i r halsey enterprise I VOL. XII IIALSEV, LIMN COUNTY, OKKOON. THURSDAY, DDC. 20, i<»JJ NO. IS HALSEY HAPPENINGS AND COUNiY EVENTS Short Stories trom Sundry Sources Grace Pehrsson and a good time was I enjoyed. Shedd Miss Lavelle Palmer is stopping with U r uncle and aunt, G. T. Hack- gnsmith and wife in Albany this week, while taking the teachers' ex­ amination. Gorge W. Ltuboer was in albany T Q ‘»diy. 7 “The Wrong Mr. W right” will be right there, right or wrong, at the The^ Chritínfes tradfc throughout* opera house next Saturday evening. the county, to date, exceeds anything You will not be very far wrong if in former years. you go to see him. S n a p s h o ts OREGON OCCURRENCES By Anna Pennell; RECITED FOR READERS Eddie McClain stopped in Shedd on his way to California. Grace E. Hal Good-night shall sometime mean good-bye forever, * « w Henry Brock of Lake Creek under- D. S. McWilliams of Albany was The hour-glass is too far away to see; went an operation for appendicitis shaking hands with old friends on Saturday evening at five o’clock in the streets of Halsey Monday. The sands are running swiftly, and they sever' Eugene hospital. Otto Becker, near Peoria, was Fred Hadley drove to Albany Fri­ struck on the head and neck and bad­ The dearest ties most unexpectedly. day. ly injured while felling a tree Mon­ He recovered con­ Two more aays m which you can day morning. Rot Christmas candy free by paying a sciousness in the evening but is suf­ Good-night! W h o knows the import o f the'parting year’s subscription for the Enterprise fering intensely from torn ligaments at the back of the neck and should­ Perhaps at dawn the silence shall be all; Miss Linnie Bault of Shedd and ers. Wayne Frojnan of Albany were mar­ * *■ I T is sad that memory brings pain and »mgrring, The Boy Scouts of this county and ried Saturday and started for a Cali­ of Polk, Marion and Benton have I As we SO oft a cold good-night rerall fornia trip next day. consolidated with Dr. Robinett of Al­ Rev. M. S. Woodworth and Mrs. bany as president. Ben Bartcher and Thomas Harrison were Brownsville A. W. Metzger of Albany; whose Good night may mean forever. W e are going callers a t the Enterprise office Mon­ names are familiar to people who day. reed the advertisements in The Enter­ A s flows the rushing stream where it must flow, Saturday evening, December the prise, head the organization in Linn 8th, the Standard Bearer Society met county. A nd Destiny our fragile craft is rowing— ' at the home of Mrs. D. Taylor. A At Friday’s meeting of the Linn V* e answer when the signal comes to go. barme cide banquet was given and two new members were taken in— County Teachers' association, at Al­ Wilimina Corcoran and Helen Wil­ bany, E. A. Hudson of Albany, A. H. liams. The lesson was given by Weber of Harrisburg, W. S. Starr of W ithin the homing harbor, all unheeding, Brownsville, Omer Bennett of Leb- ™ ¿ X S Ï Ï Ï P ° o n S ' W c b ,d fa “ d • s o o d -r^ t. Nearly e\ery one in Shedd went to Albany Saturday to do Christmas I shopping. Epitome of Events in tho Beaver State A joint meeting of the bankers of Rev. Mr. Ritchie went to Portland it ashlngton and Yamhill counties wsa one day last week to visit his daugh­ held at Carltoa. ter Helen. Mr. and Mr», | Vaa Dakia visited friends in Shedd Saturday on their way to Hilt, Cal. Merle Farwell and Harold Pugh have also gone to Hilt. Bill Abraham returned from Cali­ fornia last week. Lyman Pennell spent a few days in Salem last week. L. L. Langley of Portland is visit­ ing at the Pennell home. The state and county tax levy la Douglas county will amount to 19.8 mills. Assessor Calkins announced. The annual meeting of tho Oregon Wool Growers’ association will bo hold in Pendleton. January 28, 29 and 90. A total of <41 oases of measles was reported to the atate board of health during the week ending Decembdr 8. Prohibition enforcement expanses for Jackson county for November and the first ten days In December aggre­ gate »1441.80. The Shedd college students are all The basketball schedule in the Cooe home for the holidays. County high school association for thia The Will McConnell family are rid­ winter Includes 42 games and eight participating Isamu. ing a brand new Ford. Guy Cordon of Roseburg hes been Shedd won the firat basketball appointed district attorney of Doug­ -an.e of the season from Monroe last las county to succeed Carl Wimber­ rriday night, Refreshments were ser­ ly, who has resigned. ved to the Monroe boys. The spread of diphtheria la the city of Portland has not been curtailed as yet. fcr record e In the health bureau Murder Appeals Denied shows that there ere 111 cases under George Parker, murderer ol quarantine. Dr. Jay Tuttle, for more than 40 sheriff Dunlap, lias lost his appeal lot a raw trial. Unless the gov years one of Astoria's most prominent -rnor interferes he will hang a physicians and surgeons, died at the Prof, sta rr was elected Yet ere the sunnse he may be swift-speeding W e H ave e convention hospital following a few deya’ Illness, week from tomorrow. president of the association. I * “ at the age of 81. EVERYTHING J Russell Hecker ol Albany has lost, Walter Blackburn of the Providence 1 WhJe tCar'mi5t « U » his sail from Sight The Southern Pacific Friday raw O ptical s his appeal to the supreme court for a neighborhood has sold his 165-acre' Cwnum H Dodd. M«d e C». U«. trains over the branch line between new trial on the charge of murdering E Y E S T R A IN farm and his herd of shorthorn cattle, Frank Bowker. He will now go back Marshfield and Eugene for the first Is the Cause of Many ’ valued at »18,000, to Frank I. Kinney Mrs. Harry Commons and family ( to the Clackamas county court to be lime In wight days. The line had been HUMAN ILLS B r o w n s v ille B rie fs tied up by recent storms. of Prosser, Wash. Mr. Blackbburn spent Sunday with her parents in I sentenced to death. If your eyes give you trouble or a is receiving in part payment 20 acres Shedd. Her mother, Mrs. T Representative Elton Watkins, the B your glasses are annoying I (By Ralph Lawrence) SEE US, We can Relieve You Y of irrigated land, highly improved, in Sprengei, is slowly improving. °sw democratic member of congreee from Oregon, was eeelgaed to the com­ Tomorrow (Friday) night will be Bancroft Optical Co. * Klickitat valley, and the balance in' Like« the Enterprise mittee on Immigration and expendi­ J13 1st St; W. Albany. Phone a cash.—Albany Democrat. A. J. Hill was at the tabernacle divine healing night at the tabernace In sending his subscription Cal tures of the war department. meeting in Brownsville Sunday night. Char.‘,-s (Bowisrtf received a gold (Continued ou page 3) Jndgs John Bell ot depart­ medal from the Ash Swale Hunt clut .iei. T. Sudtrdl thus refer« to om for having for three successive years Christmas candy offer, which war ment No. 1 of Multnomah county has headed the winning team in the clubs quoted in a circular sent to him : submitted bis resignation to Governor Pierce to become attentive January 1. annual peat hunt and E. S. Bowers Keep the candy. Your paper i- team, the losers, will give the winners vorth more than what you charge, Judge Hell Is 74 years of age. The slate and county tax levy for an oyster supper Saturday evening. i’hanking you for the offer, I an Lane county thia year Is 18.1 mllle, ac­ The hunt netted 3653 killings, 3292 Yours tru ly , B en T P udtmll . cording to announcement by Ben F. of them being mice and the rest rats, It is ploasant and heartening Io blue jays, gray diggers, jack rabbits, «now that efforts to do good work, Keeney, assessor This Is two mllle gophers, moles, hawks, skunks, and eeble though they may be, men less than the levy of last year. Representative Slanott of Oregon crows. HRISTMAS IS AT THE THRESHOLD. with appreciation. has been named a member of the That public Christmas tree is in A lready F ancy c jn ju r e s the chim ing house steering committee, which puts place, and it is said, "towers high THAT MONEY QUESTION belfry, th e 9now-packed highway, th e jin g le Its stamp of approve! on all legisla­ above the tallest tree in the business o f hells, th e furtive ex p ectan cy o f childhood. tion to he r.onitdered by the house. Unfortunately, those who have the section.” A lready is felt th e influence of th e period o f Governor Pierce Issued a full pardon most Christmas spirit to make others Dr. Shelton picked up President happy are shy of funds; and prob­ to Charlee W. Purdin, who on Decem­ c h eer and charm , o f friend and fireside. A i Coolidge’s message by radio. ably If they hid the funds, they'd be ber 30, 1921, killed hie divorced wife visit to o u r C hristm as d isp lay s will fu rn ish i shy of the spirit. The reason lots The city attorney thinks an ordi a stranger whom he found with welcome gift suggestions, as well as th e ( nance against cigaret... advertising of folks bare piles of money Is be- and her In their former home la Portland. o p p o rtu n ity to fill gift lists which are already i on signboards could not be enforced cause they are careful about spending Portland le on« ot the 2« of the larg­ com plete . < but the council promises to hear ar­ 1». er cities In the United States which showed Increased employment la Nov­ gument on the other side by counsel A PRESENT FOB KITTY ember. according to the servey of the for the W. C. T. U. •Td like to give my kitty a radio.“ United States department of labor just B. T. Kumler writes to The Times declared small Lacy. Issued that he made »120 above coat of pick­ “What fort” Inquired her father. A contract for the oare and custody ing on an acre of Cuthbert raspber­ “So she can enjoy ell the rat-con- of the legally adjndged Insane of the ries in 1922 and »176 clear of all ex- certs over the world I"— M. U territory of Alaska was awarded to -tnses this year. Thomas. For Mother For Sister the Sanitarium compear, operating ( Jl. 1121, Mswanonev Uiiloat More revenua being needed. May the Morningside hospital nt Portland, W Bedroom Slippers Hummingbird Silk Hose or Snyder suggests enforcing an old by (he Interior department • Leather Handbag Silk Lingerie ordinance exacting some from sellers Bandon users of electricity are eon- ® Ivor» Toilet Set Box Stationery of cigarets. Business men have pro- J gralalatlng themaelvea became the • Kaywlll Kid Olovea tested and an ordinance placing the I Silk Parasol municipal plant which coet the city V Pyrcx Glassware offending "pills” on the free list will something over 880.000 has found It Jeweled Comix ® Chinaware probably be voted on in council. poaalhle to reduce the coet of service Silverware The Sand Ridge grange celebrated | from IT cents per kilowatt hour to 1» • For Father cents. , For Brother its golden (fiftieth) anniversary Dec 6 by a banquet of which thirty people The cost of supplies for the state £ H tn Ikerchiefr Neckwear partook. Instltutlone for the elx months start­ £ Bath Roba Silk Hose ing January 1. 1924. will be practically Wool Gloves Silk Muffler the same at for the first six months Two Milos of Sidetnck Ck thes Brush of 1923, according to hide received by Sweater Coat Ilaleey Church ol Christ Permission to the Southern Pacific Bilk Garters the state board of control for furnish­ Pocket Knife company to build a siding extension ing supplies. Overcoat Wool Cep almost a mile in length south of Hal­ Church Announcement« A report of Trsffle Officer Murrey sey will probably be granted by the Church of Christ; of Hood River county shows that 34» public service commission. Attorn­ Mamma Dolls for little folks, 98c to J3.Ó0 arrests sere made from April 1 t s Lon Chsmlee, minister. eys for the Southern Pacific today ob­ December 1. Accidents on the Colum­ Bible school, 10, W. H. Robert tained the permisión of the I inn bia river highway and valley roads son. superintendent. county court to build the siding across Morning worship. 11, Lord's reached 178. Twelve persons were la- county road. Expenses of filling lured. one fatally. -upper every Lord’s day. in the toad grade will be borne by the The action of the Coot connty tax Christian Endeavor, 6:80. railroad company. The aiding is an commission In lopping off the appro­ Evening service, 7:80. extension of the present trackage and Toe church without a biehop, ii priation for the four free ferries la starts at a point 3400 feet south of the country without a king. the county Is causing a flurry among the Halsey station. The length of the I f you hsve no church home ranchers who are dependent upon aiding with the addition will be more .ome and worship with us. :hets for communication with the cen­ r .n n n r a n n o ters of population. than two miles. The permission of Methodist: the court is the last form to go There will be no material sales of Robert Parker, pastor. through ami it is probable that the 1913 prunes until the 1921 crop is Hunday School, 10. work wiU be started in a short time cleaned up, according to Fred Drager, Preaching, 11, —Tuesday's Albany Democrat. Sw|«m packer. Mr Drager estimates Intermediate League. 6:30. that there are between 1.800.OSO sad Two miles of sidetrack at H a l­ Epworth League, 6:30. 2,000.000 pounds of old prunes unsold sey isid>gat