C»nt pmv«, tn h . , md»-lnnklRg ry ,«.r Well coated with mtid. "Wall, my good fellow, what 14 l t r ’ asked Teminy. "Might this be for yon. e f r r The carter held ant a very dirty folded note, oo the outside of which was writ­ ten : T a k e this to the (entleman at the Ian near A it ley Prior«. He will rive yon ten shillings " The handwriting was Tuppence’s. Tommy appreciated her qnlck-wltted- ness in realising that he might be staying at the inn under an assumed name. Ha unfastened I t "Dear Tommy: T knew it was yon last night Don’t to this evening They’ll be lying In wait for you. They’re taking us aw .y this morning. I heard something about Wale»—Holyhead, I think r i l drop this on the rood i f 1 get a chance. An netta told me how yon’d escaped. Buck Take the T rain in ubceremoRlons?v. Julius leaned forward, and In doing „ th. „ S t NOV, 8 1923 i tnor'her** ii-anD l1o° * 111 np hl* f,c *- ‘ he l-no’.yp« eperatAi tometim New F I T R N I T U D V a x rrs Alili -, . TK111/ Whltnnet™ h* • , *’>* eiCl“ b,hind ",lxes the tfl»ntfs UP when •“ he tries to tran * “•» U o n ’ t,rUed n- 1#te editOr'* «‘ nuVcript ......................... “ Concealment waa at an and. Roman letter., Last week in one bought, sold and exchanged at all times 'Get a move on, George,” shouted item he called A. J. H ill A. I. H ill and Julius. J. C. Walton J. C. Dalton. The chauffeur slipped In hla elutch. B E N T. S U D T E L L A and with a bound the car started l’houe76.R. m y . Broadalbin at. Alba.y The man on the etepa uttered an I ■red an y '•th. Hts hand went Into hta p There was a flash and a report. i n e bullet Just mlsosd the taller girl by an Inch. ' 90 T h is is good advice: " I f you live '•Get down. J.ne," cried Jullua I I I Albany, trade m Albany ; if you live I f lat on the bottom of the car. Are On tale daily On talc Eri. Sat. & in some other town, trade in that tow n ." i you all right, Tuppeoeet’ L im it 15 days Sun., lim ited to Tu». But in these automobile day a many re­ “Of course I am. Where’s Tommy? siding elsewhere find it advisable to do j » h a t made them let us g o t’ demand- at least part of their buving in Ihe *1 Tuppence. larger town. Those who go to Albany . Optometrist, with “I reckon Monsieur Kramenln here to transact business w ill find the firms ' named below ready to fill their require- F M. F r e n c h & S o n s asked them so prettily they lust merits with courtesy an 1 fairness. ,’ , "Yours, couldn't refusal" j e w e l e r s - o p t ic ia n s Kootny, well heated and ventilated "TWOPBNCB." Thi« was too much for the Rvsslan. A Ihanv Bakery, 321 Lyon «treat, ..rJ0? “ 7 ’*’***’ • •hout for Albert Albany, Oregon * He buret out vehemently t tquiprnetil makes traveling on the , Best one-pound I-pound loaf of bread made. Pack my bag! W are off I" "Curse you— curse you! They know 5 cents. Southern Pacific a pleasure. **r " boots of Albert Wedding cakes to order. now, that I betrayed them. My life You know that irrespective of rain, could be heard racing upetalra won t be safe for an hour In this A Í Ñ Holyheadf Did that mean that, any Electric Store Radio fog, snow or other unfavorable condi­ country." -cl sat». after all—Tommy was p u itlx t Electric w iring. Delco Light "That’s so,” assented Jullua. ’T d tions the train can be depended upon products p»e boots of Albert continued to be advise you to make tracks for Russia f . L K N x W illar d W m . H öflich — that efficient and courteous South­ (Continued from page j ) active on the floor above. right away.” Suddenly a second about came from There were twenty weddings a id ern Pacific tneu will look after your A lbany Floral Co. Orders filled ma go, than," cried the other. below. carefully for everywhere or any three divorces in Linn county last comfort. I have dona what you asked." tha^bogri" r m * a~ c>l: W a ck ’ "Sure thing. Puli up, George. The time. 1 lowers, wire anywhere in U. Si. month. Ask agent for a Southern Pacific or Canada. Flower phone 458-J. gentleman’s not making the return "Yea, sir." time table and for inform ation Several window, have been cleaned trip- I f I ever come to Russia, Mon­ ALBANY GARAGE. ” Studs- that would have waited longer if the regarding fare«, e tc ., or write f u S “ "”’ the note thought- sieur Kramenln, I shall expect a rous­ b a k e r” and " S t a r " automobile«. boys had been less active Hallowe’en. ing welcome, and— " JO H N M. SC O TT, General repairing and supplies. " * * * ’ , * d~ a he “ ld Assistant Passenger Traffic Manager, G. T, Hockeusniitli.— Lloyd Templeton. But before Julius had finished his But so a some one else I And at last Portland, Oregon Percy Taylor of Peoria and Mias apeech, and before the car had finally I know who it la I" halted, the Russian had swung him­ l i ' u e B ird Restaurant, 309 Lyon Millie lone Smith of Albany were street. Eat here when in Albany. married Thursday. self out and disappeared Into the They will live ! CHAPTER XV Cpen from 6 to 2 and $ to 8. night. on a Peoria farm. Mas. MLOUHT. Annette and I didn't know what Julius Takes a Hand. 1 R- H - Del«n*y Of M yrtle Creek and was going to happen to us," said In hfa suite at Clarldge’s, Kramenln IJ R ü X 8 W Í U K Joe De Freese of Wilbur. Wash., were Tuppence. "Old Whittington hurried reclined on a couch and dictated to The Russian was shaking «TOT rage. P H O N O G R A P H S arrested fo r picking up a pouch which us off. We thought It waa lambs to at his secretary In sibilant Russian The hotel servants surrounded them. the slaughter." J- V. Shanks had laid on a stool in W O O D W O R T H 'S Presently tba telephone at the sec­ A cry hovered on bis lips, but at the E lu « 5 onf«£t• Halsey. A bunch brought in by F. repair work. “A millionaire several times over," ably by the side i f his victim. He . Criad 7o,,u»’ “« '• W. H. H o l b u r t . M. Rond the other day were reminders murmured Kramenln. "Bring him up. kept his hand In the pocket of h l. r ie hT e * b Oeor,re " my dear Ivan." coat, but hla manner was urbane to / 7 l,a p t , ° n ra rd - T h r^ Cpiood’e dry goods store is tlie l i st that hesnty and flavor in grapes are The secretary left the room and re­ more shots rang w out, —-v but — — » went "»ui hap- 1 place in Albany to buy dry good», as attainable here as in “ sunny Cali- the last degree turned escorting Julius. urnialiinga ami noliona. Service it our fornia." By the way California has Slowing down, the chauffeur called pliy wide. Julius raised his hand to motto. "Monsieur Kramenln?’’ said the lat­ hla cheek. not had the edge on us very much in over hl. shoulder that they were Ju.t ter abruptly. “You Are hurt 7" said Annetts p o l l CHRISTMAS the way of sunshine this fall. coming into Gatehouse. Julius hade The Russian, studying him attentive­ the Russian direct them. His plan quickly , Your photograph ly with his pale venomous eyes, bowed. (Continued on page 1 .J i (lord'a Studio "Only a scratch." was to drive straight up to the house. “Pleased to meet you," said the There Kramenln was to ask for the 3.11 West First street The girl sprang to her feet American. "I've got some very Im­ two girls. Julius explained to him Let me out! ?.ct me out, J soy? portant business I ’d like to talk over that Little W illie would not be tol- Flop the car. It Is me they are after. p u e n sai |.,s ami sbbìvìob "And I Tall You," Retorted Jullua, with you, if I can see you alone.” He * Tires ami accessorie» “That Little Willie Here ,e Juel •rant of failure. Kramenln, by this I ’m the one they want. You shall not looked pointedly at the other. Repairs The Enterprise, in accordance with time, was as putty tn the other's lose your lives because of me. Let Hopping Mad to Go Off.” K ir k P o l l a k M0T0« C o . "M y secretary, Monsieur Orleber, the usual practicó of weekly newspa­ hands. me go." She was fumbling with tha Julius cheerfully. "But the world In from whom I have no secret«.” irtini11er Furniture Co., fumi- pers, is sent to subscribers in the The car swept up the drive, and fastenings of the door. “That may be so—but I have.” said general w ill, benefit." He raised the lure, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranrres. county for a reasonable time after ex­ Julius took her by both arms, and stopped before the porch. The chauf­ Julius dryly. "Send him round to a revolver. Funeral director». 417 43.1 west First piration of subscription, in the sup­ feur looked round for orders. looked at her. She had spoken with "Do not shoot. I will do all you gtore to buy a penn'orth of peanuts.” street, Albany, Oregon. position that the subscriber wishes it. Turn the car first, George. Then no trace of foreign accent. “Very good. Ivan, 1 shall not re­ wish." W hile following this practice, I ring the bell, and get back to your Sit down, kid," he aald gently. '*? Jullua lowered the revolver. U h I i ’ m Floral and Music Shop •end notices about the 1st of eacli quire you again thia evening. Go to place. Keep the engine going, and be guess there's nothing wrong with your "Where Is the glrlY’ Good service and p :..„ p t delivery month, to all whose subscriptions ex­ the theater— take a night off." “At Gatehouse, in Kent. Astley ready to scoot like h—I when I give memory. Been fooling them all the on cut flowers ami fiorai design». The secretary bowed and departed. pire within that month, in order that time, eh?” the word." Albany Phone 1(61 Julius stood at the door watching Priors, the place Is called.” they may notify this office if they do “Very good, sir." The girl looked at him, nodded, and "What about the other girl, the one hta retreat. Finally, with a sat I «fled not wish a continuance. I do not C leanin g W orks, Inc. The front door was opened by the then suddenly burst Into tears. Julius sigh, he closed It, and came back to yon decoyed away over a week ago?" *"“■ Cor. Fourth and Lyon desire to send the paper to anybody butler. Kramenln felt the muzzle of patted her on the shoulder. "She’s there too," said tha Russian who is not willing to pay $1 50 a year, bis position In the center of the room. Master Dyers and Cleaners the revolver against hla ribs. ’’There, there— Just you sit tight. which is less than the price of any "Now, Mr. Herahelmmer, perhaps sullenly. M a d e -T o -M e a s u re Clothes We’re not going to let you quit." "Now," hissed Jullua "And be other weekly in the county you will ba so kind aa to come to the "That’s good," said Jullua. "Isn’t It careful." Through her soba the girl aald In­ M A U N R T O SLBCTBJC CO. I f you received any other commod­ point T’ t il panning out beautifully? And a distinctly : The Russian beckoned. His lips All kinds of electric apparatus re­ ity which you had not paid for the “I guess that won't take a minute." lovely night for the run!" "You're from home. I can fell by paired. Conservative prices. A ll work law would require you to pay for all were white, and his voice was not drawled Julius. Then, with an abrupt "What run?" demanded Kramenln, very steady. 119-121 W . Second. you received. your voice. It makes me homesick." fully guaranteed. Under common law, change of manner: "Hands up—or I with 3 stare. “It Is I —Kramen’n ! Bring down Sure I'm from home. I ’m your shoot I" IV Ie n mid money are best when which holds good in most of the "Down to Gatehouse, sure. I hope the girl at once! There Is no time cousin— Julius Herahelmmer. I came states, this rule applies to newspapers. For a moment Kramenln stared you’re fond of motoring*’ busy. Make your dollar» work tn to lose!” Unscrupulous publishers sometimes over to Europe on purpose to find our savings department. A l s a n v S t a t s blindly Into the big automatic, than, "What do you mean? I refuse to »hlttlngton had come down the you and a pretty dance you're led B a n k . Under government supervision send papers without authorization and with almost comical haste, he flung go" then collect the price. In Oregon, to steps. He uttered an exclamation of me.” up his hands above his head. In that "Now, don’t get mad. You must see prevent this, a special statute was The ear slackened speed. George [V ii Her M otor Salts astonishment at seeing the other. Instant Julius had taken his measure I ’m not such a kid as to leave you enacted which outlaws such accounts. ”W« have been betrayed 1 Plans spoke over hie shoulder: Oakland and Jewett carl The man he had to deal with waa an here. You’d ring up your friends on In some quarters it is claimed that Supplies and accesacriea must he abandoned. We must save Cross-roads here, sir. I'm not sure abject physical coward— the rest would that telephone first thing! Ah!” ne First and Baker Sta. Albany, Oregon this law of Oregon goes farther and our own skint. The girl I And at of the way." ,be easy. • observed the fall on the other's face. makes illegal a claim for papers con­ once I It's our only change.” The car slowed down till It hardly L J o rto n dr Speer Service Com- tinued after the expiration of a gen­ “Thia la an outrage.” cried the Rus­ “You see, you’d got It all fixed. No, Whittington hesitated, but for hard­ moved. As It did so a figure climbed • pany sian In a high hysterical voice. ’’An sir, you’re coming along with me ly a moment. uine subscription. This is a manifest suddenly over the hack, and plunged Headquarters for good tires injustice. When a paper is sent in outrage! Do you mean to kill m e r This your bedroom next door here? "You have order»— from him?" head first Into the midst of them. Phone 65 First and Lyon good faith under the impression that “Not If you keep your voice down. Walk right In. Little W illie and I "Naturally 1 should I be here oth- ««Id Tommy, extricating Don’t go edging sideways towards that will come behind. Put on a thick coat, the party desires it and intends to himself. "Was in the bushee by the y iu ptjy Motor Co, Btiiok and pty erwlee? Hurry! There Is no time for it. tha claim ought to be as ball. That's better." that’s right. Fur lined! And you a to be lost. The other little fool had Chevrolet automobiles. Tires and drive. Hung on behind. Couldn't let I I readily enforceable by law as if it "What do you want? Money?” Socialist! Now we're ready. We walk better come too.** accessories. you know before at the pace you were were for a sack ol flour which had "No. I want Jane Finn." ,'Albwny, Oregon. Phone 240. Whittington turned and ran back going It was all I could do to hang 1 been sent, accepted and used. "Jane Finn? 1—never heard of downstairs end out throrgh tbs hall on. Now then, you gtrla, get out I to where my car’s waiting. And don’t Into the house. The agonizing min­ If you are a subscriber to the En­ estate. M 'no y to loan. All h e rr Th»r»s a station Just up that road. terprise and receive a notice that “ ■ v’ kinds ol insurance written. "You’re a darned Hart Ton know you forget I've got you covered every utes went by. Then—two figures has­ Train due In three minutes. Ton’ll Inch of the way. I can shoot Just tily huddled In cloaks appeared on the Call on J. V Pipg, your time has expired and a request perfectly well who I mean." ft If you hurry.** Albany State Hank Building for notification if you do not desire steps and were hustled into the car. “I tell you I never heard of the ts wall through my coat pocket." .'¿ M 1* * ,he d* Tl1 * T* rov driving a continuance, in common decency of the xv,v two was Inclined Together they descended the . wm ^ wvs » M»: stairs. The smaller ................... v » b i in'iinen girl.” ue a m e s h a r d w a r e , and fairness, please notify the pub­ P^wed oat to the waiting car. ’? and Whittington »hoved hef • t r demanded Julius. "Do you think “And I tell you," retorted Julius, the you can fool them by leaving th» carY’ lishers. A notification to the carrier W 1N C H ESIER S T O K if "You and I aren't going to leave the or the postmaster it sufficient, if you 322 W. First at. "that Little W illie hare la Just hop­ car. Only the gtrla." do not feel like investing one cent in Tommy turned to Tuppence. ping mad to off!" a postal card and tending it to the 1^ ■ M i . H f . r r a publisher. The government supplies ’’You wouldn’t dare— " “Get out at once. Tuppence. Take the postmaster with blanks on which her with you. and do jue< o 1 "Oh. yes, I would, eon !" Chinaware and g ilt shop Take the train to London Ge straight 330 West Hirst Kramenln must hsvs recognized, Albany to forward your notice to the pub­ lisher to Sir James Peel Edgerton Mr. something In the voice that carried' Q T J N B C R O B R >B , fro e w tfla , I find very few in Halsey who conviction, for be aaid aullanly: arter lives out of town, but yon’tl have the meanness of spirit to receive fruits, produce, 235 Lyon street. be safe with him." "Wail? Grunted I do know who the paper for months or a year and "Dam youl" cried Jullq». "Tou'ra » » sell groceries and you mean— what of l t r Buy cream. Phone 263R then refase to pay for it. Very few “Toe will tall ma now—right hare— 700 wh»r> r<»l am.’’ are like H arry Stewart, who received » Ith a sudden swift movement, Tom­ Q T : M»< IN I HE -H O E DOCTOR where she 1« te be found." the paper, without making a sign, for my snatched the revolver from Jultu»’ " I daren't Yon aak an Impossi­ Second street, opposite H am ilton ’s a vear or two. and then wrote to a hand, and Isveled It at him. store. bility." collector in whose hand^Jiis bill had “ Sudden Service ” “Now win you believe I'm la ear- ’ Afraid, eb? Of whim? Mr. Brown? been placed: i nest ? Get out, both of you, and do at Ah, that tlchhaa you up! There It “When I subscribed for the Halsey T r a íd o Anderson dt Botn dtalrib- I ssy— or I ’ll shoot r such a parton, than. I doubted I t ’ Y utora a»