1 I I -/ c G e -l y LSEY ENTERPRISE VOL. XII HALSEY, LINN COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, DDC. 13. 1923 HALSEY HAPPENINGS AND COUNTY EVENTS 1 NO. I f * aUl1 tne olUer unload. •O. Thus armed, they robbed a valiant merchant of l0 m t cart- 7 , g*u* \ nd sUrted °u t to be ban­ By Anna Pennell? d it. bold end brought up i 0 ja il. Several friends and relatives of Mr f?ow ‘ hey are wondering whether they ere to be hanged or apauked. and Mrs. H arry Sprenger gathered at Shedd Snapshots Brownsville Briefs | Gift Christmas program to he given by the Bible school on the evening of ' 21 This pro^ * m- Y«» Short Storiesirorn Sundry »•ill find, is quite differtn from tin. (By Ralph Lawrence) usual Christmas program, Sources Jim Burson and Albert . Täyn» __ ______ _ . . Hereto- their home Saturday night, the occas­ north of town, have returned from fore ' churches urche* have h#ve emphasised the Epitome of Events in the ion being Mr. Sprenger’s birthday. / i o u cannot look at our adver- H olley and Browasvilla had their California trip. They wcr> rlstrnM tre*. lighted candles and Beaver State snow the other day. but the .tu ff tiaeniente tine week without being ? ,f' s ,he child™ - Harold Pugh and Clyde Crawford gone about two months There usually reminded that Christmas i . near wouldn t keep, has been drove to M yrtle Point last Wednes­ Gretia H arnson, who has been tak- over his back and deceiving res^ly "0 ! The Eugene Masons have decided to 0- W. Frura was a business caller day and returned Thursday night. K 8. Hayes is home from bis erect a new templa next year sch 8i T 1 graduate oourse in high the children into thinking that he at Brownsville Friday. vacation. Hu caught a small for­ Friday night the freshman class school, has quit school and is helping gave them the presents whi-1 th Fire completely destroyed the Chil­ tune in beavers. Friday Curtia Veatch shipped a car gave a p arty for the upper classes. wRh the work at the hospital here m P arent. had to buy. oquin hotel at Chiloquin, 10 miles The city council Tuesday night ■oad of sheep to Cottage Grove, to be A good time was reported , might flnd ...... joy juj , in doing aomg such, but it north of Klamath Falla. pastured on his farm. paired bills and went through Eddie McElvain of Portland h at re­ The young folks in the Ash Swale ' s. h‘gh time f° r the church to em- The total assessment of public m ill- other routine business. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Penland, H. C. turned home afte r a few days visit in neighborhood gave a surprise party to i , aslle D>* Birth of Jesup instead of tlee of Union county le ti.tM.2Rl Last Mr« Arve «<-»» Nelson, w -i— ---- «1. of town, _ S at­ Santa Claus. The real true spirit of year'e assessment was »R.127,4»« Under the direction of the street Davis and Mrs. F. W. Robins were Al­ Shedd. Mrs. north About twenty were Christmas is giving, not receiving. committee Glenn Chance has been bany visitors Friday. Richard and Dewey Farewell left urday night. The Eugene lodge of Elks has ap­ putting tnree carload» of gravel Mrs. F. W. Robinson of Junction Sunday night for Marshfield and re­ present. A goqjl time was reported. Hundreds of churches have seen this pointed a committee to Investigate the where needed. and have changed from the old idea. feasibility of remodeling its temple. City was the guest of her daughter turned the middle of the week. Eva Weeks, teacher at Rock Hill, The Whits Gifts Christmas is just a and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. E Members of the W illamette Valley Bird McElvain spent a few days in was a visitor in town. L in n county’s state tax is 20 simple program where the birth of Grain Growers’ association held n con­ Foote, several days last week. Shedd last. week. per cent leas than last y s a r-n o t Mrs. Bess».« Howe entertained the Jesus is made prominent and where ference In Salem to discuss market due to the income ta x i oh, no 1 Dr. Price, the evangelist, is expect­ Mrs. W alter Wineger went to visit w . W G. girla with a slumber party «¡1 the recitations, songs and music conditions. The spots on the sun did it. ed back in this county this winter. her husband in Gaston a few days last at her home on Kirk avenue Thursday are sacred, reverent and holy. At Seventy-eli carload* or approxi­ nigbt- The girla made candy, which the close everyone has an opportun­ mately 22,000. more sheep were ship­ Byers and Parks, who ran into George and Mrs. Mary Hayes are week. they sold Friday afternoon at a candy ity of making a gift to the King. ped out of BaRd , hla , a„ th>n ,n (h# the river at Harrisburg with an about to install Halsey’s fifth radio Mr. and Mrs. Charles Troutman of sale held at Howe's store. Some will bring their foodstuffs to he fall of 1922. auto two weeks ago 1 a at night, have set. Albany spent Sunday in Shedd with disappeared. W a rra n t, are out sent to the poor and needy, others will Mr. and Mrs. Rogers. The Baptist Ladies Aid society held The Pacific northwest Intercolle­ Roscoe Ames’ hardware store in calling for the arrest of Byers for bring of their money to be sent to giate conference meeting, scheduled its annual bazaar at Tycer and E l­ Albany, of which an advertisement A crew of men were busy the last perjury in getting his marriage more’s millinery »tore, end report a help the poor and lost, while other« fo be held In Spokane, has been license and for abducting the girl, appears this week, has a Christmas of the week removing a steam shovel »ill give themselves to the Lord in »witched to Portland successful sale. who was only 16. Some people look that would be hard to beat. Not at Saddle Butte to be sent to Califor­ ■ull surrender and still othe.s will The Medford achool dletrict census doubt th a t she was drowned or only the windows but a good part of nia,for road work. volunteer themselves for full time for this year, juet taken, shows the H. O. Helmer, from North Daokta, the sales room are filled with tempt was w ith the men when the auto largest school population In the clty’a j Mrs. Ruth Eggleston of Brownsville has located at Brownsville a t a veter­ Christian service. ing Christmas goods. made the plunge. Tuesday, Jan. 1, 1924 it to he r I history, the number being 2342. j was in Shedd Friday. inarian and has been appointed dep­ tre a t day for the whole church, fy There will be the regular preach­ Raymon 1 aad Albert McBur­ The fourth annual W inter fair and Mrs. G. W. Mornhinweg of Halsev uty to the county veterinarian for this that time the new addition to the eighth annual Southern Oregon Poul­ ney o f M ill city, 13 and 11, gnl ing services at the Methodist church spent Sunday afternoon in Shedd vis­ end of the county. uilding will be complete and it will try show, combined, was held In the hold of two pistole, one with one next Sunday. “Reasoning Together” iting her son, Homer, and wife. There will be a community Christ­ be dedicated on that date. There Chautauqua building In Ashland ! will be the subject fop the morning will be a program commencing at mas tree at Main street and Spauld­ service and “Cornelius” for the even- Axel Erickson, a logger, was drown­ ing avenue, the gift of the Chamber 10.30 and a big dinner for all at the ed when he accidentally fell Into the ing service. There will also he preach- Independent Telephone noon hour. Nehalem river at the Blrkenteld Lum­ , ing at the Rowland schoolhouse at The Peoria exchange of the Pacific of Commerce. W e H ave ber company camp at Blrkenseld. Lon Chamlee. 2:30 in the afternoon. Telephone and Telegraph company is Frank Venner celebrated his 78th i EVERY THING . . " ..— ,---- — I to be discontinued the first of the birthday last week. Attorneys of the state, at an In ­ _ O ptical jb . 7 8 u 1Sp a} ^ron‘ °f the Hoi- year, about tw enty of th eir subscrib- DouMs-hsad Basketball formal gathering in Salem, pressai cd John Wagner has a skunk farm ! '« -renn / C SOn *,tore at Albany h" d * I ers expecting to connect with the Hal- to the supreme court an oil point­ e y e s t r a in In the basketball game last Friday - . .'" h e h ii° Wlre.ln fr? nt of it- sey exchange, while the rest of them east of town and breeds rabbits, hares, evening the Sophomores were victor­ ing of Justice George H. Burnett. Is the Cause of Many guinea pigs and white rats on the t ‘ “ ° f CUtt,ng the screen wiH S'» ‘0 Shedd. HUMAN 1I.I.S Two additional units of 2i miles and ious in the boy’s game. The Frosh side. with their pocket knixes and reaching —__________________ If yanr eyes give you trouble or played a losing game. In the girl's one of 12 miles on the Klamnth-En in and grabbing goodies. Now the Better lay this paper, or at least are annoying game the Spfoerinctums were ytetor- gene line will be contrnrled by the SEE US. We can Relieve Von place is guarded by a screen of wire pages 3 and 4 of it, where you can oua over the Sports. The score was Southern Pacific on December 21. Bancroft Optical Co. JF «e« * ao large that a pocket knife can make get it. You may want to refer to the .16 to- 19. U , «Fred C. brhulte, former rem stable 313 1st St. W. Albany. Phone tEnterPrlse CorrskVondeace) 7 no impression on it. t.’xt oj tbe pr9sjdcnt>g message some On the Sport side Ruth Frum was and deputy sheriff at Reedeport, wan (Continued on page J) day. enter, Eunice Sylvester, side-center; found guilty of accepting a bribe Pauline Hardin, left forward; Rena from B. O. Roberta, confeeaed boot­ ■Valker, right forw ard; Lena Bass, legger. 2 ®®®®®®E®®®®®®®© • • © © © © e© ® © © © ® ® t Enterprise Correspor. lent) Dr. Mabel Atkin and Mr». S. E. A. ight guard, and Elsie Reynolds, left The Alford c 'hool i preparing « guard. On the pizerinctums side, Smith, both of Portland, were appoint­ Christmas program to t-e given the Agnes Chandler was renter, Gear ed by Governor Pierce ae members of evening of December 28. iina Clark, side-center; Agnes Hayes, the advisory board of the state In­ Fred Bi rkhart of Salem visited his ight forward; Helen Williams, left dustrial achool for girla. ‘ Construction of the retaining walls forward; Willamina Corcoran, right farm Monday. for the streets In the devastated dis­ guard and Helen Carter, left guard. E. D. Isom and wife went to E u ­ It has been decided to select a new trict of Astoria and of tha tunnels gene Monday. HRISTMAS IS AT THE THRESHOLD. firls team afte r the game Friday for the protection of the trunk sew­ er» has been completed. A lready F ancy c jn ju re s th e chim ing .•vening. W illiam A. Marshall, who wae re­ hN fry th e snow -packed highway, th e jingle Willamina Corcoran played an ex- eptionally good game in her position appointed a member cf the state In­ o f bells, th e furtive expectancy o f childhood. dustrial accident commission has serv­ ■s guard. A lready is felt th e influence of th e period o f The radio entertainm ent given at ed In this capacity since the creation c h eer and charm , o f friend and fireside. A* the Pine Grove schoolhouse Friday of the department In ISIS. The repub!ie»n, d em oualic anc evening was well attended. visit to o u r.C h ristin a s displays will furnish OREGON OCCURRENCES RECITED FOR READERS Pine Grove Patters t Alford Arrows 2 a ^ A te rr tj (2h r i s t m a s 2 C orc. Pine Grove Patters welcome gift suggestions, as well as the o p p o rtu n ity to fill gift lists which are alreadv com plete Gift Suggestions for All the Fam ily For Mother Bedroom Slippers Leather Handbag Ivor» Toilet Set Ray will Kid Gloves Pyrex Glassware For Sister H um m ingbird Silk H ose S ilk Lingerie Box Ststionerv Silk Parasol Jeweled Combe Silverware Cbinaware For Father H »n Ikercbiefr For Brother Neckwear Bath Robe S ilk Hose Wool Gloves Cb tha» Brush • Silk Garters Overcoat S ilk Muffler Sweater Cost Pocket K nife Wool Cap Memme Doll» for little folk», 98c to J.3.50 fariner-isbor parties in Sooth D a ­ An artesian wet! with a flow of 120 The people on Peoria line No. 3 had Coolidge, McAdoo and L» Follett» a telephone meeting at the school reep» lively. H ira m Johnson and house Saturday afternoon. Officer, H enry Ford ran second in the two firet-na ned parti»». were elected and other business dis- cusscd. * 'a. The Methodist church is practicing Mrs. O. M artin is home from the hos­ for the Christmas program. It is a pital at Eugene and improving slovly. form of pantomine, which contain» Bert Haynes and family visited at nearly forty people, some of whom ap- >ear several times. the A rthur Epringgate home near Rowland Sunday. workings of the East a Oregon Oil Exploration company tlgar Hermiston. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Eagy were Cor­ kota held presidential mass con. «allons per minute been encount­ vallis visitors Saturday. venlione Tuesday aud narnsc ered at a depth of »»‘e feet at the Mr. and Mrs. A. 1«. Knighten visit­ ed Guy Bramwell arid family ir Brownsville Sunday. at.'erdcd Mr». R. K. Stew art went to Eugene Tuesday. Mrs. Myrel Settle and baby retu rn ­ ed to their home a t R e!d -.|trt Wed­ nesday. Mrs. Frank Gibson was an Alb.iry caller Thursday. The Sewing club me* a t the home of Mrs. A. L. Knighten Thursday a f­ ternoon. Q o ijs /; „ /¿v Kiddies KOONTZ,^ j New Style Christines California. The demand for the appropriation sf further funds' to complete the Tongue Point naval base along lines originally planned Is being carried tlrect to Secretary of the Navy Denby by Senator McNary. A shipment of eight black foxaa, valued at »«000, has arrived at Klam- • th Falls by »«press, consigned from Naw Brunswick. Maine, to Captain H. B Hansbury. who It starting a fog 'arm on upper Klamath lake Otis Martin and Pete Settle were Eugene visitors Monda, and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A lbjits.ir. khurch a t Peoria Sunday. A Quarantine on all W y and breed­ ing cattle brought Ibtu Oregon from California became or.-ratlve Decem­ ber 1, many cases of tuberculosis In •outhern Oregon having been traced to Head officials of tha California Ora- »on Power company In San Franciaco have authortead Immediate conafrur- lon of a half-mil nondollar power Halsey Chuieh ol Christ plant on Link river In Klamath Falla with a capacity of 4(00 horsepower The Oregon W alnut Growers’ asse- Cburoh ol C hriet: latlon. in session at Salem, roted to »old Its convention nom year at Now- Lon Chamlee, minister L 8 Otla of Newberg «as Bible «ehoot, 10, W. H Robert- »erg elected présidant and C. K. Sehaustar •on, superintendent. Morning worship, 11. Lord’» pf Corvallis was re-elected secretary raaturer. Church Announcement» supper every Lord’» day. Christian Endeavor, 6:80. Evening service, 7:30, The church without a hishop in th<- country without a king. I f you have no chtirch hone come and worship with us. As a result of the »rind and rain According to arrangem ents Mr. storm that swspt tha state last weak, Wallace Jones, m inister of Creswell itreata In Warrenton were flooded; J church of Christ, will preach at the rock» fell on the Columbia River high­ Halsey church both morning and evc- way and trees blocked other roads. | ning next Sunday. Mr Chamlee will •»aside and Warrenton téléphoné • te r t an evangelistic campaign to las' •wltchboards ware burned out; tha Methodist: . over the holidays in Creswell on that »urned area of Astoria was flooded Robert Parker, pastor. [date. Mrs Chamlee will preach I whan a high tide backed up over Iba Sunday School, 10. •eawall; Towage bay ami Joha Day December 23 and 30 a t Halsey. You Preaching, 11. Irawbrldges were put out of cumals- will w ant to hear these two speakers Interm ediate League. 6:30. •loa temporarily, asd minor damage while Mr. Chamlee is away ao give Epw orth League, 6:80. w*s done at Hood River them your hearing. Prayer meeting Thoreday, 7:30 Plans are being made for a Whit* Preaching, 7:30. (Continued ou page )>