PAGE« HA LSR V E N T E R P R IS E $••••••••••••••••••••••••, : G LO Br ALBANY be about time. as usual a 11 18016386 Thirty Baby Reptllse Ooma to -S fu to n io b i/e a n ò (By Ralph Lawrence) tlar,” but There 1« Little Mope J r a c tr /r ^ .e p a lr in q Miss Alberta Koontz was They W ill Live. Everyone was surprised a t 1 home from Willamette Univer­ ! the sudden death of Mrs. W’ing Fisk and Gates Tires and Tubes.—We now have in stock the Fisk 96 so, A most unpleasant nursery E h Eggleston last Wednsday. Re­ 3 4 fabric tires for $9 Be sure to investigate our lines and get our 5 The first theater in sity for the week end. prices before buying. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. McMahan been started at the London Zoolog­ cently she had her tonsils re­ “ your neighborhood to Automobile accessories. Ford parts, oils. returned Sunday morning from ical gardens, where a rattlesnake moved, and she had been both­ - show j has produced a family of th irty ered quite a bit with an inward W illard battery service station. a trip to Salem. goiter. A fter the operation she Trouble calls fiven Mrs C. E. Smith severely in- ‘ prompt attention ju ied her arm in a fail at her , , . J nothrfig of cuddleeome, got a little better and was home west of town Sunday ' ‘ , 1 ^ ’^ e s e about these tenfold brought home. Complications Telephone 16*3 rn n T ff DBno n___ 3et in and she passed away Wed­ morning, but the bore was not ' , *PIe“ - riw tiny monsters wriggle nesday night. The sorrowing broken. j round their motionless mother, look­ husband and infant son have *t llis latest comedy, and it will ing keen, efficient and venomous In the sym pathy of the entire com­ Rev. Mr. White will conduct • tickle away your troubles, their snuff and butter-colored »mark munity. H A L SE Y R A IL R O A D TIM E services twice a month a t Lake _ * * * * * * * * * * * mgs. t Creek chorch, and an effort is Nor‘h South Mrs. Charles W olgamott of • C O M IN G • AU aie fully equipped to kiU al- being made to organize a Sun­ ' E n terp rise C arrw p oB 4«ac«) No. IS, 11:37 a. tn. No. 17. 12:15 p. „ P ie Dalles is visiting in town icady. Ig not there an old, saying } M A IN S T R E E T : day school there. 24. 4:28 p. m. 23, 4.28 p. u for a few days. E. A. S ta rre s and family vis­ to the effect that It is ■‘sharper than 22, 4:30 a. in. 21, l l ; ’z p, ra ited a t the A. R. W alker home H a n y Bressler, section fo re -. B ^rnent'a t Rev. M. S. Woodworth preach­ Nos, 21 and 22 »top only if flagged. man at Lyons, spent Sunday a i serpent's thanks w n to have . a . tooth- ed to a goodly congregation a t Sunday. and Monday at the home of hit ' u ? ’ each theM Jots and Tittles Mrs. Henry Brock and Bmall p a ie rtj in this city. i cfuI,Jren has a set of poison fang* the B aptist church Sunday. It S U N D A Y M A IL HOURS seems goed to have our pastor daughter Doris of Lake Creek of which any mother might Ee back, as the attendance was get­ called a t the home of Mrs. Mrs. J. W. Morgan was an proud. Tbe delivery window of th (s'outinued irotu page 5) ting low during his long ab­ Brock’s brother, C hester Cur­ Helaey poatoffice ie open Sund*T Albany visitor Tuesday. Shortly after they were born’these L. II. Springer and wife from, sence. He gave us splendid ser­ tis, Monday afternoon. from 10:50 to I l a . m and la -t Lawrence Taylor attended independent infants objected to mons, both morning and eve­ Tacoma, Wash., came Friday to 12:30 p. m. 1 Mr. and Mrs. William Burton the football ganie at Eugene their birthday suits and started i to afternoon for the w£ek end. ning, and announced prayer Sunday mail goes out only Oi shed their skins. This is still goin^ I I meeting Wednesday evening of Albany and Mrs. Robert Can­ the north-bound 11:37 train: Mrs. Springer is a daughter of Saturday. non of Mitchell visited a t the L. G. Wesley. Mrs. H a n k Leeper went to on and making an untidy litter in and Bible study Friday evening. home of Mrs. Burton’s sister, i the nursery. William Shepherd, well known Luge re Tuesday evening for a Miss Vina O'M ara h a d ^ th e Mrs. D. I. Isom, Saturday. Paid-for Paragraphs It is very doubtful if the babies m isfortune to cut the end off f Each Uby hiUj g ütt]e Leonard Ingram and E rnest with him. South Side teachers. first few months of the la tte r’s Mabe of Walton visited a t the A m arriage license was is­ ownership of the hardware at the end of the tail, but there is V aloi us Woodworth entered Lee Ingram home Sunday. o WoSai e- pe remembered as having visit­ (Continued from page I ) Earl Stanard and Verne called a t the Ingram home Sun­ ed her grandm other, Mrs. Mary “ BANNER STONES” ARE FOU'JD Bright, both graduates of the Miss Agnes Pugh, wh day evening. Hayes, for several weeks la-t biownsville high school, have teaches school near Philomatl summer. Thought to Represent Birds That Sam Green and faiu ly visited poems in the November number friend* in Albany Sum a /. spent the week end with he Form Part of American Miss Emma Carleton of Al­ father. - . . — of the Lariat. Indian Myths. I rank Kropf aim family visited lan y was a guest a t the G. W. Mi and Mrs. J. W. LaM ar ani The Boy Scouts’ financial at tl.e Levi Kropf home Sunday. Laubner home the first of the Construction of the dam across two daughters visited with Mr? drive ir Brownsville last week is week. Joe Cerkovaki and family have w the Susquehanna river near Cotio- reported most successful. returned from their viait near Gussie Guion a t Brownsvill Mrs. W. II. McMahan was a wingo, Md., is speeding up an Sunday. Portland. week end guest of friends at archeological investigation of a pre­ The Times tells th a t the birth Mr*. L. II. Armstrong called on i , ? L ardn Ml:s' Iiale iiave c° m< her old home in Corvallis. of a son to A lbert Jam es on historic Indian workshop on an Mr* J. F. laoui Friday afternoon p fiom Portland. Mr. Hale wii , Wednesday of last week occur­ Motorist—Got free air here? W. II. Kirk was over from island eight miles above that place. nm the caterpillar and trailer! red on the m others tw entieth Onrnge Ross—Yes; If ycu put irlln Monroe Sunday for a visit with John L. Baer of the United for the sawmill. Special Speaker yourself I birthday anniversary and on his father. States National museum, who for the first anniversary of the J- S. LaMar was a business Last Sunday the pastor of Mrs. Geoige S ta rr returned had ? eking the elution “W A LL" OF W ATER wedding of the parents. the Halsey Church of Christ, visitor in Albany Wednesday. from days’ ■it day I . " - a few u a .,.1 visit v ia n I ? tne mJ ste,7 of curiously wrought \ Elkwoi-th of the sawmill Mr. and Mrs. L ester Walker -.»on Chamlee, brought a special Towering 70 feet, a “wall” of «tone« found in such abundnnn* abundance er sister s is te r at nt Junction .Tunctinn City P i t , , I gtone« with l h her I there and elsewhere, has redoubled water believed to liava been set in are enjoying a visit from their ipeaker for the morning hour of went to Cottage Grove on Mon- Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Hocken- I his effort* because the completion Gilstrap, aay. motion by a submarine disturbance, daughter Edith, now Mrs. Lind, worship—Mr. E. J. ,‘ mith of Albany were Sunday who is field secretary for the and her husband, a radio opera­ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walters guests at the home of the form­ of the engineering project will nearly proved disastrous to the tor, who have recently come Eugene Bible university. He of Eugene visited Mrs. Fruit drown the island, says the Indian­ Pacific liner Brush, 50 miles off er s sis) ?r, Mrs. J. L. Palmer, from Alaska. They brought with chose as his subject “The Place Sunday. and family southw est of town. apolis News. “Banner stones,” as the coast of Mexico recently. iTie them two Alaska orphans for of the Christian College in our the specimens are called, are be­ Mi and Mrs. Taylor are re­ Mr. and Mrs. Fred B uikhait lieved to have been eeremoniul ob­ captain of the ship described the-ap­ the Indian school a t Chemawa. National Educational Program ." modeling their house in Albany. proach of the strange freak pt His address was very interest­ of Salem are spending p few jects carried by the Indians. So far nature as an unbroken black link Mis. L. L. O rr of Bend, ing and appreciated by the 1 hey expect to move there soon. days at their faim. they are unknown west 0/ the Mis­ near the horizon when firot observed 1 mother of Rev. J. C. O rr of the goodly number present. The Mr and Mrs. Fred Hughes Howard Reeves of Eugene sissippi, but in New Jersey they the lookout. When its nature was | Presbyterian church, died Sun­ pastor spoke in the evening on of Albany spent Sunday visiting ¡spent Sunday with his little have been found under other Indian di.'n tned, the »hip was made readv ' day of last week, as the. result "The Conversion of a Cabinet Mrs Hughes’ parents. Mrs. sons, Willis and Charles, who material which indicates that they for the onrush of watar. When the of a goiter. She was on a visit i Officer.” Hughes was Miss Lola Car- live wits their giandparents are very old. Next Sunday the morning others. J-all hit the Brush, the captain) to her son a t the time. She was Mi. and Mrs. J. W. Rector. subject will be “God Speaking I rem the shape of many of these declared it was a» if a huge hand 55 years old. m a ud ,M rs' Hughes have Fred Roberts a id family of stones, it has been suggested that had clasped the vessel and ra ’sed it IL L. Allman of Philomath to Ls, based on Heb. 1. Every moved back to Peoria after Eugene drove down Sunday and they probably were intended to rep­ into the air. Thera wre. not a breath 1 came to Brownsville on account one should read this chapter spent the day with Mrs. Rob­ resent birds, butterflies and other of wind, but for six hj.ure after the of the death of his aunt. Mrs. L. this week and b r ^ g his Bible to spending the sum m er in the church th a t we can discuss this river bottom. They had a big e rts ’ parents. Mr. and Mrs. P. J forms of flying life which play a occurrence, the log of the ship L. Orr, last week. He found chapter together. crop of peaches and harvested ro rster. their potatoes. Prominent part in many Indian my­ shows, the Brush labrtred in swells Loomis of the Times in the The evening sermon will be D. J Hayes uriived Sunday thologies. equal to those off Cane Hom and throes of the job of printing the on “W hat is a C hristian.’’ This Mrs. D. C. Gibbs and son id n, M ortana for a visit with I <«s driven miles off its course— county Ivallots and took hold and was suggested by the question Dalton spent Thursday after- LARGEST FLOATING DOCK helped for a few days. Mr. All- Inends and relatives. Popular Mechanics Magazine r.n Peoria- Mrs- Gibbs was man a t one time was a composi­ placed in the question box. The ( laudc Davis v/os a busine' 3 question box is proving helpful the telephone operator here. Singapore is reported to be the to r on the Times and is a good LEGENDS OF T H E HAWTHtORN caller a t Corvallis Tuesday. to a lt Questions placed in it p destination of the largest floating printer. j ° j ’*and had business in are read .one Sunday evening Claude Davis and family of dock world, now being pre- — in the worm, . now being luesdsy nsght 150bu»in»»i men and answered the next. Bring Hoitland during the week end. ___• ft pre- 1 HccrJ V III (1485-lf»9) « f Eng- Albany visited Sunday at the naroJ P«red for M m cf by expert» of the !aad «»'d to have choiea hawthorn and parents of Bnv Scout* a t­ home of Mrs. Davis’ sister, Bntiah ontish navy navv at Chatham. Ch«th.m Thia Tk;. for his hia device, devin* because , tl« v _ crown of . tended a meeting at the M»thndis< on your questions, brethem . Mothodiat Notes Let s make this preacher work. Mrs. J. W. Moore, and family in dock w.» aurrende-ed by the Oer- church at which the eenuta wvre Richard III was found :ua a haw­ The Sunday school went fo W. H. Robertson, superin­ this city. mana to the Britiah. in accordance thorn bush on the field of Bosworth reorganixvd. L. L. H arltln i* dep. tendent of the Bible school, an­ ward with real “pep” last Sui VV. A Muller got a piece of with the term» of the peace treaty niter the battle. According to an uty acout commieaioner and Glenn nounced a special num ber to be •rteel ir his eye Tuesday, but but, before being handed over, three old English tradition. Christ's Loomis of the Tim e* ia scoutmas­ given next Sunday a t the Bible day under the new superinteni ent. Let everyone be presei m g 11 W as removed by Dr. •ectiona of the dock were rendered crown of thorns was imul* of haw­ ter. Mavor C. C. Snvder it chair- school hour. Mai ks it gave aim no trouble. tuan of (It* treop committee, H uneleaa. These part* are being re- i thorn, which, for this treason is Many will be memorizing the next Sunday. There are elasse A. W ilson »eeretary and Leslie I, 8th Psalm this week, as there for all ages. Mrs. T. J. Skirvin was an newed at Chatham, involving the called by the French 1’ e iln e noble. H aekin , W . E Thom n»Oll, W i'l- Albany visitor Saturday. The league service took o employment of 800 men. Each eec- In south Germany, black, lo rn was is a little contest on. lain M 'lle, Prof. W . L. S tarr an I It. B. Miller had business in tion is 160 feet long. 80 feet wide believed to have been the v ©od used, C. E Stanard m«tub»r* duet by Misses Rena and rew life and inspiration in th H arrisburg Wednesday. M arjone W alker last Sundav evening. Let our watchword b and more than 100 feet high. The while other traditions pt tilted to Mr*. Ttteaang and Mr*. Ringo was appreciated by all. total wage* bQl for renewal will , 'Y' f t Beer w 4 DAYS, SI ARTIN J SUNDAY, NOV 4 5 H arold Lloyd HALSEY GARAGE j “ Why W o rry ? ” For I Colds and Influenza ant1 • • a pr»* -n tstiv. tska Bronio-Quinine RINGO'S Drugstore ; * t *************t*tAW w*‘ toast of France i» gradually dving. According to ’epoit« from Var, all eflorta to save i t have failed, and it i* slowly dwindling away. This patriarch is lo>« cd near the Gulf of S tin t-T o p ^ ert the road from Jyerea to Saint Raphael. It mea»- ure* 30 feet in c irenmferenre at th. •’»»» *nd has cel* brated many a ccn- t,lry- Stephen iLiegeard has writ- en of it: “V is ile from all pointa * th* *urreun4icg eountrv. it* •nrallest branches^ are like tree.: it ^•embiea a forejtL’ congratulate you. Fifty years ia a long time to be married. I I»ongwed—Yea, it’s a peaky long ' time. But then divorces coet eo much we never felt we could afford one. A noteworthy chang* in the Ar- genrine market for typewriters U he almost complete efiniiaation of those of German origin. The Con­ tinental machine is ,tij l imported, but only in small quantj dee aa eom- ho n est , a n y w a y i*red with the number of machine* of thia make which wv r, formerly I Mother—There were two appl« brought into Argentina. Thu*, t v in th* cupboard, WiUia, and now »11 practical r purpose^ w - - r- — ff K tv American ‘ there ii only one. How’* that f typewriter does not, os rapt in Jn ieo- wo- Willie—Well, ma, it wa* to ¿ark istC n CW**’ feel aï*üh°a ot in there, I didn’t *ee the other !— the German machine. London Answers. Mrs. \ ewrich—How do you I iky rny new etatue af Venus? Mrs Goldman—I t’» verv pretty, but what a pity you broke the arm.« cff. I suppose your servants are careleaa, like mine. IN LUCK FOR ONCI Andrew Bonar Law. the Britiah (tatram an, died Tneeday. Through a typographical error the »tatemant is printed on page J th at the S^uth^rn Pacific hat nro- Tided ineuritic* for 20.000 of ita employes. The figures should have been " 90,€00.” "I forgot to mail that lettar of Sfate and federal au th o rise yuuie." He said thia sheepishly. are taking action to prevent im But for once he was in luck “ No,” said hi. wife. “I f'org0t to h ntn r ifon of