HALSEY ENTERPRISE HALSEY, LINN COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, DDC. 6, 1(23 JO TS A N D T IT T L E S Brief Chronicles of Happenings in Halsey and All Over Linn County. Brownsville Briefs NO. 19 Shedd Snapshots OREGON NEWS BRIEFS By Anna Peanell) W estern Newspaper Union’s Gleanings Outside of Miss Dorothy Satchwell, who is This County attending school at Monmouth, came Miss Shirley Hemingway of Spring- , home Wednesday night and returned field spent Thanksgiving with her ) Sunday. Tne vregor Co-operative romotive on which they were work­ t s cnool election Dec, 26. sons! property, two cows, the dower aunt, Mrs. Hazel Moyer. aseorlatlon of Salem will arrange 15 ing. D C. Hemmlngar. I t . engineer, right in the home, etc., as provided C. H. Koontz went to Portland Carl Robinett has a new Dodge car. Aletha Isom was home from nor­ by law. Sunday. Rex Davis and family of Albany exhibits in connection with the observ and H C McKIddy. $4. fireman. mal for Thanksgiving. anee of prone week. • . ad to escape Injury, only to be kiiled I spent Thanksgiving day with Mrs. W. H. Beene has gone to the Bak­ Mrs. and Miss Dykstra took the Curtis L. Hawley, state dairy t id by flying logs from the car, whldb Gertrude and Eva Schrnnk spent i Dora Davis. ersfield oil fields to work during the train for Eugene Monday noon. food commissioner, died at the agv of struck a derailing switch. the week end with home folks. They .ull season nere. Miss Agnes Pugh, who is teaching 54 In Portland, following an Illness of A. E. Burghduff. state game war­ . J. Q. Drinkard of Almira, Wash., are attending normal at Monmouth. sceool near Philomath, spent tne four months' duration. R. L Winniford and wife and M r.1 den. Ben Dorrle and Harold Clifford, went to Salem Monday as the first Jim Callaway of O. A. C. was home The ninth annual meeting of the members of the state game commis­ holiday at home. stage of his journey home after a ¡oodbrod are at Lorane and the En- during the week. erprise visits them there wekly. sion. and M att Ryckman. superin­ Western Oregon Walnut Growers' as visit here of several months. Mrs. Tom Brasfield was in Albany social Ion was held in Salem. Wed- tendent of state hatcheries, announced Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Harrison took Saturday. Miss Ruby Schroll had her tonsils Xepung ixou qazntp gajpoiftapi aq; je in the foot ball game at Albany on nesday and Thursday. upon their return to Eugene from Coos removed at Evgene Wednesday of last iaoi.ues aip nt passnosip eq jjim „ joao Thanksgiving day. Leon Elder has bought a new Ford Completion of tha extension of the county that they had decided to et- week. She is home and doing well. s«Bd »MX,, pue .uotSnoa pooHppMO, coupe. Oregon-Wasblngton Railroad Naviga­ tabilah a new trout hatchery on a Belle Burson of Lebanon was home Henry Zimmerman brought home Lawrence Taylor took his uncle, tion company's tracks from Crane to small stream just south of Bandon. Rev. Mr. Ritchie went to Portland Sunday. The limit placed on loads of trucks (Jutucy Taylor, and bis aunts, Mrs 1 » lot of Christmas trees from the Tuesday to visit his daughter Helen. Burns Is hoped for by July 1. The good people of Ash Swale are Taylor and Miss Anna Drinkard by 'rnwfordsville country. Miss Merle Pugh, who is attending I The labor situation in Salem is far on Lane county's gravel and macadam The Davenport Music company put Luilding a kitchen on to the play shed O. A. C., was home during the holi- i from satisfactory at the present time, roads a abort time ago has been rais­ auto to visit the ladies’ brother, according to announcement made by ed, after a large number of truck own­ Homer Drinkard, at Harrisburg Fri­ >. four-line advertisement in the En- at the schoolhouse. days. ers had protested against tho lim it as erprise for the first time. Rev. i The Ash Swale Hunt club met Sat- the federal employment bureau. day. Leonard Satchwell, who is going to I being io low that they would be un­ Robert Parker of the Methodist uiday night to line up for the biggest W. E. Kyler last week sold his 320- school in Salem, was home over; W. T. Templeton and wife were hurch saw it and went to Albany able to operate at a profit. The lim it acre farm north of Irving to John hunt they have ever had. It begins Thanksgiving. was changed from 200 pounds to the here from Brownsville Saturday. Monday and bought a piano from that Wednesday morning and closes Mon­ Mlchelbrook of Richland. Wash., the Mrs. C. P. Stafford was in Albany ?cmpany. He was not acquainted day night at midnight. About fifty A five hundred party was enjoyed consideration being reported to be inch width of tire per axle to 360 pounds. Saturday. n Albany rnd the little advertise­ men and boys have signed up. Char­ Saturday night at the home of Mr. about $70,000. Permitted to spend Thanksgiving ment guided him to Davenport's. ?nd Mrs. Fred Sprenger. The practice of soaking or "swell. ley and Ed. Bowers are captains. Mrs. Douglas Taylor visited Salem day with his family at Fossil. Henry Ing" oysters before oftorlng them for A. A. Tussing and wife gut home Charles Thompson spent a few I Monday. So did Mrs. George Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Howe and D. Keyes, county Judge of Wheeler and they called on Everett Standish ai Thanksgiving day from a few days Mr. Holbrook, Mrs. Howe’s father, of days last week in southern Oregon ! sale, a common custom among certain county, must return to The Dalles and dealers, has been prohibited by the the hospital. In Portland. Eugene, took dinner Thanksgiving visiting relatives. serve 20 days In the county jail there. state dairy and food commission. Cecil Quimby and wife spent the In addition to paying a tine of $260 aa Albert Foote and wife vhited the day with Mr. Howe’s parents, Mr. Miss Undine Dannen came home A short course in dairy m in uiartus week end with the latter's parents Intters parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. D and Mrs. C. J. Howe. from Monmouth Wednesday and re­ Ing. Including butter making. Ice a result of a sentence In the justice Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Quimby. court at The Dalles on a charge of Robinson, a" Junction City over the Rev. M. Parounagan, an Armenian turned Sunday. cream making and cheese making, will having intoxicating liquor In hts pos­ week end. Glenn Stevenson and family of minister, who was once Methodist Otte Thompson was a busines visi­ be given by the Oregon agricultural session Illegally. Beaverton came up and visited Mrs. pastor here, filled the Baptist pulpit college January 7 to February 2. O. W. Frum worked on the Browns­ tor in Scio last week Tuesday. During the first 32 days In Novem­ Stevenson mother, Mrs. B. Cummings, ville tabernacle Friday. Mrs. Frum on the morninig of November 25. He The new wing of the eastern Ore­ ber a total of 23 fatal accidents were horq, and Mr, Stevenson’s brother went over with him. spoke on behalf of the starving Ar­ Jersey Moneymakers gon state hospital at Pendleton has reported to the state Industrial acci­ menians and against the cruel Turks. Harold and wife nt Brownsville. been formally accepted by the state. Wilbur, son of J. W. Evans of dent commission. This Was said to Ovid and Elzy Pickard of Marion His appeal for signed pledges in be­ Tho new wing will provide accommo­ Mrs. O. B. Stalnaker spent the va Lake Creek, attended the older boys’ be the largest number of fatalities re­ half of his work was responded to have from nothing developed a strain dations for approximately 250 addi­ cation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. conference in Portland last week. ported to the commission during a of Jerseys that have smashed all six heartily by the congregation. tional patients. similar period of time in tha history T. P. Patton. 0. B. came up for world’s records and produced a cow Robert Egglesham was killed and of the department. The moat deaths W. J. Carey was in town from ■ Thanksgiving. worth $30,000. William Graham was Injured, perhaps occurred In the logging and milling Eugene last week when the Enter­ Tcnight poultrymen of this neigh­ Forty years ago Ovid Pickard, 13 The will , of the late Mrs. Ribelin prise went to press. He is Btill en­ borhood are to meet at the city hall fatally, when a wagon In which they industry. *; years old, started from Eugene with were riding plunged over a cliff on named her daughter Gertrude Pent- thusiastic over the climate there to sign for membership for next year Advertisements for rock for con­ land of Los Angeles as executor with­ and the way the city is growing in­ in the state poultry co-operative as­ 50 cents. He got work on the farm the Lace creek road between Blachly struction of the north Jetty on the studied Jerseys. His earnings went and Swiss Home. out bond and left her $3766. It left dicates that newcomers agree with sociation. If less than 250,000 hens Ufepqua river have been seat out by into Jersey3. $5 each to her son. Frank Hayes, Wm. in the state are enrolled the organiza­ He tried to produce the best ""cow’s' Deechutes county's tax- next year Captain George Mayo. United Stfles grandsons Vernon and William Vaw- for county purposes will require a he could. He made no conscious ef­ slightly less millage than that In ef army corps of engineers, in charge of Leon Boggs proposes to provide tion will cease to exist. ter and Henry and Hayes Pentland. the first Portland district. Bids are Mrs. Ed. Starr broke her wrist in fort for world's record», but he learned feet for the present year. Next year's and her granddaughters, Anna and Harrisburg with a tourist camp to be opened December 2T. The con­ Gertie Pentland. The appraisers ground as fine as the finest. it will a fell at her home last week Monday. one day that by his breeding he had millage will be 15.65, as compared to tract will Involve about $230.000 and produced Vive l a France, a world's be across the river from town near a present millage of 16 84 Billy Shea, who has been herding value the estate conservatively at the total cost of the project w ill be the western end of the new bridge sheep in Lassen county, California, record breaker. Then he went after The state treasury has received about $662.000. The widower gets the per- when that is built. writes home that he recently killed a records and has held six world's rec­ from the motor vehicle fuels tax a 0 . 0 . Boggs, appointed special prose­ ords at one time. total of $4.667.128.46, according to a cutor In Jackson chunty during the The W. F. M. S. of the Methodist bear just in time to prevent Bruin The Pickards had gone in debt $21,- statement prepared by Sam A Koser, administration of Rawles Moore as church will meet tomorrow at the from killing him. W e H ave 000 for their farm. A bank held tho secretary of state. Receipts for the district attoraey, was removed from home of Mrs. M. E. Gardner. The Four generations of the family of “S every thing note. They were offered $30,000 for Harriaturg society will be present as Jonah W. Moore, popularly known as Vive La France and told the banker month of October aggregated $220, office through aa order Isned by Oov- O ptical ei’hor Pierce. Liquor cases In Jack- guests. A Christmas offering will "Jode,” sat down to a Thanksgiving they proposed to sell and pay the j 524.83. The Southern Pacific company has eon county pravlotaiy assigned to Mr. be taken. dinner served by his daughter, Mrs. note E Y E S T R A IN notified the public service comtuia Boggs hereafter w ill be haadled by Ivy Waters. Members of the four Is the Cause of Many The banker said :*My advice is to ) alon thst It will comply with the order Newton W Borden, who was appelat­ Work is to b.e resumed on the La­ generation party were Mr. Moore, keep the cow for the present." . HUMAN ILLS 1 Issued by the commission tome time ed district attorney to succeed M r. comb bore ior oil. Mrs. Waters and Mrs. Luella Poore, If yeur eyes give you trouble or They did so. Her first calf sold ! ago and proceed Immediately with con Moore your glasses are annoying Nine tuberculous cattle were found and her small daughter, Betty Lou. for $400, her second for $8000 and her at ruction on new depot facilities at SEE US. We can Relieve You Prune growers of the Umpqua val­ at Rowland the other day and slaugh­ Mr. Moore is in his 85th year and is third" for $7000. Her descendants Oregon City. ley w ill adopt eattlemea's methods of Bancroft Optical Co. an Oregon pioneer of 1852. He is a more than paid for the farm, but she tered. ' The Oregon supreme court has re selling If the trip te be made this 313 1st S t W. Albany. Phone d son of Robert Moore, who in the year died of milk fever. verted an opinion handed down a week by R. E Holdridge aad Otte U W. to to to-W. C i . W . W (Continued on page J) named sfttlcd in the llirriiqnrg dis­ Now the Pickards have Darling week ago and holds that the organize Watztg of Riddle Is successful. The trict. ‘Jode’ was the discoverer of Joliia Lassie, a pretty «rood sited Jer tlon of the Jordan Valley irrigation two prune-growers have loaded all ef the Lucky Boy gold mine in the Blue sey, for she weighs 1150 pounds, ami district was legal. In the former thetr 1(23 prune crop Into a freight river mining district of Linn and Lane for production ia the world’s champ- , opinion It was held that the notices of car and are going to Montana Is an counties. election were insufficient. attempt to tell direct to the retailers ion for all ages and all breeds. Though the margin of profit will of Butte. Great Falls. Billings aad It did not seem posible that John P. Cooley, the late postmaster, was Tha Metzgar Shoe Service, ad oot be large, the Oregon Growers' Co­ other cities. Revision of freight rates and ellmU building that fine home on his place vertiied in this paper, h»» a cus­ operative association of Salem has east of town for bachelor quarters, tomer in Egypt who regularly gal» | cleaned up Its Spltzenberg appla crop »tlon of bedding charges sought by at prices ranging from $1.25 to $125 'he Oregon Horse and Cattle Raisers' and he wasn’t. Saturday he and •hoes by mail. a box for extra fancies and from 61 association. Portland Livestock ex­ Mrs. Hattie Williams were married. to 85 cents for less choice grades. change and Northwest Livestock Ship­ He is 70 years of age and she is ten Oregon pensions have been granted pers Traffic league, will be eon tested years younger. (By Ralph Lawrence) t Good Appearance and Service in Children’s Hosiery QuaJities so badly wanted and difficult to find, are characteristic of ? i A lle n A & tia c% - C a t Hosiery F Sperhftriiie »• do •" hosiery of quality for the entire family, it is a pleasure to offer you the service of this a store w hen the time cornea for you to select. A ll sizes I in Silk, W ool, Lisle or Cotton for youraelf, or the • children, are ready. i KOONTZQ GOOD GOODS 51 GROCERY S P E C IA L Five bare eich Cryatal V"hite, C lin ic , Playmate and P. A <^., »nd 1 pkg. Se» F -am f r « . Alvin Riggs and family went home Monday, after a lengthy visit with Mrs. Rfgg’' parents, R Wnite snd'wife Mrs. White went to Halsey where they took the train, with them. Ed. Bowers has been elected com­ mander of the G. A. R. The new tabernacle was used last Sunday for church and Sunday school. W. C. Temp'aton expects to go this week to 1 os Angsiss to visit a few weeks with his son Lawrence. Drowned at Han isburg Haleey Church of Christ Church Announcements — Church of C hriat: Lon Chamlee, minister. Bible school, 10. W. H . Robert­ son, superintendent. M'-ruiijg worship, ft? Lord's supper every Ixird's day. Christian Endeavor, 6.80. Evening service, 7:30, The oburcb without a bishop, in the connfry without a king. I f you have no church home couie aud worship with us. Mrs. Robert Bvers was drowned at Harrisburg last night atV 80. Williara Parka drove his ear, con. taining himself sod Mr. and Mrs. Byers, into the river at the ferry landing. The Bvers couple had been married a few dava before at the girl’a borne in Aberdeen, and wire on their wey to Loe An- reiee, where Brers' home ia When Parka discovered that the boat Methodiet: was not at the landing ba bad Robert Parker, pnslor, started down tha incline aud hie Sunday School, 10. brakes refuted to work. Preaching. 11. We all want that bridge. Intermediate League, 6:30. Epworth League, 6:30. • Linn Norton and family drove to Prayer meeting Thursday, 7:30, Preaching, 7:30. | Albany Friday. as follows: Alfred Q. Desert, Silver- ton. $12; Van E. Hallberg, Baker, 212; Henry Hockenyoa. Portland. $15; Maney Bernard. Portland, $12; Fred erick Petzold, Portland, $12; John McPherson. Oregon City. $12; Frank Gard. Albany. $15. Business on the lines of the South ern Pacific company has Increased approximately 21 per cent for the year 1(22 over 1(22. according to a letter received at the offices of the public service commission from E L King, superintendent of the Southern Lids for grading the 2>4-mIle see lien of the Roseburg-Reedsport high way will be received by the bureau of rubllc ra d s on December 19. ac cording to word received In Roseburg The government has set aside the sum of $85.000 for the grading of thia aoctlnn. and Is preparing to atari Work without delay. The Interstate commerce comrala eiou, in a letter recalved by the pub lie service commission, has admitted that Its valuations of properties of tha Sumpter Valley railroad In eastern Oregon are Incorrect. Engineers em ployed by the commission will be ordered to make an Investigation la correct the errors. When a car loaded with logs broke away on a heavy grade near Cock ran and came tu rtlln r toward the Io by the Spokane. Portland A Beattie railroad, according to an answer filed with the public service commission at dalem. The railroad corporation aaks "hat the complaint be dismissed. Members of the state tax romaats- ilon will meet In Salam thia week, when plane will be outlined for the irganlsatlon of the state Income tax department Initial Income reports inder the law are due before March 15 of next year Egrl Flahar. state tax -ommlssloner, under whose direction he tax will be collected, eays It will ■squire between 3« to 50 employee to jperate the department. M r Fisher ♦etimates that there will be approxi­ mately 70,000 Income reports the first rear the law la la effect. Thera wars nine fatalities due to nduatrlal accidents In Oregon during ;he week ending November 29, accord- n< to a report prepared by the state nduatrlal accident commission. The victims Included John Goes. Hood River, hrakemaa; William T raaklt, London, fireman, Pnsquelle De Vln tonao, Llanton, laborer, Manuel Ja­ cobo. Fori Klamath, quarryman; Ls* Nlokols. Pena, laborer; Herbert tmlth. Portland, checker; Frank Ott, Wauna, dry hila puller; F. C. Havana. Portland, loader, aad Fred Golelough- Estacada, brush burner. A total e< 145 accidents were reported.