9 ‘ " W F........ ■ , DSC. 13, 192J H A L S 8 V B N T F R A R ÎS Ë and operation under conffltlofilVhlcl rights and principles tmtlst go wherever FACE 3 eighth circuit. Législation should be would secure two results: F ir s t and the sanctions of our government go. But while the favor of America Is of prime Importance: adequate means considered for this purpose. be lim ited to our capacity to absort farmer himself are’ the only* reaP for national defense; second, adequate Prohibition. not for sale, I am w illing to make very them Into the ranks of good citizen- sources for restoration. The prohibition amendment to the service to American qommerce. Until arge concessions for the purpose ol ship. America must be kept Amer Indirectly the farm er must be re- shipping conditions are such that our Constitution requires the congress and rescuing the people of Russia. Already lean. For thin purpose. It Is neces Ileved by a reduction o( national and fleet can be disposed of advanta­ the President to provide adequate laws encouraging evidences of returning tc » a r y to continue a policy of restrict- > local taxation. He must be assured to prevent lta violation. It la my duty the ancient ways of society can be de­ geously under these conditions, it w ill ed im m igration I t would be well by the reorganization of the freight- be operated as economically as pos­ to enforce auch laws. F or that pur­ tected. But more are needed. When- to make such immigration of a »elec­ rate structure which could reduce, ever there appears any disposition to sible tinder such plans as may be ad­ pose a treaty Is being negotiated with tive nature with some Inspection at charges on his production To make Great B ritain with respect to the right vised from time to time by the ship­ compensate our citizens who were de­ the source, and baaed either on a prior this fully effective there ought to bel ping'board. W e must have a merchant of search of hovering vessels. To pre­ spoiled, or»l to recognize that debt con­ ceosua or upon the record of natural­ railroad consolidations. Cheaper far* tracted w ith our government, not by marine which meets these require­ vent smuggling, the coast guard should ization. Either method would Insure tllizers must be provided. be greatly strengthened, and a sup­ la Opposed ta League of Nations, but the czar, but by the newly formed re­ ments. and we shall have to pay the the admission of those with the largest He must have organization Hla ply of sw ift power boats should be public of Russia; whenever the active cost of Its service. Favors World Court— Wants Die- provided. The m ajor sources of pro­ in e riM re n .“ 1* r " ‘ ln t* “ tl<>n of becom' ™ « « b e r w ith whom he exchangee Public Improvements. »plrlt of enmity to our Institutions* Is ablod Veterans Cared For, but 1 citizens. I am am convinced convinced that that our our products of the farm for those of In- duction should be rigidly regulated, ubuted; whenever there appear works The time has come to resume In a present economic and social conditions dustry la organised, labor la organised, ■ w 1« Opposed to Grant- and every effort should be made to uiete for repentance; our country moderate way the opening o f our In- w arrant a lim itation of these to be ad­ business la organized, and there la no ,i | t l nfl • Bonus. ought to be the first to go to the eco­ trucoastul w aterw ays; the control of suppress Interstate traffic. W ith this mitted. We should find additional wuy for agriculture to meet thia un­ action on the part of the national gov­ nomic and rnorul rescue of Russia. flood waters of the Mississippi and safety In a law requiring the Immedi­ Washington.—President Coolidge In less It, too, is organized. The acre­ ernment. and the co-operation which Is of the Colorado rivers; the Improve­ h l . first message to the^congress’ bad d e s ir e d ‘ ° helP “ nd ate registration of all aliens. Those age of wheat la too large. Unless we usually rendered by municipal and injure. W e hope the time la ment of the waterways from the who do not want to be partakers of the following recom m endations to can meet the world market at a profit, state authorities, prohibition should be near at hand when we can a c t Great Lakes toward the G ulf o f Mex the American spirit ought not to set­ o ffer: we must stop raising for export. O r­ made effective. Free government has Debts. lc o ; and the development o f the tle In America. Since the close of the last congress ganization would help to reduce acre­ The current debt and interest due great power and navigation project of no greater menace than disrespect for Veterans. the nation haa lost President Harding. age. Systems of co-operative market­ I from foreign governments, exclusive of the St. Lawrence river, for which ef­ authorltv and continual violation of The world knew h li kindness and his No more Important duty falls on the ing created by the farmers themselves, the British debt of $4,000,000,000, Is forts are now being made to secure luw. I t is the duty o f a citizen not hum anity, his greatness and his char­ government of the United States than supervised by competent management, only to observe the law but to let It about »7,200,000,000. I do not favor the necessary treaty w ith Canada. the adequate care o f lta veterans. without doubt would be of assistance, acter. H e hag le ft his m ark upon the cancellation of this debt, but I see These projects cannot a ll he under­ be known that he la opposed to Its Those suffering disabilities Incurred but they cannot wholly solve the prob­ history. H e has made justice more violation. no objection to adjusting It In accord­ taken at once, but all should have the m the service must have sufficient hos­ lem. Our agricultural schools ought certain and peace more secure: The The Negro. ance w ith the principle adopted for the Immediate, consideration of the con­ surpassing tribute paid to his mem- British debt. Our country would not Numbered among our population are pital relief and compensation. T heir to have thorough courses In the theory _ _ _ . -------- V U I w u u t i/ W U U IU u u i gress and be adopted as fast as plans some 12.000.000 colored people. Un­ dependents msut be supported. Rehab­ of organization and co-operutlve mar­ *' l i ? b®ra,e "Cr0M e° “ ' i wUh ,0 Msume ,iie «« »“ oppres- can be matured and the necessary ilitation and vocational training must keting. unent to rest at last at home « • 1 alve debtor, - but would maintain the funds become available. This Is not der our Constitution their rights are be completed. A ll of this service must ▼ealed the place he held In the hearts principle that financial obligations be­ Diversification la necessary. Those Incompatible w ith economy, fo r their Just as sacred as those of any other be clean, must be prompt and effec­ farmers who raise their living on their o f the American people. But thia Is citizen. I t is both a public and a tween nations nre likewise moral obli­ nature does not require so much a tive, and It m utt be administered In land nre not greatly In distress. Such not the occasion fo r extended refer­ gations which International faith and public expenditure as a capital Invest­ private duty to protect those rights. a spirit of the broadest and deepest loans as are wisely needed to ssslst ence to the man or his work, in this honor require should be discharged. ment which w ill be reproductive, as The congress ought to exercise all human sympathy. I f Investigation re­ buying stock snd other materials to presence, among those who knew and Our government has a liquidated evidenced by the marked Increase In Its powers o f prevention and punish­ loved him, that la unnecessary. But claim against Germany for the expense ment against the hideous crime of veals any present defects of adminis­ start In this direction should ba revenue from the Panama canal. Upon we who were associated with him of the army of occupation of over $225.- these projects depend much future In lynching, of which the negroes are by tration or need of legislation, orders finunced through s government agency could not resume together the func­ 000,000. Besides this, the mixed claims dustrlal and agricultural progress. no means the sole sufferers, but for will be given for tbe immediate cor­ as a temporary and emergency expedi­ tions of oor office without pausing for commission have before them about They represent the protection o f large which they furnish a m ajority of the rection of administration, and recom­ ent. mendations for legislation should be The remaining difficulty Is the dis­ a moment, and in hla memory recon­ 12,500 claims of American citizens, ag­ areas from flood and the addition of a victims. given the highest preference. position of exportable wheat. 1 do secrating ourselves to the service of gregating about $1,225,000,000. These great amount of cheap power and Regulatory Legislation. A t present there ure ».500 vacant not favor the permanent Interference our country. H e Is gone. We re­ claims have already been reduced by cheap freight by use of navigation, Co-operation w ith other maritime m ain. I t is our duty, under the In­ beds In government hospital«. 1 rec­ o f the government In this problem. a recent decision, but there are valid chief of which Is the bringing of ocean­ powers Is necesytry for complete pro­ spiration of his example, to lake up claims reaching well toward $500,000,- going ships to the Great Lakes. tection of our coazt waters frotq pol­ ommend that all bospltala be au­ That probably would Increase the trou­ thorized at once to receive and care ble by Increasing production. But It the burdens which lie was permltetd 000, Our thousands of citizens with lution. Plans for this are under way. Another problem of allied character to lay down, and to develop and sup­ credit! due them of hundreds of m il­ Is the superpower development o f tbe but aw ait certain experiments for re f­ for, without hospital pay, the veterans »eenis feasible to provide government of nil ware needing such care, when­ assistance to exports, and authority port the wise principles of government lions of dollars have no redress save northeastern states, consideration of use disposal. Meantime laws pro­ which he represented. hibiting spreading oil and oil refuse ever there are vacant beds, and that should be gden the W ar Finance cor­ In the action of our government. These which Is proceeding under the direc­ Foreign Affairs. from vessels In our own territorial Immediate steps be taken to enlarge poration to grant. In Its discretion, the are very substantial Interests, which tion of the Department o f Commerce F o r us peace reigns everywhere. It Is the duty of our government to by Joint conference with the local au- waters would be most helpful against and build new hospitals to serve ull most liberal terms o f payment for fats and grains exported for the direct W e desire to perpetuate it always by protect as best It can. That course I thorltles. this menace and should be speedily such cases. The American Leglou w ill present benefit of the farm. enacted. granting fu ll Justice to others nod re­ propose to pursue. Railroads. Muscle 8hoals. quiring o f others fu ll justice to our­ Laws should be passed regulating to congress a legislative program too Criticism of the railroad law has It Is for these reasons that we have extensive for detailed discussion here selves. a direct Interest In the economic re­ been directed, first, to the section lay­ aviation. The government Is undertaking to O ur country has one cardinal prin­ covery of Europe. They are enlarged ing down the rule by which rates are Revision Is needed of the laws regu­ It Is a carefully matured plun. W hile develop a great w ater power project some o f It I do not fnvor, with much ciple to m aintain In Its foreign pol­ by our desire for the stability o f civ­ fixed, and providing for payment to lating radio Interference. known as Muscle Shoals, on which It icy. I t Is an American principle. It ilization and the w elfare of humanity Legislation and regulations estab­ of It I am In hearty accord, und I rec­ has expended many million dollars. the government and use of excess must be an American policy. We That we are making sacrifices to that earnings; second, to the method for lishing load lines to provide safe load­ ommend that a most painstaking ef­ The work Is still going on. Subject attend to our own affairs, conserve end none can deny. Our deferred In ­ the adjustment of wage scales; and ing of vessels leaving our ports are fo rt be made to provide remedies for to tbe right to retake in time of w ar, our own strength, and protect the in­ terest alone amounts to a minion dol­ third, to the authority perm itting con necessary and recodlflcatlou of our any defects In the adm inistration of 1 recommend that this property with the present laws which th eir experi­ navigation laws Is vital. terests of our own citizens; but we lars every day. But recently we of­ solids tlona. location fo r auxiliary steam plant T he attitude of • nd rights of way be told. Thia would Revision of procedure of tbe fed­ ence has revealed. recognize thoroughly our obligation to fered to aid with our advice and coun­ It has been erroneously assumed the government toward these propos­ help others, reserving to the decision sel. We have reiterated our desire to that the act undertakes to guarantee eral trade commission will give more end the present burden of expense and of onr own judgment the time, the see France paid and Germany revived. rallroud earnings. The law requires constructive purpose to this depart­ als should be one o f generosity. But I mould return to the treasury the larg­ do not favor the granting o f a bonus. ment. place, and the method. W e realize We have proposed disarmament. We that rates should be Just and reaaon est price possible to secure. I f our Alaskan fisheries are to be the common bond of humanity. We have earnestly sought to compose d if­ able. T hat has always been the rule CoaL Reclamation. know the Inescapable law of service. saved from destruction, there must be ferences and restore peace. We shall under which rates have been fixed. The cost of coal has become unbear­ By reason of many contributing further legislation declaring a general ably high. I t places a great burden O ur country has definitely refused persevere In well-doing, not by force, To make a rate that does not yield n reuses, occupants o f oar reclamation policy and delegating the authority to on our industrial and domestic life. to adopt and ra tify the covenant of the but by reason. fa ir return results In confiscation, and projects are In financial difficulties, League o f Nations. W e have not felt confiscatory rates are of course uncon­ make rules and regulations to an ad­ The public welfare requires a reduc­ Foreign Service. which In some cases are acute. Re­ m inistrative body. warranted In assuming the responsi­ Unless the government tion In the price of fuel. W ith the lief should be granted by definite au- The foreign service of our govern­ stitutional. Army and Navy. bilities which its members have as­ ment needs to be reorganized and Im ­ adheres to the rule of making a rate enormous deposits In existence, failure berlty of law empowering the secre- For several years we have been of supply ought not to be tolerated. that w ill yield a fa ir return. It must sumed. I am not proposing any proved. ary of the Interio r In hla discretion decreasing the personnel of the nrmy Those responsible for the contlltloua In abandon rate making altogether. The ehangs In this policy; neither Is the Fiscal Condition. :o suspend, readjust, and reassess all and navy, and reducing their power this Industry should undertake Its re­ senate. T he Incident, so far as we Our main problems are domestic new and Important feature of that .barges against w ater users. Thia to the danger point. Further reduc­ form and free It from any charge of are concerned. Is closed. The league problems. Financial stability Is the part of the law Is the recapture and whola question la being considered by tions should not be made. The army profiteering. The exists as a foreign agency. We hope first requisite of sound government. redistribution o f excess rates. sxperts. You w ill have the advantage is a guarantee of the security of our The report of the coal commission i f the facta and conclusions which It w ill be helpful. But the United W e cannot escape the effect of world constitutionality of this method Is now States sees no reason to lim it its own conditions. We cannot avoid the In­ before the Supreme court for adjudi­ citizens at home; the navy Is a guar­ will be before the congress. It com­ they may develop. Thia situation. In­ antee of tlje security of our citizens prises all the facts. It represents the T h e ir decision should be freedom and Independence of action evitable results of the economic disor­ cation. volving a government Investment of by Joining IL W e shall do well to rec­ ders which have reached all nations. awaited before attempting fu rth er leg­ ubroad. Both of these services should mature deliberations and conclusions core than »135,000,000. and affecting be strengthened rather than w eak­ islation on this subject. Furthermore, of the beet talent end experience that But we shall diminish their harm to ognize this basic fact In all national more than 30,000 w ater users, Is Berl­ ened. Additional plunes are needed ever mnde a national survey of the affairs and govern ourselves accord­ us In proportion as we continue to re­ the Importance of this feature w ill not ins. W h ile re lie f which la necessary for the army, and additional subma­ production and distribution o f fuel. I ihould be granted, yet contracts w ith store our government finances to a be great If consolidation goes Into ingly. rines for the navy. The defenses of do not favor government ownership or secure and endurable position. This effect W orld Court. the government which can be met The settlement of railroad labor dis­ Panama roust be perfected. We want operation o f coal mines. The need Is O ur foreign policy has always been we can do and must do. Upon that ■hould ha met. T h e established gen- guided by two principles. The one Is firm foundation rests the only hope of putes Is a m atter of grave public con­ no more competitive armaments. We for action under private ownership that tral policy e f these projects should want no more wor. But we want no cern. The labor board was estab­ will secure greater continuity of pro­ progress and prosperity. From that the avoidance o f permanent political lo t be abandoned fo r any private con­ alliance which would sacrifice our source must come relief for the people. lished to protect the public In the en­ weakness that Invites Imposition. A duction and greater public protection. tro l people who neglect their national de­ joyment of continuous service by at­ The federal government probably has This Is being accomplished by a proper independence. The other Is Highways and Fereeta. but orderly retrenchment, tempting to Insure Justice between the fense are putting In jeopardy their no peace-time authority to .re g u la te the peaceful settlement o f controver­ drastic Highways and reforestation should wages, prices, or profits in coal at the sies between nations. By example which Is bringing our expenses within companies and their employees. It has national honor. Insular Possessions. mines or among dealers, but by ascer­ rentlnue to have the Interest and sup­ and by treaty we have advocated arbi­ our means. The origin of this has been a great help, but it not alto­ Conditions in the Insular posses­ taining and publishing facta It can port of the government. Everyone Is tration. F o r nearly 25 years we have been the determination of the Amer­ gether satisfactory to the public, the inxlous fo r good highways. 1 liars I f a sions on the whole have been good. exercise greet Influence. ican people, the main support has been employees, or the companies. been a member of T he Hague tribunal, nada a liberal proposal In the budget T h e ir business bas been reviving. and have long sought the creation of the courage of those In authority, and substantial agreement can be reached Reorganization. (or the continuing payment te the They are being administered accord­ a permanent W orld Court of Justice. the effective method has been the among the groups Interested, there A special Joint committee hot been The result has In­ should be no hesitation In enacting ing to law. T hat effort has the full appointed to work out a plan for a itates by the federal government of I am In full accord with both of these budget system. Its share fo r this necessary public policies. I favor the establishment volved real sacrifice by department such agreement Into law. I f It Is not support of the administration. Such reorganization of the different depart­ mprovemenL No expenditure of recommendations as may come from of such a court intended to Include beads, but It has been made without reached, the labor board may very ments end bureaus of tbe government lie money contributes so much te the the whole world. T h a t Is. and has flinching. This system Is a law of the well be left for the present to protect their people or their governments more scientific and economical than aattoual w ealth aa for building good congress. I t represents your will. It tbe public welfare. should have the most considerate a t­ the present system long been, an American policy. W ith the excep­ roads. The law for consolidations Is not suffi­ tention. Pending before the senate Is t pro­ must be maintained, and ought to be tion of the consolidation of the W ar Reforestation has an Importance fa r Education and W elfare. posal that this government g h * Its strengthened by the example of your ciently effective to be expeditious. Ad­ and Navy departments and some mi­ ibove the attention It usually secures. support to the Permanent Court o f In ­ observance. W ithout a budget system ditional legislation Is needed giving O ur national government Is not do­ nor details, the plan has the general 1 special committee of the senate la ternational Justice, which Is a new there can be no fixed responsibility and authority for voluntary consolidations, ing as much as It legitimately can sanction of the President and tbe cabi­ avestlgatlng this need, and I shall wel- both regional and route, and provid­ do to promote the w elfare of tbe peo­ net and somewhat different plan. This Is no constructive scientific economy. It Is Important that reorganisa­ Another reform which Is urgent In ing government machinery to aid and ple. Our enormous material wealth, tion be enacted Into law at the present rome a constructive policy based on not a partisan question. It should ;helr report. not assume an artificial importance. our fiscal system Is the abolition of stim ulate such action, always subject our Institutions, our whole form of session. It la 100 years elnce our country T he court Is merely a convenient in­ the right to Issue tax-exempt securi­ to the approval of tbe Interstate com­ society, cannot be considered fully suc­ Agriculture, innounced the Munroe doctrine. Tills The existing system not only merce commission. T b it should au­ cessful until their benefits reach the strument of adjustment to which we ties. Aided by the sound principles principle haa been ever since, and la could go. but to which we coultf not be permits a large amount of the wealth thorise the commission to appoint com­ m erit of every Individual. Thia Is not do;,ted by tbe government, the busi­ low , one of the main foundations of of the nation to escape Its Just bur­ mittees fo r each proposed group, rep­ a suggestion that the government brought. It should be discussed with den but acts as a continual stimulant resenting the public end the compo­ should, or could, assume for the people ness of the country h at had an ex­ lu r foreign relations it roust be entire candor, not by a political but maintained. B a t In maintaining It wa to municipal extravagance. Thia should nent roads, w ith power to negotiate the Inevitable burdens of existence. traordinary revival. Looked at a t a by a Judicial method, jrlthout pressure be prohibited by constitutional amend­ with Individual security holders for T here Is no method by which we enu whole, the nation If In the enjoyment must not be forgetful that a great and without prejudice Partisanship of rem arkable prosperity. Industry rhange has taken place. W e are ne ment. A ll the wealth of the nation an exchange of their securities for either be relieved of the results of baa ne place In our foreign relations. snd commerce are thriving. For the onger a weak nation, thinking mainly As I wish to see a court established, ought to contribute Its fa ir share to those o f the consolidation on such our own folly or be guaranteed a suc­ most pert agriculture Is successful, it defense, dreading foreign Imposi­ tbe expenses of the nation. terms and conditions as the commis­ cessful life. There Is an Inescapable and as the proposal presents the only •Ieven staples having risen In value tion. We are greet end pow erful sion may prescribe for avoiding any perstffial responsibility for the devel­ T a riff Law. practical plan on which msny nations from about »5,300,000.000 two years New powers bring new reeponalblU- confiscation and preserving fa ir val­ The present tariff law has accom­ have ever agreed, though It may not opment of character, of Industry, of ago to about $7,000,000,000 for tbe cur­ :tes. Onr duty then was te protect eur- meet every desire. I therefore com­ plished Its two main objects. It bus ues. Should this permissive consolida­ th rift, and of self control. These do rent year. But range cattle ere still •elves. Added to that, our duty new la mend It to the favorable considera­ secured an abundant revenue and tion prove Ineffective a fter a limited not come from the government, but 'ow In price, eod some sections of the lo help give stab ility to the world. We been productive of an abounding pros­ period, the authority of the govern­ from the people themselves Bat the wheat area, notably Minnesota, North tion of the senate, with the proposed want Idealism. W e want that vision reservations clearly Indicating our re­ perity. Under it the country has hud ment will have to be directly Invoked. government can and should always be Dakota and on west, have many cases which lifts men and nations above Consolidation appears to be the only fusal to adhere to the League of N a­ a very large export and Import trade expresalve of steadfast determination, >f actual distress. W ith hla products themselves. Tlieee are virtues by rea- A constant revision of the tariff by the feasible method for the maintenance always vigilant, to maintain condi­ not selling on a parity with tbe prod­ tions. icn of their own m e rit But they must congress is disturbing and harmful. of an adequate system of transporta­ tions under which these virtues are ucts of Industry, every sound remedy Russia. aot be cloistered; they must not be moat likely to develop and secure rec­ that can be devised should be applied O ur diplomatic relations, lately so T he present law contains an elastic tion with an opportunity so to adjust impractical; they must not be Ineffec­ largely Interrupted, are now being re­ provision authorizing the President te freight rates as to meet such tempo­ ognition and reward. This Is the Am er­ for the re lie f of the farm er. He rep­ tive. rary conditions as now prevail In tome ican policy. Increase or decrease present ached sumed. but Russia presents notable resents a character, a type of citizen- T he world haa had enough of the It le In accordance w ith this prin­ alee not In excess of 50 per centum to agricultural sections. Competent au­ difficulties. We have every desire to •hip. snd a public necessity that must ?urse of hatred end selfishness, ef de- thorities agree that an entire reor­ ciple that we have enacted laws for tee that great people, who are our tra ­ meet the difference In cost of produc be preserved and afforded every facil­ 1 it ruction and w ar. It haa had enough ditional friends, restored to their po­ tlon at home and abroad. This does ganization o f the rate structure for tbe protection of the public health ity for regaining prosperity. 1 i t tbe wrongful nee of m aterial power. freight Is necessary This should be and have adopted prohibition In nar­ net, to my mind, w arrant a rewriting sition among the nations of the earth. The distress Is moat acute among Tor the healing e f the nations there cotic drugs and Intoxicating liquors. W e have relieved their pitiable desti­ of the whole law, but does mean, ami ordered at on-e by the congress those wholly dependent upon one crOp.1 Department ef Justice. For purposes of natlooal uniform ity Wheat acreage was greatly expanded' must be good win sad charity, confl w ill be eo administered, that whenever tution with in enormous charity. Our lenca and peace. The time has come wo ought to provide, by constitutional the required Investigation shows that government offers no objection to the As no revision of the laws of tbe and has not yet been sufficiently re­ lor a more practical use of moral pow­ amedffmeot and appropriate legisla­ Inequalities ef sufficient Importance carrying on of commerce by our cltl- United States h at been made since duced. A large amount Is raised for er. and more reliance upon the prin­ tecs with the people of Russia. Our exist In any schedule, the power to 1978, a commission or committee tion, fo r a lim itation of child labor, export, which has to meet the compe­ ciple that right makes Its owa m ight change theta should and w ill be ap­ should be created to undertake this and In all cases under the exclusive tition In the world m arket of large government does not propose, how­ Our authority ainoag. die nations must ever. to enter Into relations with an­ plied. work. The Judicial council reports Jurisdiction of the federal government amounts raised on land much cheaper be represented by Justice end mercy. •hipping. other regime which refuses to recog­ that two more district Judges are need­ a minimum wage law for women, jnd much more productive. I l l la necessary not only to have faith, which would undoubtedly find suffi The entire well being of our country ed In the southern district of New nise the ssn-tlty of Internal local ob­ No complicated scheme of relief, no but to make sacrifices for our fs ltl rient power ot enforcement In the la­ It dependent opon transport a tlon by ligations 1 do not propose to bartei Fork, one In the northern district of iilaa for government fixing o f .trices, rh e spiritual forces of the world make ce of public opinion. sway fo r the privilege of t r a > any ot sea sod land. O at government during Oeorgls. snd two more circuit Judges no resort te the p ottle treasury w ill i l l Its fin« I determinations. It la with Immigration. the cherished rights of humanity. > the w ar acquired a large merchant In tbe Circuit Court of Appeals of the >e of any permanent value la estab­ ihese voices that America should American Institutions rest solely on do not propose to make mercfcandlst fleet which should he transferred, at By people who had a background of lishing srriqnlture. Rlmple end direct •peak. Whenever they declare a right­ I_ rtrlzenshtp They were m ated og any American principles. The»« aeon as possible, to private ownereblj self coveniraent. New arrivals should methods put. Ipto operation by the eous ptirpogq there need he nq doqbl Coolidge Lucidly States His Views President in His Message t( Lawmakers, Defends Policies. TO FOLLOW HARDING’S IDEAS