X » H PAGE ] HALSEY E N T E R PRISE i DEC. 27 JWÌ reauuied after the noon receea, the crowd waa larger than ever, but the --------- it—WOT ■•■trai » i S » proceedings consisted mainly In a con­ » ■ b lla b r s « v « rg rh a n 4 a , ference of the principals grouped I» W b . U . » H E I L I » about Jennie at the big lawyers' table. They were talking about the methods Fiak and Gates tires and tubes. Complete line of automobile accessories adopted by Jim In his conduct of the A b s e n t H a ls e y ite s E njoy Mr. Coolidge ien’t anybody's rubber Ford parts W illard "battery sery ice crUttloni. t i . i# » year la adrasoa. Woodruff school—Just talking. The stamp. th e E n te r p r is e when in need of anything for the automobile give us a call as our Advertising, 20c an iucb ; no discoun only new thing was the presence of a prices are right ami service is prompt tor lime or space ; no charge lor coni couple of newspaper men, who had position or changes. Trouble calls end wreck jobs given prompt attention. The Jews, when they were carried Keep Hinds Op queried Oilcago papers on the story *“ " P a id -fo r P aragrap hs,*' Ic a lina. into Babylon, testfy: "W e hanged ou, and been given orders for a certain * * • a d v s rtls ia g dlsgulaad as n s w a The supreme court of Wiscon­ number of words on the case of the harps upon the willows; yea, We wept sin hendered a decision last farm-hand schoolmaster on trial be­ Office hoars, 9 to 13 sad 3 to 6 except month that, while given very when we remembered Zion " There Telephone 16a) fore his old sweetheart. F O O T E BR O S Props. Mondays sad Friday forenoons. little, if any, publicity in the By the time at which gathering wereuio newspapers in ’ those days, u press, is of utmost importance darkness made It necessary for the I ring them news from home. The™ to co-operative organizations. It bailiff to light the lamps, the parties v.ere not even mails tc bring them WE COULD STAND SHE LOSS made permanent a temporary in­ had agreed on the facts. Jim admit­ ivtsrs, i f anyone should write. The ted most of the allegations. He had L; 'sevitc junction granted to a co-opera­ in other lands finds Th That 50 per cent of the wild tive organization by a circuit practically Ignored the textbooks. He Enterpr.se, , f he gCts it regularly had burned the district fuel and worn U tlJiU dD VI W VWillSIJ’a I court • * "J ..’, u x restrained e□1t a J IXtll HU which an ( out- denizens of LJVJU field HJl’J and woodland out the district furniture early and like a weekly letter from home. Eor will have paid with their lifcj{^^e. comPAny from sobciting or late, and on Saturdays. He had In­ «1-50 you can send fifty-tw o SUCiesi •hi. . . . . . i because . . . . of ..e . the i - .... „ r l ' uying the product from mem troduced domestic economy and man­ this year use of copies of it to your alren'. l t la’ btrs under contract to the pool ual training, to some extent, by send­ t i n s or frjend. the automobile in hunting is The decision is a sweeping vie ing the boys to the workshops and the F. O. Salmon writes from Rio Ow the statement of Dr. William tory for co-operative marketing ^ irls to the kitchens and sewing-rooms Cal., which we suppose means Bear’ of the farmers who allowed those T. Uornaday, director of the organizations. In its opinion the River, Ca!„ i D English: privileges. H a y ie n o r t h j u s t a s m u c h in s to r a g e a': New York zoological garden. court said : Inclosed find check for The En He had used up a ^ re at deal of time We consider that the law is y o u m ig h t g e t fo r it in c a s e o f fire. T h ) In studying farm conditions. He had terprise. By the aid of the automobile Wc enjoy reading the new. well settled that one who mali­ Induced the boys to test the cows of from Halsey. We are camping in . |A m e r ic a n E a g le F i r e I n s u r a n c e c o m p a n y , four times the former area can ciously induces another to the district for butterfat yield. He little shack near this little burg w» |w il p a y y o u 85% o f th e c a s h v a lu e in c a s e be covered, and he thinks that breach of contract with a third wss studying the matter of a co-opera­ will be here fo'r at least ten days yet. tive creamery. wild game is doomed unless pro person is liable to such third o f lo s s b y fire. He hoped to open to the boys and We have been with M r. and Mrs K person for damages resulting tective measures are adopted. They are getting along girls the wonders of the universe JJ'eDser' from iucb breach.—C. E . Spence He appeals to the sentiment of I C f.ro™ * .“cb breach.- fine on the ranch they bought when which are touched by the work on the m e b I f a „ - * . , • ¡S a ta te M a rk e _ a t . Agent farm. He hoped to make good and they came here. They have a fine self-interest. Otherwise legis-* 8 contented farmers of them, able to ranch. They have forty acres of al- lation will not be able to pre­ get the most out of the soil, to sell Mrs. Frank Leeper went to Eugene alfa land that they can rent for $12 serve the birds of the air and Sunday night where she was the guest what they produced to the best advan­ per, cash.” tage, and at the same time to keep up beasts of the Held that have so of her daughter-inlaw, Mrs. H arry In sending a check fo r her sub- the fertility of the soil Itself. And long made this country of ours Leeper. H arry had been here Thurs­ scription Mrs. J. W. Thompson of he hoped to teach the girls In such a a tmiiintiiinmniiinnmiimniiitiHint ent had been abolished Tn the days of a hunter’s paradise. The pump day. way that they would be good and con Burns writes: "You don’t know how her parents’ Infancy. much I enjoy this paper from a place tented farmers' wives. gun is accountable for much "May It please the court," said W il­ There "An' I say," Interposed don Bonner, that used to be my home. 0 . A. C. SHORT COURSES bur Smythe, standing before the bar. useless slaughter of birds. ‘that we can rest our case right here. are many friends that have passed to Or, Madame County Superintendent, Intensive practical instruction la ag­ I f that ain't the limit, I don't know the other side, but there are some left The Enterprise cannot indorse ricultural specialties varying ironi one I should say . . .” what Is!" week to 29 weeks, as follows : yet. I want to live while I am on A titter ran through the room, and the doctor’s «eradication of the Jennie turned to Jim. General agriculture . . . . Jan. 2-Msrch 19 this side th ^ v e ry best I can live, and » flush of temper tinted Jennie's face. “Now, Mr. Irwin," said she, "while destruction of half the wild Horticulture................... j , n. 2-March 19 They were laughing at her! She do to others as I would that they you nave been following out these very Dairy M anufaetaring..........T>n. 7 -l cb 2 wouldn't be a spectacle any longer! If all wild species were sent Herdsmen I am glad for Interesting and original methods, what should do to me. and Cow So she rose, and handed down her cure a firearm. u T e,t5,r , Y ‘ * : ................... J * " ' 2-June 12 have you done In the way of teaching salvation and that it is free— so gl.d first and last decision from the bench Mechanics. Tract­ the things called for by the course of that I do know Jesus and have taken competent fellow who can pro Farm a rather good one, I think ors, 1 racks etc..........Jan. 2-March 19 study?” Him into my life. This year is draw­ "Mr. Smythe," said she, " If e e l very by every irresponsible and in- "rain .Meehan tea (one ‘I m willing," said Jim, “to stand or ing to a close. We w ill soon have to T1’?***> ’ ................... Eeb. I »-Feb. 23 III at ease up here, and I'm going to that are not private property * bird Annual Canuert* rail on an examination of these'chil­ have a new clean page to begin a new dren In the very textbooks we are ac­ away at all the birds and beasts , ---------------Feb. 4 to Feb. 23 year with, and I want mine to stay cused of neglecting." I.«ml Classifieetiieu and present practice of blazing APPr i l »a l...................... Jan. 7-Jan. 12 I w ill close wish­ Jennie looked steadily at Jim for a white and clean. ing all my friends a M erry Christ­ full minute. •suit would be better than the Agricultural Bcouvuiic "How many pupils of the Woodruff mas and a Happy New Year.” Mrs. nated at once it believes the re- Conference______________ j a„ 21—25 By HERBERT QUICK school are here?" she asked. “All rise Thompson’s husband died at their Por further Herniation regardlnr anv and animals could be extermi- please!” home in Burns about a year ago. 7 lllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim ,, Hulu'S A mass of the audience, in the midst game in a year, but if tile birds course address Mrs. Frances E. G ray of Cottage The REGISTRAR ICsorrisht br T h . Bobb.-M.rriU C o n p u j) Of Which sat Jennie's father, rose at to Nirvana no more of them OREGON A G R IC U LTU R A LC O LLR G E Grove in sending a check says: the request. Corvallis. Oregon. would die in agony from shot “W iy ." said Jeunle, “I should say “ Very much pleased with the paper." (Continued) The editor is very much pleased, we had a quorum, anyhow! W eil gun wotuhds. And humanity CHAPTER XI have school here. And Mr. Irwin, el so, when he receives such words of would suffer no more from go­ M please remember that yon state that commendation, and he wishes to add Fa m e o r N o to riety . ing without them than it does you 11 stand or fall on the mastery by that much of the appeal the Enter­ The office of county superintendent these pupils of the textbooks they are uow from going without the prise makes to form er residents of »»«, a« a matter of course, the least i supposed to have neglected." Halsey is due to the efforts of friends p t e r o d a c t y l , (he pleeioeaurns Efficient Service. “Not the mastery of the text." said Motor Hears* desirable room of the courthouse Poor Jennie! She anticipated netti­ Jim. “But their ability to do the work who send in for publication reports Lady Attendant eohippus or other extinut ex of little home ocurrences from week the text Is supposed to fit them for." Brownsville............ .................. ...O reg o n ’ ng more than the appearance of ample» of terrifying urtbog- stesars. Bronson, Peterson and Bon “Well,” snld Jennie, “I don't know to week. ner la her office to confront Jim Irwin. but that's fair.” raphy and zoology. But at nine fifty-six the crowd tn "Madame County Superintendent, I But, ’ said Mrs. Haakon Peterson, Special Offer w . L. W R IG H T Should Say—" Jennie's office exceeded Its seating ca­ we don’t want our children brought F ro m now u n til Jan. 15, 1923, Mortician & Funerai Director pacity. and Jennie was In a flutter as UP to be yust farmers. Suppose we Dr. E. B. Bryan President of p aid -in -a d v a n c e subscriber h realization dawned upon her that get down among tlie people. It's the move to town—where does the culture any Haleey »ad H a rri.burg only way I have of getting the truth." inny have the E n te rp ris e sent to the University of Ohio, one of Call D T a ylor , Halsey, or this promised to he a bigger and more come In?" She descended from the bench, an ab sen t re la tiv e or frien d for t public affair than she had anticipated. W, L. WatûHT. Harrisburg the leading educators of the shook hands with everybody near her, year by p a y in g $ 1 , cash. flfi y nln* Raymond Simms The Chicago papers had a news Item and sat down by the attorney's table. United States and well known opened the office door and there filed -Xow." said she. “this Is no formal which covered the result of the ex­ as a brilliant platform orator, n enough children, large and m a ll, aminations; but the great sensation of to fill the room. In addition there re­ proceeding and we will dispense with has been secured as lecturer red tape. I f we don't, I shall get all the Woodruff district lay In the Sun­ caa make both F A R M and C IT Y mained an overflow meeting In the Cut Flowers Pot and bedding Plant» fur the annual session of the L O A N S at a very row rate of iateieat hall, under the command of that dis tangled up In It. Where's Mr. Irwin? day feature carried by one of them. It had a picture of Jim Irwin, and First-class funeral work. Prices reason­ I lease come In here. Jim. Now, I Oregon State Teachers’ Aasocia Frem S to 10 year». W rite me for -Mr tlngulsbed military gentleman, Colonel know able, Give us a trial. there's some feeling In these one of Jennie Wood r u f f - , he intter au. Albert Woodruff. G. w L a f l a b , ‘ tion in Portland, Dec 27-2P ‘ rrulare things— there always seems to oe- thentlc, and the former gleaned from Write for list of perennials Green­ fay . Bill, come here," sold the 410 Oregon Bldg but I have none. So I I I j U8t hea^ the morgue, and apparently the por­ houses 940 East 40th st. P O R T L A N D . Only accredited delegates have Salem, Ore. colonel, crooking 1,1, flnger at „ Gre. Pnone Sellwood 1757 why Mr. Bronson. Mr. Peterson and trait of a lumber-jack. There was deputy sheriff. the right to speak and vote dur M r Bonner think thnt M r James E «'so a very frde treatment by the car "What you got here. A l!" said Bill ing the deliberations of the Irwin Isn't competent to hold a certify J ’" “ l’ t. nf M r- S*mms carrying a rifle coming up the stairs, puffing. "Ala’t cats. with the Intention of shooting up the Council, though the ineeting-i i e i e i ' r ‘ “ r,Z f ° r SU“ d>’ Jennie was able to smile at them school board In case the decision went arc ojx u to all visiting teachers. against the schoolmaster. now, and everybody felt more at ease "Tills | r n school fight In our "When It became known,” said the Very appropriately, the chair­ AU work done|prouiptly and rea »ou- trtet " said the colonel. " Ifa Jenffie’s eave Jim Irwin, the members of the board and Wilbur Smythe Thnt In­ news story, "that the aehoolmaster had ■blv. Phone No. 269 baptlem of fire, I reckon . man of the section on home eco­ and dividual arose, and talked down at het his Job on the proficiency of his »ny, you're not using the courtroom. Jennie. nomics, a Portland Polytechnic school In studies supposed and alleged •re you?" I appear for the proponents here,” to have been studiously neglected, the teach er is named Katherine "Nope." said Bill. said he, "and I desire to suggest cer­ excitement rose to fever hent Local Kooken. rh not Ju’,t s">1 ar°unri, tain principles of procedure which I «ports bet freely on the result, the LA W Y KR>N D NOTARY th, n. salt! the colonel. "„n,l tell J,.,, tu.;e It belong Indisputably to the con- odds being eight to five on General “ e she'd better adjourn to the |,|. duct of tiiI n hunrluf.** When Henry Ford came out for II alsby , O rmoox I roflclency against the field Tire field room. • ‘ "Have you a lawyer?" asked the was Jim Irw in and his school. And Coolidge he removed the biggest cloud Which suggestloa was « d e l county sutwrlntendent of the respond- the way those rural kids rose In their of uncertainty from th « sky of pollti- Uistnnter by Deputy Kill. ent. might and ate up the textbooks was year look brighter a nJ c’o away nith the "But I cun t. I can't." said Jennie rians of both parties. F it or unfit, W h y s u ffe r Iro in A what?" exclaimed Jim. “No- simply scandalous. When the fight was worry of the two ptirs of glasses. to the courteous deputy sheriff «» ,M’ "I m » « M t" crowd "31m." said Cotone) Woodruff as fw ir t ° r * r ,h« ~