\ T — FACH 4 HA USE Y E N T E R P R IS E NOV. I. IM» having. C. J. Belding and C. C. Wil- lion of Buhl, Idaho, on their way to the property is told, unless the pro- Hacramento, were among those here ceeds of the sale should cover the loan, over Saturday night and they told of ALBAVY the difference will stand as a judg- High (laaa Photoplays Only ' ment against the defendant, Wood. m u g an auto .truck oy a street car *?,D*ri,Tr*. iA*. > the court order specifies. SUNDAY—MONDAY smashed to bits, while two old ladies _ l « Mrs. . . . A. C. Armstrong was in Al- in it escaped any aerioua injury.. Nov. 11-12 »••••••••••••« G LO BE shipped in a car the .-harge of Mr. Porter's Porter of Shedd. M lli Well, . Africa who ig home on same day in brother. Will roUlioaary u furIoU(fh ,eft iud 'he f*r,t °f 'he week for eastern Ore­ 3 * gon on a lecture tour. .y f u t o m o / 'd e and t r a c t o r ¿ /R e p a ir in g Fisk and Gates T ir e , and Tubes.— We now have in stock the Fisk 94 .»Ox 31-2 fabric tires for $9. Be sure to investigate our lin e , and get our prices before buying. • Automobile accessories, Ford parts, oils. W illa rd battery service.station. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis. Veatch were BUMPTIOUS AUTOS ; W arner Brea. Classic A series of wrecks on tHh highway Mrs. Harry Commons was called to Cottage Grove visitors the first ot the Trouble calls given in and near Halsey has occured dur­ J I the bedside of her mother, Mrs. J. B. week. of the Screen prompt attention I Sprenger of Shedd, Thursday of last Mrs. W.A.Falk received word Wed­ ing the last week in which several Telephone 16*5 FOOTE BROS. Props. : i week. Mrs. Sprenger is improving nesday of the death of her father, J. autos were quite bodly damaged, but • | and it is hoped she will seen be up C. McNees, at Cerstairs, Alberta. Mr. no one seriously hurt. The first with • I again, McNees waa for several years resi­ happened about the middle of the MONTE I FLORENCE week near the Calapooia bridge, north Quincy Drinkard of Elmira, Waah., dent of this vicinity, having at one of Shedd, when the Henry truck ran Robnett spoke on the subject “Mission­ BLUE | VIDOR HALSEY RAILROAD TIME time owned the farm new occupied by arrived Friday for a visit with hit A great book— a greater pioture N orth South off the grade after the lights had ary Work Among the Russians” and H. K. Suyter, west of town. sister, Mrs. D. Taylor. On Satur • * * * * * * * * * * * gone out. The occupants were pretty made a very interesting talk. No. 18, H ;J7 a. m . x o . 17. 12:15 p. m. day two other sisters, Miss Anna A goal of 25 persons added to tha Miss Mona Bond, teacher of the badly shaken up, and the car badly a Watch for 24, 4:28 p m. 23, 4.28 p. in. Drinkard and Mrs. Ike Taylor, arrived fourth, fifth and sixth grades of the wrecked. church by primary obedience before “ G O IN G U P .” 22, 4:30 a m. 21, 11:32 p. in. from Washington ^Iso. public school, gave a party at the The next occured about a mile north June 30 ^iext year was set at the Nos, 21 and 22 atop only if Ragged ♦ ••••a 99999999999999999999 The W. F. M. S. of Qie local Metho­ schol-hoase Hallowe'en for her pupils. of Halsey when a truck and a small evening service. One little girl canie dist church met Friday afternoon at Games were played and a general good touring car came together with the at the close of the sermon and made SUNDAY M A IL HOURS the home of Mrs. L. C. Merriam, with time enjoyed. result that the latter was placed off the good confession and will be im­ twenty members present. Two new to one side of the road, but again the mersed into Christ next Lord's day. The delivery window of the Mrs. Andrew Brown treated her pu­ The sermon for next Sunday night Halsey postoffice is open Suudaye (Continued fro m page 3) members, Mrs. J. W. Clark and Mrs. pils of the seventh and eighth grades damage was all confined to the auto­ is “What is a Christian ?” You wi 1 from 10:50 to 11 a. tn. and 12:15 A1 Suyter. w’j > ^escaped iro n t h Henry Zim m erm an, were taken in, to a good time Hallowe'en when she mobiles. county jail about a year ago while The lesson, under the leadership of The last of the series happened Fri­ want to know what the Scriptures to 12:30 p. m. gave them a party at the school serving a booze sentence, was identi­ Mrs. Arthur Foote, was much enjoyed house. All welcome. day when two Fords, one owned and teach about this. Sunday mail goea out only on fied last week when arrested at Scio by *11. Lon Chamlee. • driven by C. O. Mays of Lake Creek iho north bound 11:37 train: Mrs. M. V. Koontz returned Sunday osn a charge of the same kind. M ail goes south once a day, closing at Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Leeper were Al­ from a few days’ visit with her friend, and the other by Frank Mayer of 11:05 a. m. j north twice, closing 1125 Lebanon filling stations have been bany visitors Sunday. Lebanon came together at the inter­ The Secret Adversary Mrs Clingman, near Peoria. a. m. and 5:30 p. m. M a il stage for waging a gasoline war and selling at section of Second and G streets near Brownsville, C raw fordsville and Sweat A» the Methodist church next Sun­ 1C and 17 cents n gallon. For the third W. H. Beene is busy these days the Halsey Garage. Home leaves d aily at 6:45 a. m. (Continued from page 3) day the subject for the morninig ser­ erecting a new garage at his home on time in as many days the damage was Since the Far West manufacturing mon will be “Samson.” In the eve­ Second street. Tommy Interrupted blm. confined to the machines. company removed from Albany to “Dry up I I want a few words with ning a patriotic service will be held The damage amounted to about $60 Eugene six of the employes have 0 . W. Frum shipped out a carload of you, Mr. Julius Hersheimmer." commemorating Armistice 1 ay. The on each machine. Mr. May. ad bought homes there and five more pastor will give an address on “Patrio­ sheep Tuesday. are negiotating for homes. turned from Second street into G at C H A R T E R XVI J. G. Andersuo ..nil fam ily, for­ tism in the Time of Peace.” Patrio­ On the 4th of July an automobile the wrong side of G, so he settled, (VF '-I: j — Miss Lois Johnson and Lawrence merly of Brownsville but now of tic hymns will be used in the song that had b*en In an accident near Al­ though bystanders thought Mayer Jana's Story. Taylor went to Corvallis to the ball Her arm through Jane'a, dragging Palo Alto, Cal., have returned game Saturday. Miss Johnson grad­ service. Everyone is iuvited and a ford was bronglit to the Foote garage m i i^fit have jpvyn more carejfyl 1 y. special invitation is extended to ex- and repaired, but the party who her along. Tuppence reached the sta­ rom their trip to Canada and ex- uated from O. A. C. and is a member < I service men to be present. uect to leave Brownsville for home brought it never called again. Last Old papara for aria at 6c a bundle tion. They arrived on the platform Saturday.i the I'ata Kappa sorority. ___ Just as the train came to a standstill. Patsor. week E. W. Kettenberg of Los An- at the Enterprise office. Tuppence opened the door of an empty If you want to sand a Christmas As pretty widely predicted Will Linn county maintains her position first-class compartment, and the two Hayes, deputy postmaster for years, gift to a schoolteacher, a pupil, the as “the Jersey isle of America.”’ L. girls sank down breathless on the pad­ parent of a pupil or a progressiva has been appointed postmaster, or at E. Walton has no trouble in disposing ded seats. farmer pay 60 cents for “ The least recommended by Congressman of thi carload of Jerseys he took to If they once reached Sir James Peel Brown Mouse” and the Suter- Idaho and buyers of Jerseys from all J ^ n n o u n c t m e n t Edgerton tn safety, all would be well. Hawley. He is away on a visit to the priae four mouths. Start the But would they beach him? Would east just now. over the country are numerous in the paper next week, with the begin­ not the allent forces of Mr. Brown al­ county. Mrs. Lillian Howe is painting a pic­ ning of the story, and by Christ C7o tb o ^Pooptio a f ZHaa/aaap aaad u i t l n i t y u>o ready be assembling against them? C. S. Shedd of Albany, a native of I mas it will be in its most interest­ Tuppence mapped out her plan of cam­ ture ordered from Chicago. to aaanou/ata th o o p a a in g o f a u p S t i f f S / t e p aa/af in g chapters. paign. Shedd, died Saturday aged 55. He Silas White has donated a site for a Pbiaaaa f a p a a t n a a l ,• aatao S l e e t r i c a t S o o a ta As the train at length drew slowly Boy Scout camp and lumber for a With the defendants in default the wag a son o f Frank Shedd, on whose Into Charing Cross, Jane Finn sat up cabin. state won its first Linn county casj original farm the town of Shedd *S)aa ttaa apift ataop> apoaa w i t t f lo a t apuaaiaat Yaaaa, with a start of the kind Saturday in the circuit stand s C. J. and E. W. Shedd are William J. Eagles, father of Airs. “Have we arrived? I never thought S S a a to ta , S ta ta a o a aaaa) a tk a a a r ti c to a eo a tia a f f r o /n a court when Leslie E. Wood, Anna M. brothers and Miss Bertha E. Shedd, | we should!” Silas White, died of cancer Thursday hit sister. faaaa aaaata to aeaaooat a to ita r a Sharp and W. A. Sharp were deprived “Oh, I thought we'd get to London at the White home, aged 67. of rights that they flight claim to an S fk a S k l a a iaaa la aa la a b o t h J i a u i / a a i aaaaf G n g t i a h . ^ t a o all right If there', going to be any Mrs. Ringo, Jesse Cross and Donna | Friends and relatives of Mrs. Har­ Albany tract which had been purchas­ Robertson visited Salem Sunday. aa g o o f a a t o c t io a a o f G ia a a a a a ia a ra . riet C. Cooley of Brownsville met ed by Wood under the state bonus and I M» a o o a ila a t t g ia a a tita goaa t o a a a tt aathaaa laa J l H a n a aaaaf Tuesday, her eight-first anniversary of D. S. McWilliams came from Al­ loan act. The defendant had failed to o k a aaa a a ta a taaaa o f g l f t a aaaaf a t i a h a a , aaaaf a a ta o a a a tta a birth. The relatives included William to pay taxes, or intsallments upon his bany to vote, not having lived in Ai-1 b a a a u t i f o l fa a a o ita a e a aata a r t a tio p /a a g ia a g Blakely of Pcrtland, form erly of $2,200 loan, the court found. When bany long enough to entitle him to | Pendleton and his family. He is now vote there. Z ia l, e r -S S r a c /e n 84 years of age. His brothers. Geo. ************************** There is a chill in these early morn­ Blakeley of The Dalles, and Henry ing November fogs, but they sterilize Blakeley of Brownsville, and their sis­ * Albany, Oro. Third and Broadalbin sts. the fangs of Jack Frost—-and what | » ter, Mrs. Henry Me farland of * glorious sunshine in the afternoons I E » w Brownsville also were there. Mrs. * If you have a friend who is itner-1 Cooley’s son, W. C. Cooley of Browns­ * ville, Mrs. Gerge Wright of Albany ested in schools or in progressive _________ _________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'arming you cannot give a better pres- L j g , appeared, identified the machine THE STUDY CLUB and Mrs. J. D. Irvine, of Brownsville, daughters, were present at the reun­ mnn/h°r h / i y . u 6“; * f0Ur' •» one that had been stolen from him, The Women's Study club met on ion. month, . rbscription to the Enterprise. paid bil, and took R home commencing now. It will carry the Thursday afternoon at the home of « Ed. Jewett has conquered toothache. ♦ story, “The Brawn Mouse,” through I Mis» Mona Bond made a business Mrs. T. I. Marks for a further pur­ He went to Albany and got a full w Pure Castor Oil w the Chritamas season and the paper 'rip to Salem Saturday, double set of biters and grinders. _ He suit of thei course "Travel in Scot­ * will be discontinued at the end of the u. , 11 Odorless—Tasteless land.” !a stopping at Silas White’s near w time paid for. Hiram Bierly was an Albany visitor • Saturday. After a short business session, in Brownsville. A A good many touring autoiata have which Mrs. Amor A. Tussing and Mrs. Mary Robnett of Brownsville camped over night in Halsey during Mr>' C- P' Stafford wa, a guest at Miss Donna Robertson were elected passed through Halsey Saturday cn the fine fall weather we hav» been the p<’rter home in Portland to membership, a very interesting les­ her wav to Eugene to visit her daugh­ 1 Friday night. son on Edinburgh was heard. Mrs. ter, Mrs. Stanley Stevenson, and irm­ Mr. and Mra.Q. T. Hockenamith n t B. M. Bond gave the history and sit­ ly. She later visitad Salem and I Albany were guests of the forn.er*» uation, while Mrs. G. W. Momhinweg :ame home Thursday. j mother, Mr». M. C. Bond, In thi, c i i j talked of the estate and the Old In a Flash Tuppence Wat Out en the ToWlte- | Sunday. Mrs. Fred Taylor of Eugene was i.t Pavement T he. following program of Scotch town Friday and Saturday on her re- C. H. Murphy and M. Senders of music was given: Vocal trio ‘“Loch fun, now la when It will begin. Quick, trm from Salem, where she ha 1 been J Albany ware in town Friday in the get out. We’ll nip Into a taxi.” I»m »ad'' and “ Wtarin’ Awa* " by interest of the proposed bridge bonds In another minute they were eiep to visit her brother, Everett Star-dish. 5'esdames B. M Bond, H. F. English ping Into a taxi. She returned to Eugene Saturday. and entertained some of the local and J. W. Moore, Voal solos “Gae She and Mr. Taylor have ta, en an “King's Cross." directed Tuppence. business men at the new Reynolds C A P IT A L A N D S U R P L U S $35,OCO to Sleep” (Fisher) and *'My Laddie” Then she gave a Jump. A man looked apx: tment for the winter there afte ( | restaurant. (Thayer), Mr.. C. P. Stafford. In at the window. Just as they started. renting their Corvallis home. Mr. Commercial and Savinas account Solicited Mrs. Inez Freeland was visiting Ura. Inez Freeland and Miss Ber­ She was almost certain It was the same Taylor is chief clerk in the Southern ¡friends at Shedd Saturday. man who had got Into the carriage next th i Leitner were guests. Pacific freight traffic office in that The rooms were gorgeous with aut- to them. She had a horrible feeling city. Mra. Geo. Hayes and aister, Mrs. J. of being slowly hetnni«d In on every Mrs. J. W. W. Clark, were Albany visitors Sat­ dm i leaves and flowers. side. Drinkard assisted the hostess. The Mr. and Mrs. James Cun.ii-.gham urday. "Tou see,” she explained to Jane. elub will hold the next meeting No­ “If they think we're going to S!r returned Saturday to their home in Dr. and Mrs. T. 1. Marks w*re Al­ vember 4, at the home of Mrs. II. James, this will put them off the scent. Stockton, California, after a two- bany viiators Monday afternoon. F. English. Now they'll Imagine we’re going to months visit with their daughters. For John Salash was an Albany visitor Mr Carter. Hla country place lr north Mrs. George Taylor and Mrs. Tred Monday. London somewhere." * Overton of Albany. A MISSIONARY METHOD Crossing Holbora there was a block, Miss Cleona Smith, senior at U. of David Eugene Olson, for many years and the taxi was held up. This waa STRAYED O , was home for the week end. head af the faternotraal C h ri.tia a •b a t Tuppence had been waiting for. from the Rogers raneh at Alford it»tins, “Quick," she whispered. “Open the «bout Oet. I , one small two yesr-o'd Bible University at Minneapolis, and Dr. John. Tweed of Lebanon was at­ tending to business in Hakiey Tues­ now living in Eugene, and president flght-band door!" The two girls stepped out Into the day. of the Guranty Oil company, spoke traffic Two minutes later they were with w hite face. C alf by side Fleas» last Sunday evening at the Church O n i Frum was Salem viai ter •eated tn another taxi and were retrac­ of Christ on the subject "The Con­ ing their steps, thia time direct to phone any inform ation to 12E12, Har­ Thursday. risburg, or w rite J. S. Gsxx-v, Harris- a Cash paid for grain. quest of the World, He wil| Carlton Haute terrace. fburg, R 1 Mrs. Charles Stai/jish of Salem waa “There," said Tuppence, with great remembered by many In thia com­ A (,rain chopping ami cleaning done at anvi In town one day lata week, visiting be munity as he held an evangelistic tatlafactlon. “thia ought to do them her uncle and atr ,.t. H. C. Davis and (ft time. meeting for the church here fifteen I can't help thinking that I'm really Mr». Hugh Leeper. W hsts this thing years ago. Ha is a large man both tether clever! Mr. and M r». T. A. Hover were physically and spiritually and no doubt •wervtng—Oh Laundry tent Tuesdays there was a grinding noise and a Bownsville viy ¡tor, Tuesday. haa hit upon the right way to con­ knnap Another taxi had collided with Agency Hub Cleaning Works His plans them. Mr. and .’ Ira. A. A. Tussing were vert the world to Christ. he claims are scriptural and they are Albany buW.nes, visitors Fridav. A B E 'S P L A C E (To he continued) Mr and Mrs. Homer Momhinweg of that we as Americans must give the W H A M A MERE MANf Shedd we re guest, of the former's gwpel to the foreigner, within our parents, Mr. and Mrs G W Mamhin- borders and send them back to their rLaura UU« ma ah*» just head own countries to speak It in their own weg Wed resday of last week. heels ¡a lo*e with bar new may comainaicale with Bnaigu Lee of the Salvatioa Army at the language as the Etheopisn was sent F H. Tarter returend to his home back to his people with a message of Cash paid for White Shield Name. 845 Mayfair areaoe. Portland. Oregca. Tea, we’ra living in aa age when in Portlam! Friday after preparing htv salvation. Cream. Poultry, Ksgs anil mtchines are taking the place of herd shipment u td n There - - of • polled cattle for ™ smpmeni m ere were or 67 in Bible school and • | bany F rid ay. J. HALSEY GARAGE : M AIN STREET X Jots and Tittles Brownsville Briefs A. D. S. NO-TAST-OL RINGO’S Drugstore * ****************** ***** HALSEY STATE BANK Halsey, Oregon W Hungarian Vetch Seedl I O. W . F R U M Bundle Jersey H eifer M odern Barber Shop «••••»••••••n«* HAtAfiY Any Girl in Trouble Cream and Produce Station the liv»»tm:k show. The cattle were Jan offering of $2.12. Mi*» Louisa tMM »ere and more.” Veal. M .H . SH O O K -