> t FAO« HALSEY ENTER FM IBB H A L U T INTEKPRI8K DEC. 11 I W | Uncle Joe Cannon hna become old ■ —leal—WOT avairal— m w « enough to know better and has • a h íla .« « avarr '"*•-----lar quit smoking end coffee drinking, i » W». «. « H K S L B « Here's a good young men to follow. rlsUoaa. IJ.ts a raar io a«,«x,oa Advtrtmag » c an inch; ao discoua Halsey Library Gets 50 Books ------------ example for other These Are a Loan From the State. THE t®r lima or apace ; no charge lor com The governor of Indiana has beaten ncaitiun or change«. * • "Faid-far Paragraaha." I« a Una • Walton of Oklahoma. He has more ■ a advartlalng dlaguiaad aa » « » a Ofiee bears. » te 13 and 3 te b except Moodaye and Friday forenaant. Friday, the 7th, was one of Halsey’s lucky days. Fifty indictments against him, and there ! books loaned by the state for were no Kuklux to help find them. 1 half a year, arrived at our pub- ___________ lie library on that day. Read In North Dakota Hiram Johnson the“ w h*‘e y 0 U ." aU? for in 8“ also ran. months they will be returned TVfNCff£5T£Jl STO R E kach Christmas more and more people give useful, serv­ iceable, practical presents. Such presents are a better expression of the thoughtfulness of the giver and a more lasting pleasure to those who receive them. This store specializes in sensible gifts for grown-uns as well as for children. Only a few of our holiday goods are shown here. Watch our windows from now to Christmas and come in and see the many other gifts we have in our store. Winchester Scissors and Winchester Pocket Knives. to the State traveling library and another fifty volumes can For year bt had. Here is a list of them This county is spending a and their marked prices. considerable amount of good Adams — H arper’s machinery money every year to maintain book for boys. Harper, $1.75 a ferry at Harriaburg, and it Alcott—Aunt J o ’s scrap-bag: is missing a good deal of money Cupid and Chow-Chow. Little, $1.65. every year which is »pent by Allen—Flute and Violin, and people who would jiaas here in other Kentucky tales and autos if there were a safe bridge romances. Macmillian, $2.50 in place of that ferry Altsheler—The Hoiseinan of thej Albany, kas a (all liac. but who, having heard that it Plains. Macmillian, $1.75 iv dangerous, go up or down Farry atrooL oppoaita St Fraacia hotel i Andersen—Fairy tales, illustra-| Shears. Every woman who tion by Maria L Kirk Lippin- west side of the Willamette. sews prizes a good pair ol cott, $1.50. Wuch events as the fatal accident scissors or shears. W in ­ Barnes—A Loyal Traitor: A chesters are famous far on the evening of the 5tb give This Story of The War of 1812. their smooth, even cutting. the eastrside highway a sinister Harper, $1.60. 7 5 c to 1 . 2 0 Bigham—Stories of Mother reputation all over the country Goose Village. Rand, 75c that it will be a long time in (School ed.) recovering from. Black—The Four Macnicols and The voters have wisely voted An Adventure in Thule. H ar­ the necessary bonds to finance per 90c. Linn county’s share of a new Brown—Two College Girls. Houghton, $1.50. bridge. It cannot be built too Brown (A1 Priddy)—Through soon. The Eugene Register af the Mill, The Life of a Mill Lecember 7 aa?'». • Boy. Pilgrim Press, $1.50. Winchester Roller Skates. “ The north approach to the Bryce—The Child-Lore Dramatic Made to stand the wear Harrisburg ferry is neither more Reader. Scribner, 60c that active boys and girls nor less than a death trap—a will give them. Tbe girder Burgess—Goop Tales: alphabeti­ fact that is grimly attested by frame is extra strong and cally told. Stokes, $2.00 the hardened treads of the two deaths within a year. It Burnham—The Mistress of Bnech ball-bearing rolls gii a longer is approached by a level street Knoll. Houghton, $2.00 » •*r. $ 2 - 5 0 ■ pair. which dips suddenly down at a Burrell (Benton)—A Little sharp grade to the water’s edge Cook-Book for a Little girl. and the water is deep and swift. Page, $1.10. 1 he confiding mortorist from Grichton — Peep-iu-the-World. another state, lulled by the Longmans, $1.25. Splendid security of hundreds of Daniels—Home Life in Norway. miles of smoothly paved and Macmillan, $2.25. carefully safeguarded highways, Day—The Red Lane. Harper, glides up to the brink of this $2.00. THE ALBANY abrupt declivity and if the night Deland—The Iron Woman. Har­ is dark he is practically with- per, $2.00. out warning of the yawning Sherman, $1.50 Dodge—The . Land of Pluck. gulf ahead. Once over the edge Tbl» metal in mahogany Century, $1.75. Wiggin—The Story of Patsy. Ford, f*. L.—The Story of an of the grade he is gone, for his o rg o d ta o a h (or nal.y ........ Houghton, $1.00. brakes will not save him if he , Untold Love. Houghton, $2.00. Eaay terms. At is traveling at any pace above Ford, Sewell—Torchy. Clode, $1.75. a crawl. Death lurks at the Tales of Successful bottom unless the ferry happen-) ALBANY Galsworthy—Justice: A Tragedy to be there and in place. OREGON in Four Acts. Scribner, $1.00. Small- Town Women " Pending the construction of Greer—Fifty Years in Oregon. Neale, $3.00. a bridge, the Harrisburg ferry Better Than Fairy Stories should either be closed or gates Gould—Grandma. Penn, $1.00 Because They’re True should be erected at the top Harris—Uncle Remus and His O. A. C. SHORT COURSES oi the dangerous Friends. Houghton, $1.75 -------— north - — approach. | talaasi*« practical inatrnction ia ag- i líese gates should be kept.)r,cu ,nra' »P*cialtiv« varying from Hawkes—Shaggycoat: The Bio­ It may surprise you to know that o closed whan the ferry fv r r v WMk ,o 19 ’»«eka. aa follows : Closed except when graphy of a Beaver. Jacobs, woman may become such a good coel is taking E on ith or discharging pas 22,*r‘ n ’ 60c. miner that she is now president of er « a . t e 'M lS .,,.« ., Hazeltine—The Sable Lorcha. a large mining company; that a wo- way commission or Linn county I Hcrdamen sad Cow McClurg, 1.50. r"4n became such a good hog-raiser Should take action immediately. haHic, ; -J « -J -J « « . U Hugo—Notre Dame Dutton, that she is now at the head of one id arJ nOt Pr0V,d' „ **’ Lr"eU ,IC......... J*" 19 $1.10. of the largest hog-breeding establish­ e* Everyman’s library). ir the future.” ....................... Ftb. ta-Feh. 23 Hutchinson—We and Our Chil­ ments in the country; that a woman Third Annnal Camera' dren. Doubleday, $1.50. conducts an aerial taxi service, has . ................. r »h. « to Fab. 23 Lansing—Patriots and Tyrants. flown 20,000 miles herself and sup­ Mllon A Miller, candidato for the Land ClaasiAcatuaa and Appraisal.........................Jaa. 7_ jt „ , j Halsey 2 domocratk noednatiea to the federal plies commercial aviators and stunt Ginn, 68c (Mediaeval builders) artists for all parts of the country; e aate. declares for th« ortaeace < ( I Agrioultoral Broonmic Lee—A Quaker Girl of Nan­ that a woman police officer has not • ho United State« m a world league ............................. J*«. tucket. Houghton, $2.00. tor peace. The RreatMt blunder I cour«« add r«» .ay __ McCarthy—History of Our Own only made arrests, but has entirely that the United State, ev .r made . . . 0 R lo o N 5? reformed the method of dealing with Times. Uurt' Burt, ’« $1 7 75. THAT FATAL FERRY CHRISTMAS Candies. The Ross Confectionery, G /iristm a s a r^ßrnasivick Jnst tbe thing to give a boy or man. Several styles of attractive bandies and blads combinations. M a d e to give long service. 50- to $ 4 A Winchester Flashlight makus an acceptable gift for man and women. We bave several attractive styles to select from. 71c to $ 3 5Q . W inchester Razors g iv e real sh v in g aatiafaetioii. A prac­ tica l, serviceable razor lor the busy man. A gift used every day in the year. $1.50 to $4. Winchester Tools—Give the handy man a few W in­ chester tools. Nothing would pisase him better. We bare Winchester tools in holiday boxes. Do Your Christmas Shopping Early ROSCOE A M E S H A R D W A R E Woodworth Drug Co. lions. I f the president who had such ’ aa laflaeac la fenaiag , h, i . , . „ D E L B E R T had been a republican, the re p u t,U c.J r . ... voted <«___ majority h .v . voted for mem­ majority would would have bership with a hurrah. Such ia female offenders in a certain state; Laura Miller was a small-town girl P i" ' ,“ g h ,0 ,n ’ $ 1 3 5 who developed such a personality that B° ’VS P n rk n u n - New York wanted her and paid the - - L,ttle- - -------- $1-,() .... ...„„-r-a.ers 0 J Driw ««t her. She has investigat- Patterson— The Man-Eaters Tsavo and other East A frican Ied Women who made good in small A dventures. M acm illan, $2.50 ^w ns in many states, and has written ■ *r Columbus, for boys and S T A R R Funeral Director and Li- censed Embalmer WfMCff£ST£R I 18016386 STORE OREGOÎ First Class Auto Repairing Fisk aad Gates tires and tubes. Complete line of automobile accessories Ford parts W illard battery service When ia need of anything for the automobile give us a call, as our prices are right and service is prompt Trouble calls and wreck jobs given prompt attention. HALSEY GARAGE Telephone 16»S F O O T E BROS. Props. A m e ric a n E a g le Fire Insurance Co. Hay is worth just as much in storage a > you might get for it in case of fire. Th i ■American Eagle Fire Insurance company |will pay you 85% of the cash value in easel of loss by fire. C. P. SI AFFORD, Agent Motor Heers« partisan pelltiea—a curse to America KAcieat Service. Lady Attendant •nd to tbe world. I Pier Boys of St. Tirnothv's the stories o t 72 of them, giving a Scribner, $1.00. half column to each. These stories j Rcmick—Olenloch Gir The United State. Grain Corpora­ aro copyrighted, but the Enterprise Penn, $1.75. w . L- W R IG H T has procured the right to publish them tion, instead of having millions of dol­ Lockerbie Mortician A Funeral Director ! Riley—The lars of cash on hand, aa generally in Halsey. They will begin to ,p - Bobbs, $2.50. HaU«y anti H arntburf Roberts—Neighbors C all D T a ylor . Halaey. or supposed, is "flat broke." AU its peir in mese columns soon under the W. L. B r ig h t . Harrisburg Macmillan, $2.50. title. "Mary Succeeds On Main resources were expended, under acta Sharts—The Vintage of congress, in relieving distress of Street” and will surely be appreciat­ j $1.50. ed by our readers, especially those of European people and the seeurttie» it •Shut«—A Country I,a i the fairer sex. received in return are worthless Houghton. $2.00. I oas make both FARM and C IT Y The entire series is about “average Stein — -A Little Shepherd Farmers better look elsewhere. Look LO A N S at a very row rale of uitai «at women” who have become ’"personali­ Provence. Page, $1.50, the soil and to livestock - « Frem S to IS years. W n l, « , fot ? lt ties, and practically everyone of s ' I " ; „ 'i . - * 1,*1,'., ■ tiru’ara. O W. L arisa. ' livestock. .... , » on ’ Main Street” or is hero tales of Ilyases and the •till Salem, Ore aio Oregon Bldg closely identified with that thor- men of old. Holt, $1 40 Canada permits liquor to be ex­ oughfare. Tarhell— The Life of Napoleon These stories glv» nam„ and ad. 1 ported to the United States that is F. M. G R A Y . Bonaparte Macmillan, $2 00 dresses of little women who have forbidden aele at home, just as France Trowbndge—Cudio's f iv e Lo- worked to earnestly in the smaller throp. $1.00. permits canned pees colored with ar­ titles and towns that they have be­ Va" „ L o a n -lh e Ten-thousand senic te be exported but forbids their All work donrfpromptly and reason­ come personalitie. of national in- Dollar Arm and other tales of sale at horns. Highly moral! They tell briefly about the able ■'boat N * 2»» the Big League Small, $1 60. resourcefulness of these women; how a", - J 1' « T u r k e y Black, »hey applied their ideas, in many market report aeya »tor Amor A. Tautina » L ’O (Peeps at many landsV •re eggs ere weak. le t ’em alene 'i s u d (Pierre U til—Iceland cases m entirely new lines; how they crew and succeeded, and how their end they'll be strong enough In a lawycrcakd notary Fishermen Burt, $L25 (Home sucess, in the majority of instances UttU d « r 1 sa t * a a K ithriryU Hautr, Onieox W*bhbujrn-Th» C*$i? Game. surprised no one more than themsel- *«•• • I 4 Brown.v ili.................................... Oregon FARM LOANS DRAYM AN Trassr For evory $1.50 paid on subscription ac* count before Dec. 23 the Enterprise will give, free, an order on the Ross candy fretory at Albany lor a box of candy, price 50 cents, free. If you owe for pari of a year, please make a payment and get on the advance-paid list. If you have paid in advance, pay for another year and get your Christmas candy free. After 3 ou get your candy, if you are pleased with Mr. Ross’ fulfillment of his part of the transaction, write and let me 'now. If 3 ou are not pleased, write any way I want to know the truth. Sign your name an say whether or not you are willing to have it published with what you write. WM. H. YV heeler , Publisher, Halsey.