Halsey enterprise. (Halsey, Linn County, Or.) 19??-1924, November 15, 1923, Image 1

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c f ) ;\ J J
i r t lM no*
NO. 8
Brief Chronicles of Happenin'^ in Halsey and All
______ __
Over Linn County.
Brownsville Briefs
Shedd Snapshots
(By Ralph Lawrence)
By Anna Pennell}
Western Newspaper L'nion's Gleanings Outside of
______________ Tins Cjunty
ed the stock Ihow.
M- S. W o o d w o rth , Jess*
T. J. Dannen and son Carl attend-
Delma Wahl was home o»er the
Green and wife and Joseph Cord
He shares the good things w ith ingley attended the state confer,
week end from O. A. C„ where she
Mr. and Mrs. E. Abraham were in
John S. Herman has been appointed
euce of m inisters at Portland last Eugene Thursday.
attemh, the school of home economics. a il neighbors who corns to hear
postmaster at Clarno, Wheeler couc
8ince page 2, w ith mention of week.
Jack Wright, an Albany barber re­
The volume of product* canned by
Mrs. W. D. Porter went to Port­
next S aturday’s teachers’ insli-
John Bland and his niece, Mre.
’ he Ashland Preserving company w ill
ceived a dollar of the coinage of 1795 ute was p rinted announcement
The annual meeting of the Douglas
land Wednesday to visit the F. H
, be at least 50 per cent greater thia
the other day in his business and sur­ .has beeu made th a t Dr. Dan E. canny Iim p e rle y, intend starting Porter family.
CouBty Taxpayers' league will be held
Tear than during any former year, and
prise has been expressed because it C lark, of the correspondence study
try , England, to begone about six
j the entire product has been told. An
Mrs. K. Robson and Mrs. Agnes
did not bear the motto “In God We department of the U. of 0 . exten- months.
The plant and equipment of the
Investigation will probably sio service, w ill be a speaker.
Clark were Eugene visitors Friday af­ Haines Record, a weakly newspaper average of 75 persons were employed
during the season.
S'’ Garrison took a carload of ternoon.
show that that motto was first placed
Published at Haines, was destroyed by
Misses Brock o f Lake creek Ash Swale Jersey cows to Vernon,
The Clatsop county court w ill open
on coins when Lincoln was president.
Mr. and Mra. L. E. Pennell and fire.
have sold the confectionery bnsi. w ash., and on hie way back a t­
bids December < on the construction
Large shipments of stock were made
Coming from Portland, Saturday, ntss they conducted at H arrisburg tended the livestock show a t P ort­ family went to Pendleton Friday to
( of • reinforced concrete bridge across
from the upper Wallowa valley. >2 car­
visit friends and relatives.
a Mrs. Kinzel lost control of her car
( the Necank-um river on Broadway at
A. A Tossing has a letter that
loads being shipped from Enterprise
at the W. F. Carter place and it swer­ came from Germ any. I t bears
Seaside to replace the present struc-
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Abraham left and Joseph.
M r, and Mrs. J. G . Auderaon,
ved, crossed the ditch and brought up three postage stamps, e,eh of tbs
i lure, which It reported to be in a
who started M onday fo r th eir
The Southern Pacific company re­ dangerous condition.
against an apple tree.
Damage denomination of 1,000,000 marks. home at Palo A lto , C a'., a fte r a nia, for Mrs. Abraham’s helth.
ported to the Oregon public service
about $25.
An oil lamp, knocked from Tli* F s n J i
Tuesday evening the c ity conn- business trip to Saskatchewan,
Miss Dorothy Satchwell of Mon­ commission that it has a shortage of
of Henry LInster, manager of a re-
discussed graveling streets th a t Lan,, report people leaving th a t mouth was home over the weekend approximately »to cars.
County Clerk B. M. Russell, Jus-
igrt at East lake, near Bend, aa he was
tie of the O n c e Victor Olliver and need it and ordered a cement cross, Part of C an ad i by hundreds. visiting her mother.
The Eastern Oregon Light * Power passing through a low doorway, d a rt­
irOn‘ ° f A '
H i il # reg*’ Crops seemed to bo pretty fair, but
C. J. Shedd, who has been on about d ’nc.
Edith Pugh and Ralph Malson came company has tiled with the public ed a fire, which resulted In «20,000
the farm ers can g. I no money for
every election board for twenty-five
them. C attle are selling for <10 a home Wednesday evening from Port­ service commission application for re damages. The hotel, bath-house, boat­
B M. Bond and family, accompan­ head and other stock in propor­ land.
years, completed the official count of
valuation of its properties.
house and 1» boats were burned.
Tuesday’s vote Wednesday evening— ie d by Mrs M. C. Bond, were in Al­ tion.
Fire broke out In the basement of
r 1
Mr. anS Mrs B? H. Nortn* and
Members of the Ku Klux Kian from
the quickest count in the record of bany Friday.
Linn county.
d "fi
" ahI waa a Passenger for
Wednesday of last week and
In the boys’ and girls’ stock judg- “J 1
mg contest at the International show attended the live stock show.
at Portland, the Linn county team
Mr. and Mrs. James Bond of Al­
won third place. King county, Cali­ bany passed through Halsey Monday
fornia, and Whitman county, Wash­ on their way borne from Eugene.
ington, tied for first place with 2280 I hey were accompanied the rest of the
points each.
Clackamas county was "a y by Mrs. Bond’s brother, John
second with 2270 and Linn came third Keeney, who had been in Halsey for
with 2240.
a few days.
W illia m Clarenc and two sons
and W illia m Wagner parked their
autos here last night on ihe w ay
• rom th e ir homes in Yakim a to
the naw Baptist church at Corvallis
M r. and Mrs. V ic to r Coshow of daughter went to Salem to attend the and before If wet subdued had done
F ortlaud spent Sunday wiHi V ic ­ home-coming.
damage estimated at «10,000.
to r’s parents at Ash Swale
A number of Brow..»ville people
have formed a • C hristian A l l i ­
and are b u ild in g a ta be r­
nacle on the lot n o ith of Lon
ly c e r’s. T his nnkea- six bouses
of worship in B ro w n tv il'o
does seem as though the 'good
people of Brow nsville ought to be
H. F. English and family went to pretty sure o f themselves before
,m gt ne f riday eve,line and remained they go to p ullin g away from th e ir
HU Monday as guests of Mrg EHz> home churches io follow some­
th in g new.
beth English.
C J Shedd sad
T. IL C. Rratfirld
every section of western Oregon gath­
ered In Salem on the occasion of tha
first ceremonial of the organliatlon
held in that part of tha data. Officers
of the klan estimated that between
5000 and «000 persona participated In
the ceremonial.
Work I t being rushed on the McKav
drove to Portland Thursday to attend dam near Pendleton. About 200 men
are employed and double shifts are be
the stock show.
log used on tunnel and rock work.
Helen and Stanley Satchwell went
Tuesday’s special election In Oregon,
George Neuner of Roseburg, until
o Salem to attend home-coming.
which resulted In approval of the in recently district uttorney of Doug
Mrs. L A. Coates was a business come tax law, cost the taxpayers of la* county, who ha* been at McMinn­
the state between «75.000 and <100 - ville investigating the finances of
visitor in Albany Saturday.
Lake Creek Locals
(Enterprise Correspondence)
The Hood River Traffic association
composed of all fruit shippers In the
county, have petitioned rail lines to
adopt a practical smergency rate on
Yamhill county Is in Astoria to assist
• he prosecuting attorney of Clatsop,
county in Investigating a number o t
bootlegging eateg.
walnut* this year are o f
Rev. M r. Ford of Lebanon lad
Bro. White of Peoria preached to a
higher quality than ever before, ac­
C. R. Evans went to Portland Fri­ the c o lt ige prayer-m eeting Tnes- congregation Sunday morning and
Five hundred Knights of Pythias cording to report* received at thw
Mrs. H . T. Sneed has been help­
day mormnig and met Mrs. Evans day night.
from southern Oregon attended a dia offices of the Oregon Orowers Co-oper­
ing Mrs. Reynolds in the restau­ who had just returned from eastern
trlct convention of the order at Med ative association at Salem
It wsa
ran t this week.
The report cards fo r the firs t
A Thanksgiving service at eleven ford at which 70 candidates were in
Oregon and together they visited the
will be held at the church.
The latest word from the A. J. ¿tock show.
crop ha* been contracted, at prices
out last week. The usual number
H ili p tr tv Ciroo from Im perial
of long f'aC¿ ." w e r 7 ;9eU; U; ‘b ‘LUt,nth .r a J° hn ° We" and
of «a rris
Dr Esther Pohl Ixivejoy. Portland satisfactory to the producers.
Mrs. G. C. Osborn of Portland,
va lle y, in the southeast corner ol
physician, has been decorated with the
Sufficient digging .< the ma<s crop
niece of the late Mrs. Ribelin, was in
C '.liforhie,
mings home Sunday.
legion of honor by the French gov of Oregon potaloee had bean done by
Halsey on Monday at the funeral.
H C. D iv is has ceased to be as
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Pcnland have
extrem e an early riser a t hg was
Bounds by radio keep him up 1st . gone to California to visit their son
Hugh and family at Berkeley.
Mr. and Mrs. Mart Bilyeu were
•Sunday guests at the R. L. Bilyeu
W e H ave
every thing
O ptical
Is the Came of Many
If your eyes give yon trouble or
your glasses are annoying
SEE US. We can Relieve You
Bancroft Optical Co.
313 1st St. W. Albany. Phone
F. H. Porter returned from Port­
end Monday evening and his car of
Red Polled prize winners came in on
a late train.
Mr. Porter’s cattle
to^ik eve rything in sight at the In­
ternational live stock exposition, and
he sold a number to other breeders
In the car with his cattle on their re
turn was a young Herford bull for J.
S. McMahan, purchased while at the
| Show.
(Continued page 3)
Good Appearance and —
Service in Children’s Hosiery
Qualities so badly wanted and difficult to
find, are characteristic of
A llen A
C at
? ¡Jpedsrzinf H we do in hosiery of quality for the entire
family, it is a pleasure to offer you the service of this
•tore when the time cornea for you to select. All sizes
Ip, Silk, Wool, Lisle or Cotton for yourgelf, or the
children, are ready.
fiv e bars each C rystal W hite, Classic, Playmate and
P 4 0 , and 1 pkg. Sea Foam free~
W ill Hayes gave up his tr ip
ernment for her hospital service dur
T. J. Jackson and wife are planning log
the war.
the east and came back because he to spend the minter months in Cali­
found too much snow jn Iron
his auto.
of fornia.
Work on the market read is pro­
M f>. C. Schute has b” en nun-. gressing rapidly.
' " g ,: Mr* S P 1»'* Thompson at
Many friends of William Shepherd
(From last week's Times)
A new restaurant will be officially
epened Sunday next Nov. I t In the
old Venner store building on Spaulding
avenue and will be known as the Gol­
den Grille. W. F. Jennings of Port­
land, the owner, is the chef, and he is
taking over the hotel dining room
Operating and maintenance of way
officials of the Southern Pacific sys­
tem are expected to arrive this week
on the usual pre winter Inspection trip
of the lines of Oregon.
One hundred and sixty three car
attended the burial service at Pine
loads, or approximately 79,900 head of
Grove Wednesday.
central Oregon lamha. have been ehlp
J. W. Evans is adding a new kitchen ped out of Bend this tall to be fatten
to his house.
Milt Young ia doing ed for Ihe spring markets.
the work.
The dryeet fell in the 52 years dur
Helen Williams spent the week end •ng which rainfall records have been
at her home here.
k«P» by the United States weather
Jay Swytcr is moving his house
J. C. O'Reilly, owner of the Browns-
ville-Albany stage, waa in this city
Mis. Martin Cummings ia visiting
Monday, and informed the Times edi­ in Corvallis this week.
tor that the stage line between here
and Albany would be discontinued on
Norinan Mason'thorse took fright at
November 17th if business out of
Brownsville did not pick and justify •omeihia and ran away at Harrisburg
after dark Saturday and attempted to
the operation of the stage.
take the ferry, but the boat wasn’t
Today ground waa broken on the there and the animal drowned.
Eggleston lots on Kirk avenue for the want that bridge.
erection of a large tabernacle which
it is estimated will seat over one thou­
Mrs A. C. Armstrong and Helen
sand peope.
The structure will be were shopping in Albany Friday.
built of lumber and will cost approxi­
mately <1250, the carpenter work be­
ing donated.
bureau, with only one exception. Is
the present season In Portland.
November 1 to Indicate that the aver­
age site of the tubere will be much
below normal, which will reduce both
yield per acre and percentage of mar
ketablo tubers. In some field* the
potatoes are ao small that the crop
will probably not be dug.
Grappling with a supposedly rabid
coyote which had attacked him. Ken­
neth Edwards of Fort Rock, 14 years
old, held the animal until hi* father.,
W illiam Edwards, kilted it with «a
club. The boy was badly bitten and
waa brought to Bend to take the
pasteur treatment. Deschutes national
forest men believe there I* danger of
a serious outbreak of rahlee In central
The Portland Railway, Light A pow
Miss Bernice Cameron, manager of
• r company has been granted a fren
chlse by the public service commie the Medford office of the Postal Tele­
elon to construct a pole line along lb« graph Cable company, has received
Columbia River highway between Port­ word from the executive office* in
New York that «he won In the semi­
land and Scappoose
annual banner contest which the com­
M aty Seymour, the last of the Wasco
pany offer* to It* successful managers
tribe of Indians, which once inhabit
In each district.
The territory In
ed the heeln where The Dalles Is now
eluded In the district In which Misa
located, and from which Wasco eoun
Cameron competed Include* Oregon,
•y wes named, died at The Dalles at Washington and Montana.
the age of U g years.
Preliminary hearing* were held at
One hundred and twenty-nine mills
Bend before State Engineer Luper In
reporting to the West Coast Lumber the adjudication of tha water rights-
mens association for the week to of the Deschutes river and Ite tributar­
November 2 manufactured 10»..754.044
ies. The adjudication will make water
feet of lumber, told 97.901.099 feet and
right* in Central Oregon a matter of
Those who are aceing on the com-
shipped 102.915,97« feet.
definite, permaaeat record, and w ill
•nittee of trustees are: W. L. Uber, W
An extension of time to July 1, prove of great value In tha develop­
C. ETtnore, Mrg. Ed. Holloway, c ír.e
i»24. has been granted the Southern ment of thia region, aa It will assure
Cochell and Will Kirk.
Pacific for construction of the Maple
for all times just how large a water
ton Cushman reed, which It being re supply user* can depend on for th *
built to replace the one taken at a future
roadbed for the Coos Bay line
The Thanksgiving turkey market
J- R. Odell, a free lance writer, was
The constitutionality of the law re­ opened at Roseburg when a buyer pur­
with a party bound from Yakima for
quiring a county to return to a city chased a carload of prime birds at 25
Ix>s Angeles that camped In town
1* per cent of the road taxes collect
cents a pound. The turkeys w ar*
Tuesday night.
Mr. Odell's father,
ed on property |n the city limits Is to shipped to Hartford, Conn T he birds
R. P Odell, was grubstaked by New
be tested In a suit brought by the city making up this carload were obtained
'“ork parties to gu^to Stoekton gold
of Astoria against Clatsop county
In the vicinity of Yoncalla and Oak­
mining in 1850.
Beihg taken with
The Cottage Grove city council and land and ware choice fowls. It la
fever and ague he came north by wa­
Church of Chriet:
the forest service practically have ar
anticipated that the price this year
ter and regained hia health helping
Lon Chamlee, minister.
rived at an agreement whereby the will be 25 to 27 centa. Douglas coun­
run the ferry acroas the mouth of the
Bible school, 10, W. H . Robert- sale is permitted of about two billion ty's crop w ill ba about 10 per cent
" illamette.
Then he went east, son, superintendent.
feet of timber upon the Laying creek greater than laet year. It la estimated.
married and raised a family, of whom
Morning worrhip, 11. Lord’e watershed, which supplies the city.
Laxity in business methods, illegal
J K. waa one.
The old gentleman supper every Lord's day.
Officers of the Tillamook County transfer of Yamhill couaty general
never ceased to tell people in his east­
Christian Endeavor, 6:80.
Creamery association have requested funds to three road funds and dis­
Evening service, 7:30,
ern home of the wonderful advantages
the public service commission to
sension between couaty official* were
of the Willamette valley.
The church without a bishop in
sue an order competing the Ameri- found In the administration of Yam­
The old ferrym an offered Odell a the coun.ry without a king.
hill cokaty finances. In a report re­
C,B Kell way E sp rits company to ex
H you have no church home tend Its free delivery sone In the city
deed to 1000 acres where now ia
turned by the «read Jury at McMinn­
East Portland i f he would m arry come and worship with us «
of Tillamook.
ville. No criminal charges were made.
his daughter, who had fallen in
Ai«eaM« valuation ot piupony ia Finding* of the special grand Jury
love w ith him , and settle down io
Oregow, eaduelve of public utlllti««. Indicate Yamhill coanty la Jn deeper
Robert Parker, pastor.
thia year aggregate! 2U,«7»,»«u 14 Io ate Kaanctal itr n k t The rinding* dis­
partnership w ith him in the ferry
Sunday School, 10.
excess of the valuation* laet year, ao- close the fact th t the county has a
Preaching, 11,
corulag to a statement prepared by net deficit of outstand lag warraats ot
Itelma Wahl and her cousin, Meta
Intermediate League. « 30.
the state tax commlstioner, Valua­ «*•.771*4. which Is declared to ba
, Smith, came home Friday from Cor-
Epworth League, 6:30.
tions as reported by the assessors la more than »41.000 allowed by law. Tha
vallis where they attend school, and
P ra y e r m eeting T h u rs d a y , 7 30 • II cowatlne ot the slate total 2*01..
total liabilities of the county are <154,-
¿returned Monday afternoon.
Preachin g, 7:30.
•12 U . with the aaeeta totaling |1«|,<
< hurch Announcements