A /i? HALSEY ENTERPRISE VOL. X II HALSES’, l.INN COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. 29, 1923 NO. iS Thanksgiving Day, November 29, 1923 We are Thankful for the Bridge Probability p re«»« r*»»» a ’ I The Albany Democrat kindly permits the Enter pictures of tho proposed Harrisburg ami Albany 1 [from the Portland Telegram. The upper picture i w i ’rnn' °rVn3,lrearn’ road to b0 24 feeti wi(Jo' w>< f - »3,0(1 . In the center is the Albany olaa. 27-fo sidewalks - cost. #295 Shi) t u ' _______ , W H A T W A S A P P L E O F DISCO RD» ’¿rznvC/s-v/ W unite today with T V prosperous country, the world has ever known, bountiful harvests, freedom e . '» e r e - the rest of the United States, the most occupied by the most powerful nation, in giving thanks for peace and prosperity, Church Announcements from pestilence and all the blessings we Americans enjoy. W e would -also individually express our thanks to the customers whose patronage has brought us our share of this prosperity, •t . • , « W e’shall endeavor to continue to merit the favor of our patrons by giving Courteous treatment and a square deal io all in our respective lines. \ M. V. KOONTY CO. ALBANY General Merchandize „ FO O T F BROS Cari«* ^ L A I N C L O T H IN G CO. n ir r 1 r a BEN T- CLARK’S Confectionery D. H. STURTEVANT- EASTBURN BROS. Grocers ISC B A R T C H E R & R O H R B A U G H O. W. FRVM • ‘ • Everything for the Home Grain and Feed FORTMILLER RINGO DRUGSTORE Furniture Company i E„„,prl„ morton & speer STORE Garage W e H ave E V E R Y T H IN G O ptical EYE STRAIN I t the Cause of Many H U M A N IL L S ( I f your eyes give you trouble or your glasses are annoying SEE US. We can Relieve You Bancroft Optical Co. J1J l i t St. W . Albany. Phone M ethodist: Robert Parker, pastor. Sunday School, 10. Preaching, 11, Interm ediate League, 6:30. Epw orth League, 6:80. Prayer meeting Thursday, 7:30, Preaching, 7:30. U N S P O K E N T H A N K 8 Q IV IN Q A sunny face Thanksgiving. STEN BERG BROS , Groceries and Creamery wm. h W heeler , A t the mmriagc of Pelcus and Thetis, »11 tile god* aud goddesses, except Erie, <>r Discord, were pres* ent. Angry sit not being invited, she threw am png them a golden ap­ ple, bearing tile inscription, “To the most beantitWl." Juno, Minerva *ud Venus eac h claimed the prise, And Zeus referred them for a deci­ Halsey Church of Christ sion to Paris, a shepherd on Mount Ida. Venus, h lving promised Paris the most beau tifu l woman in the world for his vi ife, was awarded the Church of Christ : apple. "By so <1 oing, Pans incurred Lon C hatnlre, minister. Bible school. 10, W . H . Robert- the eymity of Juno and Minerva, who, by their norite, brought on the son, superintendent. Morning worship. 11. Lord ’» Trojan war. supper every Lord's day. Christian Endeavor, 6;80. Evening service, 7:30, The church without a bishop, it the country without a king. ’ 1 I f you have no church home come and worship with us. The growth of tim b er iu tha world yearly equals only two- thirds of the amount consumed. Is unspoken table linen important ZT ' H E real, original and genu- Ine Thanksgiving dinner must boast a turkey and cran­ berry sauce if it is to he strict­ ly orthodox in regard to the menu. Tradition -demands thia. Good linen plays a very impor­ tant part In the way the table will look when set It la al­ ways advisable to buy as good linen as you can possibly afford, for It proves a wise Investment In the long run. An embroidered monogram la a handsome finish to a good cbtb , but It la less noticeable there than on the napkins which for dinner should he large and squire. For embroidery the long slender letters are preferred. It la a pretty sentiment at a Thanksgiving dinner to nse dishes which ars heirlooms for Good A f/oearance and Service in t Children’s Hosiery Qualities so badl y wan ted and difficult to find, are characte. »«tic o i \ J" A líe n A s " c itf Hosiery , K r Speefilirinf as %-« d0 ,n lry of qBaj , ty far ».ba « w in family, it is s pleasure to off at you the serves this i ’be time comes ft » you to se lact. AU s.'1** in Silk, W ooL I .n i. a . rv .» m . í m •> -.irwAf —. she ROOJ S GOODS ’T Z 1 S GOOD GROCER] f S P E C IA L Fl va bars each Crystal | ( bite. Classic, Playm ate k 0.» and 1 pkg. Se. F », ktn free.