/ halsey enterprise VOL. X I I HALSEY, U N S COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY, NOV. 22, tWJ NO. 17 JO T S A N D T IT T L E S Alford A rrows Brownsville Briefs Brief Chronicles of Happenings in Halsey and All Over Linn County. (By Ralph Lawrence) F»S*rpr!»> C *rr**p o a < e a c « ) J. D. Isom and wife of Albuny visit­ f O R E G O N N E W S BRIEFS W estern Newspaper Union s Gleanings Outside of Mrs. Barbara Darling of Albany This C junty ed M r. Isom's brother, D, I. Isom, J. T. Medey of Oaklaad, Ore., visit- Soon they will be m common as phon- spent last week visiting at the home Sunday, of her neice. Mrs. Hazel Moyer. cd hi* niece, Mr*. L. H. Armstrong, orgraphs. Kenneth Stone was the l uring tne montn ot octooer ton and the A. C. Armstrong home three pioneer of thi* section when he built Guests at the Wflbanka home Sun­ Portland police department made a Columbia river. The company in cap­ Miss Crawford, a returned miaaon- days last week, retuminig home his own outfit on the H. C Davis favra ary from the American Indians, gave day were Mrs. Willhank»’ father and total of 1898 arrests italised at 11.100.000. Thursday. a splendid lecture at the Baptist mother, Mr. and Mr». Davis her bro a couple of years ago. About two billion feet of virgin Tbs County Judges' and Commis- . g6* “ d C °' church both Friday afternoon and ther, Cloud Davis, and fam ily «1! limber, largely pine but with a sprink­ There will be a tree — moving pic Mr. and ***«•• Mrs. J. A. cievçnson Stevenson have of Albany, and her brother Harrv ho.d n ° f ° re*°n W “' nave evening. While here she was en­ ling of fir, In the Oregon National 8eMlon ,n Sa,ero Jan forest*, south of Friend In the south­ o rt j 0 < n i :aV h t I Mettoodist church gone to San Francisco for a stay w o* a tertained in the home of Mrs. C. E Davie of Lake Creek. M n ilflflV w b f f » L -S J ____ Monday night. If that doe* not month or two. Stanard. ern part of Waaco county, will be E. D. Isom and family spent Fri­ till the house nothing will. Bet­ Bond’» school census, as yet Incom placed on the market by the govern­ day evening at the S. A. Mills home Misses Ida and Amanda Mitzngr ter go early if you want a teat. plete, will show the city to have a Miss Helen Essex is visiting at the ment forestry service as soon as a listening to the radio. Children not admitted without spent the week end with their parents, C. J. Howe home this week. population of MOO, c ity Superintend complete cruise hat beau made. their parent*. J he murder of Mr. and Mrs. G. Mitxuer, Ida from ent Ager declares J. K. Rickard baa been spending Umpqua valley will have a bumper Sheriff Kendall and the bootleg teaching in Albany and Amanda from At the regular business meeting most of h>e time on his farm across W G. Flett, well known pioneer of crop of turkeys this year, according held at the Baptist church last Wed­ the river. business will be shown up. W. J. attending school at Monmouth. eestern Oregon, died at his homestead all r reports, and interest Interest already la nn Bnpk . . . . k ‘ ‘ to >11 r p o n * . ana Herwig, superintendent of the nesday evening after prayer-meeting, B. E. Cogwell of Portland i. staying i •« «he age of 81 ye™..“’ r° m I J"“ ,h ' Thanksgiving Guy Layton ana family came up Anti-ialoen Jeagde of Oregon, will the church voted to retain the pres­ from Salem Sunday and visited at H. ent pastor, Rev. M. S. Woodworth. at the ranch for a while, looking a f - . For the first time in more thàn a T h . Î u g i v l S ' " ^ ’t h i r y e i w.,1 « ’ talk. Zimmerman’s. ter hie sheep. year there is a large surplus In Sa- 1 ceed last year's crop by fully 10 per December 1, the Hunt club in Ash The Halsey Gun club ha* leased the The Albany Herald tells of a visitor Swale district will meet school- McCormick land know a* the “the Mr. -----...... an J Mrs. Robert iucuee McGee of , ........ — at the “- “ w .- or t Eu- n lem. according to otflclala of the fed ' cent, and the Christmas market w ill be equally excess of last year's. slash” and wants outsiders against from Prance who tried the Toledo nouse to decide upon the campaign for lF«ne are visiting Mrs. McGee's par eral employment office. climate and that of Albany but left the annual hi nt which is to follow, '«nts, .Mr. and Mrs Michael Rickard. trespassing there. At a recent meeting of friends and • Repeal of the state income tax. en- for San Francisco on account of the Mrs Charles Wolgamott left for ,Mr; Mf G?*J* recovering from an ot­ members of the Congregational church acted at the last session of the legls There will be a basket social at »he fog. He was here in the brief fog her home at The Dalles the fore part UC“ ° f typho,d ftver at Rainier it was voted to build a new lature and approved by the voters at Oak Plain* school house next Tues­ season. church to cost 120.000 on the site of a special election held November 6, In San Franisco he will find of the week. Her daughter, Mrs. day at 8 p. m. The public is invited fogs at all seasons, creeping in from Mrs. L. E. Bond snd son Lester of the present structure. »111 be urged through an Initiative pet­ and ladies are requested to bring bas­ the ocean, covering the city, then the Albert James, and little son, accom­ Albuny and F. M Bond and family Fire losses in Oregon for the month ition filed In the offices of the secre­ panied by Rev. M. 8. Woodworth took kets. of Springfield were guests at the E. of October exclusive of the city of tary of state by C. 6. Chapman, edi­ bay and traveling on over Alameda them up in his sedan D. Isom home Sunday. \ Portland, aggregated »1.037,«75, ac­ tor of the Oregon Voter. The peti­ county. W ’atch a boat coming from Tho entertainment at the opera Prof. Starr’s parents were here Alexander M. Pryor, who held var­ cording to a report Issued by W ill tion w ill go before -the voters of the house next Wednesday evening can Oakland in the forenoon in bright visiting the Starrs over Sunday. ious city offices at Harrisburg and Moore, state fire marshal. state at the general election In Novem­ bo anticipated a success. Teachers sunshine and suddenly it will plunge was widely known, died Sunday, aged into a perpendicular wall of fog and Mrs. Gladys Moore Burnett, wife of ber, 1924. and pupils do their beat at these af­ be lost to sight. Vitz Ramsdell, J. Landon and J. T. 98. He was buried in the I . 0 O Oeorge H Burnett, superintendent of There were four fatalities due to In­ fairs and Halsey has a habit of turn­ Wooddy were appointed at a Browns­ F. cem etery at Alford Tuesday the Warren Construction company, dustrial accidents In Oregon during ing out in full fores to encourage the Albert Foote traded his Chevrolet afternoon. was fatally burned at T aft a t the re the week ending November 15, accord­ youngsters as well as to enjoy their ear for a big Overland last week. He ville road meeting as a committee to suit of a coal oil explosion. ing to a report prepared by the state supervise the expenditure of road program. J. P. Kropf and family went to needed a heavier truck to tow autos fundi in the district. Special taxes Albany Sat nrday. The federal bureau of public roads Industrial accident commission. The that get stuck and »end in trouble 111 use funds left over from o th e rj vlctlnM wwe Cyril Avrlt. Black Rock.. of 1700 were voted. Mrs. Emeline Hassler of Santiam calls. Mr. Hawk and Mia. Clover of project* and complete the unfinished taller; Howard Peterson, brakeman.. Porks took her first ride on a ra il-' W. J. Moore got a cash p rig Springfield, who came to the Pryor Heels A. Stephens, Valseta,. road train last week, when she went portion of the Scottsburg Reedsport Waidp Mrs. A. C. Armstrong has been on and a blue ribbon for bloody funeral, spent the eveuing at the section of the Umpqua highway. ltoer, and uvioy Smith, Portland, boom, to Portland to visit a daughter. She the sick list a few days with a cold. butcher corn at the Portland fair. home of their sister, Mr». Lee is 77. In final settlement of the 1922 pool, man. A total of 642 accidents were» Mr*. J. C. Bramwell vialted bar Guy Bramwell has moved to Ingram. check* totaling »105,000 were mailed reported. A. C. Armstrong drove to his ranch M a, an employe at lb * (tale ho<- Brownsville and ia w orkinj in a Orville (Jpmeyer is working in a last week, by the Oregon co-operative Avard Fairbanks, head of the de­ at Oakland Saturday .returning Sun­ pital at Salem, Tuesday and ber sawmill. logging cam p at Marshfield. grain grower», according to a state­ portment of sculpture In the art school daughter, Mies Teraau, cstae day. Charley Dudley and John at the University of Oregon, la com­ ment by A. H. Lea, general manager. Bass accompanied him, looking after home with her. The 1 iter will Pine Grove P a t f p r c ! Wheat farmers in Kansas have Representatives of tho Union Coun pleting a design that will be a model: reeume her soaking at th> R»y a job of culling some timber. ----- -----L been hard hit, and that the bank* ty Oil compnny have »elected the Dua- for the trail-markers to he erected by nolde reataaraat. Cecil, eon of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. (Eaterpriee Coweepondenre) hrve Fone th« limit 4s, fry in g to help ran McDonald ranrti. three raffes (rom the Old Oregon Trail aeeoclatlon The» 1 S. A t tha poultry men's meeting in Hughes, of Peoria, was kisked by a The ladies of the Oakville church them “ evidenc«d by the fact that 2.7 Allcel, a* the site for tllolr first oil merttere will be of bronze, «« Inches horse and may die. Ribs were broken Albany Tuesday night the presi- will give a missionary pageant at the t*’em *r that state have failed this well, drilling of which will begin at in diameter, and will be placed on dent and secretary of the Pacific boulders at various points along the- by the blow and pierced the lungs. * ’ • re»ult of the farmers' wheat once. trail, according to the plan of the as­ Coast Co-operative Poultry Pro- Pine Grove church next Sunday at After serving through 40 months of A missionary offering will lx '0S3«*- sociation. Three radio outfits in town now dueere' association eaid that un- taken. the world war with the Canadian corps lees owners of 250,000 hear jwin Mystery that came to light when the- M. H. Shook and family vent to Al­ and coming through safely, Janies Mc­ wasted body of a woman whose skull the association the overhead k to go unmolested up of the Snehe river and agalnet ship­ Methodist: Peaches slieed fresh, put into a cold the river to the spswaiag grounds. Robert Parker, pastor. ment» from the seme territory te Se­ •t'ruP mao« of one part sugar to four Articles of Incorporation were fifed attle, Tacoma and Oraye harbor cities, Hundav School, 10. parts » » te r by weight, then sealed in with the state corporation department was evidenced again at Washington. Preaching, 11. tin cans and placed in cold storage by the Portland Pulp end Paper com- D. C.. when a petition of the Astoria Intermediat« League. 6:30. .a t the University of California, keep pnny, a new concern, which announce* Chamber of Commerce for a rehear­ Epworth League, 6 30. , ------------------- Indefinitely and come out looking and Prayer meeting Thursday, 7:30 ,h** 11 W|U bul,d • ,ar,e h1* “* on ,h« ing of the original case out oi which 1 tasting like perfectly frosh peaches. Preaching, 7:30. ' ’ j penlasnla In North Portland on the the differential grew srse dismissed Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Eagy attended Church Announcements