r m jc w Ö N IL K K R IS Ä GLOBE » 4 • ALBANY DAYS, ¡S T A R T IN G S U N D A Y. N o ». 25 ! Virginia Valli i* W ¥ s «4. Iv a J torney Joe Templeton, all of Seattle While in Halsey M r. Templeton called at the horn« of his cousin, C. P. Staf ford. I Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Leeper and H C. Davis were visitors at Albany Tuesday. English will T i r e S a le :o : ACC O U N T of being overstocked w ith tires we w ill make ipe- cial prices while the present stock lasts. These are guaranteed first-grade tires and have not been on eur th e irts long. give a recital fridse evening at the Methodist church T» of the pupils are hi?h school student,. With the High School Classics Mr. Jones, trMmrer of th« North western business school, addressed th. high school students on their fu.ur, occupations Tuesday mornin g. By MARGARET BOYD «© by M a rg a re t B o y *.) Miss Bertha Leitner has charge of ■I tell you yet again. Banquet bur­ Mrs. William Curtis oi Lebanon is the high school basketball team ex» led; he cannot oom« out en's grave.• Gates Standard Cord............... visiting her daughters, Mrs. Charity cises. —Macbeth. Clark of Halsey and Mr». Florence ia Gates Oversize C o rd ............... “That tbe dead are seen no more," Brock of Lake Creek. writes Samuel Jobaaoo. “I will not TEACHERS’ INSTITUTE Gates Red Tube .... ............ W. P. Wahl and wife and Mrs. A. C undertake to maintain, against the At the teachers’ institute Saturday concurrent and varied testimony of Armstrong drove to Albany Monday. Standard Cord and Tube........ The finest production all ages and of all nations. Ill ere Is thirty-five teachers from this part of C. H. Koontz is the latest posses- no people, rude or learned, among the county gathered. of the year 3 0 x 3 i Oversize Cord and T u b e ........ ¡or of a radio receiving outfit in our whom apparitions of th» dead are not Dr. Bursch of O. A. C. advocated * * * * * * * * * * * :ity, having made the purchase when related and believed. This opinion, a completely new system of marking C om ing soon Gates Cord ............................... in Portland recently. which perhaps prevails as far as hu­ the standing of pupils, whereby they Potash & Pearlmutter Z Mrs. Ida Tobin was a passenger for man nature is diffused, could become would be graded according to mental Gates Cord .......... universal only by Its truth; those that efficiency. ••••••••••••••••••••••••a Portland on the evening train Friday. never hoard of one another would not - ! n Kle r urse, frauds; but no no research research orsanl- . . omise of the teach- eourse, frauds; but organ! I urday or Monday before the ni3h Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Jackson left Glenn Hill of Harrisburg was jn nation has ever been able to prove that lers to observe national education D. Taylor was an Albany caller one Tuesday morninig for California, day last week comes on. Another pleasant feature town Thursday on his way home from all gbosts are frauds. No one has yet week. where they will spend the winter. proved that Lady Macbeth was right is that their checks are as prompt in Brownsville. The Globe theatre at Albany has when she asserted that Banqoo could STUDY CLUB Glenn Gregory was an Albany visit­ installed what is called the Gardiner arrival as their copy. b# Mima amA of L ____ I Mrs. Martin Cummings went to •M not come a out bis l- grave. or Tuesday. of Scotland cn- gold fibre picture screen which is said Corvallis Thursday for a visit with The subject of gbosts Is of Interest | . A , further , . study -----' -------- -•- - was " « cn- Homer Mornhinweg and family of beeause of ----- its bearing on the DUU subject G. W .Mornhlnwep was In the Har­ to be the best screen made and to Shedd were guests at the G. W. Morr.- friends and relatives. jCCl I Joyed by ’ th* members ----- - of the Womens "UIHCllI __ i »* the T Y r* wv . . the Immortality of the - soul. If Club c,ub Thllrsdn,- Thursday « at H. F. English risburg neighborhood Monday in cn Mrs. Adda Ringo, JWAI3B Miss Donna hinweg home the first of the week I J O i l u A Rcb- A I C O - The Enterprise editor has had a ghosts exist, -------- then — obviously tbe .vu* soul ¡home. The .voouii lesson i-uvertu covered UOiyrood Holyrood ------- effort to buy the turkeys which were,ertson and Jesse Cross attended the im « n o t Ht» af »h. _ . .w _ 1— 1___ “ Vipvuy W. A. Carey left for Salem on the birthday this month and now he is d does I 9 ! «oil i n n n t 1« . . « this year _ _ • « «I • not die at the same .1__ time .x that the palace and . environs, the schol. .„J raised in t that vicinity Shevinne concert at Eugene Monday body dies. Although Socrates, by maa- monument, and memorials old enough to vote. evening train Saturday to be gone for night. t terl, e r lj reasoning, reasoning. cnnTinA+ri «ai 4 of ably given by Mrä Mari ‘ ’ ’r and •*“ was convinced him himself Mrs. C. P. Moody went to Harris­ a few days. Mrs. Carey has been in ? Martln Cummings Last Monday the fourth firm to try the Immortality of the soul, and al- nr? ,, burg Tuesday and attended the fun Mr. G. C. Osborn, accompanied by Salem for the past fr o weeks, *•-— ■- all the - great religious teachers ,an<1 . Mrs. J. W W. Moore. A ------ ‘ , shert out the Albany-Brownsville stage though eral of the late A. M. Pryor. her mother, Mrs. Eliza Brandon of away with all eye strain. have taught tbe immortality of the ™uslcal program was given by Mrs. line quit for want of patronage. Mr. and Mrs.-F. G. Hadley, accom­ this city, returned to her home in soul, I. there tnere are many m a n y who _______________ have not been Miss Donna Robertson and Mrs. Brandon -------- a-------- panied by their two nieces, drove to Portland Thursday. convinced; becqnse, as ... Plato quotes I Mrs. Stafford. will be gone for a week or ten days. Albany -Saturday. Uebes as saying, "in what relates to A round-table of helpful Christmaj the soul, men are apt to be Incredu-. suggestions was an enjoyable feature Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bramwell were F. M. Maxwell, for many years a Wh” "he le*T** P i ‘He afternoon, resident of this vicinity, who is now- Albany visitors Thursday. the body her place may be nowhere, The hostess was assisted in serving end that on the very day of death she principal of the Tangent school, was Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Cross spent the for December 1 delivery per toa may be destroyed and perish—Imme­ by Mrs. Moore. in the city Saturday attending the lo­ week ertd with Mrs. Cross’s parents, The club will meet again December diately on her release from tbe body, cal institute. A. A. Morrel and wife at Hillsboro. S T O C K M O L A S S ES tohw* « i j » than bar- leaning forth like smoke or air and 6 at the home of Mrs. G. W. Morn­ B, M. Bond and C. P. Moody drove rei lots Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kirk were guests vanishing away into nothingness." hinweg, to Shedd Saturday evening and at of the lormer’s sister, Mrs. O. W. Socrates was of the oplalon that the tended the Masonic lodge. soul that was pare at death would not Prom, and family the first of the Campers from eastern Oregon at return sa a ghost. Such a soul was Dad’s and Mam’s restaurant camp week. Claude Davis and family of Albany totally severed from the body, et death, npent Sunday at the home of Claude’s M r . and Mrs. Henry Bateman of and gathered herself lato herself. In ground said they left snow and frees* brother, H. E. Davis, and family. Brownsville were Thursday visitors of a state that seems analogous to the ing weather at home and found a Buddhlet’s Nirvana, of which Arnold mild spring day here. Mr. and Mrs. Ray From of Browns Mrs. Bateman’s brother, H. W, wrote t ville were Sunday guests of Mrs Chance, and wife of this city. HALSEY RAILROAD TIME brum s brother, C. W ., sod fum ily e Th« •chins eras« te Hr« «ag«. t n4 lit« Mr. an.l Mrs. T. E. Graber and son North Halsey. South of Sulem were Sunday guests of Mrs asmelesa quiet, aamal««« No. 18, 11.37 ra- No. 17, 12:15 p. m. Tom Ardry is building a commo­ Graber’s sister-in-law, Mr. Adda B l c . a ' K I R V A N A _ t n l» „ , „ rIe„ 24, 4:28 p. m. 23, 4.28 p. m. r««t— • ’ dious chicken house at his farm west Ringo. 22, 4;3O a. m. 21, 11:32 p m. That ebang« which aaver changes! of town, Lavglle Palmer was home from Nos, 31 and 22 stop only if flagged. Socrates believed, however, that few J- W. Evans is making some exten­ Monmouth over the week end and souls are pore at death. For most of sive improvements at his home west went to Eugene, where Dr. S. Gul- sooner or later. us, “each pleasure and pain Is a sort lion performed a nasal operation. SUNDAY .MAIL HOURS With the High of Halsey, building a kitchen, doing Whatever It Is that determines rank of nail which nails and rivets the soul men are conscious of its presence some plumbing and other work The deliverjr window of the Andrew Brown and wife visited the to the body." Most souls love the body School Classics when It Is present. Let the officers and dread the Invisible existence to Halsey postoffice is open Sundays Mr. and Mrs. John Pittman are the latter’a brother, S. F. Arnold, at * » regiment he killed and If there which pure souls go. These ahe the | I from 10:50 to 11 a, m. and 12:15 By MARGARET BOYD parents of a 6 1-2 pound girl, born a» Marshfield Monday. Is a leader In the ranks be will eoula that may be eeen ‘prowling about to 12:30 p. rn. the general hospital at Corvallis on Miss Leitner, teacher in the high tombs - and - — sepulchers,” made visible to i Sunday m ail goes out only on — uiuue TimuiB io r n e h Monday, ihe 19th. Mother and babe school, visited Salem Saturday. <® hy M argaret R syd.) '«-ad-he wilt step forward and the ThL-n** ? tn - \v the aI,oy “ d saaspuili,/ ‘“»purity _ the north-bound 11:37 train: —’ — doing nicely. ffihera wilt follow him. History tells tufll rilnr artnl . . .. that cling to the soul at s result of the hey« fallen Into your rank, K°f s south once a day, closing at ... Hiat the thin, has h.ppened time Mis. Grace Wallace and cousin. •M I have fallen Into mine.” love of life end of the body. I I 05 a. ni. ; north twice, closing 11:25 Mr. and Mrs. Curtis and Churles Hsrry Reeve, of Portland, arrived after time In battle. Gather together —A Tele of T w ítltlee. a. m. and 5:30 p. m. M ail atage lor Poole of Lebanon, Mrs. Clark of this a hundred boys from all parts of the Brownaville. Crawfordaville and Sweet Thursday evening for a visit with ilty and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brock their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs J í 1’ tn’ Mh,,r «B «nd vinegar country and put them together la a H ig h School Notes Home leaves d aily at i 45 a. tu. camp somewhere an.J within a week T* “ eI ” ,de' tb* 0,1 and daughter, Dorit, of Lake creek at­ W, Rectcr. promptly rise to the top I f we add three or four boys wlfl he leading the tended the funeral of A. M. Pryor at rest No one will tell them to be the to a** and boat the Old papers for sale at 5c a hundís Harrisburg. Mrs. Geo. Alford of Irving came . h lAgne« Hayes Reporter) . .in r|«ornns,T. we can for leaderw-they will take the place for down on Saturday’s evening train to the e ’ 7 ™ ” ™ ” " » h ire and keep I themselves as naturally as oil takes The Seniors are making fast pro- at the Enterprise office. W. C. Templeton of Brownsville re be with her daughter. Renee, who is , gress in practicing their clast play, the oil and vinegar in mixture; but If Its place in a mixture. turned Monday from n few days’ visit ill at the home of her grandparents, ST "n” “, '"r*y * t!me' ‘he mW“ * ’ * WH* ,h « ‘ raawMi ¡‘‘The Wrong Mr. Wright," which thev with his mother Mrs William Temple­ Mr. rnd Mrs. E. E. Gormley. akg It» bonds and return« to the difference In rank. w .. ohviou. intend to present the latter part of ton, sister Miss Bertha, and brother« the top. La ° f Carfon iDd s ‘rv’ »r December. Three Sophomore boy», W J. Ellis and three others, bourd Harry, pa: tor of the University Prat If we tngg a measure of stone gravel ranV’ t? / 1br,*hter mi1“ H’ ld the lesser George Cross, Frank Koontz and for I « i Angeles, parked their car on byterian church; Dr. Charles and Ai the “ '’ '’ . ' “i? * VMSeI * ,P#‘ er- ’ hake rank It Is not energy, for the axces- Laundrv sent Tuesdays ‘he side of the pavement on the read the vessel thoroughly, then set It aside sive.y energetic man often ranks Thomas Palmer, take part in it. »gency H u b C Ie a u ia g Works between here and Harrisburg Sktnr- Wednesday of last week at the reg­ 2*’ " flB4 fhe •» lower than hl. „ore deliberate ******♦**♦♦♦♦*♦**♦**♦***« day brother It Is not education, for man« night. Nye Toby and F. E. Mc­ snd » ular meeeing of the student body it * fra're' • bi”’e fh*‘ . man with hla ph D. ra n k , i ^ A B E ’S P L A C E Henry with a carload of groceries •nd the gaud on top was voted that the high school buy a '"and than some other maa who barely fin new basketball and also purchase an­ came along and in trying to pas«, an­ » t.? 1* i0*' ,nd ,h* r ' Tel other car, ran into the parked car ard fh e ir placet by means of their weight lslied grammar school. other basket to replace the one - h e a v y things sink, light things floYt Many philosophers have thomrht broken. turned over, scrambling the grocer- Nov. 21 to Dec. 1 IS ies i? x ™ wti ,rh»‘ that t ie th.n, that determ.Be, S but breaking no hones. Thefr car “» human relations that cor- t o ^ i At a special meeting Friday after­ ® *«sl attitude caught fire but they followed the ex. Remember W eek ^•ponds to specific gravity; but each toward rank Emerson, for example noon. called by the president. Kenneth A ll work done prom ptly and reason* ample of the politicians and threw man ba, a place or a rank in the uni says, "Beware what yon set yonr heart van Nice, the student body voted to mud and extinguished it. « ra e and invariably f .„ . R Ui*®. for It shall surely he yonra." join the athletic association, therefore •h lr . Phone No. 26* Those who habitually «end in their another basketball will be bought, so “ «¿r»» big new combination of E. church tomorrow night—free copy early tickle the printer man in I rograin at that each team can have one. STATEM ENT • H y T o n e tU lio n e r y , in c lu d in g the right place. If we were giving ., icHCBgaT The third period in the afternoon. ot ,ke N»1*»» State Bank af Halsey, 1 box of liy tn n r stationery prize« for this kind of promptness the Georgina Clark. M rlba Neal which has h e r .t- .r a * . k I counly of L in a , state of Oregon, show- 1 Ily T c ae tablet s heretofore been taken up ">g the amount standing to the credit of Southern Pacific and the Globe 24 H r Tone envelope«, R » j,h sue kt oy physics, training, has been leng- *Ter» <’«P°«iior July 1, 1923, who has H udson theatre company could divide the first A ll lor 8 9 c tneneti __> ,<• • r r»r *$«<-* •/->* Regular value $l to J J —t » o f ^toofo^a thened to one . ____ hour and riv e n ra I I I wot Ot tni m,de who has has « ant There is always a chance to S paulding French and English I I I tk drawn aay part ol bis deposit (coinitier- a prize. Engl r-ngnsn I I I . This new cial deposits), principal or i ate rest, for Margaret Moore * * * * * put their advertisements in type Sat- • rrangement makes it possible for | I * P*"«1 «B mora se^en "(7) 3 i* a ftio a - _ — v. iv possioie lor more thaY uian seven (7) years P aldi the students to begin basketball I prior to said date, with the Ruth Sturtevant practice at 3:30. The bova’ O lm * '»»t known place of residence or teams alternate d X ” - h .depositor, sad J 4 . V o ,O f, o f t k , ¿ f to tk io g C k ttio G aynor the fact of his death, if known ’ 30x3! , 30x3! 30x3j 30x3? Milton Sills I " A LADY OF QUALITY ” » $10.45 11.95 . 2.50* 12.50 j 14.20 < 21.001 22.00' 32x4 33x4 HALSEY GARAGE, Feote Bros. Props * wm MILL RUN $31 OIL MEAL, EGG MASH and fish meal o . w . FRUM r x r T ““», ’ , , » *” A Modern Barber Shop F. M. GRAY, draym an RINGO’S Drugstore ? M. HALSEY STATE BANK Margaret Moore, Ruth Starlevant «Ses»# ScHABWBNKA Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L AND SURPLU S Name of depositor. W . T. McFall. Georgina Clark $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 S t r ia »Boo Hath Stnrtevant ( eorgm . Clark. Margaret M oor, S o o o o a r to Commercial and Saving» account» Solicited | M w w * / * * '* S o o , I H xl i.g a Melba Neal •S o ro o d W o tto Georgina Clark. Melba Neal S k o ^ k o ^ aw ? S k o ^ k o o ^ o a a G odard house. (By an Enterprise Reporter) and I92A B M. B o n d . Notary Public for Oregon The piano pupils of Mrs. Henry F. M y commission expires Sept 1, 1921 weak.