H A IS E Y E N T E R FRISK g l o b e ' ALBANY " T Thank You, Patrons i 9 2 Day» only S U N N D A Y— M O N D A Y, Dec 2-3 • 5 “ on the screen at last ” MILL RUN -A d v ertisin g is th e L if« o f (O u r) T ra d e • The world’« greatest comedy • • NOV JS. 1SZJ Among other things for S T O C K M O L A S S R S 10 barr,l‘ which | the publisher is thankful today POTASH and i the loyal co-operation of his pat- J : PERLM UTTER: rons in hi« effort to produce good local locai na« newspaper in the little I ’ with X I good J th e o rig in a l s ta g e cast S, “ ,y, of Ha,s*y' tho friends who week * Remember the data el ' ‘ th or write of the little • * * * * c __ * ___ * * * * * * z f I |b y w e e k ‘*n oi happenings «ha» that go to make { Coming soon J , - - - - up ■ D. W. Griffith’s S h 00 i H i i i i H i i i i i i i i i n i n i i u | l7 ouf h ,o pay more ,ban a A c tio n I f that cost, but a good b'st of subscribers makes a newspaper at tractive to advertisers and the re ceipts frem advertising are the main sources of income cf a news paper. He confesses to a combination of pr.de with the feeling of thankful oess for the indorsement of the paper and pecuniary return from a [HE celebration of Thank«- I name's 'o f " '* ! ,' *f ||ad’’,r,ia * ra' Tht BlTlng day ha, » long | h o u L f<’ " OW,nK business '■ ‘ ° r e i“ t‘ OIL M EAL, EGG M ASH and FISH M EAL S ■ “ T H E W H IT E R O S E ” I I for December 1 delivery, ----I h*1, -&1 • ^ /•U T ir e S a le I N A(; C O U N r of being overstocked with tires we will make 7 pne- m . ’r r x ' " » ; " " " " ■■■■ 'n another bar of the street ditty he C . L, F A L K JR. By FRANK HET BERT SiVEET I 1 »on ef Thanksgiving „ , h ' „ 7 '* bra’ Murphy's Seed Store. v a i whistling, " I ain't had no break Ucked c h a r - c t a n V l t X ? . " n ™ f ip f' J V ' E»«»« "We'd like first rate to have you Rat, an' only a cold pertater for sup 4«, etc. « d o p u l° “r<1? . e. . 7 uedU.d jn |f by the E L I'urnituro p -r last night; an' still I ain't no split ootne. ■ he said heartily, -and we'll try i i ,Po"co°f n’" ,s"rp* hr|ngln«rtheyp,eo’ Stimson the Shoe Doctor mlllc’ to cry over" His legs swung to give you a good time.** N E year ago Charlie hod Second ,t., opposite Halsey Garage th* Prop* r " ’ d ter ,h* Studtcll. Bcu T., New back Into space and beat a lively ac­ s to ^ 1’ and Used w in e to the city to makr story but I want to add that the Short orders at all hours up to'11 p. m. , Goods. companiment to the conclusion of the bta f o r t u n e . H e wai street hoy did visit them the next sum tune. Then he looked-at Charlie. Hite s Shoe Repair. fomf o f farming and X d Hnd ? Rt th5 ' " TS h,m “Now, what's broke with y o u r he Woodworth Drug Co. farm stock; but thej demanded. "You ain't stalled, an' you rood time he concluded to remain and were a siow meaa, te «ork for them permanently. HALSEY got shoes on your feet." weal th. He would go tt Abe's Place, Barber Shop, “But I can't eat my shoes," Charlie the city for the fortune t lark s Confectionery. retorted. "And the two coins I have European Countries Join Ameri­ back ..n,i ““.d ,hen would co.ur tl?e viclmtvPUr th* best f a i'n '» left are to pay for my room. And— r am ’ . 11d M am s R M ,a »«rant can President in Baoking Felk & Falk, Meat Market. are making five-year loans oi bi* m -id 7 “"' J *'“ Ve flne hor“ » d what's more, I'm out of a Job. 'Twasn't much— sweeping out offices— .I„ b '“ c ",7 farn’ »at 5 X % Plus com,ids Foote Bros., Garage. Now a . ' ’ - a - * “ »1«”'« neighbor, Golden Rule as Prac­ sion. Call on con,™ 1 ’ " 8tand1" * a «reet but It meant a roof, and something Frum. O. W , Grain. Feed her request. to e a t" etc. B e am L a n d C o ., tical Program. Into hl« aands thrust deep down Bn" ° . L 7 * r: 0,0 Peopla'a responM was Cansle Bros Garage 133 Lyon St., Albany, Ore £ » . “ „ r ." " ? •" ? "» The street boy stopped drumming ot enthusiastic, and during tbs Civil Gray. F M , Drayman. and looked at him with more Interest. home. n , z ,, , brouK'>t Vrom Geneva, Switzerland.—Ofllclals of re­ Halsey State Bank “ • s“ '> ~ " 'Tla sort o' bad," he acknowledged. and fv ’ . c otbes were H'B & Co. Hardware. st organizations from fourteen Euro- the shoes J ? ' * " ' 'b“ re an<* ahlnT- «'nd "An' you're bein' from the country an' P«an countries have asked their gov- R , Z ‘ Z n C° cG fn fra ' M '^hand,se lacklne 'blacked, and the hat knowin' nothin' makes it worse «iea'Ti»? * Bd, p* ' pl®a 10 J°>o m a I can make both F A R M and CITJ Whnt'd you come for?" Ktngo s Drug Store. he h a i ’i,1" nt B ' brim; and long ngn L O A N S st a very row rate of inleiest the d « u™.'1 ° BaI n,0»’ “ »“ ‘ to eave ' Why, to get rich, of course," Char la r. ¿ . Id” r i rded _ f? ch » « » a . as rol Shook, M h , Cr, am and j, 7 ® . deatltut« orphans and widowed From 5 to 10 years. W rite me for par lie answered. “What does anyone Sk.rvm. T. J.. Seeds, etc h.nd i cu^ 8- The • fingers of one E m ? .7 »“ 7 ° ’ * co:,ntrlor«e of "Sey, you got hoi ''ea an‘ co,rs aB' , ' 7 bce Carl Sweden, ex dogs an' chieltens, an' a ca an »■• an' p Iu rJnm ,™ '*n* B.c* ,u Of Franc*' M green grnss an' flshln' u p ' lb er«T' he Paul Hymans and Dr. Alice Masaryk T h . friend “i f . « h . r l . h . Th. l . y ,h .t e t i ' L Ua‘ zu* demrtncB-d. Miss Goldi* Weils snoka on mis­ -O f course," with eager reco. lection That did W t * 17 7 ' 7 b llndln« •»•rm In hb voice; "and mUes and mil. 'a - of sionary work m the orient both morn­ All work done promptly and reason­ •‘ "U for t h . . ¿ e d £ a L".’ * . 7 7 7 n h * 1* we * p • « * fbeatnu 'ta ing and evening at the First Chris­ "t»d f.-rap-s |„ , he f.n . , Dd bl< d, ably. l’hone N a 269 tian church, Albany, Sunday. to t * a t e on in the winter." s C /4 Fresh and Cured Meats th a n k s g iv in g A cq u ain tan ce Dad’s and Mam’s Restauranl Square Meal, 50c farm loans .■I farm loans G w L aflar . •Ta" Cream and Produce Statioi i m . 7 A FRAYIR F. M. GRAY, I draym an Vick _ » V apo Rub Salve i Ideal /or • Inflammetion A Congestion I hT.d’ 7 Th. h ..r ,- „ . —«a*»'»"«'» ****a*************eeee f n r im . t HANKSG IVINQ "Tl»» we ere eating 00r Th»»k. - . '■» dinner U fa count np the V k T we have to be thankful for. A rt J S » » . b y Of the family ,e help ¿ 7 ^ “ HI b* turrtrifk^ti r 1 at ♦ RINGO’S Drugstore ; I,-. Sold unbroV.»’'" ' * t -7 X “ than money In the bank. 7 .? ' No 7 you run away from th.en—for tM» r snatching hla fragment of a cap •ry , hurling It into the gutter as ex Pr f i v e of h i. unutterable d i , « , , « ien he atood upon the bex rtid « retched himself to his full height, » rising his hand as though to--Invoke f ° ‘ b* ,ua« l ’ nad no broakfn«t "0 prospect for , d iln n e r - ^ 7 7 ? Thankaglving. nn* p-~ a"d thia A few yard« away, s - ’ Ittlng on a d rvrTo Z b ' waa hla bare w feet ,^ b . was Z f l i rh n i vfh Ä .I"’*' aw,n»ln« ,b,lB« hIa hl ®x*d oa the Fatless B * ’ ***> neighbor. fl’ f» Tarry not Haste to- ps. ” ur*" " » • » . th e caiwo. n„ Or - ?? aa ,b* «»»o» bay tre?. -f w he 7 '* ’ r” n ’rhM ' * d: ,f “ ^ « S M fd . walk u f rup « ' E. i. M Furniture Exchange Best a.«d largest line of Used F u r n i t u r e , Fuii not »f U n iv ersal Heater.« Pabcolin Rugs | 422 West First st., Altway Oregon D ELBERT STA RR F u n e ra l D irecto r an d Li- censed E m b alm er Efficient Service. Motor Hearse. Lady Attendant. ■rownsvrile....................................Ore^ B w . L. W R IG H T Mortician & Funeral Director | Halsey and Harrisburg (C all D T avlor , Halsey, or ___ W. L. W right . Harrisburg