H A LSEY STA TE BA NK AND SU RPLU S GIVE li Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L j Hens that are worth feeding are worth feeding well. and stock feed here. Boy your poultry O. \Y. F R U M 1 6286/Silent N ight..................................................................... Hayden Quartet, 75c ( Will There Be Anv Stars in My Crown f 16*»% < O Cmne, All Ye Faithful.......... ...................................... Trinity Choir I 75c 1 Joy to the W orld............................................................... Trinity Choir , 191« f Star of the E ast,.................................................... —.........Mixed Vcicea 75c 1 The Birthday of a King .................................................. Mixed Voice* I 2148 ' Hark! The Herald Angel* Sing .................... All Souls Choir , ,'Sc i It Came Upon the M idoight C lear..................... All Souls Choir g 2333 i Christmas Morning at Clancv’a --.......... ....................... Irish Comedy I I • • 75c I Santa Claus Hides in the 1’honograpli................- .................. Brown , A 15058 f Holy Night ........................... .............................. Florence Eastman T $1 50 | Silent N ig h t .....................................Florence Eastman and Male 1 no I W 18958 ( Christiaua, Awake ! Salute the Happy Morn. , I A 75c t Watchman, Tell Us of the Night. _ 35711 i Santa Claus Visits the Children—P arti. I • $1.25) ...................... Part 11 ( $ • * Bubble Books, $1 Little Tots’ Nursery Tunes 35c a Record j 9 Hk OREGON. Seer "But Jennie says,” began Jim. “Don't tell me what «he says," said the colonel. “She's acting according to her Judgment, and her lights and other organs of perception, and I don't think It flttln’ that her father should try to Influence her official conduct. But you go on and review them common branches, and keep your nerve. I haven't felt so much like a scrap since the day we stormed Lookout mountain. I kinder like be­ ing a wild-eyed reformer, Jim.” (To be continued) Oregon Occurrences (Continued from page D The 20th annual meeting of the Ore gon state board of health was held in Portland. ;he loan benefits under the Oregon aoldlers' bonus law must Hie their inl- lal or first application in the offices | tf the bonus commission at Salem on >r before December 21, 1923. Appli- ;atlon blanks received in that office >n and after January 1, 1924, will not ye conaldsrad. the secretary of the yommisslon said. The greatest slaughter of beavers >ver known in Oregon has been and s taking place since the law passed >y the last legislature, opening the leason on the little fur-bearers, went nto effect. Stanley Jew ett of the Jnlted States biological survey, after i trip around the southern and cen- ral part of the state, brings back vord that ten traps for every beaver n a wide area covering more than 100 square miles are set and that with- n two years there will not be one of he Industrious animals left If the »resent rate o l decimation continues. Ashby C. Dickson. Portland lawyer wns appointed by Governor Pierce tr -The question of whether the legisla­ succeed John H Bell. Judge of depart tive act creating the county supervis­ ment No. 1 of the district court ol ing and conservation commissions Is Multnomah county. Judge Bell ha; constitutional probably will enter resigned, to leave office on January 1 prominently Into a mandamus action B. O. Roberts, who was sentenced filed In the supreme court at Salem by at Roseburg to serve five years In the Umatilla county, to compel R O. state penitentiary for the part hf Hawkt. eounty assessor, to levy a played In the operation of an alleged on em lll tax for co-operative market liquor ring at Reedsport, Douglas road construction. county, has received a conditional par uregou pensions nave Deen grsniea don from Governor Pierce. as follows: James S. Vanderpool. The Oregon public service commis Agate Beach, 112; Herman J. Glee- si«» has granted the Columbia Stages, man, Baker, 212; James H. Robinson. operated by A. Jaloff. and the Royal Portland, 212; Robert A. Blevins, Sa­ Blue Lines permission to continue lem, 212: Francis J. Walsh, Beaver, reduced fares put Into effect twe 216; Sarah E. Radabaugh. Roseburg. weeks ago. The two stage lines oper- 2)0; Annie McReynolds. Cottage , ate between Portland and Astoria. Grove, 220; Mary M. Warnts, Portland. The bonded Indebtedness of the 120; Sarah B. Brown. Boro. 230. state of Oregon on December 31, 1923, Ex-aervlce men and women and rel­ including state highway obligations In atives of dead veterans who were resl- the amount of 237.395,250, will aggre­ len ts of Oregon at the time they on- gate 259.953.228.76, according to the •ered the service for the world war annual report of the state treasurer and who consider them selves eligible which la being prepared for presents- :o receive either the cash bonus or Save $3.12 on y o u r W e e k e n d 3 r ip to (ftortian c) b y b u y in g a Round Trip Ticket L IN E S Week-end Ticket sare on sale Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, return limit following Tuesday. 15-I)ay Tickets are on sale daily to stations in Oregon —Ask agent for fares and other information or write JOHN M SCOTT. Ataittanl F«t»enger Traffic Manager. Portland. Oregon Southern Pacific Lines - » )■ /. Albany Wedding cakes to order A lb a n y Electric Radio *'7 FURNITURE AND used FARM MACHINERY h ö f l ic h . bought, sold and exchanged at all times Store. sate. Electric wiring. Delco l ight products G lbnn W iu ta a D W m . A lb a n y Floral Co. Cut flower» B E N T. S U D T E L L garagk . •• stud«- < ¡ /S I lue Bird R esta u ra n t, 30V Lyon street. Eat here When in Albany. Shoes that coit let* per month ol wea Open (roin 6 to i and 5 to 8. M»X B tO V N T . B ________ tlon to the governor. John S. Connelly and Fred C. Schulte, former deputy sheriffs at Reedsport, who were convicted of ac­ (Enterprise Correspondence) cepting bribes to protect a ring of The ladies of the Pine Grova bootleggers and moonshiners at neighborhood met at the home of Mrs. Reedsport, were sentenced to peniten­ L. E. Eagy and made plans for the tiary terms of ten and seven years Christmas tree and program at the respectively by Judge Hamilton schoolhouse Monday cen in g , Dec. 24. A California butcher has negotiated Arch Knighten and E. E. Hover with the Klamath Indian service for the purchase of several thousand ' spent Saturday soliciting funds for Many whom horses which run wild on the Indian , the Christmas tree. range to be rounded up and killed [ they wished to see were not at home for chicken feed and fertilizer. Owing The patrons ot reoria line No. 3 to their numbers, the horses have be­ met at the schoolhouse Wednesday come a menace to the cattle range. evening, but were unable to agree on Oregon is gradually taking Its place any plans for a line. Mr. Saunders as one of the big butter producing of Albany and Elmer Munscn of line states of the union and Is now ex­ 9 were present. porting more than 2,250.000 pounds of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McNeil visited butter a year, according to the an­ nouncement of M. M. Boney, president Mr. and Mrs. Estus Bass Thursday. of the Oregon Butter Makers’ asso­ W. E. Hover and family visited at ciation which held its convention In the Bert Hayr.es home Sunday. Portland. , Mrs. Charles Nichols, Mrs. Floyd Automobile owners are urged by Nichols and Carl Nichols were Albany Sam Kozer, secretary of state, to and Corvallis shoppers Friday. apply at once for their 1924 automo­ The Pine Grove Sunday school bile licenses, and thus facilitate the giving out of these licenses and pre­ held the annual election of officers vent the great congestion and Its re­ and teachers Sunday. Those elected sultant delay which has been exper­ weie superintendent, Georgia Hover; ienced Immediately after January 1 cssistant superintendent, Goldie Mc- on other years. , j Neil; secretary, Ruth McNeil; teach­ About one-quarter of a mile of new ers: Class 1, Mrs. Albertson; Class macadam road Is being built by the 2, F. A. Fehraron; Class 3, Estus state on the Oregon Washington high­ Bass; Class 4, Goldie McNeil; assist­ way. The road will be the cutoff to ant teacher, Mrs. Gibson. connect the north end of the new The people of the Sunday school bridge, recently completed by the have decided to hold cottage prayer- state over McKay creek, with the old highway. The bridge Is about six miles meetings beginning Thursday even­ ing meeting at the Albertson home at southeast of Pendleton. 7 o’clock Completion of the Jordon Valley Ir­ rigation district, under a plan outlined by the state Irrigation securities com­ mission probably will be undertaken within tne next few months, accord­ (Enterprise Correepondence) ing to representatives of the district. An error was made last week in The district within the next few days will advertise for the sale of bonds announcing the date of the Alford fahool program. It is ‘o be the in the amount of 2400,000. At a meeting of the old and new evening of Dec. 21 instead of the Y. M. C. A. directorates of La Grande, 28th. attended by W. W. Dillon, state secre­ Mr. and Mrs. Seth Mills spent one tary. August J. Stange of La Grande ( .'ening last week at the WIr'.beck offered to pay the Indebtedness of the hone. Institution and "give the “Y” officials Dorothy Corcoran of H alsey until March 1. 1924, to redeem the building, thus saving the T. M C. A spent Sunday with Beverly Isom. Alford Arrows Halsey Happenings, etc. B R U N 8 W I C K (Continued from page 1) PHO NO GRAPHS at W O O D W O R T H 'S Mrs. Mildred McMahan was at the Rebekah bazaar and fair at Browna- ville, avenport Muaie H om e for pi­ D William Smith, automobile thief, allowed to continue his Job of carrying wood into the county jail until it became dark enough for him r . c , ficq D E N T IST to walk away without being seen, Albany, Oregon Sunday evening, and he walked. For 312 West Second street all that the officers know, he is still astburn B ros.— T w o big grocery walking. anos and player pianos. Some aood buy* or »«cond Hand piano* W « Handle »He Baldwtt was line of ptanoi (He He*» money can buy D E stores, 212 W. First and 225 South Main. Good merchandise at the right Helen Armstrong was home for a few hours Saturday from U. of O. A. C. Armstrong and wife and son, ilms developed and printed. L. H. Armstrong, and daughter Rett« We mail them right buck to you. Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, Or­ were in Albany Saturday. price*. F egon. Mrs. W. P. Wahl has been on the sick list tor the last two weeks. ^irst garage going north. Tires, accessories, oils, gasoline, repair work. W. H. H u lburt , F O R CHRISTMAS JT Clifford's Studio F ord sales Mr. and Mrs. Evart Cary are the proud parents of a ten pound girl [ born Friday, Dec. 14. Your pbotogrsph Cliff >rd Carey was hom e Saturday from Eugene and returned in the 333 Went First »tree! evening with a new Fard car. and service A. A. Tussing was in Albany and Portland Saturday, returning home Monday. Tires and accessories Repairs K ik k -P o l l a k Moron C o . F ntm iU er Furniture C o., furni­ Frank Kirk left for Glenbrook Sun­ ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves range*. day. He has employment with the Funeral directora. 4)7-433 ‘ west First Alaea Lumber company, operator* o f street, Albany, Oregon. a ll’s Floral and M usic H the big saw mill at that place. Shop W. R. Kirk and family were Al­ Good service and prompt delivery on cut flower* and fioral design*. bany visitors Tuesday, Albany Phone 1661 N. C. Lowe, Lebanon undertaker, was a Halsey visitor Wednesday. olman 4 jackson H Grocery—Baker y Numerous radio agenta were call­ Everything in the line of tats Opposite Postoffice ing on Halaeyitea last week. H ub Candy Co., Firat street, next Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Davidson were Albany visitors Tuesday evening. ■loot to Blain Clothing Co. Noon lunches. | | Home made candy and ice Cream. Andrew Brown left for Salem on the early train Friday morning, and ub Cleaning Work», Inc. from there he drove a state truck to Oor. Fourth and Lyon Grass Valley, where he is employed Master Dyer» and Cleaner» Made • T o - Measure Clothe» In maintenance work on the Dalles- California highway. rvin'a G arsge— Next to C om m u­ nity hoilie. Kxide Battery distrib­ Dr. and Mrs. T. 1. Marks spent utor* for Linn county. Repairs made Thursday evening at the U. H. David­ on all make» of batterie». son home north of town. H I M agneto electric co . Mrs. Stafford returned Saturday All kinds ol electric apparatus re­ paired. Couaervative price» All work from a two-day trip to Portland. fully guaranteed. 119-121 W. Second. Mr«. Kar| Brim well was an Al­ en M aud tnomjy are beat when bany visitor Friday. busy. Make your dollar» work in Mrs J. W. Rector and Mrs. L. K. our saving» department. A cranv STATX Walton were Albany visitors Friday- B ank Under government supervision. Gilbert and Merle Wallmg of Amity Mr. and Mrs. Hans Koch and It looks as though the reporter who visited at the Lee Ingram home Sat iller Motor Sales Oakland anil Jewett cars wrote up the double-header basket urday. Supplie» aud accessories J. H. Rickard aqft family spent ar. ball game for last week’s paper i i r . t » m l Baker Sts. Albany, Oregon | evening at the Ingram home last didn't know how to write Georgina orton A Speer Service Cora- I week. Clark's name, and when the linotype pany D. I. Isom, Mrs. J. F. Isom and Headquirters (or goad tires man got through with it Georgina First and Lyon , Mrs. C. E. Mercer went to Eugene one Phone 65 herself could not have recognized it. day last week urrihjr Motor Co. Buick anil daughter Freda were Albany visitor* Friday. M M W h y M r . N . V.'lndoor (R . I . ) P u t U p w ith R ata fo r Year» "Year* ajro I «ol some rat p o b m . which M a r l/ killed our fine watrh We put up with rail until a friend told nw about It aurely hill* rata, though h.wiae pet* won't touch H ” Kata dry up and lea're no « M il. Prkea 15c. 63c. 11.25. Sold ai.d ruAxaatecd by RINGO DRUG STORE Fresh and Cured Meats Regardless »1 weather, it is safe, conofoitable and dependable, 5 cent*. baker" and "Star" automobile;. General repairing and supplies. G. T. Hockensmith.—Lloyd Templeton. Pine Grove Patters the colonel, "but you con bet that w e ll be yeith them at the finish; and, by thunder! while they're getting a full meal, we'll get at least a lunch. Piano Tuning and Repairing A lbajiy Bakery, 321 Lyon atreet, ALBANY -pound loaf o( bread made. Piano Tuner (or leading music stores in ■ Best one-pound A lbany S t o r e o p e n E v e n in g » ALBANY Wtite (or booklet describing onr 22- year Rural Credit Amortized Leant. ib is is good advice. "It you live The loan pays out in 20 payments, re­ in Albany, trade in Albany ; if you live tiring the principal. Cheap tales No iu some other town, trade iu that loan." delay. Hut iu these automobile days many re­ B kam L and C o , siding elsewhere find it advisable to do 133 Lyon St.. Albany, Ore at least part ot their buying in the larger town Those who go to Albany Rhone 312 Y Satisfaction guaranteed to transact business will had the firm» Price 2-),5O named below ready to fill their require­ F R E D B . JO NES ments with courtesy an I fairness. 4 * and plant*. Floral art for every Phone 76-R. 123 N. Broadalbin a t, Albany and all occasions. Flower phone 452-1 viz • Woodworth Drug Co. Z , AZ/awg iA/eae/wcf—Continued FARM LOANS This Christmas FISH M E A L J M ILL R U N * BRAN BARLEY STO CK M OLASSES bany -£ /)i rec lory RECORDS $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited EG G M ASH O Y STER SHELL HAL8RY F.NTF'RAMlSk DÍC. Í0. 1923 .............................. Quarter* ol B E E h ' tor canning purposes it canning price* C. H FALK C . L. F A L K JR Modern Barber Shop l.aunN n i E SHOE b<>CTOR Second street, opposite Hamilton's store. "Suditen Service." “ I Cot R m I Mad whan I Laat My S itin g Han," writs« Mr*. Hanna. N. J. ''Wkrs I vn>< [«< m > Inn >srf (wad an knC nn-rd-M) I ,.,r mi m n l i n, M > e J X*». $MS kineJ d> [*r r.l, r.ln,< l|M t*'.*r>*|> ( -Mm Is «•»•*. M WiJn( N* « 3 ( r o n d « M lr .i, F k i n u m I . . . l * c . a |* . « l IS . Sold sad s*>r*au*d bj alrlo A nderson A Hon. d istrib ­ utors and dealers lor Maxwell, Chal­ mers. K**ea. Hti-ison A Hupmobile ears Accessories, Supplies 1st A Broadalbin, W R IN G O D R U G STORK