» PAGE 2 HALSEY E N T E R FRISK J . SK IRV IN ta d ,S ,B « « a l— N O T a , , tr a i— a , w » . M B r r , p u b lla k r il r r a r r T h u rsd ay ■ r M. W H E E L E R «a. • a H a r r io t Ion«. »1 SO ■ y e a r In a d v a n c e I Advertising, 2fic an inch; no diaccimi lo r i nua or spare ; n j charge for com I imjsiugh or chaugoa, ta " P a id f o r P a r a g r a p h « ." --a . 8. 1923 Divine Healing H A L S E Y E N T E R P R IS E Aa N<«V. V GmWTaif * h f l > MKBCHAMT H e rtiia n M itz n e r W r ite s A ll kinds of Feed o f th e S e m p le S c h o o l New and »ecosd grain sacks. Sack twine. Los Angeles. Cal. Oct. 31, 1923 Clover seed. Chop­ ping done to suit. I am working every day and wife Prices right. and I are attending Sister McPher­ ia a lin a . * m «fife's l&rrsrar] J •i P h o n o g ra p h «150 S T R A D I V A R A $75 S T R A D I V A R A , Slightly use I. o„ with dozen •» “T , to wnntry ht* mortal bod for a long time, and she's eskins for me with her dying breath.” Tommy nodded approval. “Can you report this in the propar quarter and meet me at Charing Cm«« In an hoar’s tim o F FLO UR sons evangelistic training school at Golden Loaf___$2 00 night. We enjoy the school very, While Mountain 2.15 very much. There are about sixty • ritira H uora, 9 lu i r j u . i ¿ ,u o s a v e a Select your VictroU now Our stock is Am píete. We tell oa easy terms students in the night school and 250 M .odavi and Friday forenoons. and charge no interest „T U " u the day school. We meet people here from all ovei j HALSEY. Linn Co.. Ore Nov. 8 19? America. There arc many pecpl Albert proved an Invaluable ally. The 415-421 West First street here from Oregon. Cne young man. Albany, Cregon two took up their quarters at the ii,B f o r t h e SENATE in Gatehouse. To Albert fell the task Fenris Dodd, consecrated his life while te s t and largest line of of collecting information. There m , attending the revival meetings in A l­ no difficulty about it. M r. M e N ry seems to have tli bany held by Dr. Charles Price. We Astley Prior« was the property of hear a great deal about Bro. Chas. insida tra ck in th e race for the re a Dr. Adrm a Tho doctor no longer Fun ¡me of U niversal H e a te rs Price, so manv people down here know That i t wb»t a woman said recently p u b lic an n o a iiu a tio n for the fen practiced, had retired, the landlord hs- Heavy him and speak well of him and talk upon opening a box of our assorted can- lleved, but he took a few private pa- t r a l senate. M ayor B ik e r of the wonderful way in which the die«. W hst woman doesn't regard ‘ le» ” -h o r e tho good fellow tapped D P R IN T LINO L E U M P o rtla n d and Congressman M cA>- candy as a treasure? I l is really more his forehead knowingly— "balmy one, > f 1 per square yard. Lord is using him in L is work. th u r expect to d iv id e th e i> a l< in God is doing a greater and more than that, too ; it is an absolute neces­ Ton understand!" The doctor was 422 West First it.. Albany, Oregon. k la n and a n ti-k ln n vote in th« sity, supplying a food want in a manner popular figure In the village sub­ wonderful work through Sister Me Pherson than any one I know of and no other article of diet can. Ours is the scribed freely to all the local ¿oprt. ir t y and on« of th em inay get "a very pleasant, affable gentleman.” best to be had. more souls find their way to Jesus p lu r a lity and beat h im , o r a m.< Tommy felt doubts. Was It possible through her preaching than probably jo r it y in th e p a rty m ay just that thia ger.ial, well-known figure through all the Lcs Angeles churches could bo in reality a dangerous crim­ regard th e ra cial and re lig io i put together. inal» Suppose it was all a gigantic i ll u e an child ish art I i.-r>o"e There have been over 12,000 con­ mistake» Tommy felt a cold chill at M ilto n A . M ille r aspires to th versions Since Hie temple ojennd the thought. January 1, 1923. Some nights she leadership in the d su io ciatid rac On the first evening Tommy ac­ companied by Albert, explored the has to give two aitar calls, as people and is thus f i r u uai nounced o grounds. They reached a shrubbery cannot get to the front, because of the k l in isiud. Sam G a r lm d , a I near the honse quite unmolested. the great number The blinds of the dining room win­ lik e M ille r is a L in n county pro About two weeks ago P;r. Torry of dow were up. There was a large com­ uct, lays h it cards on the table the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Y e s ; it is a lm o s t h e re . T h a t pany assembled round the table, it G nrefully C onducted S u r­ wrote an article and had it published fa c e u p , when he p la ya p o lite » □eemed a normal, pleasant company veys showsih .i 62% of all children b - m e a n s arid he ask* the n o m in atio n as « Again Tommy felt that cold chill of ween the ages of sis an.l sixteen have against what they call McPhersonism. and some of the higher critics preach- elective eyct. -« » .w .w ui uie mgner uncertainty. It seemed Impossible to • n t i .k l s n cand idate. Most of these children are being from their pulpits against God’s believe that these people were other hool w o r t under u t i i l u r t the h* L .. -1 I W01*k n Angelus A n ir r lii« T flw .n U D - . a Sis- rvi_ T h 'ire m ay b -p y ro te c h n ic s wlir forced to do ?« «< hool work h .n worlt i in Temple. But * See our than they seemed. Had he been fooled B » 5 5 S « r the e s m p aig u comes in to fu once more» new a n d Tommy slept badly that night. The hlo< m . c o m p le te lin e next day Albert brought the first piece n rance of the condi lion does not su e 1 0UKhts how angry the devil o t H e a te r s of hopeful news. There was a French Governor Fierce says : ” I oPla> cd th J fhe child from the penalty l, is con-1 'vou.d get when he saw God’s work [s mtly paying. young lady staying in the house. Tom­ drawing attention. ita te road bond issue conscientious!', my put his doubts aside. Here was In about three days calls began to because I believed that we should confirmation of his theory. But time come in from all parts of the city U ’e s o lic it y o u r s to v e R e p a ir b u s in e s s . pressed. Today was the 27th. The have financed the state roads as w< Optometrists, Manufacturing Qpticims » k in g for workers to be sent to hold 2»th was the much-talked-of “Labor built them, partly by an income tax. Albany, Oregon meetings in the factories and shops. Day,’’ about which all sorts of rumors —— — ——— ------------------- Among the calls for devout Christian 1 still believe my position at that time were running riot. Newspapers were workers were those from the Sw ift D ELBERT STA RR v.ua correct." The editor of the En getting agitated. Sensational hints of Packing company, Los Angeles Steel lerprisc did not know Mr. Pierce then f u n tr a l D irecto r an d a labor coup d’etat were freely re­ Li­ Yorks and many others; also requests ported. The government said nothing but he opposed the bonds for the from the city and county jails, and censed E m balm er It knew end was prepared. to tail II him. B ut hb Tsit he couldn’t same reason. Washington built hei Efficient Service here are five different down town lo­ Motor Hearse Tommy felt that, thanks to Mr. Car­ trust bis Judgment on the subject of part of the Pacific highway without cations where street meetings are Ladv Attendant. ter. hs understood the position fairly Miss Cowley. That brought us back hclJ regularly. The Temple also has tolling a bond, and she laid a widei Brovnsvil'e........... .......... ........... .Oregon accurately. With the fatal document to the telegram." In the hands of Mr. Brown, public workers preaching in hospitals, hold­ pavement than ours and cne that can “T e a r s opinion would swing to the side of ths ing cottage prayer meetings, and •» sustain heavier loads. But the m . “I advised him to apply to you for labor extremists and revolutionists. preaching in two of the large Mission Jority ruled ‘ffherwise here, so let’s a copy of ths original wire. It bad W - L. W R IG H T Falling that, the battle waa an even | hails. I I occurred to me as probable that, after loyally add the finishing touches tc Mortician & Funcrtl Director chance. The government with a loyal Out of 33 to 40 different meet­ Halsey and Hiirristairg cur paved highway. ings a week, only two are used to . . » . J ? ----- ! ? - . . “ — * * 1 * u • r « o • erasea rM ’ d * or might w in -b u t at a cost of great suf- all D. I Avuun. Halsey, or altered With the express Intention of m ry for the sick; one on Wednesday W. I.. W r ig h t . Ilatrfkhurg ferlng. But Tommy nourished another setting searchers on a false trail." German women and children aji at 2:30 p. m. and the other at 7:30 flarter nodded. He took a sheet and a preposterous dream. With Mr. p. m. on Saturday. Some vffcnderful Brown unmasked and captured he be­ ui dertiout¡shed— starving. There ar. from his pocket and read aloud: healings take place right on the plat food «lots which involve loss of lift "Come at once, Astley Priors, Gate- lieved, rightly or wrongly, that the form, and others are healed in their whole organization would crumble Ig- W M M Y 1"*1” ' Or* , t devel0^ ‘ nt- ' Yet the government has been payin; nomlnlously and Instantaneously. The seats, just according to their faith I can make both F A R M ami C IT Y coal miners to remain idle to preven Sy We have seen cripples walk, the Mind “Very simple," said Sir James, "and strange permeating Influence of the L O A N S i |a very row ra te d inteieit Franc« from getting the promise«' ▼ery Ingenious. Just a few words to unseen chief held It together. ice, the deaf hear and the dumb talk A G A T H A rom 5 to !0 ytars. W rite me (or par “This Is a one-man show," said Tom­ f u * 1** tnd tbe WM done. And Some say why can't we do these Coal. I t pays a regular stipend t< trci la «. CHRISTIE (i. W. L a f l a r , tu t one Important due they over­ my to himself. "The thing to do Is to get hold of the man.” Salem, Ore. 410 Oregon Uldg. thing»? We don't. 1» is Cod | t..e ex-kaisei, who isn’t hungry, an' looked.” The radio fund was completed Oc­ ñiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiHH That evening he and Albert once I f> is begging for more. It helps it “What was t h a t r tober 14th and they expect to have one more penetrated the grounds of Astley "The page-boy’s statement that Miss (CopwUht Dodd. U»od « Camp«««) industrial barons to amass the wealth of the most powerful broadcasting sta­ Cowley drove to Charing Cross. They Priors. Tommy's ambition waa some­ i f the country and to escape the how or other to gain admission to the tions on the coast installed in the 7 *? * f Ur“ ot tl,em«»l»»« that they (Continued) . " • .ire milking five year loan« on Temple by the last of November, 1923, greater part of the taxes they ought took it for granted he had made a house Itself. As they approached cau­ tiously, Tommy gave a sudden gasp. The two men rose f> greet the new- mletake.” Linn county farm» at pin» coi . ih i I»- that will send the messages to Can- to pay. It has deliberately bankrupt aion. Call on On the second floor window some comer a half whimsical thought ^Tt'»n young Beresford Is now»” si» I anaina, Hawaiian island« and all flastmd across the premier's mind. B kam L o r n C o ., cd the country to defraud its credit­ “At Gatehouse. Kent, unless I am one standing between the window and LU Lyon St.. A 'hiny, Ore over the United ft, tea. Thia will My successor, perhaps I" much mistaken. Any more facts the light In the room threw a silhou­ ors and the poor pay the price. probably interest those who have ette on the blind. It was one Tommy "We've had a letter from young * American chap for m e t’ radios in their homes. B ert^ord.” sa|d Mr. Carter, coming Itn afraid not. Is It Important to would have recognized .anywhere I T up Through legal quibbles the skulk 1 must not leave the impression that to the point at once. T o u ’ve sees find out who he was»" pence was In that house I lie clutched Albert by the shoulder. all the churches are against Sister &*ni, I tappoteK* • s wbo financed tlie big fight »gdnst “Oh, I know who he was,” said Sir McPherosn, for it is not so, some of Stay here I When I begin to slag, “H e rung me up. £ 7 , £ £ ' ""■ * " « ■ - the income tax were able to keep in watch that window." the Methodist churches and Christian “Would you have any objection to All work done promptly an 1 reason- the dark until afte r the election. Per Be retreated hastily to a position churches and many other denomina­ telling us exactly what passed bo- " W e lir on the rniln drive, and began In a deep hap« the grange, by keeping up the garter shrugged his shoulders. tions co-operate wLh the “ Four Square tween you»" al ly. l'licne No. ?(,9 Sot at all. He thanked me for a “I Wouldn't get much. Young fellow roar, coupled with an unsteady gait, fight, could bring them into the open Gospel’' by sending their singers io certain letter which I had written to about thirty-five—poorly dressed— face the following ditty; yet, but that would be cruelty to ani Tu"* and as.k i" account«,( | f ScRedtloe, as « I „ , „ i ? “Well»” cried Tommy eagerly. “T b * d.n,«d fool!" he murmured C- T . C . tires are h a n d -b u ilt "IPs all rig ht W hile they was «• that an “open city” to attract loggers (rator o( the eat.ite of M iry F S c h -f | * ..............................' ler deceeMd, h li been ’ filed L. runnfhg of you out the window open»!, on ie r im p ro ve I procestet and I A r t * ringing np Sl, J g m - Toab i t ’a easier to rob a logger drunk than County Court o f Linn County, Slate „1 and something was chucked out." Hs of the best rubber«, long s ta p le Orvgos, «j.1 that the !»„, „f s her. “ ■*• He • handed a scrap of paper to Tocmy. »ember, 1923. . t the hour of to Xl«w k A^* Aud'* 7 “ “ ,o •'<>"« combed cotton an I other b g l . Ie WM »rapped round a letfae- f u n d Albert discharging his profes watgh;." La Follette says “ U „ world is mad." i ni has lieen duly appointed hv M ., q u a lity m a te ria ls p ro c u ra b le S; rt ‘ h' h f" " nK " f -'A c tio n . . CORDS-FABRICS-TUBES T h a t is w hy th ey w ill stand gp whh'it » 'n,ro*»~’’ h'«»«*lf On tha paper were scrawWd t t —e «id final «To«», Everybody Jj crazy except R obert " ° , iT,* * do • • • o f Tup words : ’'Tomorrow—same time." A r T m * W|h'Ch *"r ' ’ <»' under 30 per cent low er In fla tio n i r t UBb* ° ' Immedl.tely “Good egg t" cried Tommy. "We'ra »«te«l in m i ,I esta'e mat appear and a t . A m or A. T urning getting going." «ban so long insisted on log latelv T,rT -Hope her* «■»•«y. he said wistfully. 'be Tommy retired for the night la ■ Joong „« ,,*, -r iy •«* o rd in a ry cord liyee. Dated and first puhtiahml Oct. 1« Wy.f LAWYER AND NOTARY state of some elation. He had elab­ ) I’ SCHVDTIVR orated a careful plan for the follow- G A N SLE BROS- H alxxy , O rkgvm 4uo. a , »’oreMid. IM evening. About twelve o’clock, Axon A. 1 vsstNo, Atty, for Adusr ho wav«-, his calm was rudely shakes« He was told that soma one was d» i ’ 1 hey have. By the way, have y ^ » « d in g him in the bat, 25» %M >ik “ • advertising dlsgubaJ aa new«. Victrolas and Victor Records If. I. Furniture Exchange Bartchsr & Rohrbaugh Furniture Company “A Treasure Chest ’’ Used F u r n itu r e , p Clark’s Confectioner/ W in te r ! H e a tin g S to v e s Meade & Albro, H IL L & <§. The Secret Adversary FARM LOANS FA RM LOANS ---- ♦ ---- F. M . G R A Y . draym an Oad’s and Mam’s Restaurant A Square Meal, 50c Barber Shop ?? Baths Fresh and Cun d Meats « I B ARROW GARAGE 4n~ ’ “ *■