>M»eeeeeeeee><* without any suspicion of our Infirmity. Are you do­ BRIGID, IR ELA N D ’S G IRL SAINT Monday. Defects of mental vision are due to •larv Fake, who promises uot to there are 365 orphan children who ing anything for HVe lrj foster homes or with widowed Ignorance, to prejudice, to race, to the preservation try to live up to her name, suc­ Friend of 8L Patrick and Interred in J. W. Clark and fam ily were A l­ mothers, as wurds of Arizona. faulty education, and to such like of our antiqui­ ceeds her. the Same Grave In a That's enough to keep any mother ties? bany shoppers Saturday. causes. To such defects are flue po­ Cathedral. 1 You bet I am. Clark Smith found a buudle ef heart' full to overflowing, Isn't It? litical strife, religious persecutions, C. L. Falk Jr. and Henry Seefeld raluable clothing and left an ad. Even If the men and womeo of the I sail eosmetlca. wars, and all the other disagreements > Brigid, how many an Irish girl were Albany visitors Saturday. that mar life. rertisauisut of it at the Euterprias state forget her, 1 Imagine Mrs. Guild could keep happy. Furthermore, she's I t each man saw the truth as his has been called by that name after jffice. Within a few 'flours Mm Mrs. Momhinweg returned Sunday of a ten-acre ranch that has Lillian Hows of Brownsville, the owner i-a urana« is planning its tutur« neighbor sees I I there would be no Ireland’s great woman saint! She been burned from a sagebrush und cac­ from a visit with her son and fam ily andacape painter, telephoned to water supply from M ill creek, near cause for disagreement. We are all, is said to have been born of prince­ tus desert to a producer of roses and at Shedd. ■ dvertiae tha lost of such a bundle long staple" cotton. The ranch own­ Summerville, where three springs however, In the same state ns the ly ancestry, and the year 451 is gen­ blind men who went to see the ele­ Mrs. W. H. Beene, accompanied by (rom s c a r . 8» the property Mas er organized the rural women of the come out of the ground, supplying phant— we see but a pnrt of the truth, erally given as the time of her birth. promptly returned to the owner a» state and brought them into associa­ each day more than 7,000,000 gallons while fancying we see It all. You re­ Brigid is known to have been re­ her son Allen and brother, W. A. A1 the result of an advertioeinent be tion with their city sisters through of water. The system w ill require a member that when the blind men be­ len, drove to Albany Saturday. nowned for her beauty, but, refus­ district federations. Naturally the 15-mlle pipeline. fore the latter was printed. gan to examine the elephant. In order ing several offers of marriage, she E. P. Cross and wife were Eugene Federation of Women's Clubs made The Stout Lumber company, oper­ to find out what the animal was like, determined to offer her life to God. We hope the days of our friends her state president. visitors Saturday. one caught hold of the trunk, and ire long in the land, but they will see Then Mrs. Guild decided that wom­ ating two sawmills at North Bend, la thought the elephant resembled a 1 Under a large oak at a place The country fa ir given by the Re­ preparing to open a large area of ex­ en who had the vote ought to use It bekah lodge of Urownsville was at no. n in e days this season as short as politically. Not unnaturally she wns cellent timber I d the Seven Davila dis­ w a k e ; another got hold of the tall, thereafter called “Cill-Dara,” or the and thought the elephant resembled ‘ . hose at the end of thia week. tended by quite a delegation of the the first Arizona woman sent to the trict, fifteen miles southwesterly from " rope; a third got hold of a leg. and cell of the oak, whence comes the members of the local lodge Saturday Ralph Payne and John R. Crabtree national Republican convention in the city. Several miles of logging thought the elephant reeembled a tree modern name Kildare, she built her­ night. Among thoae making the pleaded guilty and went to ja il for 1020. In 1022 she was nominated for railway from the timber to the head trunk, while a fourth leaned against self a small oratory, and through trip were: Mrs. T . J. Skirvin, Miss hunting without licenses. Payne has representative, to congress, and wns of tidewater on South Inlet w ill be the elephant's side, and Insisted the the virtue of her life attracted other Lois Johnson, Mrs. C. P, Moody and >een penalized for illegal hunting be defeated only because her whole party constructed and two logging camps animal resembled a wall. holy women to her company. Her ticket was snowed under. will he operated. While it Is highly^ Improbable that friendship for St. Patrick is borne children, M r. and Mrs. F. M. Gray, fore. Knowing big city, small city, town anyone of us will ever be able to learn out by the testimony of the Book M r. and Mrs. O. W. Frum and two Progress never before surpassed in the whole truth, the real truth, on all H. M. Henry got home from the and country Intimately, Mrs. Guild daughters, Miss M ary Smith, John declares that If a girl has ability of Armagh, which declares that be­ the m atter of propagation and pepet- subjects, all of us can at least remem­ Salash, Frank K irk, Mrs. Adda Ringo hospital Friday. He was pretty weak there Is always room on "Main Street tween the two great Irish saints ber the Injunction of Epictetus: but ia gaining strength. uation of game and fish in Linn even though It may look crowded or and Mrs. II. M .Bond, besides the 'there was so great a friendship of “When anyone, then, assents to what county was made during the last year empty of opportunity. members of the orchestra which fu rn ­ Perhaps you will get hints from is false, be assured that he does not charity that they had but one heart by the Santiam Fish and Game P r o -' ished the music fo r the evening. some of the numerous little Christmas tective association This fact was w illfully assent to it as false; but and one mind.” It)- l»J*. 0» L aura M illar what Is false appears to him to be J. E. W igle of Harrisburg was a stories in this week's Enterprise that In tha Ninth century, when the brought out last evening at the S t . ' tree.” will enable you to contribute more to Jlalsey visitor Saturday. THE W IDOW S MIGHT land was desolated by the Danes, Francis hotel where the biggest and iomebody’4 happiness next Tuesday the remains of St. Brigid were de­ what is believed to have been the — 11 —— H. A. Renninger was an Albany Three widows In three different — and other days. Happines is visitor Saturday. posited in the same grave as those I most successful annual association H«l$eV Hiflh School Ndtai 1 owns faced the problem of Income. late of tniad The greatest happine«« The total serv- n’t. * * of St. Patrick. Later the two bodies One sought a manager for her bus banquet was held. D. Taylor was in Albany Satur­ . 6 , ers ° t tha Halsey high comes from making others happy. band's business In the hope • living ed wag 87.— Sunday’s Dem ocrat day. ______________ __ and grade schools have received their were transferred to the cathedral in T ruly it is more blessed to give than for both her and the manager would the same city. certificates of 100 per cent enmii Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Foote spent to receive. result. One found herself the sort of Dr. W. H. Davis, probably the best • ment in the National Educational as- low-paid Job a woman past forty cau Sunday with the latter's parent«, B A R N Y A R D V A R IE T Y A. J. llfil took M r. and Mrs. Ben acquire, and la saving painstaking known and most popular physician in sociation, and so fa r as known thev j Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Robinson, at their Lmn county, died in Portland Friday, are the only 100 per cent schools in Holt to Portland Tuesday with the aunts to care for her old age. One. home south of Junction City. The Observer happened along Holt baby to consult a specialist in past fifty, took over her husband's fac­ following a surgical operation for u l - , Linn county High street the other day just in Kra. Hugh I^eper returned Satur­ He was 63. J .„ . 4 the Halsey high school will medicine about tha little fellow’s con- tory, and in ten years Increased tha eeration of the stomach. profits three-fold. day evening from Albany where she djjjon. A ll Albany school flags were half- have i t , f j „ t basket ball game, when time to hear two men walking at No article can give an unfailing masted during his funeral and school had been to aee her new granddaugh­ his side talking over a hunting trip it takes on Shedd. The boys now that they had taken together last ter, born to M r. and Mrs. Aivia Leep­ Byers, whose bride was reported recipe for the secret of such success and other bodies paid homage to his have five contests scheduled. • • Mrs. Charles Knox has made of er in Albany on the 14th. drowned at Harrisburg three weeks winter, when one of the men asked her universally known gelatin busi­ meme ry. (By an Enterprise Reporter) •go, writes to (The Bulletin from Los the other: "How many ducks was Harold Stevenson of Brownsville ness. I t can only tell how the Knoxes The H ill, Koontz and Ringo Christ­ Angeles that he ia coming back with did IL for he had helped her greatly A ll high school students who are in it you got?" was a Halsey visitor Monday. an attorney a fte r the holidays to de­ during his lifetime. Her husband mas window displays are artistically the senior play are supposed to be "Well,” he said, in a sharp tone; ¿•presantatlves of tha upper W il­ fend his reputation. That a woman started the little factory at Johns­ attractive. shivering and saying: ” 0 h ! Saturday I got seventeen.” Much to his sur­ lamette valley high schools mat la tha wag with him and Parka when they town. N. Y. Both had struggled to ac­ night." But the rest are not a bit prise the man asked, "Wild ducks?” Albany high sahool building Saturday passed through Jefferson on the day cumulate. What she saved from per The Mountain States Power com­ morning to divide the state into die of the accident is asserted by a gar­ household allowance was always hers. pany has made a 15-per-cent cut in scared and are tryin g to console them "Well, not e x a c ^ ” was the answer, w ith: “ You will live through it I f Mr. Knox needed money, he often hut the farmer who owned them trlctn for athletic competition Repre rates for light and power. age man there. borrowed from her—at bank rates. everybody else has.’’ •entatlves from Corvallis. Bugeae. was.” —Columbus Dispatch. When he consulted her about his bust- Rossburg, Cottage Grove. Lebanon. While working around the hot stove The students in the program for L. E. Walton had no proposition to F E A T O F B IC Y C L IS T Silverton. McMinnville. Forest Grove. in the kitchen of Dad’s and M am ’s ness affairs he expected a Judgment baeed on reason. He never “fooled buy that Cottage Grove drug store. r riday afternoon are practicing. I t Salem and Albany were in attendance. restaurant Friday Mrs. Henry slipped her with praise," she says. But be He went to keep the business going promises something new. Riding from the first platform of and fell with her arm on tha stove. acted on her opinion. M r. and Mrs G. W. Laubner were while the owner made a trip away The sophomores are to sell candy at the Eiffel tower to the ground on a It took a good many seconda which So much for his part. At his death in Albany Tuesday. from town. the senior play. bicycle was the daring achievement leemed like minutes, before she eould the boys’ future depended on her wise John W. Stephenson and James Me regain her balance and raise her arm action. And she loved her children. of a young Frenchman. In the first Usury Ford proves the sincerity '•eryone turn out Saturday night W illiams went hunting Tuesday and she got a severe bum extending Financially she is canny. She found hiKh echool play ever leap the bicycle covered 40 itepe. that Mr. _____________ Knox's newspaper, „ «1,1« | of hie etatem ent th a t ba is not a an see the morning and brought in a couple o f from the little finger to the elbow. line, did not pay. Forthwith all checks cand idate for president by co m in g iflven ln Halsey and eat some of the The remaining 316 steps were cov» geese from northwest of town -ju s t best candy ever made. Reserved seats ered at the rate of from 15 to 20 in for the paper were Issued from her out fur Coolidge. a week before time for the Christ- Among the many beautifully dec­ office until the paper 'did pay and each jtMtp. In less than one and are on sale at C lark’s Confectionery mas roast goose. orated stores in Albany the Meade- could be sold at a profit. When she one-half minutes he had covered the The Brownsville Times and the Mrs. H. M. Henry was called to Albro Jewelry store deserves special built a concrete factory to replace the entire distance of 90 yards and was original wooden one, she planned, not Junction City Times have identical Double-head Basketball Alsea Monday on account of the Ill­ mention.— Albany Herald. only slightly scratched on one 1«« for ostentatloq »nd size, but for clean- colored Christmas covers and are un­ (B y an Enterprise Reporter) ness o f her daughter, Miss M ary aa he rounded a post at the bottom. Tha proposed county federation is a usually full of lite ra ry meat besides. Henry, who is teaching school at that _____________ _. ln the K,m e Thursday night at the °t a burr on the bicycle wis step nearer organiration, the base­ fa n fe r tin e e K , Rialto the upperclassmen in the boys’ loosened. p toe M o th er and d au gh ter same ment of the South Methodist church h >nie last night, the latter improv- • t Tangent is $125 nearer completion game were Victorious by a score of 23 log so encouragingly that tha ex­ and good feeling between Albany and the Affection-ary ‘® 5 In the girls’ game the upper Rat That Didn’t Small After pects to return to her shoo) after its neighboring town is greatly stim­ class won, 7 to 6. Being Dead for Three M onths If the Way to a man’» heart te through the holidays. The g irls’ lineup was: Upper class ulated as the result of a banquet in . i ' 1 ' * “ ’ 1' ’’ *» 4 « *d tli'» *m < » tli« ." w T it« « M r.L hit atomach. at the old aayiag goca, — center, Agnes Chandler, side cen- S y k m N . J .) . " I «aw thia rat «v«ry day: put wwe Tangent last night.— Saturday’s Al- then surely the right road to a woman'« M » ' ! “ « It « » " » « , aw center, Iona Albertson, rig);t forw ard, bony Democrat. Wile looked behind the banal. T h e n It war— d«d- good gracea is through a box of choeo- Rena W alker, left forward. Genevieve t i l - s u p uU« in three > u n (or JJc. s ic , | t j j . ♦ latea and bon bon« Of courac only the a Sold aad fu a ru ta a d by Wells, right guard, Louiae Robnett, ♦ daintiest uorsela will accompiith that ♦ Mrs. Crandall (taws) Tails How Sho left guard, Grace Pehrsson. Lower RINGO DRUG STORE end—a n d ’ 'beat'' means Clark». Sand ♦ Stopped Chicken Lotsee ♦ _ ..................... a box today to yonr beateat "W here clesa—center, Elsie Reynolds, side ♦ ' ! u « ia rte < n»» killed > n < w bahy ckkk« Wt.k there’s 1 a candy boa, there the heart c* nter, Lena Bass, right forw ard, Ag- ♦ N o t ic « o r ArroutTMBNT I d kaewa «haul R t t - i m p b -lw e WWk ju tt m « >*?t»rwka>« v « k $ M « » a r w e f rata. T h o » « t unlock *' of Administrator with will annexed nei Reyes, left forward, Pauline H a r­ « r * ” h b y « w «ka ich » , I ’’ h ^ ” Mav-Saap t$ ffuar- « aatwd aad n i b for I f e . a . Dated and first pubhahed t’.na J’ th ward, Frank Koonti; left forw ard. ************< *-****# George Crow ¡right guard. Thomas day of November. 1023, S. K Haves, Administrator aforesaid Palm er, left guard, Lawrence .Wooley. A m os A. Trsstwc. Atty for admr. I Richard Barthelmess Mr. and Mrs. Alva Smith of Albany ware at G«orge Maxwell Sunday, where the birthdays of Mrs. Maxwall and Hans Cook were celebrated h» the three fain Hits. FU R Y *** •••*♦ » •*•» *» ••< » • 4 Confectionery for Have you forgotten anyone? Drop in at Clark's Confectionery RINGO’S STRAYED and Yearling Heifer R. M . R O D E Resta 1, HalMy A n y G irl in Trouble Paid-for Paragraph s A dmittance Here 5 Cents a Line