PAG E 4 H A USB Y E N T E R PR I SK DEC. ana promised to make her official life 'exatluus seerned ample proof that Jim’» work was visionary and Imprac- tleaL Pour Jennie waa not aware of the fact that new truth alwaya come« bringing, not peace to mankind, but a sword. "rather." said ahe that night, "let’« hare a little Chrlatmaa party.” plenty." replied Mrs. irwin. much did they weigh?" "About fifteen pounds apiece," was the answer. ’“The gobbler would ’a’ weighed thirty. I guess He's pure •Mammoth Bronze.” “I wish.” said Jim, “that we could get a few breeding birds of the wild bronze turkeys from Mexico." "Why?" asked the colonel. "They're the original blood ef the domestic bronxe turkeys," aald Jim, ’’aod they’re bigger and handsomer than the pure bred bronzes, even. They're a better stock than the North» discussion of a meal under proper Into the corners of tlie room?- Jennie guidance ta much more educative than recalled the time when the tornado a lecture. Thia breast-bone, now," narrowly mlat-ed the schoolhouse, and said he. referring to the remains on his frightened everybody In school nearly plate. “That's physiology. The cran- to death. berry sauce—that's botany, and com­ "Everybody but you, Jim," Jeanie merce, and soil management—do you remembered. “You looked out of th« know. Colonel, that the cranberry window and told the teacher that the must have an acid soil— which would twister was going north of us, and kill alfalfa or clover?" "All right." an Id the colonel. “Whom would kill somebody else." •ball we Invite?" “Read something of It,'' said the "Did I?" asked Jim. colonel, "but It didn't Interest me "Don’t laugh," aald she. "I want to Second »t., opposite Halsey Garage "Yes,” said Jennie, "and when th« much." Invite Jim Irwin and hla mother, and teacher a«ked us to kneel and thank Short orders at all hours up to 11 p. w "And the difference between the God. you said, 'Why should we thank nobody else." types of fowl on the table— that's "All right." reiterated the colonel. 5 God that somebody else la blowed breeding. And the nutmeg, pepper and away?1 She wns greatly shocked." "But why?" coconut— that’s geography. ADd every­ “Oh.” aald Jennie. "1 want to see era wild turkeys from which our com­ " I don’t see to this day." Jim as­ thing on the table runs back to geog­ serted. "what answer there was to whether I can talk Jim out of some mon birds originated.” raphy. and comes to us linked to our my question.” of hla foolishness.” "Where do you learn all these lives by dollars and cento—and they’re io u want to Una him up, do you?" things, Jim ?" »»ted In the gathering darkness Jim again Woodruff. mathematics.” First-Class Work said the colonel. ‘ Well, that's good “I declare, I often tell Woodruff that took Jennie's hand, but this time she "We must have somethlrg more than politics, and Incidentally, yon may get It's as good as a lecture to have Jim deprived him of It. Agent foe Eugene Steam Laundry By HERBERT QUICK some good Ideas out of Jim." dollars and cents In life,” said Jen­ He wns trembling like a leaf. Let irwln at table. My Intelligence has Sent Tuesdays. "Rather unlikely.” said Jennie. nie. "We must have culture." It he remembered In hla favor that fallen since you quit working here, vIII II III! Illlf lllllllllllllll|l||lt |||||,||||ll,|*3 "I don’t know about that." said the Jim." "Culture,“ cried Jim, “Is the ability this was the only girl's hand he had J- W . S T E P H E N S O N . Prop (Cayjrtght b» Th. Botba-MwrlU Company) colonel, smiling. "I begin to think that to jh in k In terms of life—Isn’t It?" ever held. There came into Jim's eye« the "Like Jesse James?" suggested the “You can’f find any more scars on gleam of the man devoted to a Cause hired man, who was a careful student It," she said soberly. (Continued) —and the dinner tended to develop of the Ufa of that eminent bandit. "Let me see how much It has Into a lecture. Jennie saw a little Quarters of l lo rc a n m n j There was a storm of laughter at changed since I stuck the knife in CHAPTER V III more plainly wherein hla queeraess purposes at canning prices this sally amidst which Jenqle wished IL” begged Jim. she had thought of something like Jennie Arranges a Chrlatmaa Party. Jennie held it np for Inspection. "There's an education in any meal, C. H. FA LK that. Jim Joined In the laughter at Miss Jennie Woodruff of the Wood­ "It's longer, and alenderer, and if we would Just use the things on the C. L. FA L K JR. hla own expense, but was clearly suf­ ruff district was a sensible country whiter, and even more beautiful," table as materials for study, and fol­ fering from argumentative shock. girl. Being sensible, she tried to said he, "than the little hand I cut; low their trails back to tbelr starting HALSEY ‘T hat's the beat answer I ’ve had on but It was then the most beautiful avoid upplsbness. But ahe did feel points. This turkey takes us back to that point, Pete." he aald, after the hand in the world to me— and «till U." w n t little sense of Increased Impor­ the chaparral of Mexico—” disturbance had subsided. “But If the tance as she drove her father’s little “I must light the lamps," said tha “What’s c h a p a rra lr asked Jennie, James boys and the Youngers had had county runabout over the smooth earth roads. superintendent-elect, rather «s a diversion. " I f , one of the words Cash paid for the sort of culture Tm for. they would flustered. In the crisp December weather, Just It must be confessed. I have seen so often and know per­ have been suceeasful stock men and "Mamma I before Christmas. The weather Itself Where are all the fectly to speak It and read It—but farmers. Instead of train robbers. matches?” . . I 8,llDnIatlnk- •»<’ in the little car. after all It's Just a word, and nothing Take Raymond Simina for Instance. |V |. • o f i O O r x I visiting the one hundred or more rural more.” Mrs. Woodruff and Mra. Irw in came He bad all the qualifications of a mem­ In, and the lamplight reminded Jim’s — i schools soon to come under her super "Ain’t that the trouble with our edu­ ber of the James gang when he came mother that the cow was still to milk, ' vision, she rather fancied the picture cation. Jhn?" queried the colonel, clev­ here. All he needed waa a few ex­ and that the chickens might need at­ of herself, clothed In more or less au­ erly steering Jim back Into the track asperated associates of his own sort, tention. The Woodruff sleigh came thority and queening it oveT her little | or hi« discourse. and a convenient railway with unde­ to the door to carry them home; but army of teachers. They are not even living words.” fended trains running over IL But Jim desired to breast the storm. He Mr. Haakon Peterson was phlegmat­ I answered Jim, “unless we have clothed after a few weeks of real 'culture' felt that he needed the conflict. Mrs. ically conscious that ahe made rather “Talk Jim Out of Soma of Hla Fool- , them In flesh and blood through some under a mighty poor teacher, he's de­ Irwin scolded him for his foollshne.w, j an agreeable picture, aa she stopped Ishrtesa.’ | sort of concrete notion. 'Chaparral' veloping Into the most enthusiastic but he strode off Into the whirling • her car alongside hla top buggy to talk to Jennie is Just the ghost of a word. JIm’a a Brown Mouse. Tve told you fanner I know. T hat’s real culture.” drift, throwing back a good-by for with him. She had bright blue eyes, I Our civilisation Is full of Inefficiency I t ’s snowing like everything,” said fluffy brown hair, a complexion about the Brown Mouae, haven’t I?' general consumption, and a pathetic WB are satl8fl • manner to de- teacher, table manners I" on the grass Just as I threw the knife seemed highly practical; ht* te Jen­ light the hearts of Mrs Woodruff and "I'd take on that class." said the - It cut you, and left that scar." nies mind, the fact t h « thev Intro­ Jennie. The colonel, in stiff starched hired man. winking at Selma Carlton, T remember, now'" gaij „^e. ALBANY duced dissension In the n«ui iborbood shirt, black tie and frock coat, carved the msld. from somewhere below the "How such things come back over the with much empreesemenr. and Jim felt : v - salt "The way I make my knife feed memory And did It leave a scar almost for the drat tins* a sense of my face would he a great hup to the when I pushed you toward the red hot Stamp out the value of manner children.’ Tuberculosis schoolhouse one bllxxardy "I had bigger turkeys," said Mrs. "And when the food came on the day. like thia, aod yon peeled the skin with Woodruff to Mrs Irw in, “hut I thought table," Jim went on. with a smile at off your wrist where it Christmas Sects struck the It would be better to Cook two turkey- his former fellow-laborer, who had stove ?* hens Instead of one great big gobbler heard moat of thia before ae a part c o m « » .« .! , with Lee ,h. A f M j