Tuasing, accompanied by comfortable and dependable. tendent of the Alsea hatchery, the Emma Hufstater Knapp«; Fred P qrENBKRO BROS groceries, Mrs. T. J. Skirvin, drove to Albany steelhead egg take In that district will Croaemlller. Lakeview; William It h - Iruits, produce, 2.15 L] yon street. Friday. — Ask agent for fares and reach a total of 10,000,000 or better Cook. Madras; Duncan E. Douglas, We sell groceries and Word came Friday evening of tha other information or write Phone 26.1R Buy cream. Patrons of the Cloverdale Telephone Marshfield; Elmer Hopkins. Milton; sudden death of H. 8. Pittman of Eu­ company ot Tillamook county have fil­ Otis A. Wee verton. Monmonth; Oap O T ÍM S O Ñ T H E SHOK WXT(>R gene, end hie brother Joe of thia JOHN M SCOTT. Second street, opposite H am ilton ’s ed with the public service commis­ hart D. Ebner. Moaat Angel; Oliver Assistant Passenger Trr.ffic Manager. place went there the following day. store. P Shoemaker. Newport; Evelyn I) sion a complaint charging Inadequate Portland, Oregon He was followed Sunday by J. D. "Sudden Service." Davenport, Oak Orove; Pauline W service Pittman, aiso a brother, to attend tha aldo Anderson A Hon. distrih. William Wurzwellor, well known Platt, Ontario; Orace W Oamwetl utore and dealers for Maxwell, Chat- funeral eerriqM. which were bald oa stockman of central Oregon, president Powers; Clifford 8. Renton. Reeds mers. Esse». Hudson A llspinohile cars. Monday. Deqgaeed was about 80. port; Nellie P Rtachwell, Shedd; Nora of the Bank ot Prineville and for the Accessories, 5tipolies 1st & Broadalbin. (Centlnned oa p»<« 4) . „ Macooq. Warrenton O . \Y . F R U M H" H H I Save $3.12 on y o u r "Week'&nà !7 rip to P o rticin e ) b y b u y in g a Round Trip Ticket M M M M M R R S. Southern Pacific Lines W