XU deadlocked Wiuibsr» ot the board bad bum so loti* at loggerheads •hat their relations had swayed bach to something like amity. Jim tad scarcely entered when Con Bonner ad­ dressed the chair. -Mr. Prlaldent," said he, "we have wld us t'nlght. a young man who aides no Introduction to an audlance In this place Mr. Jim Irwin. Ha thinks we're bullheeded mules, and that all the schools are bid. At the proper time 1 1 shill move that w hire him f r > y h - er; and ptndlcg »at motion, I mere* that he be glv«. the floor. Te’ve all beared at Hr Irwin's ability as a wfc»a tact nod i kaev h»u b» iw Take the T rain COMFORT and SAFETY plus DEPENDABILITY _ « On sa'.e daily L im it 15 days On sale F ri. Sat. St Sun., lim ited to Tue. B A LS g y EN TERPR ISE More Nourishing Than ^ > y íb a n y ¿ /) ir e c to r \' t roin Other Countries This is good advice. Low Round Trip Fares reduce the cost of travel 90 tened to wid respect, ” NOV. 22, 1923 A m erican Foods Best " I f you live Jots and Tittles (Continued fro m page 1> Athens.—American standard food­ i he countv tax supervisors have ap­ in Albany, trade tu Albany , il you live stuffs are the best In the world, says in some other town, trade in that tow n." proved Halsey's budget. . Mabel ElltotL famous woman phy- Hut in these automobile daysm an) re­ •Iclan, who for the past two vears has siding elsewhere ---------- find -----------— it advisable to do *'^rs- J- G. Jackson, living near AU been medical director of American or- at least part of their buying in the t«ny. is experimenting with cotton Those who go to Albany 1 grow ing and »a l u U Pbanagea In the Neer East, rrorn the larger town to transact business w ill find the firms d thinks she can make it standpoint of purity and high food named below ready to fill their require- j 8 suece8s- v« ue. she asserts that no European nation can compete with the United ments with courtesy an 1 fairness A fter predicting rains that failed to States, and for thl* reason she Insists Ib a i.y B a k e r y , ,;?i L eo n street, come for several weeks past, the on American products In all orphan- -*■ Best one-pound loaf ol bread made weather clerk reversed gear and last * sion. Call on had heard his speech, they would afternoon. I didn't want It stuck into ccnacil. sitiing in Portland, went on L I h I i ’ h F io ra i and M u s ic Shop harbor have been greater than at any D ram i and C o ., place him In charge of the school, and him too hard. I wanted him to have 1.13 L io n .-I.. Albany, Ore Good servite and proiupt delivery other coast port, but the boom has. record as opposed to the Esch-Cum that he might be able to do something one vote." on cut fijw ers and fiorai designa mins railroad law. passed its crest and is declining. AltM,,y l'houe 1661 really Important In It, he would not An I wanted him to have won vote, Most of the buildings going up now' That a warming up is in progress have been there. As he sat down, he too," said Bonner. " I thought mesllf H u b C leanin g W orks, | „ c. are small, knew himself a dreamer. The nodding the only dang fool on the board—an' is evident, however, in the following Cor. Fourth and Lyon board of directors, the secretary, be made a spache that alrned wan headlines on other pages e f that is I e»n make both F A R M and C IT Y (Continued on page 4) Master Dyers and Cleaners L O A N S at a very row rate of inteiest actually snoring, the bored audience vote—but f r the love of hlvin, that sue: M a d e -T o -M e a s u re Clothes From 5 to 10 years. W rite ine for par restored the field hand to a sense of dub f r a teacher 1 What come over “ McAdoo is Leader in Bourbon trculars. G. W. L aflar , IVlAt.NKTO ELECTRIC CO. his proper place. you, Haakon— you voted f r him, tool" Group.” All kinds of electric apparatus re­ Salem, Ore. 410 Oregon Bldg ''We have had the privilege of 11s- “Ay vanted him to have one wote, “ Omaha Has Prim ary; McAdoo De paired. Couservative prices A ll work t'nln’," said Con Bonner, rising, “to a too." said Peterson. dared Leading for President." lu ll) guaranteed 119-121 W , Second. And In this w-lse, Jim became the great speech, Mr. Prlsldlnt. Makln' a HALSEY . ------------ O PERA HOUSE “ League of Nations Issue Still good spache la one thing, and teach­ teacher In the Woodruff district—all ml money are best « ben Sticks; Foreign Policy Big Factor in ing a good school Is another, but In or­ on account of Jennie Woodruff's - Make your dollars work in I A ltr a a v im n Coming Campaign.” our savings department. A lbany S tate der to bring thia matter before the "Humph I” Cash paid (or Local Issues (in Washington H a n k . Under government supervision Grades, assisted by the I. O. O. F or» hoard. I nominate Mr. James E. Irwin, state) Vail Presidential Race.” the Boy Orator of the Woodruff dis chestra. w ill give an jy iille r Motor Sales (To be continued) trict, and the new white hope, f r the Idaho Republicans T ry to Save Oakland and Jewett cars job of teacher of this school, end I Supplies and accessories State; Borah Still Unopposed.” The growing of fruits in western move t ^ t when he ehall have received First and [taker Sts Albany, Oregon "Presidential Race Warms Up Lo­ • majority of the votes of this board, America is expanding marvelously. Proceeds for apparatus lor their room: cally." ■ \B o r io n < V Speer Service Com- the secretary and prlsldlnt be ln- The Pacific F ru it Express company, "H iram Johnson's Friends to Battle I pany Admission, 15 and 25c. sthmeted to enter Into a contract with which carries fresh fru it and vege­ Headquarters for good tires fo r Him .” LAWYER|*AND NOTARY him f r the coinin' year.” tables east from California, Oregon, I Phone 65 First a„d Lyon "League fo r La Follette.’ The president followed usage when H alsey , O kkoon be said: “I f there's no objection. It Washington, Idaho, Utah, Colorado, urphy "Henry Ford's Name to be Placed . .. M o tor Co. Bttiok and Arizona, Texas and Louisana, will Chdvrr be so ordered. Prepare the bal­ Chevrolet automobiles. Tires and on Primary Ballot.” We have le tte d the W illia m McCor*- I Uccisone». lots for a vote on the election of teach­ next year have 3732 new refrigerator mick lands, known as the "S la s h ,” and And this: " Democratic Women ¡Albany, Oregon, phone MO. er, Mr. Secretary.” oars to add to the 30,700 in use in all persons are warned against hunting,, Crazy About W illiam G. McAdoo.” trapping or otherwise trespassing on, There was no surprise I d view of that traffic this year. D e a l estate. Moio-y to loan. All said premises. the nomination of Jins Irw in by the kinds of insurance written In the senate committee's investiga­ IlA L ts v G on C lub . blarneying Bonner when the Secretary Çall on J. V P/ fk , . ' Governor Walton has quit any e f­ tion of g raft charges against the smoothed put the first ballot, and A llian y Spite Bank Building. read: -James E. Irwin, one.” But fort at defense in the impeachment management of the veterans’ bureau ÒO8COK AMES H A R D W A R E , when the next slip came forth, "James trial which the Ku Klux legislature much crookedness in the dispensing * V the E. Irwin, two,” the hoard of directors has been holding, he and his counsel : of the sacred trust fund has been dis­ Finrt Claisa Work W IN CHESTER STO K E Optometrist, with of the Woodruff Independent dlatrict declaring that he cannot have a fair closed. Elias H. M ortim er poses as 122 W. First it. were stunned at the slowly dawning trial in that court. He will take his a complaisant husband who plied D i­ Agent foe Rugane Steam Laundry F . M. F r e n c h & S o n s knowledge that they had made an case to the United States supreme Sent Tuesdays. 8. « I L B E R Î 4 8 O K rector Forbes with soft pleasures and election 1 Before they had rallied, the J E W E L E R S — O P T IC IA N S 1 court on the ground that the exclusion hard drinks in exchange fo r soft J . W . S T E P H E N S O N . Prop, •ecretary drew from the box the third Chinaware and g ift shop Albany, Oregon > Forbes, on the other 1J0 We«t First " Albany and last ballot and read, "James E 1 of evidence of Ku Klux activities contracts. which he offered in his defense, de­ hind, unhesitating Irwin, three." brands wltn I J ENBERO BROS., groceriaa, against him as liars. President Bronson choked as be an­ prived him of a legal right. fruit», produce. 235 Lyon «treat. nounced the result—choked and stam­ We sell groceries and " lor canning vey» showsthat 62% of all children be I Huy cream. mered and m d n very hard weather j Phone J63R Quarters of B E E F tween the ages of si« and «Isteen have of I t but he went through with the purposes at cinningpr.ee« defective eyes. QTIM8ON T H I8 H O K DOCTOR motion, se we all run In our grooves. C . H. F A L K Most of these children are being Second »treet, opposite Hamilton'« ' The ballot baring shown the unani­ forced to do achool work nnder the has C . L. F A L K JR. store. mous election of James B Irwin, I de­ dicap of a constant nervous «train cansed _____ _______ "Sudden Service ” clare him elected.” by neglect of even that need help. And tbe p itifu l part 1« that the parent«’ ig The state tax commission has roui- He dropped Into Ms chair, while the ^ R ^ a ld o A n d e rs o n Son. d ia trib . aorance of the condition doe« not save ’ T utor» «n.l dealers for M axw ell. Chsl secretary, a vary methodical man pleted the county tax ratios for tho the child from the penalty be i« co drew from hla portfolio a cottracf mer», F.»ea, Hudson A Hupinobile cars. year 1128. These ratios represent the •tantly paying. Accessories Snpnltes 1st * Broadalbin. per cent of taxable to full cash value duly drawn up save the name and sig­ nature Thia he calmly filled ont, and of property generally In each county V passed ever to the president, pointing, as determined by tbe state tax com­ to the dotted line. Mr. Bronson would mission. have signed hla own death-warrant at In order to prevent damage being that moment, not to mention a per­ done to the county roads during the fectly legal document, and signed , SHOE with Peterson end Bonner looking on cm SERVICE z wet season, the Douglas county court has Issued aa order limiting the loads stonily. The secretary signed and I -Aotft that coat lata per month of wea shored the contract over to Jim Ir ­ which trucks may transport on county win. thoroughfares. "Sign there," he said. William Elb, charged with first de­ Jim loeked It over, saw the other gree murder for the killing oflhls wife signature«, and felt an Impulse to . bought, sold anil eachangrd at all times at thalr home In West Linn la Bap- dodge the whole thing Then he ! tamber last, waa found guilty by a thought of Jennie Woodruff's B E N T. S U D T E L L Optometrists, Manufacturing Opticians Jury at Oregon City and waa sentenced "Humph !"—and he signed I Albany, Oregon i Phone 76-R, 123 N. Broadalbin a t, Albany to life Imprisonment. '** j l in e s to P O R T L A N D Low Round Trip Fares to other points Alb“’ R lue DR. Southern Pacific Lines Phonograph $150 S T R A D IV A R A (fon tpOU M i S T R A D IV A R A , „„„ ra0,d, .................. Also one used B R U N S W IC K Victrolas and V ic to r Records Bartcher & Rohrbaugh Furniture Company t Dad’s and Mam’s Restaurant ^ ~ C I8 _ . . _ I * V Square Meal, 50c FARM LOANS FARM LOANS Wednesday evening. N o r. 28, at the Cream and Produce Station M Children of the 4th, 5th & 6lh Cream, Poultry, Eggs, Veal & Hides. M. H* SH O O K Entertainment Amor A. Tussing Trespass Notice M wiu W hy buffer from headache 7 Have your eyes examined • . T. FRENCH Barber Shop ?? Baths I y Fresh and Cured Meats C Carefully Conducted Sur­ A m e ric a n E a g le A Fire Insurance Co. c Hay is worth just as much in storage a'« you might get for it fn case of fire. Th 5 kAmerican Eagle Pire Insurance oompanjr hrill pay you 85% o f the cash value in ■ of loss by fire. Z 7 FURNITURE AND Sd farm machinery C. P. STAFFORD, Agent Meade & Albro,