Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, November 15, 1923, Page 5, Image 5

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    Htreheimnaer To F f i * frfeh d e o a tie
evening of the 80th will long be re­
membered In catering dixies it took
place la a private room, and Mr. Her
ahelmmefa orders were brief and for
rthle. He gave carte blanche— and
when a millionaire gives carte blanche
ba usually gets It I
The Hat bi guest« was small and
select. The American ambassador, Mr.
Oerter, who had taken the liberty, he
said, of bringing as old friend, Sir
William Beresford, with him, Archdea
con Cowley, Dr. Hall, those neo youth
ful adventurerA Mlaa Prudeoce Cowley
and Mr. Thomas fe,-reeford. snd last,
hot not least, as guest of honor, Mlsa
Jane Finn.
To moat people the » th , the much-
heralded "tab o r Day," had passed
much as any other day. Speeches were
made to thb Park and Trafalgar
sqnare. Straggllsg processions, singing
the "Bed Flag," wandered through the
streets In a more or lass aimless man­
ner. A'Avspspen which had hinted at
Take the Train
p lu s D E P E N D A B I L IT Y
Low Round Trip Fares
reduce the cost of travel
On sa'e daily
L im it IS days
$3. 90
On sale Fri. Sat. it
Sun,, limited to Tue.
to P O R T L A N D
Low Round Trip Fares to
other points
Roomy, well heated and Ventilated
Whoa« flat?"
"to o think I mind aaylng It. bat T
don't la the least! Oars, se there"1
"fo a darting!" erted Tommy, hla
arm« tightly round her "1 was deter­
mined to make you say it. I owe yen
something for the reteetleee way yeu'vw
squashed ma whenever I've tried te he
aent I meatal."
Tuppence raised bee face te hla Tb«
taxi proceeded oa a raerse reond 1
north aide of Regent's park.
"You havCn't really propeeed n«w."
pointed out Tuppence "Net what euz
grandmothers would rail a prnpoaal
But after listening ta a rotten one like
Julius's, I'm Inclined te let you off.’
"You won't be able to get out of mar
ry tng me, ao don't you think of I t "
"What fun It will ba" responded
Tuppence. "Marriage la called all
sorts of thlnga a have*, and a refuge,
and a crowning glory, and a state of
bondage, and lota more. Bat do y
knew what I think It le t ’
equipment makes traveling on the
a general strike, snd the Inauguration
of a reign of terror, were forced to
Southern Pacific a pleasure.
"A sport 1"
hide their diminished heads. The bold­
You know that irrespective ol rain,
"And a d—d good «port, too," «aid
er and more astute among them sought
fog, snow or other unfavorable condi­
to prove that peace had been effected
IT H B E N D ]
by following their counsels. In the Sun­
tions the train can he depended upon
day papers a brief notice of the sud­
den death of Sir James reel Bdgertoo,
ern Pacific meu will look after your
the famous K. C„ had appeared. Mun­
Who w ill present cow No. 8 to the
day’s paper* dealt appreciatively with
the dead man's career. The exact man­
Farm Home at Corvallis]
Ask agent for a Southern Pacific
ner of hla sudden death was never
Have you ever shopped to think
time table and for information
made public.
regarding (ares, e tc ,, or write
Tommy had been right In hla fore­
what an absolute necessity milk is for
cast of the situation
It had been a
the growing child and have you ever
A tti stint Passenger Traffic Manager.
one-man show.
Deprived of their
realized how much milk it would take
Portland, Oregon
chief, the organization fell to pieces.
to properly nourish forty-six children':
Kramenln had made a precipitate re­
This is the number now being eared
turn to Russia, leaving England early
on 8unday morning. The gang wad
for at the Children's Farm Home
fled from Aatley Priors In a panic,
They must have all the milk they need
leaving behind. In their haste, various
for the mothers of the W. C. T. U.
damaging documents which compro­
whom is due the thanks and gratitude have entered into a solemn compact
mised them hopelessly. With these
of two great countries I"
with themselves that the children plac
proofs of conspiracy In their hands,
ed in their care shall have the real
aided further by a small brown diary
1 necessities of a simple home life.
taken from the pocket of the dead man
Suppose you sit down and consider
which had contained a full and damn­
And After.
ing resume of the whole plot, the gov­
“That was a mighty good toast, the quantity of m ilk required for this
ernment had called an eleventh-hour
Jane," said Mr. Hershelmmer, as hd family.
The answer to this Is cows,
conference. The labor leaders were
and hla cousin were being driven back cows and then more cows for there
forced to recognize that they had been
In the Rolla Royce to the R ita
will be twenty-five more children in
used a t a eat’s-paw. Certain conces­
"The one to the Joint Venturer’
the Home in a few weeks.
sions were made by the government,
"No—the one to you. There Isn’t an­
and were eagerly accepted. It wag to
other girl In the world who could have this the Orangemen of Oregon City-
be Peace, not W ar!
carried It through as you did. You asked fifty cents of each member and
But the cabinet knew by how nar­
were Just wonderful I”
with that purchased a fine Jersey
row a margin they had escaped utter
Jane shook her head.
with $160.00 and sent a delegation to
disaster. And burnt In on Mr. Gar­
“I don’t feel wonderful. A t heart present her ladyship to the Farm
ter's brain was the strange scene
I ’m Juat tired and lonesome-—and long­ Home.
A few days later Mrs C. S
ing for my own country.”
which had taken place tn the house In
Jackson of the Portland Journal, who
Soho the night before.
"That brings me to something I
He had entered the squalid room to
wanted to say. I heard the ambassa­ waa interested in the Hom« to the ex­
find that great man, the friend of a
dor telling you hla wife hoped you tent of a big heart and one thousand
lifetime, dead—betrayed out of hla
would come to them at the embassy dollars invested in the Portland cot­
own mouth. From the dead man's
right away. That's good enough, but tage now under construction, visited
pocket-book he had retrieved the Ill-
I've got another plan. Jane— I want the Home and realizing the barrels of
omened draft treaty, and then and
you to marry me I Don't get scared milk needed told the big Journal fam ­
there, in the prevnre of the other
and say no at once. You can’t love me
ily on her return and a agcond cow
three, It had been'1 reduced to ashes.
right away, of course, that's Impossi­
ble. But I've loved you from the very found Its way through their gifts to
, . . England was saved!
moment I set eyes on your photo— and the farm to delight the boys, who have
And now, on the evening of the 30th,
now Pre seen you I'm simply crazy each and all a big ambition to learn
In a private room at the Savoy. Mr.
“ It’s Her Handwriting, All Right.”
about you I I f you’ll only marry ma I to learn to milk.
Julius P. gershelmmer was receiving
That these cow»
his guests.
"That's why I sent the girls off to won't worry you any—you shall take will be groomed to the queens taste
Soon the supper party wna In full Sir James. I waa sure they'd fetch up your own time. Maybe you'll never goes without saying.
awing, and with one accord Tommy at the house In Soho sooner or later. f . T *
‘° Ve
• Dd *f th• t'■ the r * M
There are little children there who
was called upon for a full and com­ I threatened Julius with the revolver, »“ m’ n'« e t0, ,et >AU
# » « I ’ •»«
did not know the taete of milk when
because I wanted Tuppence to repeat ,be rl«ht ‘’ J 00“ n ,e r ,ou “ d
plete explanation.
they arrived.
The complexions of
“Tommy's been the good« thia trip! that to Sir James, ao that he wouldn't care of you.”
some vied with stong coffee which had
“Oh, Julius!"
And, Instead of sitting there at dumb worry about ua. The moment the glrla
"Well, I don't went «0 buttle you, been their dally beverage.
Theae are
aa a fish, let him banish hit blushes, were out of Bight I told Julius to drive
Jane, but there'e no eenae In waiting fading out into attraclve blonds un­
and tail ut all about It."
like h—11 for London, and as we went
abont. Don’t be scared— I shan't as­ der the use of milk.
"H ear! hear!”
Not only th-s
along I told him the whole story. We
"There'a nothing to tell," said Tom­ got to the Soho house in plenty of time pect you to love me all at once."
but their tired hungry eyes are flash
my, acutely uncomfo.-able. "I was and met Mr. Carter outside. After ar­ | But a small hand waa slipped Into
ing with vigor and their muscle«
an awful mug—right up »0 the time ranging things with him we went In . hla
| " I love you now, Julius," said Jane hardening with health with this child’s
I found that photograph of Annette,
and hi<J behind the curtain In the re- Finn.
Who w anti to seed
"I loved you the first moment In necessary food.
and realized that she waa Jane Finn. cea«h The poll cam«, had order, to aa, ~
another cow? I t will be welcome and
Then I remembered how persistently
If they were asked, that no one had CLeek
zhe had shouted out that word 'Mar­
r^ne into the houae. T hat's-all.’
J In fhV me. ntIro, the Tonn, xd T W . receive sock care a t cows seldom have.
guerite'—and I thought of the pic­
And Tommy came to an abrupt halt, turerg w#r#
ture«. and— well, that's that. Then of
There was silence for a moment.
,n , t#/
course I went over the whole thing
By the way. said Julius suddenly, j They
.„e ig h t
forebo r.
tn see where I'd made an ass of my­
you re all wrong about that photo- t0 look „ ea„h otber
graph of Jane. It waa taken from me, | At ,aft Tuppence made ,
"Oo on," said Mr. Carter, aa Tommy
Cash paid for
but I found It again.'
showed signs of taking refuge In si­
“Where f ' cried Tuppence.
"Rather fun, wasn't It I"
lence once more.
“In that little safe on the wall la
i •« '
“That business about Mrs. Vande-
Mrs Vandemeyer'a bedroom."
Another alienee.
meyer had worried me when Julius
"We all kept back something or
" I like Jullua" essayed Tuppence,
told me about It. On the face of It, ft
other," said Tuppence, thoughtfully. again.
seemed that he or Sir James must have
"I suppose secret service work makes
Tommy waa suddenly galvanized Into
done the trick. But I didn't know
you like that I"
which. Finding that photograph In
Mr. Carter rose te his feet.
"It hat been fun, hasn’t It, Tommy t
the drawer, after that story of how It
" I will give you a toast. The Joint I do hope we shall have lota mors ad­
had been got from him by Inspector
Venture which has so amply Justified ventures."
Brown, made me suspect Julius Then
Itself by success I"
"Tou're Insatiable, Tuppence. I’ve
I remembered that It was Sir James
It jva* drunk with acclimation.
had qu'ta enough adventure« fo r th«
who had discovered the false Jane
’’There's something more we want ' present,
Finn. In the end. I couldn't make up
Optometrist, with
to hear," continued Mr. Carter. He
“WeH shopping is almost as good."
my mind—and Just decided to take no
looked at the American ambassador. said Tuppence, dreamily. "Think ot
chances either way. I left a note for
r . M . F r e n c h s. S o n s
"I speak for you also. I know. We'll buying old furniture end bright car­
Julius, in case he waa Mr. Brown, as r
ask Miss Jane Finn to tell ut the story pet«. and fntwrlst silk curtalna and •
Ing I waa off to the Argentine, and I
that only Miss Tuppence has heard so polished dining tabla and a divan with
dropped Sir James' letter with the
Albaey, Oregon
far—but before we do so we'U drink lot« of cushion«— ’
offer of the Job by the desk ao that he
her health. The health of one of the
"Hold bard." said Tommy. "Whet'«
would see It wap a genuine stunt. Then
bravest of America's daughters, to all {hla Tor?"
. __
I wrote my letter to Mr. Carter and
rang up Sir James. And then I got a
bogus note from Tuppence—and I
Southern Pacific Lines
Cream and Produce Station
Cream, Poultry, Eggs, Veal
& Hides. M. H- SH O O K
Why HufTor from
Have your eyes
S. T . F R E N C H
"But how?"
Tommy took the note In question
from hla pocket and passed It round
the table.
"It's bar handwriting all right, but I
knew It wasn’t from her because of the
signature. She'd never spell her name
'Twopence.' but anyone who'd never
seen It written might quite easily do
so. Julias had see« It—be showed roe
a note of hers to him oece—but Sir
James hadn't I After that everything
was plain sailing. I aent off Albert
post-haste to M r Carter I pretended
to go away, hot doubled back again
When Julius cams bursting up In hla
car I fait It wasn’t part of Mr Brown's
plan- - and that there would pmbabl)
be trouble Unless Sir James waa ac-
tuall/^aught in the act. ao to spook. I
k D « Mr Garter would never bell*'»
It at him on my unsupported word—”
'T didn't," Interposed Mr. Carter,
/ ^ b a n y c£/)irectory
(Continued from page 1)
T h ia ia good advice: “ I f you lire
J. W. Stephenson went to Eugene
in Albany, trade iu Albany ; if you live
in tome other town, trade in that town. " Sunday for Armistice Day.
Rut in theae automobile daya many re­
siding elsewhere find it advisable to do
E. S. Hayes has gone to the Alaea
at least part of their buying in the
larger town
Those who go to Albany country to take n summer vacation in
to transact business w ill find the firms the fall.
named below ready to fill their require
m enu w ith courtesy aa 1 fairness
Nobody can have the front to com­
A Ibany Bakery, 321 L yo n street,
Fire Insurance Co.
Hay is worth ju st as much in storage aj
you might get for it in case of fire. Th ?
American Eagle Fire Insurance compan fi
will pay you 85% of the cash value in easel
of loss by fire.
C. P . S T A F F O R D , A g e n t,
plain of rain afte r the weather we
- * Best one pound loaf ol bread made. have had all full.
5 cents.
Wedding cakes to order, I For the first time since 1920 |.inn
county warrants on the general fund
Ib a n y
Electric Store. Ba« i » sre being cashed ss presented.
F.lectncwinng. Delao Light
Linn county egg producers w ill
meet in Albany Nov. 20 In the in-
A Ibany Floral Co. Orders tilled tereats of the co-operative marketing
* * carefully for everywhere or snv of egga in New York.
G lxkis W illabp
W m . riopitcH .
time. Flowers, wire anywhere in U. S.
or Canada. Flower phone 658-J.
- a bake
b a k e r" and " S t a r ” automobile!,
d eaerai repairing and supplies.
T, Hockensmith.— Lloyd 1 empie too.
D lu e Bud Restaurant, 309 Lyon
street Eat hare when in Albany.
Open from 6 to 8 and 5 to 8
Mas. B lount .
B r u n s w P H i at O c N k O
The federal department of agricul­
” Stud«- ture says there are 57,000 wild deer
in Oregon and the largest herd in th«
state is in the Snntium national for­
Clarence W illiams of Lake creek
has the winning Whit« Leghorn hen«
in the county for September in the
egg laying competition. His 300 hens
averaged 17.66 eggs a piece for the
All the county courts in counties
carrying on agricultural extension
r c ficq
work through county agents, with a
Albany, Oregon single exception, have made provision
512 West Stcond street
for continuation of the program. Th«
single exception was Linn county.
W O O D W O R T H 'S
D .
astburn Bron.—Two big grocery
stores, 212 W. First and 225 South
A large attendance of teachers is
Mam. Good merchandise at the right expected at the district institute a t
the Halsey high school building next
J. F. Bursch of O. A. C.
We mail them right back to you.
will deliver two addresses and much
Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, O r­
good is hoped for from the gathering.
EMma developed
printed. Saturday.
F irai garage going north.
Tires, accessories, oils, gasoline,
repair work.
That noise on the streets the night
after the election was made by the
Harrisburg hooters. T heir own home
city was not large enough to hold all
ENood’a dry good« store ia the beat their exhuberant Joy and they spread
place in Albany to buy dry goods, it by autos all the way to the county
furnishings and notions. Service la our scat.
A t O. A, C. Kenneth Cross Is out
ror freshman basketball. Cross ia on»
Your photograph
of 71 shooters who appeared in bas­
Clifford's Studio
J.U West First street ketball clothes for the first practice
of the year. When the aotive season
starts the squad w ill be reduced t<»
Tires and accessories
about 20 men.
K ibsl -P o llà k Muroa Co.
Foley Swyter, bootlegger with free
CYirliniller Furnitute Co., lum i. board awaiting in the Linn county Jail
and sundry other similar institutions
while on the way to Portland from
Corvallis in charge of an officer from
all'e Floral and Music Shop the latter city made his escape in A l­
<Jood service and prompt delivery bany and is, as usual, "wanted" by
ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges.
Punersi directors. 427-45J west First
street Albany, Oregon.
oa cat flowers snd to ral designs.
Phone 1 &*• t
the police.
M r. and Mrs. A. M. Taylor, who re­
ub Cleaning Work«, Inc.
Cor. Fourth and Lyon cently bought the H arry Nebergall
Master Dyers and Cleaners
property in Sunrise, have moved her«
Made - T o - Measure Clothes
to make their home.
They have been
M agneto
electric co .
All kinds of electric apparatus re-
laired. Coutcrvstive prioea
A ll work
ully guaranteed.
119-121 W. Seen I
L flen and money are best when
-" A l»usy. Make your dollars woik in
residing near Halsey and their son,
Percy O. Taylor, whose wedding was
nn event of last week, will live on th *
farm .— Albany Herald.
A number of Halsey rotas were turn­
ed against thn bridge bonds by the
our savings ¿apartm ent A ta a N V STaTB
11 a UK. Under government supervision circulation of the falsa assertion that
the state would build th* bridges If
th* counties did not contribute. De­
Oakland and Jewett cars
feat of the bonds would have left te
Supplias and accessories
First and Baker Sta.
Albany, Oregon IJnn county the disgraoe of having
the only ferry to delay traffic on th e
^fforton A Speer Service Com. Pacific highway.
iller Motor Rales
The leading headline in the Enter­
First and Lyon prise Thursday evening said: ’"Incom»
Most of the other pap­
u rp hy M o to r Co. Bniok and Tax Wins.”
Chevrolet automobiles. Tires and ers that day and the next proclaimed
teoor tea.
that the measure had bean defeated.
’Albany, Oregon. Phone 200
There was a majority of the counted
eni entate. M oney to loan. A ll vote against it, but all of Portland's
vote had been counted snd the Enter­
kinds ci insurance written.
Call on J. V I’ira,
prise had faith that the “cow coun­
Albany State Bank Building
ties” would destroy the city majority.
oscoe ames hardware They did.
Headquarters tor good tires
Phone 65
122 W. First at
0 o i lb ’ k r t ’ a s o n
Cbinaware and g ift shop
1 » Weal First
B R O S,
fruits, produce, 2.15 Lyon street
We sell greocriee snd
Buy cream.
Phone 26 IK
The identity of “ M r. Brosvn" is re­
vealed in our story this week.
Vandemeyer had virtually admitted
that she knew him and feared him,
snd was afraid, when she agreed to
sell her secret to Tuppence.
That hie
groceriw, mysterious efficiency would discover
Second street, opposite nem ilton'i
"Sodden Service*'
A m e ric a n E ag le
J°ts and Tittles
her perfidity. Now you can see why
the was stricken wtth terror and col­
lapsed when, looking over Tuppence*
head, she saw Sir Janies and Mr.
Htrshenner and w hr. alter drinlz-
ng from a glass that had passed
through the hands of Sir James, the
went to sleep and never awoke.
A n d e rs o n A R o n . distrib­
utors sad dealers (nr Maawell, Chai
mera Esees. Hudson A llnpmobsle cart. I t it now known beond a dobut that
Acreaeoriea. Supnliee. 1st A Broadalbin
ertaln sections of Linn county be­
lieve Albany hae been selfish snd un-
mlr Jful of the welfare of all but her­
It It to be hoped
veyt eh»walh«t«2% of all children be
Albany has acquired the "Put-your-
iwees the ages ol sis sod aisteea have
defective eyes
■elf-in-hit-place" spirit that wilt work
Moat ot three rh ild re a a rt being
for the benefit not only of the out­
forced to do school work ««der the haa
side communities but also of Albany
,licap of a coesuat aervoaa atraia caeaed
Mi ws that coat less per month ol wea
by eeglect of eves that seed help. Aed
t e
Sucre i t of Use
the p itifa l part i f that the pareate' ig
bridge bond measure, and the cam­
sorsaf« ot the caadiliaa does aat save
paign that preceded it, have had much
the child from the penalty he is c m
to do with breaking down barriers
•U n tly paying.
bought, sold and eachavged at all tin e s that had always stood In the way of
a unified Linn county.—Albany Demo­
B E N T. S U D T E L L
Optomatrutz M saafectenag OpUciaae
Phone 76-R, 111 N. Broadalbin st, A llan )
Albany, Oregon
(Contlauad on pace *) a ^1
Carefully Conducted Snr-
Meade & Albro,