PA G E 2 H A L S E Y BN T E R PM I M noy . j* i r n JO T S A N D T I T T L E S Brief Chronicles of Happenings in Halsey and All Over Linn County. Linn Norton, too, has a radio aet. Brownsville and some local newa cam* io Wednesday, too late to go - to — the linotype. There ia a man io A lbany who .b l» ...ll_ _____ I________ J . h ab itu ally sm okes coffee : in a pipe instead of tobacco, Probably he sm ells better that the ordinary tm oker. S. S. Hayea has been appointed ad­ ministrator of Mrs. Ribelin's estate. Mrs. E. F. Cross was called to riiiisooru Hillsboro rriaay Friday by ine the Hint illness of her ,n')‘‘h«r. Mr»- A. A. Morrell. HALSEY STATE BANK Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L AND SURPLUS $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 Commercial and Savings accouna Solicited ___ children are below normal in the mat-1 ter of intelligence. The tests are I designed to determine which children, . . . k—v— .j u .......- _ of e ___ . . . de- are backward because mental ficinecy. HALSEY RAILROAD TIME North g ,, , , *"• 11:37 «• “i No. 17. 12:15 p. 24. 4:28 p. in. 23. 4.26 p. ¡¿j, 22. 4.30 a. ni. 21. 11:32 p.m . Nos, 21 and 22 stop oaly if Ragged. The Methodist (¿lurch at Tangent is having a new concrete basement made under the structure. The SUNDAY MAIL HOURS church is making the improvement and addition as a means of having ----------------- „ a The delivery window oi the place for banquets. It will be fitted I Halsey postoffice is open Sunder. up w ith a modern kitchen. lfcSO te i f s. m. and 1^15 to 12:30 p. m. 10 The three de’Autremont boys of Sunday mail goes out only 00 Eugene have beta indicted by the grand jury for the killing and robbery the north*bonnd 11:37 train: Mrs. M. C. Bond and daughter Mona and son B. M and family drove from that city Friday tnd spent Mildred, who extended their trip to affair on the Southern Pacific below ¿pent Saturday in Albany. 11.85 a. m. j north twice, claaieg n i t Mrs. P. J. True returned Wednes­ 3 few hours with Mrs. .Stafford’s their home in Salem, after having Ashland. a. in. and 5:30 p. m. Mail stage lot Mra. Charity Clark, in a work day from Salem, where she had been brother-in-law, C. P. Stafford, and been guests at the Moore home for The Bluebird re.taur.nt at Albany I H om eleatei " d S* " ‘ wife. Mrs. Stafford is n sister of the week end. eorreepoodioc with her first name, j ior a few da, B was burglarized Friday night. The 7 . « a. m. has collected $1.5 of Red Cross the late W. E. Finzer of Portland and H. M. Henry was taken to the hos­ quest for money was evidently the Miss Genevieve Wells spent Friday was called there from her home in rollcall money and more has been pital at Albany Saturday where he night with her sister, Mrs. Hebpeth, promised. She has received a Washington by his illness and death. underwent an operation. At last ac­ letter from County Chairman in Eugene and attended the football Attendance at the Sunday school of counts he was recovering nicely. Nutting congratulating her on game there Suturday afternoon, the local M. E. church is increasing the success of the drive io tbie Miss Lois Johnson entertained her Lawrence Wells was home from weekly and they have organized a little burg, “ T friends, Miss Gertrude Hansen r,f ufacturing liquor while wearing the Eugene for the week end. choir with Mrs. J. W. Clark us chor­ Portland and Miss Margaret Gorrie of badge of a peace officer. . __ _ Jenoic Woodruff, by her remarks Mrs. Adda Ringo, Miss DonniTRob- ister. Springfield Sunday. Henry, the eight-year-old son of il" P ro»«(l farm for io conversation with her father, irtson and Jesse Cross attended the Frank Mason, accompanied by II. ae o , k P u I* * Uood •till feels an interest in Jim Irw in, Layton Henderson of Brownsville Ford to Albany Friday and cane from matches and cigara and cigaret pendix at an Albany hospital last L Friday. | foefc. BBBBgT GoPBLg r, phons 1&4 not withstanding her contemptuous attended the recital given by Mrs. En­ home in a new Star. stubs thrown from railroad trains. aud affective “ H um ph.” glish s piano students Friday night at James Cook, who lives on the B. T. The Southern Pacific has warninigs Old papers for sale at 5c a bundle Sudtell place north of town, was a posted in passenger cars against such James M cM ullen died Tuesday the M. E. church. ■ NOS that mkkt at the Enterprise office. business caller in Salem Friday. alter several months* illn ess with carelessness. C. E. Stanard, Ed. Zimmerman, kidney trouble on the farm near Louis Morell, Horton Kizer, J. Men- Mesdames W. H. and J. S. McMah­ Milton A. Miller, democratic can­ "Don’t you find it difficult to Harrisburg where ha had lived for ear, Bessie Bramwell and Estella an were Corvallis visitors Friday. didate for nomination for United [ anti - liquor meeting make both ends meet?" tw enty years. H e was 76, Carothers were meet Friday --- ‘v called iiicvi to r riuuy “Not the end of my money and Charles P. Poole and William Cur­ States senator, has taken the stump Harvey Pugh, a Shedd farmer, ran j a!1 Krand jurors. Several cases of At the Meihodlat church Moa- tis of Lebanon drove to Halsey Sat­ for several pre-election speeches and the end of the week."— London An­ off a bridge with hia auto taat weel burglary and larceny are likely to be day »racing tbare were no vacant has commenced his oratorical efforts urday and, accompanied by Mr. and swers. irobed. and escaped unhurt. Even the gius pews. M r. H erw ig’s anoounc*- Mrs. J. J. Corcoran of this city, call­ in the broad expanses of eastern Orc in the windhield was not cracked, al ment oi a free pioture ahow made Loads on unpaved county roads are ed at the Jack Curtis and Palmer Cur­ gon. He hails from Lebanon, P. C. though it was thrown to the ground •ure • fu ll house. Aud the pict. imited to two tons, including the tis homes, near Peoria. Arthur J. Trask of Lyons was com Just an everyday miracle. area came up to expectations. Ona abide, for the winter in this county. H. F. English, principal of the lo­ mited Thursday to the state asylum of tha two murders of sheriffs that Sheriff Richard and Deputy Cran For the second time within a j ear cal high school and graduate of the for the insance at Salem. occurred in thia county within a Gall took a night trip into the Cas i suspension bridge over the Santiam U. of O., attended the annual U. of year sent a shudder through tha Allen Taylor, a wood-sawyer cade mountains, eight miles cast ol tear Detroit was completely turned O.-O. A. C. football game at Eugene assemblage. Other pictures prs. Corvallis, ended his existence among Sweet Home, last week ,and seized >ver and practically destroyed in a Saturday. By MARGARET BOYD sent.d the operations ef the moon- the inhabitants of this earth late the biggest whiskey still ever cap ligh wind i riday night.—Democrat. k w ----------------------------- wh° ■» »bey Mrs. Florence Leeper of Eugene Thursday afternoon because of the tured in Linn county. They fount <© by M a rrs re t B o ,d ) did the milder eae which (bey now Mrs. G. W. Laubncr was a passen­ came down Tuesday and was the troubesome domestic affairs at his the apparatus in full blast, but thi 'Sleuth-hound thou kneweet, and #rey, I pretend te desire. His wife had left moonshiners were too quick for then ger for Albany on the noon train guest of her mother, Mrs. Albert Mil­ Corvallis home. end a ll the heunde; The speaker stressed the uses». Monday. ler, Ind grandmother, Mrs. M. M. him in anger, and went home to her and escaped. * ,h* u kBOW*,t> • man *hou sity for erery opponent of the Her brother, Karl Bramwell, mother. They’ll have no more quar­ Mrs. William Curtis of Lebanon Ward. dost net knew.** liquor ceil to be vigilant at every Rev. Robert Parker had his tonsil? — Idyll« e f the Klnfl. spent the week end with her daugh­ and family also took dinner that day rels, but likely the woman will wish ! election till the present generation excised in Eugene last wek. many times hereafter that she had ter, Mrs. Henry Brock, and family at the Ward-Miller home. We here aet rules for Judging dif­ of vipere baa ceased to poieoo the The postoffice prohibits the plac west of town. Harry, eight-year-old son of Ed. never had the first one with her hus­ ferent breeds of d ig s and horsot and I weak and the erring band cuttle and sheep. ing of Christmas seals on the address bive Oregon City boys on their Mitzel, north' of Halsey, was taken Examination of applicants for the side of letter. Stick 'em on the othe ■vay to Eugene at an early hour Sat­ to a hospital in Albany Friday and In our everyday eonvwraatlona we Church of Christ. side. His rural route carrier on route one out Judge race hones by tbelr speed; drey urday morning, went into the ditch operated on for appendicitis. • trensth ; co’ra bF I La« week observed Thanksgiv. of Harrisburg will be held December condition wa3 reported serious. Dr. A crew of linemen has been work about a mile north of Halsey. 8th at Albany. aid n « n a ; , hMP. br lhelr ileW ing Sund,y in 8 w«y th8‘ pl«*ed «H- Marks was called to dress a severe Ing on the telephone line between here M. H. Shook was in the Harrisburg » Mrs. Walter Stellmachcr of near ain quality of wool, and men by their I Th^r» w«« • Pyogram ot Dlu" c and Albany, renewing crossarms and cut that one of them received in the cci.nlry Friday and purchased a Tangent has been quarantined be­ wealth or ronk or eduction. Brief consideration, however, .how . followed the" other appurtenances. They arc now accident, and, leaving their wrecked bunch of turkeys from Anders Chris­ cause of an stack of scarlet fever. that wealth la « poor standaTd by P th® Th«»l«riving message machine, they continued the trip by tianson and A. M. Thomaa. working south of Halsey and will The interior of the French jewelry which to Judge the value of a man. by the Next Sunday is make the line practically new all the train. John Slentel was on the early morn­ •shop at Albany is being remodeled. It la not hereditary. In the tense that women’s missionary society day and Mr. and Mra. James Bond of Al­ way to Eugene. J. L. Hamilton and son, farmers of «peed and strength and high butter the women will have complete charge bany were guests of their daughter. ing train to Albany. yield and long wool are hereditary °f the morning program at 11 a m W P. Strandborg was here Thurs­ Mra. J. W. Moore, and family Friday. Miss Hflen Staab of Oregon City Holley, were at the county seat Mon­ day. among animals. Then. too. wealth Is There will be special music and a day in the interest of the Oregon visited her sister, Mra. Gauslc, over stolen or secured by un>Blr|very special speaker— Mre. Rosalie Claude Davis and family of Albany Sunday. Already 200 signatures have Iren Public Utility information bureau, received on a petition for the appoint­ means or secured by gift or mode by Chamlee, the wife of the minister. which include the Mountain States were week-end guests of Mrs. Davis’s' the community rnther than by the In­ E. B. Benland and wife aie home ment of a police matron in Albany. Power and other electric companies, sister, Mrs. J. W. Moore, and family. At the close of the service the annual dividual. from a twenty-day trip to Oakland, Three Albany homes were quaran­ offering will be taken from the church whether telephone, railroad or what­ Roland Marks, who is attending O. Tolstoy, himself a rich man. ridi­ not, in an effort to get before the A. C. at Corvallis, was home for a where they visited Dr. Penland. The tined Monday—one for small pox, one cules the tendency to Judge men by to help the women toward their goal weather was glorious every day of for measles and one for scarlet fever. their wealth. He represents a horee | in missionary work. public correct information regarding short time Thursday. the trip. The county road between Browns­ as erplainlng the human rnce to a those industriet. The concern rep­ Lon Chamlee, Curtis Veatch returi.ed Wednesday Bad weather kept many away from ville and Halsey was being worked the cdt. The horse says: "Men rule In resents $126,000,000 of capital and from a four-days visit at hia old home lire not by deeds, bnt by words. They I M r and a r n > latter part of last week, and new love 200,000 customers. not so much the possibility of p j M A‘ J' Ber*rt* n of in Cottage Grove. Mrs. B. E. Opal Mrs. English piano class' recital at gravel wag put on in spots. the Methodist church Saturday even­ doing or not doing «mytblnx as the Po’tland sPent Thursday with the 1st In the year ending Sept. 16 Linn of Cottage Grove was a guest at tie doing or not doing miything as the Charles Frederick of Mill City was ing, but those who attended say they possibility of talking about different ter’s grandmother, Mra. M. M. Ward county received from the state $27,- vcatch home last week. enjoyed a treat. committed to the asylum for the in­ objects In words agrees) upon between of this city, and extended their trip 605.76 as its share of the proceeds of F. H. Porter of Poi tland wag look­ sane at Salem Saturday evening. He them. Such words, conald'tred very on to Eugene before returning home. motor vehicle licensee. C. E. Smith, who is employed bv ing after affairs at hi« ranch the Inst was found to have a suicidal tendency. Important among there, are the words the Alsea Lumber company, in the Rev. J. E. Purdy of Salem, field of the week. J. F. Linfield and hia son with the my. mine, ours, which, they employ N o n e « o r ArroiHTM BHT big mill at Glenbrook, spent Sunday •I Adminlstrater with will aaaexed secretary for the Willamette Univer­ respective members of their house­ for various things, beings and objects, Mr. and Mrs. A W. Dykstra, ac­ with his family west of town. .— earth, --------- peoj le and nureee. horses i . Notice is hereby g ives that the Baler- sity, has been secured to bring an holds from Oklahoma settled in Tan­ even for the companied by Mr, and Mrs. N. C. In regard to any particular thing they r 1/ . ’ 88 ord*r of »he County Court educational message in the Methodist J. C. Standish visited his son Ever- gent. Smith, were Albany visitors Thurs­ •tree *« re e that only one person shell shall aar L!*T L! 7 5 ^ » ° u “ a 8 ty ’ y' . Oregon, O r*< n’ has been bee« sp- church next Sunday evening, m the day. ett in Salem Sunday. Miss Mary Bender, of Albany, and Tt It mine.' And he w l.o In this nlsv' po,8‘* d • d '» ‘ »«sH'ater w ith the w ill ea- observing of educational week. “Pen- Which thev (7 P . y' 1*x ,d o f th* S A Ribvlle. Hiram Perry left on the north­ Joseph P. Ajdward, prorietor of the In reearrf A ll perecas h avin g c la i.s Mr. Barber w .^ t to Corvallis Wed­ tecoit" will be the subject for the th* »reef, eat number of é g a la it said estate are required to prê­ bound train at 4:30 Monday morning Magneto Electric service station at l i . r* r*r<1 »•rmon in the morning. There will nesday to see Mg daughter, Mrs. J. after a carload of Shropshire and Albany, were married Friday at Leb­ things, |g considered th e most fortu­ tant them w u h ia six months froaa the elao be preaching at the Rowland D. Pitman and little daughter who are Rambouillet ewes. nate among them.” data of this aotica. w ith the proper anon- in the genera*, ho.pital at that p la c schoolhouse at 2:30. A much earlier wr*er than Tolstoy, voacbera, to the aaderaigeed at hia res­ Mrs. Edna Geer, county school su­ idence at 37» 1. F ifte aa th a t . Fortlaed. J W. Moore and family, accompan­ Mrs. Pitman, and baby are getting perintendent, is sending to nearly writing in the ttnxie <«f Nero, ridi­ Oregon. Rev M S. Woodworth went to •long nicely., ied by Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Walton, cule! not only wealth but rank and Dated and first pnblisbed thia 2Vth every school district in the county, Corvallis to bring hia daughter, Cor. drove to Albany Sunday evening. physical qualities el», ss means of George F > ltg of Rowiand w„ tran- copies of the Atis intelligence test, or Judging a man: "L « m « b e t ,.r man day e f November. 1923. melita home from Linfield college to They were accompanied by Mr. and B. S. H a V i i , A d m in istrator aforesaid. see the L’nflivid-Albany football •acting bt ¿sines» in Halsey Wedner- Mrs. Homer Carson and daughter achievement question list to be used I than yon, says one, for t la v e many A m ob A. T u t t i n g , A ttv for admr. day. by the teachers in ascertaining what •states and you are plnlex with hun­ game. Carmeita has made some­ thing of a mark as a writer of prose ger, I have been c<« tau| »Srs auuther; STATEM ENT Mr. a:,d Mra. M. O. Faulk, who for I am a governor, at third, and I have and free verse. a numl « r 0( Jcarg have made of tke Halsey State Bask ef Halaey, a tine bead of hair, says a fourth. Yet county of L in e , stale of Oregon, allow­ Dr. and Mre. Marks visited Eugene home on lhe Mary palmer far|I1 one horse does ntd aay to another. ing the amount standing to the credit of Monday. •°u'.h aest of Halsey, left for Califor­ 3 am better thao. you, for I have a every depositor July 1, 1923. who has great daal of hay and a great deal not msde a deposit, or who has net Work on the rwunty roads is be­ nia t’ie last of the week to reside. of oata; and I ha ee a goM . ridle and drawn any part of hia deposit (commer­ ing gradually brought to a close f , r Lc e Anderson and wife, former rea- embroidered trainings'; but, 1 am cial deposits), principal o f in tercet for the winter. Work has been com p>t dent i of this vicinity, but now in bitti­ swifter than you • And every creature a period ot more than teven (7; year» cd on the market road running s ,,uth- ness in Corvallis, were members of la better or worse, from Its own good im m ediately prior to said date, with tha name, last known place of raatdanca er cast from Halsey to the BrowrJg'viue the M. O. haulk-T. F. Jvkson part) or bed qualities. Je man. then, the poatoffee address of anch depositor, and only creature \y»iCh hath no natural the fact of h|s death, if known : Harrisburg market road.— He / a |d that left for California last Thursday. »ood q u a lity » > nd must w» consider Name of depositor. W. T . M cFall. Hay is worth just as much in storage a? The state commissioner ae‘ -a the J. A. Burns and family spent last a r and elctijsB ancestors te Residence or poatoffice address, not praised value of public ut ,||ty prop­ week it. attendance at a camp meet­ Judge of him Tv knows. you might get for it in case of tiro. Th a ’ D e a l, if fact ia known te secretary er erty 996.10, above taat y r ing nt Saginaw. lAinoiican Eagio lir e Insnranco compan n eaanier, aot known. v .m * > Cor Amount, $70. The students from Halsey attending Jwill pay you 85% o f the cash value in case' Total, $7». v.llls and Brewnav.lle , ,nd he , n<, O. A. C. came home Wednesday ave- T h ia $70 ia represented by a dam aid of loss by fire. ®r Clark to Fruitland. Balf | ning to pend Thanksgiving. certificate of deposit which was issued (By nn 'Enterprise Reporter) was with Mr. T u r t r « l n t k e t w e to W. T. M eF all oa the lJ th day of No­ Mr. and Mrs. Elden Cross left first-named cities. Hurrah for Thanksgiving!” is vember, 191«. . - _ | Wednesday evening to spend Thanhs- State of Oregon, I what all of the pupilt of the Haiaey A. A. Tussing and w if, W re A t i « ivinR w'th Mtw Cross' moth, r. County ef L in e , I**’ fchool are saying. Vacation Thurs­ •’«ny visitors Monday ' I, D. TaylSr, h e ie g ffrs t d el» awern. day end Friday. , R „ a . t Southern and Dutch Broun depose and say upon bath that I am tha rice president of the Halaey State Bask Page 6 put shoes, stock , „ d tc , . J Went to Portland Tuesday morning. The» e are plana for a game be of H altey, count» of Linn, state of Or- l.,1 --------- - Charlo, v|ce pr, gidei/ pf * erabl. rabie r clothing on him. ‘"eer the high school boys and the egen ; that the foregoing statement ia a the Northwestern National Bank of t , | H u m , , . •I'M Frum snd . far full, tru e,' correct and complete etate- * ini Friday night at the Rialto. nienl. showing the name, last known i ' rlla n d , was trsnsa, ting business in Mr M V J * P', r t l • n‘ , >«‘terd.v Irene Quimby was absent Tuesday. residence or poetoffee address, fact ef | Halsey k riday and extended his trip Ir McMahan wynt with him. death, if known and 'be amount to the . i t k ^ 1 * r* l ,UPD° S,d h ' b8 * “ ‘ *<1 | to Eugene, where be attended the There will be a bell game between credit of each depoaitnr. a t required by * i t i imagination. That, we .uppo Je football game Saturday. t is Halsey grade teaun and the Har the provisions of action WlfiO-lOlfiJ. to« ay c o m m u a ,ci» w ith la a ig a t e * of lb * Salvatioa Arm y at the e lu a n t Oregon laws. D. T a v to e . s' to r e f ? 7 * 3h° dr*W' * Pktur* r iaburg grade team. Mra. Guy G. Stafford and son Bil­ Subscribed and sworn to baler» me W hite Shield Home, 5o5 Mayfair avenue Po,tland. Oregon. “ ..‘7 r* fo0ted 8nd - tty boy to lie of Ralston, Wash , and the fornt- dluatr.i. the .u «-„y « y to o-iaion. " s e n . form- Mias L«itner left Wednesday even- thia 9th day Jn!y, A. D. 1923. a B M Bowp. • the thanksgi ring story on |« » » brother, Phil Finzer of Portiani, tog to spend Thanl egiving at home. N o ta r]T b h lie for Oregon » I t My ctynmiaaion Fxptrea Sept I, 1WX Paid-for Paragraphs Admittance Here 5 Cent. With the High School Classics A m e ric a n E a g le Fire Insurance Co. H igh S;hool Notes C. P. STAFFORD, Agent, A n y G irl in Trouble I