f ................ I H • • : I globe 5 ALBANY SUNDAY— M O N D A Y, L a k e C reek L o c a ls Dec. 9-1« a 1323 Melodrama di­ rect from New York- THE in H a lse y Í - E. Eegy had the misfortune to > m me m iw onane . .. prepar' ** in II in » . k..e~L_> hCr knife While . H , C a , f M ° n d ,> “ nd «-I a deep cut on the leg, which it r . flared 12 stitches to clow. W ith the H igh School Classic« L a w E n fo rcem e nt EatarprlM Oorraapoadenr,, Old and Young Enjoy the The People Aro Fighting Festal Occasion. Booze and Bcozers By M A R G A R E T B O YD - - ---- - a . j u of the girls’ basketball t> W alker, have named the mam teZ On it are the following: Right 7 w -rd , Pauline Hardin; U ft f ^ Ralond Marks and a couple of his *>r Margaret Boyd.) Rena W alker; right g Uardi , B row n sville, N ov. 26 A. C. chums and Mr. and Mrs. “ I mad. a voyafle to Grand Cairo, on Basil center, Agnes Chandler; „ j , iF> H e rw i< « “ * * " °< 0. h o m f' the h° liday’ at Misses Ida and Amanda Mitznw «ha A o li-S a lo o n league of Oregon. .. K * • bad t0 eatiM?l' ail our inform.- Grace Pehrsson and Helen WilHa? J on at first hand as tbe Spectator did were horye for dinner. H a spoke to a crowded house on »e should know much less than we Am ong o th e r Io ; but what we did know would be (By an Enterprise Reporter) at her / " * 2 S," ith iPent tHe We* k '" d There was a community dinner at aw enforcem ent. * * * * * * * * * he s a id . •• W . h .v e * * more likely to be accurate. * t her home near Albany. the Lake creek church and a well- things (B y an Enterprise reporter) eneugh p ro h ib itio n lews in Oregon Coming next week Stefansaon, the great Arctic ex : l T b » \ E' ,n d f ,m i’ y ’ Pent received address by W illiam Morris The th in g th at we need now j a The seniors are planning to giv< Plorer. has recently written a short who with Mrs. Morris, is at the T. J. their play Dec. 22. g ‘ : at the Bak« Cum "Educa‘ ed Ignorance.” 1 b Jackson home during Jackson’s ab­ officer« to enforce these laws which he speaks of “the self perpetu- h°me !" Benton county. H * / P , oke a,ao of ‘ ha p rim aries sence in California. The r \u o r s and juniors have bee, T h ^ X ^ dinner n ext M a y and election n ext fa ll stlug qUaii,y common to the educated The H . W. Chance and wife and son and of the leagu e’e ¡m e n tio n to mans Ignorance." The primary pur having a series of debates. Pose of his article Is to set us right suit was a tie, which w ill be decided ----------------------------------- a n T i i T : U u r e " ~ 2 - - e r m . Z Glenn and grandson Lyle had dinner keep the p u b lic potted a t to whom r.nddioSPent tbe eVenÌnr on^the farm with L. V. Chance and ‘ bey were v o tin g fo r— whether a T heie“ d«U |i,eCt ° f E8k,m° dwelllB«a by a debate at a later date. These duellings are ordinarily made moonshiner sy m p a th ize r or an of sod and wood, earth and wood (Continued from page 3) Ear, Albertson received the first T. J. Skirvin and wife had the for­ A u ti-b a lo o n league m an cnmhl ““w “ ° M’ WOOd , n d «kins, or . Ever aince the harvegt t|)e Henry Brock is serving on the jury. message over his radio Friday even mer’s brother Ed. and wife from combination perhaps of bones, stone» ULU' ^ ,le Jd ’ • Ib c Last R a id «"d wood- Thfy are not trade speculators have been tryin of S h eriff K e n d a ll.” Those who * " * H i . the result of long and Junction City fo r dinner. Mr«. Bert Clark and daughter were a t ‘ he W est fa rm a lte r tbe snow except during emergencies, such o keep the price down until th P .« e n t labor, as Ear, made shoppers in Albany Friday. Merle Straley was home from Mon- k illin g s .y i t was lr u , t0 , ife as being caught abroad in s storm farmers would have sold. Thev hav« mouth. Mrs. Mildred McMahan went to AI H a p ictured the ra id in g of a s till E ,k ? o ti C‘ .l.ly ,1.1 textbook« « « ‘ e that shouted “surplus!” “ Surplus!” .\ow bany Friday. Serile , t ? T „ Jake ra" ‘ t leave »h ® “ ’ “ 0W house’ . and Representative L ittle of Kansas ha, Clepna Smith was home from the and told in s tan ce , in th e state eaie the impression that all Eskimo« done some figuring and says at the a lr a A " en' Nel,ie Ha7‘ where the fine o f $3000 and o n . v . or o, Mr. and Mrs. Snodgrass were in A l­ S r . E E live in such houses all the time. Many °l Eug*ne’ Mr- and year tn j a i l ia the p e n a lty for h a v ­ bany Friday. of them state, too. that the tempera^ Prn“7 t H31® ° f ®XP0rt the 6urPlus Mra. E. E. Hover and son Robert and ing an illic it sail J in one's posset- w ill be all gone by January 1. o u L ,Slde ‘ he h0U,es eannot be •>■ Mr. and Mrs. Forster spent Thanks­ t o i l T h n T ' - S* , , 'e a’ d bab’ , lon - R a l p h L aw rbncb . He quotes toe figures of the Secre­ lowed to go above 32 degrees or the giving with their daughter in Eugene. took Thank,MV,ng dinner tfcp R T. J. Ashton and fam ily were with house would melt. Stefansson says he tory of Agriculture thus: Crop 1923 A d ispatch in M o n d a y ’s papers The county budget, was not chang­ K. Stewart home. Ba7. AshtOn '' mother, Mrs. Sophia ln “ " 10w hou,!« when the 781,000,000 bushels; exported to date’ said : T h e D rag o n , a sum ptuously ed by the tax commision. empetature indoors was 60 degrees (.000,000 bushels; used, 80,000,000 ®*cE*Pen, Kennel n Miner •q u ip p ed ya o b t, was seized by Ike James of Oakland, Oregon, vis­ n e /C h a rt|'|n’ bushels; the people w ill eat 537,000- Carl H ill was home from 0 . A. C. cu sto m , men off P o rt Jeffer««», Johnson and Ag- ited A. C. Armstrong a week and h00 bushels; stock w ill eat 39,000,000 S a tu rd a y a„d . “ “ P1~ « — a torrh th* “ a' ,er ° f 0,e P°rc'iplne as M™ * - I , Mornhin* e r and w ife and -O Dg Is la n d . went to Eugene Tuesday to visit rela­ usnels; this leaves for export 48- large q u a n tity of liq u o r w te oou- « fa th e r example. Some hundreds of with w a" d ChUdren had dinner □seated. tives before going on home. t i 8 bOOk ° n na‘ura, history 000.000 bushels which will last only w M r. and M r,. Bert Haynes visited with Homer at Shedd, 1 A n o th e r, fro m a Pacific coast ved »>7 scientist after hart & Lee at Albany, when arrested H. M. Henry is recuperating in a; ketn X ' hrbUt ,h<> mal *" M r tended that the officers had exceeded Jnh eration. ? Johnson traded fo r a better Ford. M ized and several p ro m in e n t buei- cay with D. S. M cW illiam s fam ily at p p r /e s ^ J Z ? X ‘ y « to8Je their authority in seizing the liquor nese men were arrested in a series tnd demanded its return. Judge W Mc ’ MA M e? uM cNeil vlsited ’a‘ ‘ be H A L S E Y R A IL R O A D T IM E of roadhouse raids conducted e a rly best-informed scientists say' guch a • G. McNeil home over Sunday. Bingham last Tuesday decided this M is, Nettie Spencer was home from to day by county and federal «’d r y ' Norlh South thing is pure nonsense. !?*’'’ • A ' L E n ’ ' I r " E I° Jd NiCh° ,S CalW with the form er’s sistor, Mrs. Cluade cation of booze and of lan d and 22, 4:30 a. 21, 11:32 p. m h° me Sunday a f> r - Travis, and fam ily jn Albany. watee vohicles is ra p id ly becoming ens him. Expiorcr. who have socm Mra. A. Carey went Friday to n L n No,, 21 and 22 stop only if flagged. Salem, where her mother, Mrs. Stone greater th a n bootleggers can bear m r . tn Africa declare the ostrich W P. Wahl and w ife brought their and they w ill m toe fra n tic effort» "e rearnvUT h'S hMd ln t,le sapd was ill. weto A i ? inCk'ey an<’ Mr> ^'bertson aer any circumstances. S U N D A Y M A IL HO UR S o have th is congress change t h , Miss Helen Armstrong came home i * 1’" 0 h° me from A - C. ore Albany visitors Saturday. M is, Lois Johnson ate her turkey lew before th e ir business become, T h e d eliv ery w indow of th Wedneiday from U. of O. where she lngM hilhH a i? J,OhniOn’ Wh° ia «“ « d - at home m Salem. as u n p ro fita b le as w h eatraisin g . H a ls e y postoffice is open Sunday Is attending school to spend Thanks- 'ng high school in high school in Albany, - he t ? ^ in0:O° * ° 11 ,u’ and l 2 ; R Mrs. W. F. W hite and Kenneth and evening ’ etUr" in,f to Eu»fene Sunday I week week end I have i rr neT Tlffle " f,er “ m« end at at home, t.___ ’ ■ -ne nrint a g,eaned Information from to 12;30 p. m. ° ge Croas had dinner in Eugene. S u n d ay m a il goes nut only or Printed sources that seemed authentic Fred T aylo r and w ife o f Eugene Pedestrians are flocking to Califor only to discover that statistic, quo tod the n orth -b o u n d 11:37 tra in : nia seeking work for the winter. Standi 1^* Ia“ e r’s P«rents, the J. C A lfo r d Ma.i goc, , o„th once a day, cloringat onged ¿ 7 ‘ h’ ° aeS that SUndishes, and Mrs. Taylor w ent on I sundry sent í Tuesday] Tuesday, M any come through Halsey and they longed to a year a quarter century a’ n i north twice, closing 11:23 Past, or something equally dl.concm? Salem to v,sit her brother, Everett. Agency Hub Cleaning Works often ask for food— and usually get »■- and 5:30 p. Mail ,Uge for (Continued on Page ( ) Hn i “ * SraWf° r'ilvil1» »'"1 Sw»»t it. Our restaurant keepers C iL k L ' naLmer and iam iIy t,f Home leave, daily at 6:45 a. m. have Miss Lillie Rickard, wim is . . . * T soft hearts. ST, i M ‘ Bcnd and f a « dy " i T h ln V k 001 Bt Monmou‘ h. spent^the Grant, T a y lo r i t ta k in g a th ree- IS city took dinner w ith Mrs. M . C Ihanlksgn -m g holidays at her home. P p i™ of M r - Bond and Mrs m o n th . vacation and J. Q B r.m - w ell is c a rry in g m a il on ru ral D- L Isom and daughter, Mrs c F First Class Work Mercer, made a business trip to AT ro u te 2, Miss B e rth . L eitner of the high (Reporter, Agnes Hayes) Agent for Eugene Steam Laundry , H s rris b u rg g ram m a r grade font- b«ny one day | . st week. school visited her Lome. theT Ir,?d ^ V,ng daya are over and Sent Tueadavs. „ , are coining to show the Eupen17 , Engl!sh s «mother came from J - W . S T E P H E N S O N . Prop. the students are again back at school. H a ls a y g ram m srian e h o w to p la y F ifty .a o re im p ro ve d farm Io Eugene to celebrate t o . day at his The English I and I I classes wrote to m o rro w . 1 p . j . F o h s t e r , H a ls ey , hemes pertaining to their vacation, r« n t, VILLAGE BLACKSMITH WITH A SUPERB ALL-STAR CAST David VV. Griffith’s .................. ... ROSE J m,"*S THE WHITE Jots a n d Jittle s «»fit w ito X u“ "“ h"'”' W. 8!Whter Modern Barber Shop A A rro w s A B E ’S P L A C E Barber Shop & Baths H ig h S chool N o te s a id -fo r Paragraphs Admittance Here 5 Cent a Line ♦"********************e « e a » — ♦ I * * * * »o your X.„ , Shopping now * See our beautiful . eortment of * Fresh and Cured Meats J -k " f o i l . " . S ’’ “ “» L , f traley ’ »«-ought his wife’, M r,. J. f . I,o m and sona , T hank,g ,vlnif vacat,on w jt£ *" ‘ h* Z k MrS- Es° ' er Rike’ from Sa husband and father at West H r . » ere she i.s . sorority house- -h e r e he is working i„ a E‘ r « • ° e . , to enjoy i f , holiday. d,jU e J- M. Curry Ingram * cn‘ ‘ o Eugene F ri- -and wifp visited the beef tor canning purposes at canning prices c . H. F A L K C . L. F A L K JR lad s and Mani’s Restaurant 30 that is all we have left of the welcome holiday except fond raemor- Th.n°J ' r° 8St tUrkey and «‘ her thanksgiving delicacies. Halsey high was beaten by the • umnt at the basket hall Friday n,ght. 34 to 31. y The line .Up and poinU credjted t<) F o r S a le _ 3 C o llie Pups. Goo, slock. E r n i S t G o u r l b y , phone I5. O ld papers fo r sale at 5c a bundl at the E n te rp ris e office. N o tic e of A p p o ik t m k x t of Administrator with will annexed ward PK y' r Y ere :A,Umni’ ri*h t for- Second s t, opposite Halsey Garage Cross’ f 2 4 v h Cr° ! S’ (6 ); ,e ft’ hereby given that the nndei S u n ? . ”* th 5 A ‘ X H i" home -ihort order, at alt hour, up to I I p. m H iii ’ ■ J 4 ’ center forward, Carl •H ied, by an order of the County Corn i J HWer > b a Hilla siater- Mrs. ‘ ¡Oun,y- Oregon has been H ill, right guard. Delos Clark, (2 ); pointed administrator with the will ,n C W ° f ■ Harriab“ n t and Mrs. 1 guard, Wayne Robertson, (2 ) went to F m M r* C< W I I derY?.°if ‘ 5 * ' “ ate of S. A. Ribelin , went to Eugene for a couple of days’ M r , , m i tW° children and H.gh school: Right forward, Ever ' ,A11 Person, h.-.ving claimi J j ' * « “ w ith relative,. >S ard Cra m of Corvallis, Kconto id ! ,eft f ° rWard’ F ra " k * . •* “ ‘d e»t»te are required to pre d,?J ‘h ' m » 'ih m six month, from th< at JEuge„etePhe “ ° n "P*"1 t W U y day Koontz, center, Kenneth Van voucher., to the” nndersigned f ^ ' u n 5 ‘ ! Uard’ Thoma3 M ille r. s n n iv .rs .ry c h .r . * -■ meeti ■'-V. VII11 Jránec hall hall Saturday. ......... at Cha«-<‘ y fu,T tooH; 1Sey ( iU" dub had a •ucce“ - (2 ) , le ft guard, Truman Robnett. Grange Alumni substitutes: Sneed for H ill; fill »hooting m steh la ^ Thursday H.Datr l r * nd first published thie 29th Efficient Service. Motor Hearse. 1 for Sneed; Corbin fo r Frurn; osy of November. 1923. Miss Delma »w.hl came home from . Mrs. E. Starnes, Sunday. Robertson fo r Corbin. High school I.adv Attendant. J , V 'KS’ A ',m '"i«lralor »fore,aid. (orvslbs, w h » e she is attending j * ° w n .v ,|te ............... Oregon Jack Curtís of Peoria called at the school to spenT Tk Í substitutes: George Cross for Corbin. A mor A. Tussiwc. Atty for adiur. attending o spen r.a rto ‘ bis deposit (coimuc •tlv . Phone No. 2^9 cial deposits), principal or interest fi tc7m T h ’ " » ’ f ° r ’ g° ° d seco" d » period Ot more than seven 17) yes tarn. The boys :.-..et.d to dove. □ immediately prior to said date, with tt W . L. W R IG H T two good firs t teams so that in the name last known place of residence« Mortician & Funeral Director uture basket ball material will not be postoffiee address of such depositor, an the fact of h i, death, if known ; Æ « L ’‘ - « o h . ™ rrt T ’ 1; “ “ “ " ' - ! Halsey and Harrisburr '•eking. The suits will be the prop- Name of depositor. W. T. McFall I 11 D J V 1-0"- or • r t y of the high school when the known * " C* ° r P° ’ toffice «ddres,. nc w L. B r ig h t . Harrisburg 3P3J3H is over. if fact i , knowu to secretary 0 The apparent stars of the losing r , ^ j sp* ndin« »h. n ig h ;;? » ,1 s ; « ? cashier, not known. aide were :kenneth Van Nice, Frank ran 'n the f i r . t two number, It Amount, $70. Total. $70. Koontz and G«orge Cross. The la t­ •fe rm m T h # incide , lt “ caa make both F A R M and C IT Y '? rePre,* nted by 1 demssi • « e rre d to w a . no, obcjctionable. be- ter gives promise as a coming foul 1 in Alh«n. j " r,n ,a n » '» remain L O A N S et a very row rate of intetert •hooter, something Halsey ha. lacked to W6 t but it b Pr° Per ” ,bduein* ° t • bully, «0 w T. M e l-,11 on the 1-ith day of No­ ut it has now h«en told in the text Iron. S to to year» U nto me to, ?ar m the p „ t . 7 On the winning team vember, 1914. treu ar. o w I a f la b > ------ of Oregon. 1 Sute the two Cros, boy,, j , „ ang Ktaaeth ** •nd b id th e , episode good bye. * of * ‘ Lino, inn, j ( 1 Countv Salem, Ore he two Cros, boys, J e „ and Kenneth T* J Ior- b«InK first duly swor '* * ____ did excellent work. u«Po»« »"d say upon oath that I am tl c , pre,,dent of the Halsey Stats Bar The high school teams are prae- • •• •• Icing daily m order to develop win- of Halsey, conotv of Linn, state of O f in " i tb>t ,he for'C0.ng statement 1» ” nx teams afid they exjfect to get n?.»i’ rur corrcc‘ ln d complete good support from the townspeople r.e.?d ,howiug the name, last know .»>■ to w , Into Six W orld’, Record. ” res dene, ° r ,,WreM fle( ( "«•-’ « 'mmgaicate with En„gn Lee of f t . Arffly „ |h# l a v --------- when games are played. I »hwb mutt reier to M e „ r,. R «kar(, r kn?wn and ,h' »mount to th llX t »e . e > "» Shield Hom,. 565 Mayfair avenue. Portland. Oregon. f w ii v int" daaa *«mes credit of each depositor, as required in h FiW ay at ‘ h« the provision, of tetion 10160-10163 in D. T a v l o i . ” 7 , ba • F *v* a”d ten cents ad I c iu iv e Oregon lews. ' I Money Mtkers|- th.\amhrub* <1,"? d two''" ,o bef°re mission w ill be charged. The fresh­ this nth day July, A. n 1923. men boy, I b m nuNl), B M R o n d , h oj* and the g ir l. of the freshmen | Notary for ure, Oregon. .w w iy r Public u o u c ior ilimw expires o_* -wy contati,sion Sept a 1 .A-e . ormers p a re .u ,. T. J. Curry and wife. : IVORY perfumes ♦ STATIONERY { Kodaks, Fountain Pens and Pencils w dinDn. , H \ S^ UrteVant and iam Uy had dinner at C. H. Davidson’.. Quarters of Square Meal, 50c : RINGO’S Drugstore j D ELBERT STARR Faneral Director and Li­ censed Embalmer •». (4); a . F. M . GRAY. draym an t o ? ° Â Â d . : 7 Æ farm loans c Meade ,& Albro, f e ï Æ Crtam and Produce Ceeh paid fOr er»™ . p„uhry. E w , VmI i ; - 4 Hid«. M H. s h o o k IÍ1’ s S S S wh,ch W i” "“u«1 w A n y G ir l in T ro u b le "" d " ““ v 1 rtA b „a, p)av th<,