Railroads Set Records OREGON NEWS BRIEFS More Frei^hTH andled-- " e s te r a Newspaper Union's Cleanings Outside of .More Money Invested ___ __ This C junty r<3ered bench warrants» issued for the -dieted men. with bo Mall, as provld- d- by the Oregon law for murder la he first degree The exact where- houts of the D'Antremont brothers It nknown. 1923 HALSEY ENTERPRISE PAOß J butter. Cranberry Punch — e » r This »1» disclosed 'a start immediately , th* reP ° " ot Directors ntM,try ,how- wl,h raor’’ than 4« ex An appropriation of $350,000 prob­ ■hits of n Be chickens, was held at of the American Hallway Association. ably will be asked by the Oregon dele- ~ ----------- — Just received by the Southern Padflc Hood River. Company, reviewing results of the Dr. H. W. Coe. prominent Portland gallon for the completion of the I Tb»s is g0oj advice; “ If you live bought, sold and exchanged at all times program to furnish adequate taant- ’esldent. has been appointed state Tongue Point submarine base at the »n Albany, trade tu Albany ; if »you live mouth of the Columbia river. The I !n soiue otl,er town, trade in that town.’ portatlon to- the public, adopted B E N T. S U D T E L L an man of the Harding memorial by $250.000 initial appropriation will be i ’’“.‘ J " }he*'; • n‘?“>°bi!e days many re early In 1923, and telling of plans to 30vernor Pierce. exhausted by April ! . K ' lscwl,e7 fi“ J “ «dvissble to do I bone 7b-R, 123 N. Broadalbin st, Albany continue this good work for the rest at least part oi their buying in the Business in the lumber industry has of the year and in 1924. The Eugene city ordinance which Ur*ter town- Those who go to Albany A SHEDD PATRIARCH The new records established are as mprored to such an extent that the gives the council power to tonuemn condemn | naIlied lr lj S,ac, ‘ bu5,n<‘“ follows: below reaJy , w*n Q fi„ find thejr the firms sight shift has bean restored at the (O. A. C. Dept. of Industrial and rase old and dilapidated buildings | nieuts with courtesy an I fairness. (1) The railroads, from January 1 sir mill at Valseti Oyster» an the „ a l t 8h»IL Journalism) was declared unconstitutional und void to October 1 put In service 134,63« Cream e f Calary Soup. Medford has Just been divided by by Judge O. F. Sklpworth of the cir­ new freight cars and 2,96» new loco­ A lb a n v Bakery, 321 Lyon street, Boiled C cdS.h w ith R gg Sauce. The Yates family tree of Linn motives—a larger number than In any he city council into four wards in cuit court, because it does not give the R eset T urkey w ith Cranberry Molds. *■ Best one-pound loaf of bread made county is credited by Dr. J. B. Horn­ M sehrd W hite P o ta to e s similar period during the last t»n -’ead of three, and now has seven coun ¡property owner an opportunity to ie 5 cents. B sk ed Sw eet Potato»» er, professor of history at the college, years. Wedding cakes to order. Ilmen instead of six. heard. le t tu e and Tom ato J elly Salad. as being one of the most remarkable T ea• ted c W (2) A larger number of locomotive» afers 8 p resd w ith Cheese. The Pacific Power A Light company The fourth fatal accident in Klamath Ibany Electric Store. Radio in Oregon. and cars have been repaired and pul Pum pkin F li petitioned the city council for a county road construction this .season A Electric wiring. Delco Light B aked Indian P udding w ith Cream or in serviceable condition than ever be­ There are several larger family renewal ef Its franchise at Hood River products Scraped Maple Sugar occurred at Dunn and Baker’s rock fore in any equal period. lea Cream. N u ts A p p le s G lmsn W illard W m h o f u c h trees in the state, among which is the (3) The railroad» handled more for a period of io years. quarry on The Dalles-Californla high­ Orapaa. Henkle tree of the W illamette valley More than 50 applications for posi­ way near Port Klamath when Manuel freight business between January J Coffee s a d S w eet Cider. A Ibany Floral Co. Cut flowers and the Rinehart tree with its large and October 20 than In any corre­ tions In the state income tax depart­ ’ scabs, a Mexican laborer, was caught and plants. Floral art for every n. branches spreading over eastern and sponding previous period. The num­ ment have been received by Earl by a dislodged boulder and killed in­ and all occasions. O yster Soup w ith Crisped Crackers ber ot cars loaded with revenue Plsher. state tax commissioner. Flower phone 45J1-J. western Oregon, Professor Hom er re or O ysters in low stantly. Thin S lice« o f B u ttered Brown nr ' freight was 40.545,120. This compares ports. But in vigor the Y'ates tree, W illiam Howard Smith, one of the A EBAN Y GARAGK. ” Studs- Ora ham Bread. Governor Pierce has pardoned Milan with 34,220,426 In 1922 an Increase of ■T* baker” and ’’ Star ” automobiles. which is two-thirds of a century old, R oast T u rk ey w ith Btufflnff. 18 per cent; and with 36,827,688 In test known pioneer ranchers of Doug- Sapatovich, now serving a term in the Mashed W h ite P o ta to e s and represents four generations, General repairing and supplies. 1920, the previous record year, or an as county, died suddenly at his home Oregon state penitentiary for obtaining G. T, Hockensinith.— Lloyd Templeton. O leeed S w eet P otatoes. ranks high, there having been only Mashed T u rn ip s C ranberry J elly . increase of 10 per cent tear Sutherlin of heart trouble. ¡money through fraud, on condition C elery L ettu ce Salad. The box car surplus in the grain I The Ochoco national forest this past that he leave the United States and D i n e B ird Restaurant, 301) Lyon two deaths— that of the mother and C rackers. Cheeae. >f a great-grandchild producing states has been the greatest i Pum pkin, Mince er C ranberry P ie street. Eat here when iu Albany. teason had only nine fires, doing dam­ tever return. The convict w ill be tu m ­ in history. Joseph Yates, the patriarch of the A p p le s G ra p es N u ts Open from 6 to 2 and 5 to 8. id over to federal officials and will be age of less than $7 and costing the R aisin s. (4) The average miles moved by * fam ily, is in his ninetieth year and M rs . B lount . deported. Coffee er S w eet Cider. each freight car daily In the first 9 'orsst service $140.63 to extinguish. somewhat feeble of limb, but clear of Approximately 100 citizens, bearing B R U N S W I C K George Casity of Hood River, aged months of the year was 27.8 miles, III. mind and always cheerful. hi» PHO NO G RAPHS Cream ot Celery Soup, ard in September reached 29.2 miles f0 years, has been sentenced to 18 with them a petition to which nearly u grandfather was a soldier under w C elery. at This compares with 22.5 miles in the months in the penitentiary on his plea 200 names were affixed, appeared be­ George Washington his fa, ner a sol­ R oast T u rk ey w ith P ea n u t or C h estnut W O O D W O R T H ’S first 9 months of 1922, 22 miles in >i guilty to a charge of forging checks fore the La Grande city commission- Stuffing. dier under General Jackson, and he is 1921 and 24.5 in 1920. This figure M aihed Potateaa. B u ttered T u rn ip s Leonard Couch of Wallowa suffered 1 ? ! dcmanded that drastic steps be riaven p ort Music House for pi. P um pkin Custard. is based upon the total number of a veteran of the Rogue River Indian aken to curb and eradicate alleged ex­ 1 7 anoi and player pianos. Some good war. Quine«» In Cider and Molassea. i severe fracture of a leg recentlj W « hindi» ih» Baldwin freight cars owned, whether in tran­ “ hen a horse he was riding slipped on is tin g immoral and undesirable condt- l.uyi on xcondhantl T om ato Salad. Im« o f pttnot. the b«»i money can buy He resides with his daughter, Mrs. sit or not. Brown Bread Sandw iches. ions in La Grande’s colored town. he froxen ground and fell with him. O ld -raehb in od C raaberry D u m p lin g s Mina McConnell of Shedd, where he Without Congestion G randm other's R ich Pum pkin P i s The year now drawing to a close I U C. F IC Q I t is now certain that Prineville will loves to meet friends of the large N u t s R a is in s F ru it. (5) .Because of these increases in D E N T IS T las been the most successful flnan- Coffee. Linn county fam ily which he and his facilities resulting in the more rapid tave a sugar factory ready for opera- „ Albany, Oregon ■tally In the history of the Oregon movement of cars a record breaking ion by the middle of next October, in 312 West Second street companion established. Doufhnuta. business was handled without conges­ ilenty of time to care for the 1924 beet Rate fish commission, according to a ■eport made by Carl D. Shoemaker, One cupful granulated engar, a plach C 'as’.btirii Bros.—Two big grocery • tion and with practically no car :rop. of salt, twe tablespoonfuta ef butter, stores, 212 W. First and 225 South Master fish warden. The take of sal- shortage or embargoes for the first Glen Southwick, who lives on a ” • »ft«, one cupful ef eweet milk, time In years. non eggs for reproduction purposes Main. Good merchandise at the right prices. •anch near Salem, won the ribbon for three teaepoonfuls ef baking powder. (6) The amount of freight service the best single ear of corn exhibited was also the largest since accurate Flavor wllh vanilla. Flour enough te rendered with each car was 5X1 tons :ount has been kept, records show. p ’iliiis developed and printed roll well. ItoU la polverlaed sugai carried one mile daily during 8 months vt the annual Marion-Polk corn show One hundred and twenty-five Clack- ~ We mail them right back to you. when bakad. of 1923, which exceeds the record of it Salem. Woodworth Drug Companv, Albany Or­ tmas county farmers have pooled their egon. any previous year, and surpasses that Oregon’s anti-alien land law Is to be >rders to the Dupont Powder company, of 1922 by over 31 per cent. snforced strictly in common with those (7) From January 1 to October 1 n Washington and California, accord- tnd two carloads of sodatol blasting Ipirst garage going north. I ires, accessories, oils, gasoline, jowder is on the way. One cat con- the number of tons of coal dumped ng to a statement by I. H. Van Winkle, repair work. at Lake Erie ports for movement by ains 25,000 pounds, ordered by a group attorney general. W. II. H ulsurt . boat to the Northwest was greater (From last week'« Rrowneville Times) )f farmers near Molalla, and another The Association of Independent Col- tar, containing 20,000 pounds, was Or- E ^lood’a dry good s stern is the best than In any previous year. The pro­ Fifteen took the examinations for UR grandmothers began gram of providing coal for the North- eges of Oregon w ill meet this year at fered by farmers around Clackamas. A place in Allrany to buy dry goods preparation for Thanks­ [clerks and carriers of the Albany -.JK&st, »'aB.cppi|jleted..much.earller than McMinnville as the guests of Linfield lurnislungs and notions Service is our giving day long before post office .'-aturday. As a rekult of the recent supreme motto. • J . In any previous year., thereby making tollege in its annual meeting Novem It arrived. P i c k l e s of :ourt decision In the cases of Chris- available additional locomotives and Jer 30 and December 1. The chi!J of M r and Mrs. Alfred all sorts, apple sauce Ina Kallunki and others against the F O R CHRISTMAS cars for other commercial interests and preserves were pre- | Bates of Lebanon died following an Mrs. W D. Booth of Ashland has a dty of Astoria the city will be com- Vottr photograph during the fall and winter months. Clifford's Studio pared ahead of time. | operation .n Portland. (8) A greater amount of railroad White Leghorn hen that has laid dur­ telled to pay the plaintiffs Judgment 3.53 West First street Mince meat was mixed coal has been placed in stockpile stor­ ing the past 12 months 320 eggs, aver tnd Interest, amounting to about $3500. County Assessor Lee Giddings has that It might ripen and age than was ever heretofore stored aging 26 eggs a month, which is sup­ The three cases were brought to re­ P Q R D SALES AND SERVICE acquire a more delicious flavor. All the announced that land values in Linn by the railroads, thereby making posed to break all records. * Tires an 1 accessories cover damages for injury to property vegetable« were ready for the pot on county have been reduced from 58 te available additional locomotives and Kepairs An open competitive examination csulting from a landslide on Hume Wednesday night, the chickens or tur­ 53 per cent. cars for general commercial service K ir k ^ llak M otor C o . will be held by the United States civil tvenue. key were stuffed, the pudding» and pies during the fall and winter months. »ervlce commission soon to fill vacan- Mrs. Millie Fro»t Is sedking a di- The railroads have spent $1.203 There is not the slightest touch of U o r t m í lle r F u rn itm e Co., lu m i. were prepared and' there was nothing * ture, rugs, linoleutii, stoves tanges. 244,00(1 for new equipment and other I ln ,he bureau of P'snt industry of Mongoliod to the Armenian Frost race, it Funeral dtreclors. 427-43J west First thed dln"erTh,n kM lV l“< * * * b" ‘ C<,° k I V° r‘‘e f r ° m h#r hu,bBnd. vas emphatically slated at Washing- facilities this year up to October 1, a he department of agriculture. and the custody of her little daughter. gtreet, Albany, Oregon. Gamlehea and Turkey Stuffing. record amount. Predatory animal hunters In the Ore- I <’n- D. C„ by Dr. Ales Hrdllcka, cura- Cruelty is the charge. Oystere belong to Thanksgiving, ac­ In addition to these expenditures I ton district killed a total of 449 pre- or of the division of physical anthro- Floral und Music Shop cording to tradition, because friendly the Class 1 roads in 1922 expended | iatory animals In October, according ’ology of the national museum, when Good ooil service and prompt delivery The work on the new Christian A l- Indians who Joined the early celebra­ liance tabernacle on K irk avenue is $1.668,673.271 for materials and sup­ on cut flower» and fiorai design», o a report made by Stanley G. Jewett, >skod concerning the test case now tion» brought gift« of shellfish. A gar­ Albany Filone 1661 plies used iu operation and mainten­ progressing rapidly in spite of rainy nish of fried nyiters Is tasty and ap­ weather. ance and this year Will have spent tovernment predatory animal inspec- inder way in Portland. Or., involving The framework and boxing U u b C and y C o., F irst street, next or. he rights of these people to be ad­ propriate to surround the turkey, or is practically finished. $1,800,000.000 by the end of December AA door to Blain Clothing Co. for this purpose. a dish of scalloped oysters may accom­ F M Cleaves, Justice of the peace mitted to citizenship. Noon I line het. Tho Lebanon schools are reported Altogether the Glass 1 roads in 1923 ind postmaster at Crescent, pleaded pany the turkey, or an oyater cocktail Organization of all irrigation dis- < i. Home made candy and ice Cream w ill have spent over three billion dol­ tutlty to a complaint which he himself or oyster soup may be served before to have made a 100 per cent member­ ricts and commercial clubs In central lars for equipment and facilities, ma­ the turkey, or may be molded In a ship drivs In the Junior Red Cross tad signed and was fined $500 by Jus- Iregon to promote designation of a I J u b Cleaning Work», Inc. terials and supplies. This mosey has thin layer of Jelly, which should be cut roll call. Cor. Fourth and I. That 100 per cent sounds yon gone to the industries of the country lee of the Peace Gilson of Bend for ederal Irrigation project for the Des- Msater Dyers and Cleaner« out with s fancy cutter so that the good when applied to any subject. telling liquor. hutes valley was forecast when repre- Made - To - Measure Clothe« and is one of the prime causes con­ oyster appears In the renter of a to­ tributing to their expansion and the Three engineers, R. L. W att, E. O. entatives of the Bead, Redmond, mato or aspic Jelly, and la laid on ten­ Winters A McGuire of Portland, J L fA G N K T O E L E C T R IC CO. employment of tabor, whicH ln tarn, Gordon and C B Paddock, of Portland, ’rlnevllle and Madras clubs met at der lettuce leaves with mayonnaise George Parker's lawyers, are seeking A’A All kind« of electric apparatile re­ has been a major factor fh the in­ ire in Salem investigating manufactur- -ladras. Resolutions favoring such sc­ to have Albany people give affidavit paired. Conservative price» All work pieced beside It. crease in domestic demand for both ng plants with a view to eliminating ion have been passed by all the clubs tally g uaranteed. A cupful of chopped peanuts blend­ to the effect that Parker did not get U'M21 W. Second. the products of industry and the farm. ed with two cupfuls of coarse breed he ctader nuisance, which has caused epresented and a meeting will be rail a fa ir trial. I t is said one woman so [ V f m o n e y are best when Fair Income Needed , d at an early date to complete the JAA bnsy. Make your dollars wore in crumbs or cracker crumbs and sea­ signed. many protests the past few months soning Is a fine stuffing for the turkey. The Association points out that a rganlzatlon. our saviuga department. A lbany S tate The Auto Freight Transportation as To prepore chestnuts for a staffing, continuance of these enormous capi­ The second meeting of the year of Oregon pensions have been granted B a n s . Under government supervision. first gash the shell, brush the nuts »oclatlon, with Oregon headquarters In tal expenditures, which are necessary the Parent-Teachers' Association of .» follows; Charles H. Price, Corvallis, over with beef drippings and put In if the public is to be adequately served, Portland, has adopted the western IL V ille r M otor Hales the oven for a few minutes. When this city met in the high school audi­ depends on such net Income to ’relght classification and uniform ac- 20; Lydia J. Snodgras, McMinnville. Oakland and Jewett car» heated, shell and skin are easily re­ torium Tuesday evening, November the carriers as will permit a fair re­ •oufttlng system now In effect on most 30; Henrietta O. Spencer, Tigard, Supplies and accessories turn on the property now devoted to if the large railroads of the country. First and Baker Sts. Allrany, Oregon moved. Cut the nuts In small pieces, 20, with its new and efficient officers 30; Frank Kerslake. Portland. $12; then add them to an ordinary bread in charge, Mrs. Wayne Stanard pre­ j homes Voigt. Parkwood. $15; Agree the public service and will make It Eight proprietors of soft-drink places JUTorion r,l on Monday evening, the oc- rigation project w ill receive $695.000 aborer, Carleton. A total of 740 acci- Facific loeomoties that have seer being the birthday of Mrs J. ind Um atilla project $940,000 from as many raisins as cranberries sod enta were reported during the week. years of service. Clnnsware snd gilt shop S McMahan, M r. and Mrs. Drinkard’s both should be cut la halve». congress for continuing construction 3.30 Wiet First Albany The three D’Autremont brothers, One of these was No. 3025, the ind maintenance during the coming Old feehloued Cranberry Dumplings oldest daughter. Those present were toy, Ray and Hugh, were indicted on O T E N BERG BROS., groceries, — Prepare a cranberry sauce from one Mr. snd Mr». Wayne Stanard. Mr. and oldest of its type on the company's fiscal year Mrs. H arry TTiompscn. M r and Mrs. I t counts by the grand Jury of Jack- quart of rrenberrir», one end one half W x Rsmsdell. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Par’fic lines, was the engine that p e l- 1 W alter L. Tooie Sr. of Salem will fruits, produce. 2J5 Lyon street. cupfule of water and two cupfuls of W. Cochran, Mr. and Mrs Chas. Sterl­ We sell greccries and on county at Jacksonville. The rharg- formed patriotic service at the expo- receive a recces appointment as res- Buy cream. Phone 26 iR auger. Make up a biscuit dough wllh ing, M r. and Mrs. J. S. McMahan. » are murder In the first degree, train sitiun in San Francisco in 1915. Now Istrar of the Portland land office with- two cupful« of flour, four teespoonfule obbery and robbing of the Unl.' d OTIM SDN THE 8HOK DOCTOR it and other rejuvenated engines are -a the next few days, without waiting itatee mall, as the outgrowth of the F-J Second street, opposite Hamilton's of baking powder, one teaspoonful A good many went to the football mcking new records in handling the for congress to oenvene according to of ealt, two tablespoonfuta of butter, ttempted holdup of Southern Pacific store. daylight I nvited daily between Sen ^formation given out at the interior on e teblespoonful of sugar and three- game between the U. of 0 . and O. A . ' Sudden Service.” assenger train Nn4s IB coaple'e the Scotta- our e f the train craw were killed. Clr- mers, Esses. H udson Ar HupraobtJe cars. cranberry sauce, accompanied by a tory had perched on the banners of of water. ; "it Judge C M. Thomas Immediately Accessories, Supplies. 1st A Broadalbin. hard sauce made of brown sugar and that eity. • bany -£/)i ree tory 0Q o ^7 FURNITURE AND" used FARM MACHINERY A Thanksgiving Zzi Days of Grandmother u .n . M A Brownsville Briefs