rrni.SRY k n 1ER PMISIt ••••«••«•••••«••***seen — G L O B E ALBANY r • Again we lead io »hawing first K thia big attraction • 4 DAYS, S T A R T IN G j Nov. 18 M r. an ! M is. Henry Bateman of Biownsville weie Sunday evening I guests at the H W Chance home Mr. and M r , ~ ’h a rk 7 ” jm k ,,, of | Biownsville spent Sunday with IL W Chance ^ n d wife. SUN DAY, With the High School Classic« than ' - ' i S T O C K M O L A S S E S ia barril» or rcl las» lot» O IL M E A L M ILL F E E D * EGG M ASH B R A N , O A T -.a W H E A T Chop S H E L L By M A R G A R E T BO YD North South No t k . n 3 7 a .u i. No. l7> ;2 l , p i 24, 4:28 p. ul. y . < ,, i , a.«i ’ 1 2s P I i t , 4.30 a. m. 21, H-J} Nos, 21 and 22 stop only if fiaggeV (© bv M arrarct Boyd.) “But life, being weary of these worldly S U N D A Y M A IL HO UR S bars. Better than the H o tten tot " T h e d e liv e ry w indow of . Never lacks powoc to dismiss Itself H a ls e y post office is opeu Sund« ■—Julius Caesar. DOUG G L L A A S S - “ GOING "Why 1« suicide held not to be UP" M a c L E A N in The Halsey State Bank last week right?" was one of the questions put S u n d a y m a il goes out o n . I was the recipient of some King apples to Socrate# during that last long talk You’ll laugh till you cry he had with hie friends while be the n o rth bound 11:37 tra in - from B. L. Cummings of Hood River, w ilted for his Jallrr to bring him the one dozen of which completely filled a * * * * * * * * * cloiing d,y cl0’iD cup of poison. . ” >. *®r,h ” »>ce, u « peach box. Cowing aeon According to Plato’s account, Soe- a. ra. and 5:30 p. m. Mail » i . .. i M r. and Mrs. W illiam Davidson of rates answered: " I suppose you won­ Brownsville. Crawfordsville and Brownsville passed through Halsey der why . . . when a man Is better Home leave» daily at 6,45 a in Sunday evening on their return from dead be Is not permitted to be bis own • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • benefactor, but must wait for the band W H Y T H E E D I T O R C U T S ’ Ingram Island, where they had been Sneed got his car too fa r from the of another . . . I admit the appear­ to visit their son, Bruce Davidson. center of the road and it turned over, SAVANT MEETS TROGLODYTES ance of Inconsistency, but there may T h e E n te rp ris e has been payii Howard Reeves of Eugene was in Mrs. Sneed, who wa3 with him, was’ not be any real Inconsistency, after all. more fo r lin o ty p e settin g J»te Halsey Sunday visiting his little sons, shaken up a little, but noi aeriously, Strange Black Race Visited In In this. There Is a doctrine uttered In D m « th a n its incom e w ill w a rra n t 1 (Continued from page 3) Wilis and Charles, who live with their and N. T. came out none the worse secret that man Is a prisoner who has out Cavea of African incom e m ust be increased a '|it t no right to open the door of his prison Arabland. J. W. Moore and fam ily spent A r grandparents, M r. and Mr». J. W. for wear. or ih e typ es ettin g decreased. Tl ” ------ ' I»*? and run away; this It a great mystery Rector. mistice Day in Albany. la tte r can be done and the san A. L. Falk came near losing a fin- Horace D . Ashton, a member of which I do not quite understand.” Postmaster Karl Bramwell was on G. Hamer and fam ily of Sagi Our western laws and churches hold a m o u n t of news given by om itijn ------, "when he got his hand badly cut the Explorers’ club of N ew Y o rk, D o n ’ t he sui the sick list last week Wednesdvy naw spent Armistice Day wi’ h Mrs. | in a woodsaw and may be unable to suicide to be wrong, and there Is a superfluous words. has returned afte r traveling in a and assistant Edythe Robnett was in Ham er’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chancy I save & general feeling that when a man com­ Pr >sea if the e d ito r cuts the word camel caravan through southern A l­ Charge of the office. E v e ry b o d y is c o rd ia lly invited mits suicide, he breaks the rules by . Sickels, at their home. I , giers into the land where the na­ which the game of life ie played. We H o m the an n ou n cem en t v f a pus isam Collins was a Lebanon visitor know that In e race, for example a lie m eeting . tives are known as Troglodyte». In T h e sentence doe VV ednesday of last week. ^onI o f aEupeMne8' , L het',T d ^ ’ F man Is expected to finish the course, not te ll a n y th in g that, was no this section of the world, when ‘ even though all the other runners have know n w ith o u t it. G. W. Mortshinweg had charge of white man rarely penetrates, are crossed the line an hour before him. the local Sw ift & Co., station while I Neal, Grace K irk and Georgia Clark from 160,000 to 300,000 black peo­ C opy for the pages th a t go ti To the bystanders there seems ne sense manager M. H. Shook and fam ily C. J. White and son Booth, accom- | ' U ! i ke part and muiic lover» who ple, he said, w ith features strangely In this. To them It seems that after press T u e sd ay is sent to the ivno went to Albany one day last week. *k jn to the Arab. 7 panied by C. E. Smith, came from g° eni° y 8 treat’ enough men have crossed the line to ly p « by the 6 :4 5 a. in. stage tl score all the points that can be scored B ro w n sville . T h e last copy goei I. . E. Walton and J. W. Moore had They live in dugouts in the c liff, the other runners should be allowed to at the same h o u r Wednesday business calling them to Corvallis last »nd gain th eir sustenance from i| step over the side lines and quit the W h a t comes in W ednesday week. crude grain fa n n in g and the meat race They cannot see any reason for used, ie set a t n ig h t by a m an with of goat, and lambs. H e declared making a man -- run chances of poor sight and w ith other work in J. W. Moore and fam ily were Salem ------------------- ---- « after . ci a all n cn an ceg or «cnHntz seem aoam over; but thé trainer . Mr. Serfling of Scio was in Halsey Mrs M r n j scoring sees th e office th a t occupies the day. that he discovered a sheik in D u ra t visitors Sunday. reason In the proceedings. Life Is fre­ lig h t hours. H e has to have rest c, “ “ r ; M • h“ p' r - m x - ^ho manifested an extreme fond- Dr. J. C. Booth of Lebanon was the quently likened to a race, and he cuts copy ru th le ss ly . ness fo r tin cans fo r decorative p u r­ vlaron Gormley, who is employed in granddaughter, Lavelle Palmer were guest of his sister-in-law, Mrs. D. H. Some people hold that the two cases *ny, came home for the week end. ¡Albany visitors Saturday. poses. Sturtevant, and fam ily Tuesday. are not analogous because the player The death rate from tuberculosis Among them were a number of enters a race voluntarily and we hu­ Helen Armstrong came home Friday M r. and Mrs G T r n h Prince Goodman of Albany, form ­ throughout the United States ha, man belnge are born into life without tins th at had been imported from * I , „ nrs’ G T ’ K ltchen drove er schoolmate of D. H. Sturtevant, noon from Eugene as th»r» ... our consent. Others hold that we do been cut squarely in h alf in fourteen the L nited States and still bore the called on the latter last week. enter life voluntarily. The latter be years. The reduction was from 200 labels placed thereon by American lieve, with Socrates and the Buddhists. deaths (per 100,000) in 1808 to 94 in 1923. Miss Clarice In the transmigration of the soul. They The little peuay Christina, seal ba, stock show in Portland last week. which was Saturday afternoon" be­ Insist that the soul that does not wish largely financed the campaign that They for life Is not reincarnated. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Snldgrass of tween Stanford and Eugene. She re ­ parents and brothers live. ~ ” ------ This la. of course, a subject about has made this marvelous progress to­ north of town attended the- Portland turned Sunday noon to be ready for were accompanied on the trip from Buy them. guest°of MrsMW.' H V c i X ^ 0 “ “ j ’ E , ? rd" e r a" d f “ m ily bU,i which nobody knows, though many may ward health possible. live stock show. school Monday as the University only speculate, trying to twist texts this had Monday afternoon for a holiday McMahan. 1 ness callers at Corvallis Saturday. B. M. M iller and wife were Browns­ way and that to suit their own h * O ld papers for sale at 5c a hunt llFfl. * ville visitors Tuesday. 11-?1 h |A ' C' Armstron* “ "<1 daugh- •t Ih e E n te rp ris e office. Mrs. Ida Smith of Portland «rflvm l shopping A’b" ny Saturday in Hulsey Saturday and is a guest of I Mra. J, W. Drinkard and husband. Mrs. H arry Conimonsjwras at Shedd X 2 ¡ A Riot o f C o m edy I H arry Bressler, accompanied by John Salash, Delos Clark and Carl H ill, drove to Albany Monday and a t­ tended the Abany-Corvallis high school football game. O. w . F R U M w ♦ * * Chopping done at any time : Ï A Lady of Quality • Jots and Tittles ¡j’.“ know“ L o o k s S u p e r io r Mrs. A. A. Tussing had bunines, calling her to Brownsville Thursday ? * T her m° ther- M rs' J- » ’ Wh° Stl11 qu,te sick- E. A. Whitbeck Visited at the M r. and Mrs. A. A. Tussing left for U r n o o n * ™ ’ ^ 0" ' h O w T h a n k s g iv in g S u u d s y , N o v. 25, Ten years later M r. Hayes the week end with Mrs. Robnett’, par c .L I" " /° r day’ Th*F Halsey. play, “The Wrong M r. W righ t.” « m e home m a new Ford roadster. was murdered in cold blood by a man *nd Mrs. Bowman o f Silverton called there w ill be speoial music, devo­ tions and a T h a n k s g iv in g address to whom he had sold a town lot with «t Leo Ingram ’s Sunday afternoon. The Junirs have ordered their clas M ‘w 'n Week We ment*°ned that D. g. C u r goal is 125 present. e promise that no intoxicants should rings. b!.» r ' T S C#me fr(,m A,bany ’ o 'ote Miss G enevieve W a lls gave M r and Mrs. Charlie Adams and be sold upon it and whom he charged hut faded to mention M r,. McWilliams N O T IC E with violating that agreement. That Vtolet Burnett of Portland spent the ta lk in the B ib le school on ” Mis-» is hh. V0U W ,i♦* HALSEY STATE ri? BANK > Halsey, Oregon C A P IT A L AN D SU R PLU S Idaho and Mrs, Edna Henry of Ptoa- ser, Wash. Two of the brother, were Alexander Finley of California, who w’th his w ife had been at the Ribelin home for some time: George Finley of Portland, who waa at the funeral, and H illla m Finley of Hermiston. Mrs Gertie Penfland of California i , a ______________ daughter and Frank Hayes ef the same state a son of the deceased $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 Commercial and Savmgs account, Sofciied Any Girl in Trouble £ n ,’“ n LW 01 A- y “ Shield Hems. «M M.yfsJr . v . bu ., PoHlse.l. O re^ n . Miss Lillie Rickard, who is attend­ ing school at Monmouth, spent the week end with her parents. Miss Thelma Ingram spent Friday S t o in ..With friend- Henrl* « a A ll the local student, of the d iffer ent institutions of the state took ad tlo^H*” WMk eBd a " d A rm i.- to"’ hT 'ida” aRd home for John Keeney of Portland was the t d iy guest of his niece, Mrs. J. W. Moore and fam ily Saturday. . ---------- — N g C ta a iT Y AND IN V IN T IO N A htunorish wU «.k^ te f t » ? " ,ajn ’* HU reply ww brisff. I gotta do i t ”—Louisville wr- Journal. s. “ • —-------- -— w,.h p*l.T*te7 ,nd *On’ of Cha, P. Poole and fam ily of Leben- , ow, L “ earlo«d of milch on. accompanied by Mrs. Poole’s tooth- X . to • v* ’ tock >arda F ri er, Mrs W>n Curtis, were H sls.y f j ® , “ * ' r hom* tow" ’ They were 'tu to rs Friday. w , *" «*ws by L F ' 'a l t on. • Modern Barber Shop Lauadrv sent Tuesday, tgency Hnb Cleaniag W ork, A BE S PLA C E Dead, i f fact is kaown to »ecretarv ai oaauier, not known. • Amount, J7o. Total, $70. Thia $70 I , represented by damai cf deP°«1* which was is, lum to W T. Me Pall on the 13th day of o vember. 1914 7 " State ef Oregon. ) Conn tv of Linn, ( ## de'noL Jnd 1Or' b* ' " t d9lT •’ * ' depose and say upon oath that I am tl Z r t ,h* ,,a )**F State Ban o( tialaoy, county of Linn, state of O egen . that the foregoing statement is toll, true, correct and com«’ .lets «tat menl showing the name L last kao>> £ . ’ to T v ° r F°,,cfT‘” «Mrea.'. me, fact and ,h i amot” ‘ to ■■ credit of each depositor, as required t ihe pro, iaion, of setion 10l«0-101fiJ ii elusive O re««, laws. D . Tavto n . th1 S.Uit o rdh*d i*!,d • wora to before m thts 9th day July, A D 1923. .. „ 8 M »oxri, Notary Public for Oregon. My commission eapires Sept 1,9 123