•A U PAOI « H A L S 8 Y E N T E R P R IS E OEC 13 1923 halsev railroad time ■ use of the farm is his as long as ha I liver. 3 days. starting SUNDAY. D«t IS Another big Triumph D. W. GRIFFITH’S THE W H IT E RO SE Chartaa Gibson and John McNeal of the Peoria neighborhood were in Hal­ sey Monday on business relative to making telephone connections with the Halsey Mutual Telephone com- P*ny- , . The senior class of the Halsey high school will play '’The Wrong Mr. Wright” at the opera house a week from Saturday night. G IFTS O F JE W E L R Y are G ifts th a t L ast | W rist W atch es M en’s Elgin, Waltham, Illinois and Gruen Pocket Watches 17 and I 15 jewel, greea or J J O r I white lo W « « « ------- rSaaall «ite» and odd shape* I W0 to W ith the High School Classics By MARGARET BOYD I North South ¡No. IS, 11 37 a. in. No l.', |2.|5 p 24, 4:28 p. in. 23, 4.2« p ia. 22, 4:30 a. m. 21, 11:32 p.m . Nos, 21 and 22 stop only if flagged < • by l U r p r v t Boyd ) Fully Guaranteed J ,,, 7 ,, m e q -r .' .liver dial. 16 s i « .......... J J > lO .0 V ( “Thia la the forest primeval." — Evangeline. SUNDAY MAIL HOURS The delivery window of the Halsey postofRce is open Sundays from 10:50 to 11 a. in. and 12:15 to 12:30 p. m. Sunday mail goes out only on the north-bound 11:37 train: We have few places where we can see forest prim eval; but many place« Where we can see forest primeval In The t*o tj nt a girl who couldn the making—for a primeval forest is •tep loving. W ith not, as Its name might seem to Indi­ The Red Cross has nothing to do cate, an original growth. I t la the with the Christmas seals. It has M ail goes south once a day, cloaingat final »tep In a forest progression, an 11:05 a. m. ; north twice, closing 11:25 I 24 meh cream and pink. (POew trn enough other humanitarian work to W O tc .............................. ultimate forest that w ill stand until a. ra. and 5:30 p. m. Mail »tage for Medium w e i g h t $ 4 absorb all its energies. Christmas cut by man or razed bg an Ice sheet Brownsville, Crawfordsville and Sweet seal money gors to make th'» e«uui- or fired by lightning. The early ex­ Home leaves daily at 6.45 a. ra. »30 meh cream and pink. SOOM Heavy w eight. . try safer for nil of us by combating ($17,50 to....................... periments In white pine reforestation ** R A G S T O R IC H E S ’ failed because the experimenters failed the great white wolf, tuberculosis. Set Rings Rnby, emerald, amethyst to treat white pine as the final step In John M Porter and family were at ( Pearls for baby per strand an orderly progression. Albany Saturday. Take the burned-over slashings of onr northland, fo r example. There The people of Lane county will the aspen and birch seed In and cover vote on a tax levy for the county’s (Coatinued from page J) the scarred ground within a decade. share of the cost of the Harrisburg Mrs. D. H. Kirk visited Shedd Sat­ The Inquisitive will observe that al­ bridge. Fifty-acre improved farm for most from the beginning a war la urday. Baby lockets (1.25 to Silk umbrella (5 to . P. F orster , Halsey. waged between these two lovely rent. The Charles W. Rice place of 83 Mrs. May Miller went to Eugene £ h. ‘ ,d • “ 'Ubrella graceful species. Both cast a deli iLavalliers $.? to.......... acres about three miles east of here 51 50 t o . . . . __ for the week-end, For Sals—3 Collie Pups. Good cate fretwork of shade, but the shade Ladies' ruby rings on the Brownsville road, has been * (3 t e ........... . - of tbe birch Is « bit the Veneer. Where stock. E rnest G ourlby , phone I54 Mrs. M. M. Ward spent the week sold for his heirs at law, twenty-two a birch spreads a twig above a twig Cuff links (1 to.......... I Waterman pens (2.75 end in Brownsville. nephews and nieces, as he died inte­ of aspen, the latter Is starved for sun I t o ................... ............. Old papers for sale at 5c a bundle UghL and it Is but a matter of a Searf pins (1 to........ . Little Phyllis, daughter of Ben Holt, state and left no nearer relatives. (Eversbarp pencils 50c at the Enterprise office. He died in Los Angeles in January, couple of decades until the aspen Is i to .................................. is under a doctor’s care. 1922. Charles 0. Rice of Holley crowded out Meanwhile seedlings of Ladies' bar pins $1 to George Drinkard and Mist Doris the maple and other denser-sbaded de­ ’ Candv jars U to____ bought the farm for (4,400. The de­ “Merry Christm&s,’* the were here from Brownsville Sunday ciduous trees are beginning to crowd , Silver cake plates (4 A g a te rin g s $3 t o ___ ceased’s father, Charles Rice, took up { t o .................................. the birch. While the birch Is being Big Policeman’s Wish Col. Sudtell, the Albany auctioneer the property in early days and now cboted out, the pine and hemlock seed Manicure sets $7 to .. I Set o f g o b lets $3 50, and furniture and machinery dealer, the three successive owner of it have 1 ( 8 ................................ In and begin to dispute place with Sterling thimble, 50c HE big policeman standing In was here Monday, looking after his been named Charles Rice. The farm the victor. to_________________ the middle of the road there was part of an estate of (60,500 in farm and other matters. The ultimate forest differs In the , Six teaspoons (1,50 to Fisld glasses $5, where two streets cross Isn't thia atate and California. species that make It up in different $12.50 to...................... Just a part of the street furni­ L. E. Walton la working in the regions. In one place It will be pine «Jelly dish (1 to .......... At Junction City a daughter has ture like the hydrant or the White drug store et Cottage Grove and hemlock; In another redwood; In bridge, of course; but I had seen him N ut Crackers $1.75 to with a view to possible purchase of been bom to Mr. and Mrs. Marion P. another, oak; and so on. there so tnany times a day. week In. Wheeler of Greenleaf, and the old the business. In Finland's epic, the Kalevala. we week out. season In, season ouL I had man of the Enterprise la three time: a have a most Interesting picture, of the quite forgotten that he was human 0 . A. C. places the poultry flocks of grandpa. beginning of forests and of the growth like myself, perhaps a little more Clarence Williams of Halsey and El­ of a forest primeval. Sampan Peller- tired, but perhaps a little happier. California’s “glorious climate” ! as mer J. Henderson of Brownsville at volnln sowed the trees: But I woke up on Christmas day last the head of those taking part in dem­ some drawbacks not experienced in year to his reality as a human being. "On the h ills he sow ed the pine trees Halsey. One person was killed and onstrations in the state in October. I was crossing the street with a On the knolla he so w ed the flr tr e e s’ several Injured and buildings and And In sandy p la ce« heather: very gloomy heart. Everything with One of the indictments by the grand L eefy s a p lln g ^ ln the valley«. trees damaged to the extent of sev­ my life seemed to have gone wrong, In the dale« he aowad the birch tree« jury was that of James Ward, a re­ eral thousand dollars by a wind storm In the loose earth »owed the a id ers and the crisis had been reached this peater, for stealing a set of harness in w rice* the w a* dam P the ch er- at Los Angeles Sunday. Christmas day. My eyes were down­ Lebanon. L lk ew lae In the m arshes. «allow « cast at the dirty, slushy snow under­ But thè puddlng was coollng and R ow an tree» In h o ly place«. foot, and 1 gave a glance at no one. Heavy snow has shut down logging W illow « In the fen n y region« that wns no Jnke, so, ss thè tempera­ J u n iper In «tony district«. ( A. CH RISTM A S T H O U G H T Then suddenly, out of the sky. out at Mill City. i ture fell, they fell to.—Christopher G. O aks upon th« bank« of river«." of tbe nowhere, came a deep-voiced, Hazard. Th« greater happiness nt the Christ­ That Plum Pudding and * ' As predicted, the Harrisburg team All the seed grew and flourished hopeful. "Merry Christmas I” Yes, (© . H l l . W estern X . w . p . p . r U nion ) showed the Halsey boys how to play mas season Is a direct result of the except that of the oak. The acorn there was the big policeman merry greater participation o f men and wo­ Some Twisted Mottoes MODERN basketball at the grammar grades men In the spirit of Christ. For then would not sprout until conditions were Chrlstmaslng me. and as though he especially prepared for It. Finally, meant It, too. In my surprise, I gave game. weakness his a power over strength ; It back heartily, “Merry Christmas, O VISE loved Jokes. She caught however, It sent up a forest primeval, and then the laughter In the eyes ni Mrs. J. C. Shedd of Shedd sleeps yourself.” people with questions and puz­ s growth so tall and dense that : little children aeema a better thing *.’lth one little ear open. Thue she zled them with conundrums. So And with that cheerful spoken word than our own good ; and then the tired ■In th eir course the clou d s tt hindered, bursting automatically from my aur- heard a burglar the other night and routine In the lives of those around us ____ J ’ he bad arranged a program And the d riv in g clou d s Impeded prlsed lips the day changed. There that centered about the Christ­ her husband frightened the prowler look« out upon ua through enigmatic And tt hid the sh in in g su n lig h t And the g lea m in g of tbe m o o n lig h t" was a miracle for you! Not out of away after he had opened a window eyes, and wa understand better, we mas plum pudding. When that came upon the tnble each one was to pu* tbe New Testament, but out of today, of the Shedd-Davis stone and before pity, we cease to condemn—we would In his thumb and pull out a plum In this day of policeman and hydrants— even ameliorate, we would show that he got any loot. tbe shape of a twisted motto; there and the Christmas spirit. On the op­ we see and understand—and so we they were, all around the sides of the posite curb I met happiness face to The W. F. M. S. of the M. E. offer the dumb gift which mutely tells (By an Enterprise reporter) platter. face. In what form It came does not ehurch met at the l ome of Mrs. M. E what our words could never tell; nnd Father was first, unfolding his plum The first inter-class basketball matter. That Is my heart's secret. Gardner Friday off ernoon with Gard­ then In our hearts. In our households, he rend off the pit of It end, as If to games of the season were played Fri­ But It camel And this I know, It ner as leader of th e leseon. Quit« a In aur llttla world, there Is Christmas moderate the coming merriment, said would not have come, or coming, I day night and resulted in a victory of would have surely missed It, had I number of the mat nbera of the W. F. Joy and peace— earth's highest happl “All Is not laugh that titters.” uses.— Sister II Tides Shepperson in the sophomore class over the fresh­ Then mother read hers: “It's a M. S. at Harrisbijrg were present by not lifted ray eyes to return the big Pittsburgh Dispatch. man class by a score of 19 to 6, the polleeman'e "Merry Christmas," and wrong turkey that has no turning.” Invitation, and be) ore leaving extend­ As Shis did not apply to the bird that sophomores proving to be too big and had not the surprised smile stayed ed an invitation t a the ladies here to with me until I reached that curb. husky for the first year boys. How Four Old Maids x had just disappeared, the self-satis­ meet with them tom e time. fied smile of the cook behind the door The policeman this Christmas Is to The game between the girls of the Have Real Christmas did not come off. A. A. Tussing, accompanied by C. me a symbol. Never again will be be Then Aunt Mary: "A hitch In time freshman-junior classes and the sop- part of the street furniture.—Ethel P. Moody and B. M. Bond, drove to At Christmas time, I do not wish saves mine.” This reference to Bob's homor-senior classes was a closer con­ Cook Eliot. HKY wars a family of old maids For costly gifts, or rare; Brownsville Friday night and attend­ trousers asserted bis Independence of t®. H l». WsstsfR Nswspspsr U«|OR > —four sisters. But they were test than that of the boys, ending in Just bring a bit of mistletoe ed the Mason A lodge. suspenders, but caused his relative to the JolllesL nicest old maids I And place It In my lialr— favor of the latter team. N o t ic e of A p p o in t m e n t remind him that he was not as need­ Miss Gracr. Wallace, accompanied •v«r knew. I always swore IL O f course I'd want the "follow-up" of Administrator with will annexed less of stitches ns he thought, upon Professor English has announced a by her eous'fii Harry Reeves returned and now I know It. What do To be a solitaire. Notice i i hereby given that the nnder- Declamation Contest. There are to to Portland Tuesday, after a few you think tbay did for Christmas? which he replied that he could depend signed, by an order of the Conuty Court upon that tailor who had advertised Did they hare a tree for themselvea be representatives from each class in of Linn County. Oregon, has been ap­ THE GENUINE SPIRIT weeks visit, with their grandparents, “pants a dollars and a half a leg and exchange costly presents with the high school. pointed administrator with the will an­ Mr. and Wrs. J. W. Recor. seats free.” each other, and then eat a turkey with The genuine holiday spirit consists nexed of the estate of S. A. Ribelin, Then Susan: "We never miss the The seniors are to give their plsy deceased. AU persons having claims O. W. From, C.. S. Veatch, C. H. dressing and plea, alone In their not only In wishing a merry Christ­ «waiter till the files go by." This was charming white dining room? Not a ' The Wrong Mr. Wright” December against said estate are required to pre­ mas. but In making one. Koontz v id A. A. Tussing ware in Sa a fly paper upon a dead subject and bit of IL They know what Christmas 22. The reserved seats are on gale sent them wnhin six months from the lem Wednesday. It wns filed for future reference. date of this notice, with the proper was meant for, and they acted on the at Clark’s Confectionery. MOTHERS’ CHRISTMAS vouchers, to the nnderaigned at his res­ Bob's plum was also laid on the Mrs. R. L Parker uraa an Albany kaewlng. Their friends tell me they idence at 37J E. Fifteenth tt. North, table after he had read: "A strolling The Christmas vacation will extend Portland, har» dona It every year; but since I'm visitor Wednesday. After receiving her gifts, mother's Oregon. hoy catches no horse.” A sentiment from Christmas to the day after new °tdy a new acquaintance, compara­ Christmas will be devoted largely to Dateil and first published this 29th J. C. Standish was in Albany Sat­ tively, I couldn't know that. that he was Inclined to think a little year’s day. day of November. 1923. washing sn extra number of dishes. too personal. urday. They Invite In a dozen children S. s. I I a vb s , Administrator aforesaid. Louise hud the last plum and de­ The high school is going to give a A mor A. T ussin g , Atty, for adtnr. NEVER TOO HIGH Mr. and Mrs. Fran k Werklnger of who wouldn't ordinarily have a Christ- clared; “All's well that ends swell.” Christmas program December 21. ® ** tr* * *t all and give their presents Shedd are the parents v f a boy born to Expressing the traveler's satisfaction them. And thru those twelve, poor It might be different with a lot of STATEM ENT Dec. (th. with terra Arma, less terror and more little mltee alt down at the tnble In things around Christmas, but the mis­ firmer. of tke Halsey State Bank of Halsey, tletoe Is never too high. J. W. Moore was a Portland visitor the old maids' charming white dining counly of Linn, state of Oregon, show­ rooog and the old maids themselves a few days last week. The H omen's club met Thursday ing the amount standing to the credit of them with turkey and all the every depositor July 1. 1923, who hat George Hayes of H ll A Co. was do­ serve fixing«. And they don't do It for char- afternoon with Mrs. G. W. Momhin- not made a deposit, or who has not ing some plumbing work in Shedd Ity either. They do It because they drawn any part of his deposit (commer­ weg for a further study of Scotland. cial deposits), principal or interest, for Monday. . adore children, and making them hap­ I Sixteen members responded to roll a period ot more than teven (7) yeara Mrs. Karl Bramwell made af trip to py la to them a treat You see. from prior to said date, with the their cradles. these four old inald call With suggestions for the Christ­ immediately Tangent and Albany Saturday. name, last known place of residence or elateru were blessed with the Christ­ postoffice address of such depositor, and mas dinner. ,, „, ’ •’L * the fact of his death, if known ; A court order Monday eet off to D. mas spirit, a spirit that lasta all the H A R R IS B U R G ( B R O W N S V IL L E year around when It Is genuine A series of food tales was planned Name of depositor, W. T. .McFall J. Ribelin the automobile, two rows, But why should I call them “old Residence or postoffice address, not for the new year by the finance com­ the poultry and all the household i known maids r* That term la in such disre­ mittee. goods of M % Ribelin'« estate Jha pute? They are four angels I And Dead, if fact ia known to secretary or knowing thaL I am going to try my A Christmas party to be held at the cashier, not known. Amount, $70. luck, some time when I can get the home "* the president, Mrs. S. J. ********** Totil. $70. « w + courage, and aak one of them, the This $70 is represented by a demand Smith, ^«cember 20, was planned. .■ue I happen to be In lore with te certificate of deposit which was issued ♦ A are me " rerhaps If I make the ♦ The librarian reported a new list of to W. T. McFall on tbe 13th day of No­ « proposal within the Christmas season vember, 1914. ♦ state books ujstreceived. State of Oregon1, ) I shell remember she's a Christmas • The lesson “A Day with Scott" Countv of Linn, J **’ I angel, and taka mat Don't laugh at which covered early association and I, D. Taylor, being first du1» sworn, my audacity. Anything may happen et Christmas «met For Christmas la the Tweed valley was given in an in­ depose ami say upon oath that I am tbe vice-president of the Halsey State Rank If the wav to a m in t heart is through s magical time. Evan a child can tell teresting manner by Mrs. J. C. Porter of Halsey, countv of Linn, state of Or­ hi* stomach, a* the old aayiag gix». yon that —Ethel Cook Eliot. and Mrs. W. A. Muller. egon . that the foregoing statement ia a '* • IMS. W ester, t t . * . . . , . , U n i.« r the« »«rely the right toed to a woman's Bmatifal, Practical, laevpeaeire - full, true, correct and compiete atatt- A short musical program was given good grace« is through a box of choeo menl, showing the name, last known Wa take order* for by Mrs. Bond, Mr» Stafford and Miss residence or posloffiee address, fact oi latea and bon hone Of course onlv the ♦ death, if known, and Hie amount to the ♦ daintiest eioiaeta w ill accomplish that Dona Robertson. credit of each depositor, si required by eud—a n d ’ 'best" mean» Clark's. Send The hostess, assisted by her daugh­ the provisions of aelion 1PI6G-10163, ia- » box ttxtav to your bestrat. ' Where ter, Mrs. Wallace, served dainty dative, Oregon laws. D. T a vlor . there « 1 candy box, there the heart luncheon. Subscribed and sworn to before ma unlock« this 9th day July. A. D. 1923. * B M B o n o , Congressman C. N. McArthur died Roots 1, Halsej »♦ NotarvPublic for Orego« Sunday from meningitis. My commission expire» Sept. 1, 1«2A 50 * Others tip to __ .............. 85 P e a rl N eck laces M en’s R in g s MAY IVOR MARSH NOVELLO * * * * * * * * * * * Signets tO $7.^ 8 to 15 32.50 £***»•*«——*****—••*» Paid-for Paragraphs H alsey Happenings, etc. Admittance Here 5 Cents a Line G IF T SU G G ESTIO N S 5. 20. 20. 11. 7.50 7.50 8.50 13.50 4.50 3.50 I $16. 5. 20. 125. 75. 6. 20. 2.50! 40. 2.501 J. Special attention to mail orders F. M. FRENCH & SON JE W E L E R S Albany Oregon Halsey High School Notes The Women's Club X II Ï +i-f'-fX’ff.fXfx^^fxfxf «.fX R IA L T O T H E A T E R S a tu rd a y G loria S w anson T hos. M eig h an “ ZAZA” £ ‘W om an P r o o f ’ X Confectionery for the Affcction-ary Gift« ™ W : H ighland Linen S ta tio n e ry : I j J K W F. L R V : R IN G O ’S Dnptwi I *********************' STRAYED R’d Y e a rlin g H eifer R. M. R O D E C lark's C o n fectio n ery