FAO H 2 H alsey e n t e r p r is e * ' * * * v%* * v v * ^ ' * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ g jlH H IH IIin ilH IIIIIIIIIIH H IIItlllH H IH H ^ aaABy. " I * aay) board. secure the help of the gods b* Intensive practical instruction ia sg- Instead of th * usual coOectloa af i hanging bin tactics instead of ncullnrsl specialties varying from one (Continuad) text-book* la th * desk, there were hec­ week to 20 weeks, as follows looking for the government to tograph copies of exerrtsea, reeding CHAPTER VI General a g ric u ltu re ----- Jan 2-M arch 19 leeeone, arithmetical tables and eeetv* do fcometbing for him. Manj a H o rtic u ltu re ................... Jan. 2-M arch 19 on various matters relating te sgricoi. Jim Talks the Weather CelA man who is laising wheat and l>airy M a n u fa c tu rin g _____ rgn 7 -F eb.2 ture, all of which were accounted for “Going to the rally, James r Herdsmen and Cow Hens that are worth feeding are worth feeding well. losing money could {cultivate „ Testers Jim had Qnlskpd his supper, and by two or three hand-made hecto­ . . . . .......... J»» 2-June 12 Bay your pool try graphs— a very fa ir sort of printing Mechanics. Tract- yearned for a long evening in his sttle and stcck leed here. fewer acres und do it better, I rartn ors. Trucks etc............ Jan. 2-M areh 19 den with his cheap'lltergttire. But as plant— lying on a tabla. and make a protit. rra m Mechanics one T h * members of the school board the district schoglmaster he was to F. E. Price, soil speeialibt ul TKWef x .............. F ,b - 1 »-Feb. 23 some extent responsible for the pro­ were there, looking on them evidences Third Annual Canners tection of the ycbool property, and of Innovation with wonder and mors O. A. C., says that one-third i ................... Teb. 4 to Feb. 23 or less disfavor. Things w ar* disor­ felt some sense of duty as to exhibit of the 351,000 tons of grain Land Classihcatnon and derly. T h * text book* recently adopt­ lng an interest |n public affair*. A p p ra is a l............................Jaa. 7_ j an J2 straw produced each year in "1 guess I ’ll blve to go. mother,“ he ed by the board against soma popular protest had evidently been pltehed. replied regretfully. “I want to tee Mr. western and aoatheru Oregon is Agricultural Economic neck and crop, out of the school by Woodruff about borrowing his Bab­ C onference.............................. Jaa. 2|_ jj burned. The nitrogen, phos- the man whom Bonner had termed a cock milk tester, and I ’ll gu that way pboric acid. pot.tub, and sulphur I course'address J 111,t,0D r*t« rd ln g any dub. I t was a sort of contempt foe I guess I'll go on to the meeting.” each tou ¡a w o rth $ 3 .tk a i L „ The REGISTRAR the powers that be in each tou ia He kissed his mother when he went R1C U LTVK AL COL L EG E Colonel Woodruff was in th* chair. —a habit from which he never devi­ the price paid for commercial OREGON AG Corvallis, Oregon ated, sod another of those personal A fter the speechifying was ever, sad fertiliser but that in only a part T sacH cas' E xamination nr rather the g irl who likes candy, is peculiarities which had marked him as th * stereotyped, though rather Illog­ of the waste. O. K. Daughcrrj, Notice is hereby given that the county everywhere. H e r opposite w ou ld be different from the other boys of the ical, appeal bad been made for votan neighborhood. H it mother urged his of the one party to cast th * straight near Molalla, baa in ten years superintendent of Linn c * nty, O rerou la rd to lied. And it' «he gets her candy w ill hold the regular examination ot overcoat upon him in vain— for Jim's ticket, and for those of the other fac­ I rout as she huows that she gets the increased the yield of wheat applicant« for state Oertsficale» at A' overcoat was distinctly a bad one. tion to scratch, the colonel roe* to best confectionery in town. T h a i is five bushels per acre. With a b ts y . Oregon, as follow« : while his best su it now worn every adjourn the meeting. ” by, when yxu tell her you w ill buy " S " * w «dne«day, December 19, day ss a concession to his scholastic Newton Breaaon, safety concealed machine of his own make two J1 o clock a. in., and continuing her a box o f candy, she always says position, still looked passably well behind taller people, called out. "Jim an til Saturday, December 72, 1923. at 4 men and four horses in four “ Be sure and get it at C la rk 's .” after several weeks of schoolroom Irw ia 1 speech I" o’clock p. ni days spread over 23 acres the duty. It seemed more logical to as­ There was a giggle, a alight seuae- Wednesday Forenoon sume that the weather was milder tlon. and many voices Joined la the straw from a fifty-acre field. U. « History. W ritin g (Penmanship), than It really ^aa, on that sharp Octo- call for th * naw schoolmaster. Music, Drawing. The improved mechanical con oer evening, gnd appear at his beat, Colonel Woodruff felt the unwisdom Wedaesday Afternoon dition ut tbs soil where tbs albeit rather aware of the cold. Jen­ of Ignoring th* demand. Probably be Physiology Reading Manual T raining, nie was at home, and be was likely relied upon Jim '* discretion and ex­ straw has been spread had no Composition, Domestic Science, M eth ­ to see and be seen of her. pected a declination. small part in increasing the od» in reading. Course of Study for "You can borrow that tester,” said Jim area*, seedy and lank, and th* Drawing, Methods in A rith m etic’ yield. And, being mellower, the Thursday Forenoon the colonel, "and the cows that go voice* ceased, sav* for another sup­ pressed utter. soli was eusier to work. Mr. Arithmetic, History of Education, Psy. with It. If you can use ’em. They Methods in Geography, .Vie- “I don't know,” said Jim, "whether ain't earning their keep here. Bat Price says a manure spreader cholojv, nhamca. Drawing. Domestic Arc this call upon me ia a Joke or not I f how doee the tnllk tester lit Into the that will do the work can be bail Course of Study for Domestic Art. curriculum of the school» A decora It I a It Isn't a practical one, for I eapt Thursday Afternoon for <45. t lo n r talk. I don't cars much about parties Grammar, Orography. Stenography We want to make a few tests of or politics. I don't know whether Tm Au Oregonian correspondent American Literature. Physics, Type the cows In the neighborhood," an­ a Democrat, a Republican er a P e p writing. Methods in Language Thesis some time ago scoffed advice ulist." swered Jim. “Just another of my fool for Prim ary Certificate. which had been given to wheat notions." This caused a real aenaatian. The Friday Forenoon ‘All rig h t" said the coloneL “Taka farmers to produce some other Theory and P r a c t i c e , Orthography nerve of the fellow 1 Easily, It meat it along. Oolng to the speakla’ T" In Justice be said, Jim w u losing (Spelling), Physical Geogrsphy En crop if wheat does not pay. He “Certainly, he’s going,” (aid Jennie, himself in a desire to tell hla true glish Literature, Chemistry. declared that many wheat farm entering. "Thia la my meeting, Jim." feelings. He forgot all about Jennie Friday Afternoon ‘Surely, I ’m going," assented Jim. era are on land that would not School Tnw, Geology, Algebra, and her candidacy— about everything And I think i ’ll run along.” except hla real, true feelings. This produce auy other crop. They G overnm ent I wish we had room for you In the prove* that ha was no politicise Saturday Forenoon must, then, be on mighty pool- car." said the coloneL "But I'm going " I don’t sea much In thia conuty Geometry, Botany. land. around by Bronson's to pick up the campaign that Interests m a" he went toturday Afternoon speaker, and TU have a chuck-up oa—and Jen ale Woodruff reddened, The Eastern Oregon wheat general History Bookkeeping load." while her seasoned father covered hla growers who the eorre«|»ondenl 'Not so much of a load aa yon mouth with hla hand to conceal a think,” said Jennie. "I'm going with says is so badly stuck with one smile "The politician* come out into Jim. The walk will do me good." the farming districts every campaign crop land need not swallow the Any candidate warms to her voting and get ns hayseed* for anything they mournful tale. Laud that will j population Just before election; but w an t They i have got us. Jennie had a special kindness for Jim. produce winter wheat will pro They*ve got ^ I They give u* He was no longer a farm hand. The clodhoppers duce winter oats and vetch hand, a cheap (¿lite fact that he was coming to be a center cigar, and a smile after eleo- which make A 4 hay or silage of dlaturbance In the dlatrict and that tion; and th I know IL you C-o ft le c tio n e r y she quite failed to understand how hla all know 11 If the hot summer dries up thi ow i t I dost eccentric behavior could be harmo­ blame them a green feed there is no reason Mb. The trouble and nized with those principles of teach­ la wa doa’t i to do anything why a dairy herd cannot be ing which the had imbibed at the state batter. fed all the succulent feed they normal school in Itself lifted him “I want a t of rural school ; nearer to equality with her. A public bat I don’t ae< need from a silo filled during spoct no matter t> l A w lllV nuisance Is really more respectable how this «1 re­ Every w o rth w h ile feature to for any change the growing season. The vetch than a nonentity. bn found on any electric cleaner in them. W Woodruff BEE-VAC Seven different »renclcs are now white fur collarette. ? o , vided the eown from the sown wan­ "What's the use of political meet­ co-eper»ting Ineffectively in Ne» dered tw * boy» la eareeet eonverea ing*.” said Jia», "when you and I can Ynrk tn stop indecency on the stage They teemed to ba Boy Trappers, sad stand here and think our way oat. The one agency of public opinioi from their backloade of eteel trape even beyond the lim it* of our uni- could do It over night, but public op one of them might have been r n n k verse?” lnion In New York looks the othei MerrlwelL sad the other Dead-Shot “A wonderful Journey," said the, not wav.— Eugene Register. Dick. T h * hey who resembled Frank quit* understanding hl* mood, "but Merriweii was Raymoad Slmm*. The while we roam beyond th * Milky Wav. On the contrary, ail the evidence wt ciher, whoee overalls were fringed, w * aren't getting any vote* for me for h f e is to the effect that every thing »he wore a cartridge belt about hie county superintendent.” in Rew York looks directly toward? person, and tarried hatchet, revolver, Jim said nothing. Ha wag quit* sad * long knife with a deerfoet re-establiahed oc the earth. the stage If the price of admission l> A LB A N Y handle, and who ao etudlouely looked “Don’t you want me to he elected. a v a ila b le , and the more groum Ilk * DeatM hot THek. was our std Jim V* < hristmas For «very Sl.SC friend of the road gang. Nowtoa Bru»> there ia for e o m p laio t the b trd e - Jim seemed to ponder ?hl< for tome Candy 00 »ubrerip. time— a period af taking the matter •on. New-ten put down hla loud. a«d I t «trains its t j« e . FRFF 2®" * « » ’«"« before under advisement which caused Jeanie •at upon a stump to rest I t x r . r . December 23 the Ki> Raymond Slmaa was dimly cen- to drop hla arm and busy hereo f with tt.p n M w I gn e, free an order wrw ! acieus od a thang* ia Newton aiace I ’. ' S J i j K ' j ' i a E ”• her skirts. They have a girl Justice of the "Tea," said Jim, at last; "of course the day when they met aod helped ew •ect Oolonal WaodnUTs ooxt year's I do." peace at Vancouver who has marnec Nothing more was said until Newt on * mother had a ■other s confidence that Nowton wne reached the schoolhouse door. • H y . w |o bn4 boon ted --^»11.1 JMjJ J epnto rather lndlq- HAL&ZY ! 200 couple* in • yekf. E N T E R P R IS E She never took HALSEY STATE BANK We Halsey, Oregon BROWN M O U SE C A P IT A L AND SURPLU S $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 | 5 EG G M ASH FISH M EA L /|> ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini? Z|\ OYSTER SHELL MILL RU N \lz BRAN BA RLEY STO CK M OLASSES $ 3! O. w . F R U M The Candy Girl, Clark’s Confectionery W in t e r ! Y es; it is alm ost here. means H e a t in g S to v e s That See our new and com plete line ot H eaters We solicit your stove R epair business. h ill Pay More?\ Kw c&??jbay/irare\ & <§. There’s a sure cure tor hunger a t the Best sweets and soft d rin k s at the C a fe te r ia Best cuitine Efficient service 1 leasant. surroundings W. S. DUNCAN First Class Auto Repairing E NEP ’39-5 1 . ecorrts C e r t a r A m e r ic a r ? . E a g l e F if e I n s u r a n c e Co. (2 l e s t s dARTCHER & ROHftBAUGH c HA1LSEY GARAGE you'VnHh? r> h JU?t • » ’B uchiti Storage a iV ., ,^et f‘,r l( i i vaso .,f firp. Th IwilH " an Fin Iif.m rance compari. V y- L P. STAFF0RD, Agent .w i « Oz \lz U/