HALSEY, LINN COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, DEC. 27, t<»2J NO. 1» HALSEY HAPPENINGS AND COUNTY EVENTS the meascls at their home in Cor­ vallis. C. E. Gillette and family were taken to thair home at Salem yes S h o r t S to r ie s fr o rn S u n d r y tsrday by C. L. Carey. Mildred and Mary Carey went with them S o u rc e s to stay with their grandmother a Look out, buy«! Leap year be­ few weeks while their mother is at home. gin« next Tuegday. C h ris tm a s D ay OREGON OCCURRENCES RECITED FOR READERS Halsey Homes are Pervaded by Gladness and Good Cheer Profcabiy no Christmas In the hi« tory of Halsey was more appropriât ely observed or with more circum ed. sped joy and gladness, than that of Gifford Carey is home hom Eu- Immediate action will be started by this year. We are able to report gene for the holidays. the Linn county court to procure the 3nly a fragment of the occurrences. Halen Araistron; the vacation at home her daughter, Mrs. Amber WobertR. to help care for her grandchildren, 1 who are ill with measels. John Burnett and family went to Portland Sunday to spend Christmas with relatives. , E p ito m e o f E v e n ts Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Whitb»ck were Sunday evening callers at the D. T. B e a v e r S ta te the Frank K irk home. Kirk and • Isom home. The office of health officer for the C. E. Smith were home aud they Mr. and Mrs. Chester Curtis cn and 0 . W. Frum and the families and Mary Smith and her mother lertaiued at Christinas dinner «"d family from partook of the feast. The editor editor H erb,rl „1. of Klunr*. Forrest Tandy and family had more thau a fair sain Rantlam road over the Cascade mcun , so’- °* Youca,la' Alviu Allen and Early in the month Christmas trade that dinner and he hereby -- ‘ family of Cottage Grove and M r tains by way of Fish lake from the emnly certifies that it was O’ R. ... _ opened up lively, raising the expect« company that now bolds it. . . . . . »nd Mrs. Charles Tandv, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Chialvo of E dna Tandy and Lsndia Philpoti tion of the best trade season yet Railroad men at Albany sav Saturday Olympia, Wash., accompanied by their of H arrisburg. that one bakery there ie regu­ Then there came a slump. nephew, Eldon Sawyer of Tacoma, ar- t v » . . . . larly shipping more bread than and Monday came a revival due to J. Isom aud family took last-minute shopping. any other if not more thau all rived in Halsey Sunday night to ^ r is tu ia e diuner a t the home oi others. I t ia one that advertises All last week the weather man pre spend Christmas with Mrs. Chiavlo's ' ~ r*t ! Par*n l*. Mr. «'id Mrs in the Enterprise and that sells dieted rains which did not come mother and Eldon » grandmother, Mrs. ’ ' ' Y ° f - I ' r ' ’>gQ»ld- the pre-war pound loaf at the pre­ Monday he reversed and promised a Gco. Maxwell, and husband. K lok,rtl »nd family spent war puice of 5 cent« retail. Can bright, clear Christmas and w« got a Christm as at the home of Mrs. you guess why it leads in sales? G. T. hitchen, wife and son were in R ickard’s brother, Jesse Jenks o( drizzle. » spending Albany city schools has been ellminat Halma Wahl came home from 0 . A. C Thursday for the vacation Mrs. W . P, Wahl ia etill quite T “* ,am il7 drove to Albauy Monday to consult a physician. u Born, to M r. and Mre. Harry Commons, Saturday, a niup-pound boy. A. C. Armstrong drove to hi» ranch in Douglas county Saturday and b»rk Sonday. Halsey M >nday morning on their way j Tangent. Thursday evening a number of the M r. and Mrs. A. E. Armstrong, On Christmas the Bert Clark family Eugene to pass Christmas with » P k .i.i™ .. . , Helen, L. H. and Retta were A l­ high school students, with Miss Bertha had as guests at their home in Halsey to Mrs. Kitchen’s family. A p a r‘ r w " « 2 ™ *, * ' Leitner as leader, went around sing­ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Poole and son bany visitors Monday. lhe i-ee Ingram home Tuesday ing Christmas carols. They went Ray Logan, who senes the West evening. The Ladies’ Aid of the M. E first to Mr. Forster’s, then to the Curtis, Mrs. Henry Brock an3 daugh­ church will have a cooked food Enterprise office. Other places giv­ ter Doris, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Curtis ern Union wm p.ny on construction’ R. D. Iaom snd family went lc 2 u. t0 A " ’* ' y Tue8day 10 Christmas sale Saturday at H ill & Co.’s en the treat were those of Mrs. Gorm and daughters, Florence and Majorie, ,„e d 7 h r Mr. and Mrs. William Curtis, Mr. and spend the holidays with his mother, dinner with Mia Isom ’s m other Store, beginning at 11 o'clock. ley, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Fox and Mrs Mrs. Ellsworth Curtis and daughter Mrs. Belvary Logan of this city. Mrs. L. K Bond. F. M. Bund The young people had Charity Blanche and sons Lewis, Charles Dudley and John Bass Cummings. Mr. and Mrs. William Vannice ar of ^p H u g fi'fl a id W. C. Sickels were home from Douglas couuty evidently been well trained and sang Morris and Bertrand and Mr. and rived the first of the week from The a. ^au>1^ Eugene were flddi- for Christmas, but left Tuesday together excellently with no instru­ Mrs. Henry Minerman. The latter Dalles to spend Christmas at the tional guaste. night for Holt, Cal., to join Worth mental accompaniment. are visiting Mrs. William Curtis, Mrs. home of the former'a parents, J. H. Bass and Wesley Robbins, who Their home is Vannice and wife. William Vannice The program at the Christian Mir.erman's sister. are working there. church Sunday evening was well en­ in Iowa. is now teaching in the public schools % We, the people of Halsey, had joyed but we failed to get a detailed Miss Nettie Spencer came home at The Dalles. In the circumstances under from her school at Elkton for the a school budget election yesterday report. By Anna Pennell! Del ora Wells, who is spending the and won an overwhelming victory, which the Enterprise is printed very holidays. Miss Allen of Tacoma is visiting at winter with her grandmother, Mrs. adopting the budget by a vote of little matter received later than Tues the home of her sister, Mrs. Homer The Salvation Army in Albany sup­ Lucy Pray, while she goes to school, Mornhinweg. day evening can be availed of. 7 to 0 S h e d d Snapshots in the Hundreds of dead smelt and other small ft»h are reported to be floating about la the vicinity of the wreck of the British steamer Welsh Prtace In the lower Columbia, an the result of dynamite explosions In blowing- open the deck of the bulk Prominent horticulturists from many parts of the state held a meet­ ing In Salem with relation to making a survey of the fruit slttsatlon pre­ paratory to drafting recommendation» for consideration at the agricultural economic conference scheduled for* Corvallis January 23. Oregon winter wheat acres«« thls< year ts practically the same as last year, the revised estimate of whleh wse 398,000 acres, while the condl tion Is decidedly better than a year ago. reports F L. Kent, statistician of the department of agrlcultnre Th«' condition of the growing wheat In placed at 97 per cent of normal. Tom Murray, exconvlct and con­ fessed leader of the trio who held up. the Lane County State hank at Flor­ ence on ihe morning of December I V was arrested la Portland with fonr other men, one of whom, the police' aald, haa been all but positively Identi­ fied as one of the bandit trio. The- sum of $1438, said to have been stolen from the bonk, was recovered. Herbert Egbert of The Dallea, sniT Mre. O. B Jones of Monmouth, werw plied Christinas dinners to twenty-five went to Junction City Monday even­ re-elected preetdem and secretary We do not publish news unless Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mornhlnweg Harold Troutman, who has been at treasurer at the final sesslona at Wu families who would have otherwise ing to spend Christmas day with her we know its source. It might be of Devitt were guests at the home of parents, J. W. Wells and wife. ■Marshfield the last few months, Is at gene of the state convention of the> a hoax and get ue into trouble. A the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. had nothing special for the occasion.• the home of his father, Pete Trout Educational and Co-operative Farm well written account of a Christ­ G. W. Mornhinweg, the last of the Miss Lillian Sneed, who has been man, for the holidays, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Caisy, who era' union ot Oregon. Wasco county mas family reunion came in the week. Sunday they left for Port­ have been in Salem with Mrs. employed in Portland for several mail this week without ths writer's land, to spend Christmas with Mrs. Carey’s mother, came home Satur­ years, is spending the holidays with George Gould, and family of Cas­ was selected as the next meeting; name. We have no means of Mornhinweg’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. day. Their daughter and family her parents, Mr. and M rs,.N , T- tle Rock, Wash., are visiting Mr. and place, and It Is probable that the gath­ ering will be held at The Dalles knowine whg ia responsible for it. C. E. Gulliford, and sister Isabelle, re Mrs. Lincoln St. John ame with them to spend Christ­ Sneed. mas. There were five taiellMea duw fo> turninig here the last of tne week for Wednesday ev«Mog the following Roland Marks was a belated arrival Howard Reeves of Eugene came officers were elected at Eastern Star: Industrial accident« tn Oregon «hir­ among the students from 0. A. C. not a further vialt. Lewis Mick vklted «< ihe A. C. down Sunday and took his two sons, Miss Lucile Shedd, W. M.; P. H. ing the week ending December 20,. being able to reach home till lgte Armstrong home Cbrisim as. Other Sternberg’s store at Albany was guests were M r. and Mrs. R. P. Willis and Charles, home with him Frecrksen, P.; Vera Sprenger. A. M.j according to a report prepared by the Monday evening on account of his em­ robbed Monday night of $500 to $700 Ingold and L H Armstrong and for the holidays. The two little hoys Lottie Hense, conductress; Mrs. La state Industrial accident commission ployment in a drug store at Corvallis. make their home with their grand­ Mar, A. U.J Bertha Shedd, secretary; The victims were H. K. McKIddy, Ne­ worth of men’s clothing and $10 in family. parents, Mr. and Mr«. J. W. Rector. J. C. Clay, treasurer. halem. fireman; D. C. Hetnmlnger.. Richard, son of Dr. Garnjobst, has cash by burglars who climbed a tele­ Georfe Finley and wife, W . J, Portland, locomotive engineer; Charles. phone pole in the rear, entered C. E. Gillette and s family Salem is iu c iilj, l | lllln llj iu L V U u c II H IK I m u iiiy u of i Stanley Henery and family of New Fox, Glendale, engineer; Alex E rick­ through i sky-light and opened the Ribelin, W illiam McDowell and Ruth Finley and Fleets arrivere he got ready to start home * Bancroft Optical Co. place at school. dlebrook*. Beaverton; James H. .Mills 3l.I 1st S t tV. Albany. Phone f Mr- Burglar sawed hia way out of In L ob Angeles the ministers u b s c iii t the Medford jail and disappeared. dug up an old city ordinance and had the police enforce so that the movie element couldn't dance after midnight Then the movie |M*ople dug u| ontitlief hoary old ordiuanc« forbidding meetings on Kuuday, and demanded that it be en forci-d against the churches. Even those who live behind glass windows shouldn't throw too many bricks. Sometime** bricks flounce. — Albany Item. ^ (o iid a y Greetings an è t/ii G o m p /im e n ts o f tfe ò e a s o n Halsey Church of Christ a n è S in c e re S io o è )K 'sfes fo r a d i a p p y • * / P r o s p e r o u s fty2¿/ i KOONTZQ GOOD GOODS Church Announcements Church of C hrist: Lon Charnlee, m inister. Bible school, 10. W. H . Robert- son. superintendent. Morning worship, 11. Lord’» I supper every Lord’s day. Christian Endeavor, Si 30. Evening service, 7:80, The oburch without a bishop, in 'the country without a king. I f jou have no church hone I com« and worship with us. A lfo r d A r r o w s The Shedd basketball team went to Lebanon Friday to play the high (Enterprise Oarreipondence) school team there and met defeat ly The excellent Christmas program a score of 18 to 5- given by the pupil« ftf tha Alford school last Friday night "'as well at­ tended. It’s Your Affair Jr.. Marshfield; Ronald Haines and! Dwight L Mulksy, Salem; Frank L. Buchter, Medford; Coy Brown, Cen­ tral Point; O. W Lucas. Tillam ooki John F. Wadman. Powers; John L - Sherman. Dayton; Georgs E W illiam « and Clarence IT. Belt, Corvallis. To ascertain why two appropria­ tions. one of $400,000 end another o f IBOO.OOd. for beginning construction o f the Baker Irrigation project In Ore­ gon have not been need. Representa­ tive L. C. Crampton of Michigan, chairmen of the sub committee of thw appropriations committee handling In­ terior department appropriations, hsr decided Io summon Secretary of In ­ terior Work Fred A. Phillips and W II Hara A 8tewart, who are tn Washing­ ton. D C., representing the Boker- projact. also will ba called before the- subcommittee to answer questions re­ I citizen. The main spring may garding the delay tn getting work: started. through. Mrs. E. ... A. Starnes IB is »VSS/lllg staying ni at : truoamit its impulse ---- • V- The Pacific Bridge company e f the Harry Commons home this week, I •■'• «•♦»•»I or appointed official^ taking cars of Mrs. Commons and the '" ’f th T. '» « ‘‘anisin will not op- Portland, which has ths contract for new boy. I e ra te If the main apriug Is re- the construction of the naw draw­ — moved. Then1 Is no substitute bridge across the Le4rls and Clark Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ingram went to Do we exercise our right to Eugene one day last week. vote and when we do, do we always place intelligence, elflci- Miss De Etta Robnett of Eugene ency and pwtrtotiMiu in govern is spending the holidays at the home nient ahead of every other of her grandparent«, Mi. and Mrs. D. consideration? I. Isom. , The main-spring of a watch ,, , „„ „ , , '-»Jienites through a series of Mrs. Lillie Rickard, a student of the wheels and eoge fo move the Normal school at Monmouth, ia home' hunda „„ ,|jH|. <*|tv foi the Christmas vacation. I HI«, leg islatures. eongrese. ex- J. F. Isom is home from West Fir,I ««V «»*«’ where he is working this winter, to I . <»ie main spring spend ith hia h i. f family. .r a llv " f government .M the iudvildual spend the the holid.vs holidays w with Charles Troutman of Albany and John for individual interest in Troutman of Portland visited their government and Individual re sister, Mrs. D. I. Isom, Sunday after- eponalbility for government.— noon. 1 1 »»•-•*— . W alter « Head President Amer: Miss Hattie Dannen of Shedd end can Hanker*, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Sprenger of Corvallia visited at the E A. S'arnea home Sunday, Duncan McKercher o f Crawfords­ ville has ten deer In his private deer park. Miss Mildred Goodman of Corvallis spent Christmas with her friend, Notice to delinquent taxpayers that Thelma Ingram. She also visited Esther and Henrietta Starnes Sun taxes, penalties and interest must be paid immediately or additional penal- day afternoon. . ties would accrue were ihe Christmas Mrs Harry Holt of 3 a -; i Methodist; Robert Parker, pastor, Sunday School, 10. bm called on their uncle and aunt, ” Preaching. 11. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ingram, Saturday , , Intermediate League, 6:30. evening. • • — Epworth League, 6:30, Twenty-seven took the teachers' ex- Prayer meeting Thursday, 7:30, Ur*. Michael Rickard went to Tol- , m|n«tlon. The results will be an- Preaching, 7:30. edo Friday to spend a few days with J nounced February 1, river at Astoria, suffered a loss esti­ mated as high as RIB.OOO and work on the bridge wsa delayed by e strange accident. The concrete bate for the east real of the bascule draw and consisting of a Solid block, weigh­ ing approximately 200.040 pounds, had been completed and permitted to set under water for the required 28 days. Tests were made and the construction of the base was pronounced perfect. The water was pumped from the cof­ fer dam and preparations were made to proceed with construction of the rest of the pier. During an eight- foot tide th« huge block of concrete split hortcnntelly In the middle and was raised several feet by the floating of the coffer-dam. to which It dung by frtetteb. ’ (Continued page I )