> * * * * * * VS,«. »» » WVeVeWS,.. wwvvszsevwww. HALSEY STATE BANK *: UNIVERSAL J STOVES and RANGES Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L A N D $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 SURPLUS Commerciil and Savings account« Solicited ®*'**W*'**V^*-V**^*bA**VS»VA»W>AVVVSVVVVSVSeVS>>VVVVS^VS>S tkat are worth (tidin g are worth feeding well. ** d ttcck feed here. (Continued from page 1, Corvallis high school claims the W tllam atte valloy football champion •hip. John R_ Byers of Oakridge has been named postmaster at a new office In Lane county to be known aa Weat Ftr The W alla W alla R ill way company has authorized the construction ot kn extension ot Its line from Milton to Umapine. 1 Apple shipments from Hood River this year to date a rt nearly 100 per cent heavier than (or the same period • year ago. Clearances of export lumber cargo at the Portland customs house (or November were 37,763,900 feet, valued at tl.lt7.0SS. The fourteenth annual convention of the Oregon Butter Makers' associa tfon will be held in Portland Decem­ ber 13 and 14. Members of the Oregon Music Teachers' association from all parts of the state met fa Portland for a two- day convention. ..... The 14th annual convention of the Oregon Hotel Men's association was held in Portland with more than 100 delegates in attendance. Cooperative marketing and banking were discussed at the annual con­ vention at The Dalles of the Oregon State Horticultural society. The state highway department has (.ranted permission to the Coast Pow er company to reconstruct and extend Its power line on the Roosevelt high way between Manhattan and Oara baldl. P ag F s AZAawy 5Z),/-«rZe«g— Continued FARM LOANS“ W rite for booklet describing our 2t- year Mural Credit Amortised Leans. This is good advice ; " I I you live The loan pays out ia 20 payments, re­ in Albany, trade in Albany , il vou live tiring the principal. Cheap rates No It you want to give one as a C hristmas : gift ; we have the size and style to suit you, and all < in some other town, trade iu that town.' delay. Hut in these automobile ‘lays many re­ B bsm L i s d C o ., siding elsewhere find it aJvisahle io do l.U Lyon St.. Albany, Ore at least part of their buying in the larger town Those who go to Albany Phone 312 V Satisfaction guaranteed to transact business w ill find the firms Price $o. SO named below ready to fill their require­ ments w ith courtesy an t fairness FR E D B. JONES Piano Tuning and Repairing A B»®ny B akery, 321 Lyon street, ALBANY Piano Tuner for leading music stores in Albany • * Best one-pound loaf of bread made. S cents. Wedding cakes to order A lbany x “ set». H ILL « & < § .: Electric Store. Electric wiring. products A lbany Floral Co A * and planta. and all occasions New Radio and Delco Light used F U R N IT U R E A N D F A R M M A C H IN E R Y Wg. H o p l ic h . bought, sold and exchanged at all time» G l i n n W il l a b d Cut flowers BEN T. SUDTELL F in n Floral art for every Phone 76-R, 123 N. Broadalbin a t, Albany Flower phone 458-J Bny your poultry ■ A LBANY accident commission. The victims were W alter Stuart. Seaside, brake- man, and Amos Breeden, Black Rock, pile driver. A total of 637 accidents were reported during the week. O . AY. F R U M Oregon Occurrences HALSEY SNTLRARISF. ^//ibany£/) irectory are the last word in i cooking conveniencei and efficiency i \\ e have the best line i of them ever shown < in Halsey i we ask is a chance to show them to you and I quote prices. Our prices are made to sell the I goods. i In design and finish the Universi is a work of! rare art EG G MASH FISH MEAL OYSTER SHELI MILL RUN BRA N BARLEY STOCK MOLASSES — SB DEC. 13. 192] All train service on the Eugene-Coos bay branch of the Southern Faclflc railway was tied up on account of damage to a steel bridge across the Sulslaw river near Linslaw, 36 miles west of Eugene. A fir tree four feet General Manager A. P. S. Steele of in diameter fell across the bridge and the Apple Growers’ association has caved in the top part of It ao that received a letter from United States trains were unable to operate over It. Senator McNary to the effect that The total value of taxable property stored apples may be utilized as se­ in Oregon, Including that equalized curity (or loans with Intermediate by the state board of equalization and credit banks. that equalized and apportioned by the Farm acreage In Oregon (or 1923. state tax commission, is >1.042,410',- exclusive of 11 counties which have 618.66. according to a report prepared not reported, aggregated 4,946.973.57 by Earl Fisher, state tax commission­ acres as against 8,419,954.88 acres in er. Last year the total value of the 1922. This information w-as contain taxable property was >1,009.499,160.38. ed In a statment by Earl Fisher, state The outlet of SUtcoos lake, which tax coromlsaloner. is only two miles from the Pacific Petitions numerously ¿tgned by per­ ocean In western Lane county, is sons residing In 36 counties of Ore­ again clogged by sand, due to wind gon urging the appointment of Wallace and high sea. The state fish and McCamant of Portland, to the United game commission this fall cleared the States court of appeals, ninth circuit, channel of obstructions In order that San Francisco, have reached Wash- salmon might enter the lake to spawn Ington and will be submitted to Presl but it la now worse than ever, reports dent Coolidge. state. More satisfactory distribution of Some decision with regard to reor­ harvest labor to the end that both the ganizing new irrigation projects In employer and employe may be bene Oregon should come from the secre­ flted will be attempted by the Season tary of the Interior in the next few able Employment commission, which weeks. In the last several days a was organized at a conference held In determined drive has been made by the offices of C. H. Gram, state labor the Oregon delegation in both houses commissioner, at Salem. of congress, supported by represents Federal prohibition officers have notified operators of cider plants that they must cease manufacturing cider unless the finished product contains benzoate of soda. Cider manufactur­ ers allege that the order will ruin their business, as the soda content spoils the flavor of the apple product. Oregon pensions have been granted as follows: Verda A. Orchard. Port land, >20; Delbert A. Lyons, Central Point, >12; James W. Hackman. Tim ber, >18; James Morlarlty, Portland, >18; Carl Woolman, Baker, >24; James Arthur, Portland, >15; Andrew Bratz, Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock a Portland, >12; W illiam C. Hlclnboth memorial tablet placed on the old om. Estacada 318 Methodist church at Jacksonville, There were two fatalities In Ore­ which Is said to be the oldest Protes tsnt church building now standing gon Industries during the week end ing December 6, according to a re west of the Rocky mountains, was un port prepared by the state industrial veiled. tlves of four new projects In the state, (or some definite step toward the de­ velopment of further Irrigation. Tillamook harbor Improvements have beeh approved, subject to minor modifications, by the board of river and harbor engineers, as a result of a hearing In Washington, D. C., at which the Oregon delegation and resi­ dents of that section placed new facts before the board. If this project Is completed the federal government will appropriate about >250,000. The secretary of the Interior at the request of Representative Blnnott, has held up patents to land In Oregon in­ volved In the cases of F. A. Hyde, C. W. Clark and others. Mr. Blnnott acted on the telegraphed request of Attorney-General Van W inkle of Ore­ gon The cases involve state lands used under the old lieu land law ta obtain title to government lands. Dollars May Save Lives Fend.a Christinas present. Send it now. Give lo m i little innocent i l l life aa roar gift. Make a cheek or pestal order payable to J. J. Handaaker, director Near East Re- lief, Portland, and it will carry life across Ihe sss. No sum can be too small to do good and— taka notice of this—none can be too large. *' Inasmuch as ye did it not unto the least of these ye did it not unto me.'* Read these cablegrams .' Sapt. 25 — 95,000 little children in Greece ask foa help, but our funds are exhausted. Oot. 6 —Hurry ih in u at of con- dented milk. Urgently requested. Oct. 8.— Cota urgently netted to prevent childreu sleeping on concrete floors without beds during winter. When can you ship? Oct. 15— Orphanage supplies u ia l to prevent starvation of 100,- 000 retugaez. Orphanage supplioe exhausted. Children have no winter clothing nor beds. Thou- sands are begging admission. Or­ phans fed the refugees ; now who is going to feed the orphans? Noe. 24, Literary D ig-et— The number of orphans i„ increasing daily, owing to the death of moth­ er», weakened by exposure and lack of nourishment Nov. 26— Please secure outside means enabling us to feed 5000 more orphans at once. I f pus •ible, secure alio additional funds to provide supplementary feeding throughout the winter for 26.000 ohildrah for four months, at $1.50 per chUd per month- Funds will be available in the spring for the relief of refugees from Turkish cruelty who found asylum in Greece, but unless America sends relief soon many women and children will perish from hunger and cold be­ fore that time. Palatial New Steamer Women, too, Are Helped on you r to P o r tia net b y bu yin g a Round Trip Ticket Week-end Ticket sare on sale F rid ay s,'S atu rd ay s and Sundays, return limit following Tuesday. 15-Day Tickets are on sale daily to stations in Oregon Z7ake th e Z Z m i n f Regardless of weather, it ia safe, eomfortabla and dependable. R adio —Ask a«ent for fare« and other information or write P arts Special discounts en Vario Condensers Variometers Variocouplers Sockets & Rheostats JOHN M. SCOTT, Assistant Passenger Traffic Manager, Portland, Oregon New is the time to get these parts W rite u t fer anything in Radie. Southern Pacific Lines RALSTON ELECTRIC & I 310 West Second st Albany, O re The boys la y that the bear ran. across the highway in front of them. They w ire forced to alow down their car, they report, to avoid running him down. Pugh and Crawford rave. We take the foregoing from the Herald and if that was the end of it would seem that the Herald alleged that the bear story tellers were crazy. But the item continues— "just return­ ed from a visit in the Coos Bay sec­ tion.” The linotype operator struck the wrong key and spelled "rave” instead of “havt.” ’ ' Snide- b ak e r” and ‘ S ta r” automobile« General repairing and auppliea. G. T, Hockenamith.— Lloyd Templeton. D lu e Bird Reatauraot, 309 Lyon Rescue the Perishing Vic­ tims of the Turk The Southern Pacific company has placed an order with the Todd Dry- dock A Construction company at T a ­ coma for a new passenger steamship for the company’s Atlantic fleet, ply­ Ex-service women of the world war, ing between New York and New O r­ in need of medical treatment or do­ leans The new steamer is to have miciliary care, w ill hereafter be taken a displacement of 11,100 torn and will care of in government institutions phono graph for dancing and there even though their disabilities are not .cost more than >2,000,000. The dis- due to war service. Arrangements .. . . , c — . i - t»__s P'Brcment of the largest vessel now arc being made in the Seattle, Port I on the run is 10,000 tons. land, Spokane and B> ise offices cf Every stateroom on the new vessel the federal veterans bureau to taka is to be an outside room and all are care of such applicants immediately. to be provided with running fresh w a­ Special homes have been establish­ ter. electric fens, vacuum bottles for ed at Danville, III., and Milwaukee drinking water, electric berth lights Wis., for disabled service womer who and window and door screens. The have been honorably discharged. T' » promenade deck it to be eight feet wt men may be discharged upon their wide, the forward part to be enclosed own request or when cured. Trans­ with Layeock wthdows. Nineteen portation to the designated home is staterooms will have individual hatha furnished by the government with running hot Ind cold salt wa­ ter. To relieve the shortage ot dwelling In the social hall is to be an electric houses In Albany a building and loan also ia to be a music room with play­ association la planned by several busi­ er piano for special use of women ness men of that city. passengers. Save $3.12 -w GARAGE ” street. Eat hare when in Albany. Open from 6 to I and 5 to 8. Mat. B l o u n t . Shoes that coat leas per month of wea B r u n s w ic k W hy suffer from headache ? Have your eyes examined S. T . F R E N C H PHONO G RAPH S at W O O D W O R T H 'S Thavenport Music House for pi- anoa and player pianoa Some good ’ oy» on xcond hand p»*nm W * handle th« Baldwin , Iina o f paanoi tba ban money can buy. Optometrist, with r . c . ficq D F . M . F R E N C H ft S O N S D EN TIST J E W E L E R S -O P T IC IA N S Albany, Oregon 312 Weal Second street Albany, Oregon astburn Bros.— Two big grocery E stores, 212 W. First and 225 South Mam. (rood merchandise at the right Halsey Happenings, etc. prices. ilina F developed and printed, Or­ (Continued from page 1) The county court has decided to have a gate at this tide of the H arris­ burg ferrj-. Tires, accessories, oils. gasoline, repair work. W. H. H u l BURT. Mrs. A. C. Armstrong went to Port­ land Friday noon to visit relatives and friends for a week. them right back to yoa. We mail n Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, egon. irst garage g o in g north. F W R C H R IS T M A S * Clifford's Studio Your photograph 333 Weat First street Bruce and Hodge, the Peoria burg­ lar, go to the penitentiary for one and two years respectively. OKU sales and S E R V IC E the F i present rate of destruction ■ single generation will see practically all primeval forest disappear. Tires and accessorie« Repairs K i r x -P o l u a k M oron Co. Albany showhousez are succeeding portmiller Furniture Co., furni­ ture. ruga, linoleum, stoves ranges. In getting new moving picture film » Funeral directors. 477-433 west First before they are shown in other places street, Albany, Oregon. in the state. alt’s Floral a n d M u s ic S hop Good service and prompt delivery it discovered that In one place the no­ tice of the Methodist church service* on cut flowers and floral designs. Albany Phone If,61 was placed bottom up and In another H Hc OLM AN A JACKSON Grocery—Bakery Everything in the line of eats the first three lines of an Item w ar* lost. A Portland legal firm declares th a t the >40,000 note redemption bonds ub Candy C o., F irst street, n ixt Issued by the Albany independent door to Blain Clothing Co. school district are net legal. There Noon lunches. ia diversity of opinion on the subject Home made candy and ice Cream. among lawyers. Opposite Postoflice H |J ub Cleaning Works, Inc. H Cor. Fourth and Lyon Master Dyers and Cleaners Made - T o - Measure Clothes A t O. A. C. they are planning with white rata to learn If food Is better cooked than raw. "The Brown rVIZl’w G a ra g e — N e x t to C otUUlU- Mouse,” In the Enterprise it giving us nity lioute. Haide Battery distrib Results of more important experi­ utors lor Linn county. Repairs made ments. J >n all makes nt batteries. The Enterprise has lost the patron­ M agneto electric co . A ll kinds ot electric apparatus re­ age of one of the opponents of the paired. Conservative prices All work bridge bonds, bu» It has not lost the fully guaranteed 119-121 W . Second. hope that some of Its friends may live M en and money are beat when to cross the W illam ette on those but)-. Make your dollars work in bridges. our savings department. A l b a n y ST a tx H a n k . Under government supervision The Halsey Garden club, of which Karl IL .Stewart is president, Is one iller Motor Salas of six standard clubs In the county. Oakland and Jewett cars The Santiam Fish and Game Asso­ Supplie» and accessories First and Baker Sts. Albany, Oregon ciation will have its annual banquet et Albany December 1. M orton A M Speer Service Com­ pany Headquarters for good tires Plmne 65 First and Lyon In thia week’s ‘ High School Class­ ics" discussion Mrs. Boyd remarks that there are few places we can see urphy M o to r Co. B o ick and the "forest primeval”. Here In Ore­ rolet automobiles. Tires and Chevrc gon we may have that privilege w ith­ accessories Albany. Oregon. Phone 2t0 out straying from the trade marts. In thia state, which contains one-fifth eal I estate Money to loan. All of the standing timber In the United kis nds ot insurance written. State«, It is hard to realize that a t Call on J V Pi»g, Albany State Bank Building Thursday last the Enterprise waa oscoe amrs hardware late in going to preae. Aa pages 1 the and 2 were being made ready dark­ W IS 'C IIE S T H R S T O K E ness was coming on and artificia l 322 W . First st. lights were used. Suddenly the elec­ 8 G I L B E R T à S O N tric current failed. ' Then, in very dim light, the pages were dosed up Chinaware and g ift shop The electrie Albany and the press started. 310 West First lights soon came back, but not until C T E N B E R G B RO S, groceries, all the papers had been printed was k J fruits, produce, 235 Lyon street. 4 We sell groceries and (Continued On pat« 4) Buy cream. Phone 26JR M R R “ , s. C T I M X I . S I H E S I I O E DOCTOR kJ Se