(st ' j <3 1/ H alsey enterprise VOL. XII HALSEY, LINS COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, NOV. S, 1923 JO TS A N D - T IT T L E S Ill Brief Chronicles of Happening» in Halsey and All Over Linn County. NO. IS Income Tax Wins O R EG O N WE’LL HAVE A BRIDGE AT HARRISBURG. Good by, Ferry A heavy truck went off the Pea ness college in Salem this winter, was • 1 n ii 1 TT . < -• . oris ferry the other day and wa- a Halsey week-eud visitor, 1110 L O U Iltry K ill, n o t I o r t l a n d Ilo& li,- \ \ AgS t h e oompletely submerged, but it was Mr. and Mrs. John Salash were P / M i n l o Agent A ^ » > 4 Turned T \ -------- lifted out intact. County Down James R. Mason of Peoria, a civil war veteran «ho went to the •oldiere’ home at Roaeburg last spring, d ia l there Monday, aged 79 years. This week we make the ac quaintance of Jane Finn and seven diya later the identity of Mr. Brown, the uncanny secret adver­ sary, will be startlingly revealed. After «ohool Tuesday a number of membeie of the Standard B-ar* era’ society htld the regu'ar busi- oe a meeting at the home of Mrs. D. Taylor. The lesion wrg given by Agnes Chandler, after, which refreshments were served. The president of ti e W. F. M. S , Mrs. F . G . Hadley, was a guest. As a result of mass meeting of wo­ men of Albany, that city may have a police matron within the near future. One of the lightest votes ever polled In Albany was recorded in a special school election, when less than «3 people cast ballots. The question was to vote 140.000 bonds to retire notes totaling that amount. Ali nine children of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sprengcr of TShedd—six daugh­ ters and three sons—were at home Sunday, the first time 'n four years. Mrs. Kate Chronic is suelr.g for damages from K. M. Chronic of Idaho on the ground of cruelty. She say? his cruelty ¡s chronic. A good deal of misunderstanding in -he m.nds of people about Brownsville and Lebanon in regard to the bridge situation was cleared away in the last week or ten days of the campaign, and if that Tangent meeting had been held the later part of last week the impression emanating from it regard­ ing the attitude of the two chamber! of commerce would have been differ­ ent. The first district teachers’ institute for this county will be in Halsey prob­ ably November 17. Mrs. W. W. Stuart and children and Mrs. \\ alter East bum and daughter, all of Halsey, visited at the L. H. Armstrong home Sunday afternoon Mrs. Stuart is Mrs. Armstrong’s autn. J. S. McMahan and wife spent the weel. end with friends in Corvallis. R. B. Mayberry, formerly a resident of this city, was down from Eugene ’ast week on business. Mr. May­ berry is now proprietor of the Inde­ pendent Meat Market in Eugene. At Tuesday’s election a major­ 7l to 52 against the bonds and 92 to ity of the counties outside of Port­ 26 against the county agent. In East land gave a majority vote for the Halsey, 64 to 28 for the income tax, income la s and tbe measure came 46 to 36 against the bonds and 57 to to the Multnomah connty line a 22 against an agent. strong winner. The granges and In West Halsey the voting was, as farmers generally supported it, usual, in Rialto hall. W. L. Wells But the city speculators— the men and Henry Zimmerman were judges who farm the fanners— rolled up a and Gladys Palmer, Arthur Wesley majority there. Brownsville, Lebanon and Albany and Edythe Drinkard clerks. Voting went for it, though some precincts was from 8 to 8 o’clock. The count iu those cities voted the other way. lug board look up its duties at 2 in the Every other precinct in tbe couaty ity council rooiu O. G. Coldirone gave a majority for the tax, and and E. D. Isom were judges and Mrs. the total vote in the county wa» Lois Jackson, E. E. Gbrmley and E F. Cross, clerks. yes 8360, no 2068. The bridge bonds got 3367 af­ East Halsey voted in the south wing firmative votes in the county to of the Good Eats restaurant building 2066 negative. J. W. Miller snd Mrs. Dr. Marks were For county agent two Albany judges and Chancy Sickels, Mr. B. S. precincts were the only ones ------- that «.HI Cl»rk Jay c Moore clerks. Hi • -----• ------- j v y and .-»loore eras Id gave a favorable vote. The county | counting was done at the rooms of II. Shedd Snapshots A lfo rd A rro w s at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. J. F. Isom’s youngest son, Vyron, Margason, the occasion being Mr. accidentially cut a slick off his right Margason’s 72d birthday. thumb while splitting kindling Satur­ Mr. and Mrs. Thoms« Sprc. ger day evening. drove to Portland Friday to meet Mr. Sprenger’s sister. Mrs. Winnie Fisher C. II. Davidson and wife of Shedd o f Calgary, Canada, who was called to 'pent Sunday at the D. H. Sturtevant the bedside of her mother, Mrs. T. B. home. Sprenger, who is seriously ill. Allen A & £ c u d t. C a£ Hosiery . f SpeclsTiring at we do in hosiery of quality for the entire * family, it is a pleasure to offer you the service of this * «tore when ths time comet for you to select. All sues io Silk, Wool, Lisle or Cotton for yourself, or the _ children, are ready. KOONTZ« GOOD GOODS As Mr. and Mrs. McClain and son Normand were started on their way to Washington at the edge of Al­ bany their car hit a light jiole which they could not see for the fog. Alt escaped injuries but Mrs McCleain, who had her nose broken. Mrs. Mabie Drake of Portland came up during the sickness of her mother, Mrs. T. B. Sprenger. Highway work In Carry county la sttll In progress despite the rains. Halsey Church of Christ Hershal. Baker county's newest pcstofflce, Is doing business. 8. L. Beatty Is tbe postmaster. Church Announcement» rk in Shedd thia week. GROCERY S P E C IA L Five bars «ach Crystal White, Classic, Playmate and P. & O , and 1 pkg. Sea Foam free Church of C hrist: Fruit growers of Silverton sre dis­ I.on Cham lee, minister. cussing plans (or the operation of a Bible school, 10, W. H . Ritiert- co-operative cannery at that place. son, supcrintendesit. A teat of the validity of the con M im in g worship, 11. Lord’s tracts of the Oregon Co-operative supper evyy Lord's day. Crain Growers’ association Is Involved Christian Endeavor, 6:80. In salts filed by thia association Evening service, 7:30, against P. L. Schamad of Grass Valley The church without a bishop, in and F. M. Lovegreen of Heppnar for the coonlry without a king. alleged violation of contract i f you have no church home M. E. Gardner is doing carpenter Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Palmer and sons, Tom and Gordon, went to Corvallia Saturday and spent the day at the A. T. Grugget home M r. Palmer and 1 son Tom attended the football game i in the afternoon. The stork played a Halloween Joke ¡on A. S. Heath of Winchester bay, near Reedsport, when triplets arrived in care of Mrs. Heath. come and worship with us. Methodist: Robert Parker, pastor. •» Bunday School, 10. Preaching, 11. Intermediate League. 6 30. Epworth League, 6.30. Prayer meeting Thursday, 7:30. Preaching, 7:30 Light A Power company by tbe state tax commission (or tbe year 1924 will boost the taxes of the corporation ap- proximately 31000 a day. K. K. Kubll, speaker of the Oregon house of representatives, was badly bruised and scratched when an auto in which he was riding with D. E. Fletcher, representative of Polk conn­ ty. hit a culvert near 8tanfleld. Six persons were killed and seven more or less seriously wounded In Ore­ W ith the bottom out of tbe bop gon during the deer hunting «ason market It was reported at Salem that that closed October 31. The 38th annual convention of the many growers who rejected offers for Oregon state Sunday-school council 25 and 30 cents a pound (or tbalr bops are now anxious to take anything was held In McMinnville with an at within reason for tbalr holdings. tendance of 76 delegates. Plans have been made by the Ump qua post of the American Legion to make the Armistice day celebration the biggest yet held In Dougins couc ty. In the tax year which ended Oc tober 6 Sheriff Hurlburt's collecting Ils goal a membership of 10,000 In the state of Oregon. Is to be launched by the American Legion, beginning Arm iatice day. Bert Minckley, Albert Miner and A1 bert Heinrich motored to Astoria this By Anna I’cnnelt! (Enterprise Correspondence) week with the intentions of stopping Mrs. Emma Gregoiy went to Al- Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Whitbeck and at Portland for the stock show. bany Tuesday. Mra. J. F. Isom and tons spent Friday Miss Alice Davis of Albany spent evening at the S. A. Mills home. The W. F. M. S. met at the home of Mrs. Merriman Friday afternoon with the week in Shedd with her aunt, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs, Sam Greene and seventeen members in attendance and Harry Sprenger. daughters visited at the Albert Thom Mrs. Solon Taylor of Corvallis and The pnpils io Mrs. Jack Dannati’s as hom^ near Rowland Sunday. Mr. Glenn Frum, who is attending busi Mrs. Wesley-of Albera, Canada, as room had a party Wednesday. Games and Mrs. Frank Wod, Mr. and Mrs. guests. Mrs. Foote had the /lesson were played and refreshments served. W. F. Pfeiffer and Mr. Pfeiffer’s an Japan. Mrs. Ruth Clark sang a Mrs. I,. G. Thorpson left Friday for mother, ail of Albany, were Sunday solo. Gertrude Smith, secretary. Vancouver, Washington, to visit her afternoon callers at the D. I, Isom 'W e H ave daughter. home. Mrs. Wood and the younger W. J. Carey, who recently removed EVERY THING to Eugene, came down Friday to settle Mr. and Mrs. Bud McElvain have Mrs. Pfeiffer are sisters of Mr. Isom. O ptical They had been odds and ends of business. He had returned, to Shedd. J. H. Rickard and family spent Sun­ discarded the canc with which he was called to Portland on account of the E Y E S T R A IN day evening at Lee Ingram’s. accustomed to walk here and says the death of Mrs. McBlvain’s mother. Is the Cause of Many climate and water at Eugene have I-on Chatulee, pastor of the Christian HUMAN ILLS Friday night a reception was given lessened his lameness so that needs no for the teachers at teh M. E. church. Christian church, and his wife and two If yeur eyes give you trouble or your glasses are annoying artificial support. He is enthusiastic small sone took Sunday dinner at the Mr Winegar and family of Ogden, E. D. Isom home. SHE US. We can Relieve You over Eugene, where, he says, they do Utah, have moved into the house for­ Bancroft Optical Co. not have the cool fogs that have been merly occupied by the Daklna. Mrs L. If. Straley and wife and his ton JI3 tat St. W. Albany. Phone d visiting us here. Winegar is a sister of Mr. Ernest, the LcRroy and nephew, Frank Straley, (Continued from page 3) operator. visited at the A. E. Whitbeck home Saturday night a party was given Sunday. * Marshfield has a population of 6000, a gain of about 2000 slnPe 1920, ac­ cording to figures compiled by takers j of the school census. , |C. Davis in the McCully building. ’ George Taylor and Mr. Davis were forces received from taxpayers of Multnomah county the sum of 314,240, I judges and Mrs. J. W. Moore, Mrs. W . 693 80. H. Robertson and Miss Beulah Miller, A state-wide campaign, having as I clerks. William Shepherd, whoae critical condition as a cancer victim was re- reported in last week’s Enterprise died Monday, aged 68. Funeral yesterdhy at Fine Grove. He was born at Peoria and reaided there until 1914. Qualities so badly wanted and difficult to find, are characteristic of ed 142,200, as' against I f f , <31 during the same period In 1913, according to a report prepared by Sam A Koatr. secretary of state. ’’Kid’’ Gilstrap, 13, was shot and Portland, Nor. 8, 11:25 a. m ,-J o u rn a l figures at badly wounded by deputy sheriffs and 11:15 this morning show income tax leads with 285 ’3 square yards of bituitthic wm have federal agents during a raid on a majority, with 129 of 1765 precincts in the state to been lald I moonshine still at his home, two miles large attendance the third west of Cheshire station and 20 miles be heard from. Totals show 56,386 tor and 56,101 a End apple show opened northwest of Euxeue. against the measure. Twenty-three counties are at Freewater with the finest display of Increased valuations placed on tbe I frutt in history. complete and several virtually complete. properties of tbe Portland Railway. went 1572 for to 3381 against, C. A. Wilton and children went to Halsey went strong for the income Springfield Wednesday’. tax and against the bridges and the Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Smith, accom­ county agent. In West Halsey the panied by C. P. Stafford and wife, mo­ vote was 79 to 48 for the income tax, tored to Corvallis Sunday and spent the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Stalnaker. Good Appearance and Service in Children’s Hosiery B R IE F S \\ estern Newspaper I nion's Gleanings Outside o f This County The Mount Angel cannery has Ju»t completed Its record year with a bust ness Increase over last year of 50 per cent. business callers in Brownsville Thurs­ During the past season day. mile« o f trail» have been bnilt iu J. W. Clark had business calling him the Sautiam national forett by o Corvallis Friday. the forest service. NEW S The Beaverton city council has awarded to the American Woodplpe company of Tacoma tbe contract for a new city water system on a bid Of 342.911.25. Short Bob, a full blooded Klamath Indian, 80 years of age, has brought suit foT divorce at Klamath Falls against Mrs. Short Bob. 78, alleging extreme cruelty. Canvas back ducks are not as plen'l ful In Lake county as In former years because a great many lake beds arc dry and the area of most of the larger lakes has decreased. Motor vehicle blanks for 1*24 bavo been mailed out by 8am A. Koaer. secretary of state. Tbe blanks go to 162,000 passenger car and commercial vehicle owners. 3100 motorcycle own ere, 660 dealers and 13.900 obauffeura. Tbe sew Salem hospital Is so near completion that patients are being transferred to tbe wards. The bee- pltal ie modern in every particular and was erected at a coat of fllO.OVO. 1* will not be completed for several weeks. A total of >6,940 automobiles, or ap­ proximately one out of every six reg­ istered, baa bean transferred to a new owner after the original license plate was Issued. during tbe last year, ac­ cording to figures compiled by Sec­ retary of State K oser*’ H. H. Haines of Portland, who Is la the east In the internet of the logan­ berry Industry, has written bualnaaa associates In Salem that he b*.v Interested a number of eaeterti bak­ ing syndicates In tbe use of logan­ berries In pie production. The Oregon public service commis­ sion has granted authority to the Clark A Wilson Lumber company of Llnnton to construct a logging ra il­ Registration of voters for the spe­ road across the P itts b u rg h Helena cial election held Tuesday totaled 333 market road near Clatskfnle creek 017. according to reports received at bridge In Columbia county. the offices of the secretary of state W ith tbe selection of Eugene at the from various counties. meeting place for tbe 1*14 conven­ The Salem automobile tourist camp­ tion and the nomination of officers to ing park has closed Its gates for the be formally elected by referendum season. Since April 16, the date of vote of the membership, tbe 21st an­ the opening of the park a total of 4636 nual convention of tbe Oregon State machines have registered. Federation of Labor adjourned at As­ State tax collected from gasoline toria. and distillate sales In Oregon during Mlea Nora Bills, confessed slayer September aggregated 3247,300 34. ac of Gordon Mettle, waived examine cording to a report prepared by Sam tlon at her preliminary bearing in A Kozer, secretary of state. the Justice of the peace court In Pen­ Sherman connty farmers have prac­ tically completed all fall seeding, due to the fact (hat this has been one of the most favorable seasons for the wheat growers In several years. dleton. She was remanded to tbe cus­ tody of tbe sheriff to await the action of tbe grand Jury, which will meet in December. Three million humpback ealmen The new 380,000 national guard arm eggs have been distributed to Oregon ory of Medford has been completed ex­ hatcheries, according tb announce­ cept a few minor finishing touches, ment made by Dr Thomas W Ross, and the tentative date for Its formal member of the Oregon Fish commis­ dedication has been set for November sion. They are to be planted In tbe 3« Nehalem. Tillamook. Yaqulna. 81a- George Neuner of Roseburg, at the slaw and Coos rivers request of I. H Van Winkle, attorney An attempt further to amend the general, has ¡eft for McMinnville, "onatltutlon by doing away with tbe where be will conduct an Inveatlga referendum and sleet federation of­ (Ion Into the finances of Yamhill coun­ ficers at tba cnaveatloa was blocked ty. after a basted discussion at tba con ventlon of the Oregon State Federa­ C. H Gram, state labor commission er. hat been requested by Salem bust tion of Labor at Astoria. Tha » e o la ­ neas men to make a survey of local tions adopted at tbe convention In­ Favorlag tfca factories with a view of determining clude tbe following: the cause of the present cinder nui­ strict enforcement of tbe Volstead sance. act; urging unionists to refuse to bay Ed Murphy of Knippa, 60. Is In an at say store anises they are waited Astoria hospital with hta pelvic bones upon by a clerk wearing a union but­ crushed and suffering Internal to ton and requesting them to confine Juries, the result of an accident at tbelr trading to between the hours ot the Big Creek Logging company's » and * week days; ta promote sdu cation In tbs use of tbs aalon label; camp. W hat la declared to ba ibe largest Indorsing the movement to restrict buck ever brought Into Pendleton was Immigration for a period of five years; calling oa tba governor to appoint a one killed by Herman Hosenburg In committee of alas members. Including his pasture on bla ranch near Hide­ three employe», three farmers and away Springs The buck weighed lot) three members of organised labor, to pounds dressed. Investigate aad report Io him oa tbe Fred Skeen, a young rancher resid­ tbe workmen’s compensation net; la­ ing near Dorris, Just over the Cali­ st ructlng tba office of ths federation fornia line aoutk of Klamath Falls, to assist la brtaglag about an aaieud- was found dead In his bed by a neigh­ meat to tha stats constitution which boring rancher under circumstances will permit saastmsnt aad safarcs Indicating murder. meat of a law provldlag for compul­ During (be first tea months of this sory accaptaaee by em ploys» of tha year motor vehicle registrations total­ stats laJastrtal acrid sal laturaace,