PAG E » HALSEY ENTERPRISE N O V . 29. 1*23 conscience are not the only en le i I chargwabla to the weed. HALAEY ENTERPRISE 1*OT >»»», itn fc lla h e a » » e r r T k a r*4 a g ■ r Wa». M. U'HKELEH | ‘ ■“ * i The people who vote govern the Those who don’t | ■abacrlslions. <1.5« a year in advaaea. state and nation. A dvertising, 20c an inch ; ao diacoun sit back and growl. for time or space : no charge for com aosition or changes. r« "P a id -fo r Paragraphs." 5c a llae. » • advertising disguised aa new«. COOLIDGE ASKS NATION TO OBSERVE “ GOLDEN RULE SUNDAY” ON DEC. 2 r T W t W M ir C M O U ( C •a |N < k « v g Thanksgiving •Jffiee hours, 9 to 12 and 2 to 6 eacea M ondays and F riday forenoons. -T h e n and Now COOLIDGE IS DRY T he Candy Girl, or rather the g irl who likes candy, j, everywhere. Her opposite would be hard to find. And if ahe gets her candy iroin us she linows that she get, ,h7e be»t confectionery in town Thai „ wby, when you tell her you w ill buy her a box of candy, she always say> ‘ ‘ Be sure and get it at Clark's.” •«AX lM« fe lU f, lfil Fifth in a-u , •w Torti, I. T. I m U M M I • I t 11 Mtk • • / a a'u rw tio J About the time Pinchot delivered aatleaal Soli,» Sol, E lw r »oea*r, oa kh, — his blast against the administration • r Oocnbtr. 1 ÍO . j f ee| tur. Uat lo i■ fo r not p u ttin g the rig h t men into N THESE days of rush Iloa » U I OM» vltk wry >ll«iproaa ud and rustle, the advent of prohibition enforcement the Bums Je- Thanksgiving serves most «11 H ! i | aora oloaoly »o aiot the « tertut!» tective agency was preparing to do of all to remind us of roiulroooott of tte n « 0 a n p r o w e r e w u h u m what i t has since accomplished— pull what wondrous changes a n u aSvantSy- I» m t f n . cat eal/ a time hus wrought The o ff some o f the most sta rtlin g raids T h a n k s g iv i n g s of our »raolLoal aoltaoa for tel», but ite hits»« and seizures in the whole story of fathers and those o f to­ •W root loo of o ta tte . by « te r u « for bootlegging. day are no more alike than the min­ rn m io o a of other,. Simultaneously there came from uet and the fox trot, the dances that well typify the era of the present and Cortiallr roen. the south, the east, the great lakes the past. About the only thing left to regions, and our own northwest re­ us from out of the old days la the ports o f the arrest of groups of Thanksgiving turkey, and even this bird Is not now held sacred and nec­ prominent citizens o f both sexes and essary fo r this festival. The very mention of the word the seizure o f s ta rtlin g ly large stores Thanksgiving brings to the mind a o f contraband. ° f 0 ° lden RU1” Sund»y UP°n th* <* picture that modern conditions have I m . H « to »ra . T ’ ” the,r b0“ 6' almllar to that ae™ d «>• orphan- Mr. Coolidge must have known of | turned to the wall. It Is a picture of a x e s T t i . n ? spring and fall. ordlnary n r , t / h tb® dlffereBce ln cost of the orphanage menu and the the work the detectives were engaged the time when life was simple In Its •nee“ l . aer , n „ “ We git right smart of these little c° nt? buted ° r i hanage work overseas. The obserr- pleasures and robust In Its strength; panflsh,” said Mr. Simms, ‘‘an’ Callsta in. I t must have been financed from H avlnr nn Th> ppropr,atelJ flxed he »Sunday following Thanksgiving. when people were really folks; when I n X nrosnen a n?yAPart.°kCn , r ° m ’ ’ lladaB tableg 88 a What Is a Brown Mouse? done shot two butterball ducks about r e jo ic in g the president’s secret service fund. the race and rivalry of life did not ex­ Immediately upon the accidental ’tater-plantln’ time." g iv e s p e c ia l constd A l“ e r ,c a ' 11 ls fltt|ng that on the following Sunday people election o f Jim Irw in to the position Publicly appointed law enforcement tend their office hours over the entire highly fsvoied Callsta blushed—but this stranger, d “ Deexth owner of the old wood-lot could find losing the best hand I ever had, and Albany, Oregon pe»chtd governor of the klan ruled no renter but It was better than the F tp been sofry ." COOK C O M E « ‘BACK state. soil in the mountains, and suited the T m glad he’s leaving you." said lonesome Simmses much more than s Jennie. “ He ought to do something ex­ eOm ^ M~ ® a ,a h ’ ®y husband better farm would have done. They Portland ha1 a ftlOOO (ira Tuaa were not of the Iowa people anyhow, I cept work In the field for wages." th* t^a i' th* «•‘meal »as “ Fve had no Idea he could make day avaning whieh Iba fire depeit. not understood, not their equals—they S # 1118 Ml» hard- good as a teacher—and what la there boded and th . tcw t h irn tK were ‘pore," and expected to stay rnent «ara stsrted from a cigarat "pore"—while the Iowa people all ! In It If he does?” Laundry sent Tuesdays •tnh careleeely tbrawn away. Barí Look—Ton have nty anupathv seemed to be either well-to-do, or ex- 1 “ What has he lost If he doesn’t?" 7 “ H t , n , w tbtaM ^ t0^ w n h 'gency Hnb C leea„R Work, rejoined Jennie. “ And why can’t he ador«, atained Angara, tobáceo peering to become so. make good?" o ,:L ‘ Y<* s “ •»“ Jim Irw in asked Old Man Simms •piula and nombed iotallact and about the fishing m the creek, and ' “The school board's against him. for » b ^b e r there » is say duck shooting I one thing." replied the colonel. "They'll 4 ALBANY' I fire him j j they get | chance. They’re •tat I « Fre»o»*t lo .b u r n u U a s For Next Sunday Eat Refugee Dinner and Help the Starving ray More S ee - W hy suffer from headache ? Have your eves examined ‘ »nBw.u ien R?'8 SundaT pa°P'* Modern Barber Shop A A B ES PLACE HRTCHER & R0HRBRU6H