• > f í b a nyj2)irectory P o r tm ille r F urniture Co., futni- ture, rugs, linoleum, stoves ranges. s .« e ,r*A lilreC,Or* 427 433 We>‘ Flr‘ < street, Albany, Oregon. ley, had been quite ill at her land was up the first of’ the home east of town but is im­ week, visiting at the home of her brother, B. M. Wilson near proving. Nixon. Their mother, who is D. S. McWilliams, who re­ also there, has been ill for some Mrs. Henry Bateman accom­ cently moved to Albany, was a time. J £ u b Cleaning Works, I „ c. panied Lloyd Templeton and business visitor in Halsey A. A. Tussing was present a t ,, „ C ot . Fourth and Lyon tamily of Albany Saturday to Thursday. Master Dyers and Cleaners W h y suffer from the Lebanon-Brownsville Com­ Eugene to the U. of O.-ldaho ___ __M ade-To- Measure Clothes J. W. Miller was ricking wood mercial clubs meeting a t Moth­ game. On their return Mrs. headache? in his shed at his home north er’s Inn a t Tangent Thursday Bateman was m et by her sister, A iHany Bakery, 321 Lyon street, M agneto electric co 7 Have y o u r eyes Best one-pound loaf of bread made All kinds of electric apparatus re­ Mrs. John Edwards, and spent of town, Thursday when, with night. exam ined 5 cent*. paired. CouservaUve prices. All work the night a t th eir home south one tier up, he saw the first be­ G. W. Morohiuweg and wife, 119-121 \v. Second. Wedding cakes to order. folly guaranteed gin to topple over. Hurrying east of town. S. T . F R E N C H a fte r« visit with H om er’s fam ily at out of the way, he escaped all A lb»ay E lectric Store. Radio M e n and money are best when Optometrist, with . Mrs. J. H. Vannice, accom­ but one heavy stick, which Shedd Friday, found in. the eve­ busy. Make your dollars work in sate. Electric wiring. Delco Light panied by her mother, Mrs. An­ struck him on the Jrack of the ning th at the gasoline had been our savings department. A leanv S tate products F. M. F r e n c h & S o ns gel, ano son of Walla Walla, head. Aside from having to stolen from their car and had to R lskn W illard W m moflich . L a n k , t.'nder go v ern m en t supervision. J E W E L E R S — O P T IC IA N S who have been visiting here for wear a bandage for a few days, stuy all night. A lb a n y F loral Co, Orders tilled IM iller Motor Sales a short time, left for tne W ash­ n o h a rm was done. Albany, Oregon W. H. Beene went to Portland 1 * Oakland and Jewett cars carefully for everywhere or anv ington city Saturday. Mrs. Van- time. Flowers, wire any where in V S Supplies and accessories oQe day last week with a load of Curtis Veatch was a Cottage Elrst aml Baker Sts. Albany, Oregon or Canada. Flower phone 458-J. nice will remain witn her m oth­ household goods for Orin, W est Grove visitor the last of the er for a short time. IM ortoti & Speer Service Com week, incidentally attending the and family. They had been a t A L B A N \ GARAGE. " Stud«»- pany Miss Georgina Clark was on session of the Oriental lodge in the George Shaw home here for ■T* baker" and y sta r" automobiles. some time. Headquarters for good tires the sick list a few days last ' Eugene Saturday night, General repairing and supplies. Exchange week. Phone 65 First and Lyon, G. T. Hockensmith — Lloyd Templeton. M il ay lodge, I. O, G J met f P. J. Forster was an Albany M u r p h y Motor Co. Bniok and Best and largest line of in regular session Saturday Mrs. J. W. Moore, accompan-l visitor Saturday, I> lu e Bird R estau ran t, 309 Lyon -*■ * Chevrolet automobiles. Tires and night and two candidates for ied by Mrs. L. E. Walton, drove* street. Eat hare when in Albany. accessories. * Open from 6 to 2 and 5 to 8. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Standish membership took the initiatory ^Albany, Oregon. Phone 2®0. to Brownsville Saturday a fter­ M rs . B lount . son E veiett in degree. Hiram Farwell and H. F u ii lic e of Universal Heaters noon, and Mrs. Moore had some visited their D e a l estate. Money to loan. All Salem Sunday. N. Millard of Shedd and F. H. dental work done. Heavy R ü K 8 W I C K kinds of insurance written W. A. Allen and J. C. Bram­ Porter of Portland were visitors. " p h o n o g r a m s Call on J. V. P ipr , Charles P. Poole and family D PRINT LINOL EUM at Albany State Dank Building. Mrs. Southern was an Albany returned Sunday well were Corvallis visitors Sat­ >1 per square yard. ef Lebanon W O O D W O R T H ’S visitor Saturday. from their extended visit with urday. p O S C O E A M ES H A R D W A R E 422 West First st.. .Albany, Oregon. T A R . C. FICQ friends and relatives in the Thad Young of Portland was AV the You can run an automobile east. a guest at the J. W. Drinkard from Vancouver. B. C„ through It is a paradox of horse rac­ 312 Wes, Second OreC° n i 322 home Wednesday, and went Halsey to the California line, all T. J. Jackson was a Eugene hunting ing th at its devotees insist on for pheasants. the way on pavement—except visitor Saturday. p a s t b u r n Bro».—Two big gfoeery 8. O I L B . E R T é 8 O K calling themselves lovers of over the H arrisburg ferry. To stores, 212 W. First and 225 South W. A. Cummings and wife Carl Hill and his housemates, sport for its own sake, yet are avoid the delay and inconven­ Main. Good merchandise at the right Chinaware and gift shop were in Albany Wednesday. prices. ‘ 330 West First Albany never able to finance it or get Cross, Clark, Corcoran and Rob­ ience a t the ferry many take the ertson, were home from 0 . A. C. H. F English and family, ac­ went side route. VV« all w ant a p i r n s developed and printed. Q T E N B E R G BROS., groceries out a fair-sized crowd when its for the week end. companied by Mtes Leitner bridge a t Harrisburg. “ “ ln,h ," ' fl« ht back ,O Vou- ° froi“ ' produce. 235 Lyon street gambling phase is ignored or Woodworth Drug Company, Albany, Or We ---- ’’ groceries and ' - 7 T. J. Skirvin attended the drove to Eugene Saturday to sell prohibited. Legislation' against I ootball game in Eugene S atur­ attend the U. of O.-ldaho game egon. Saturday Lloyd Templeton i Buy cream. Phone 26.5R race betting is largely respon­ day, remaining for the Oriental and spei t the week end with reached H an isb u rg early in the P i r s t garage going north. C T IM R O N T H E »SHOE DOCTOR sible for grass-grown speedways lodge meeting th a t night. Mr. Englsh’s mother and sister. afternoon and found 40 cars * Tires, accessories, oils, gasoline • Second street, opposite Hamilton's waiting at the ferry. He was repair work. and for decline of interest in the store. > Miss Delma Wahl wrj home told th at he would have to wait John Salash and wife drove to . W. H. H ulbur T. “ Sudden S?fvice.” breeding aed training of rac­ Eugene Saturday for the meet­ for the week end from her 40 minutes to get on the ferry. studies at 0 . A. C. lood a dry goods store is the best , 7 , . ---------- ing stock. They used to say that ing of the Orientals. He drove to Eugene by way of place in Albany to buy dry goods. | Y ‘l,do A nderson dr S on . distrib- Coburg in less than, 40 minutes. The W. F. M. S. will meet utors and dealers for Maxwell, rfc.l. Chai racing could prosper without furnishings and notions. Service is our utori Mr-. Hazel Wallace and two —Albany Herald. .niers, Essex. Hudson A riiiDniobile cars. betting but events have proved motto. daughters, Jane and Maxine, re­ next Friday afternoon a t two ( Accessories. Supplies. 1st A Broadalbin. o’clock with Mrs. L. C. Merriam. Brownsville would vote for that they were wrong.—P o rt­ turned Sunday from Newberg P O R C H R IST M A S Mrs. A rthur Foote is leader of the bridge bonds, probably, if where they had been visiting land Oregonian. A V Your photograph the lesson«. there were a pavement on the Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wallace. Clifford’s Studio Halsey-Brownsville road, and The brown rot fungus is killed Miss Allwildd Wilson., teacher Lebanon’s opposition is alleged Charles Straley drove to Mon­ in the Albany public schools, in prur.es where they are sub­ mouth Friday evening and l’O R D SA1.ES AND S E R V IC E “ to be largely in revenge for the jected, for any length of time, brought home his sister Merle, spent the week end a t the old failure of the county court to Tir;s and accessorie* SERVICE « to a tem perature of 130 degrees who was attending state normal. home place near Nixon. Repairs J give a fa t tim ber cruising job. K irk -P ollak M otor C o . gì, ^.s n ,,, cost jess per raont(, of we^. in the dryer. Their m other, Mrs. H. L. Stra- Mrs. Blanche Hyde of Port­ (Continued on page 6) Thi» is (rood advice; " If you live in Albany, trade in Albany ; if you live in some other town, trade in that town." B otin these automobile days many re­ siding elsewhere find it advisable to do at least part of their buying in the larger town. Those who go to Albany to transact business will find the firms named below ready to fill their require­ ments with courtesy a n t fairness. bought, sold and exchanged at all times (C ontinued from page 1> J J a I I ’* F loral and Music S h e » Miss Lois Johnson spent Sun- Good service and prompt delivery ben t . s u d te ll j day with friends in Salem. on cut flowers and fioral designs. A1U°y Phone 1661 Phone 7ó-R. 125 V. Broadalbin st., Albaay 1.1. SilFfF™“" Used F u r.n i t u re , D g. F Open Roads or Barriers - ? Will your verdict be for open road», or, a fte r the polls close next Tuesday evening, will your vote count for the continuance of the present ferry at H arrisburg and woinout bridge at Albany? You have it in your power to provide for a safe, quick and convenient crossing of the Willamette River at H arrisburg and an adequate solid bridge a t Albany that will eliminate the danger to human life that now exists. Your answer is im portant to the en­ tire county. Let us again state Let us again state THE ISSUE A bond issue of $180,000, to run for 10 years, bear­ ing interest a t 5 per cent. Retirement to begin a fter four years following date of issue and to be paid oft at the rate of $30,000 a year for six years. Of the amount asked. $67,846.30 is to be used as Linn county’s share of building the bridge at H arrisburg, the state and I nine county paying a like sum as their portion. And $115,000 is to be used as Linn county’s share of the bridge at Albany, to which amount the City of Albany will provide about $35,000 more and the state of Oregon the balance for a steel structure that will cost $294,976.50. In all, Linn county will get two new bridges that will cost $498,678.70 to built?. for a total payment of $180.000 from the county a t large. The people of Albany will pay their part of the genet al county’s amount, plus $35,000 more towards the bridge at that place. For the first five years the tax will amount to less than one mill, or less than $1.00 on each thousand dollars th at you are assessed. From the fifth to the tenth year only about one-half of a mill, or 50 cents on each $1000 of assessed valuation will be required. Linn and Lane counties are now operating a ferry jointly at Harrisburg at a cost of $3,300 a year, in ad­ dition to the cost of new cables, re-decking, gas engines, depreciation, etc. Upkeep o f ’the ferry will cease upon completion of the bridge, for the state will maintain the bridge a fte r it is once open. Likewise with the Albany bridge. No more expense to the county will follow the building of the bridge. These are purely financial considerations. From a business standpoint the county cannot aftord to turn down the opportunity to get two splendid new crossing's for less than what either one of the proposed bridges would cost, and then in addition eliminate all expense forever in connection with maintaining them, or the present old ferry. MORE THAN MONEY INVOLVED But however desirable are the economical aspects of the proposition, Linn county faces a higher duty in the m atter. Of w hat use was it to the state to build the Pa­ cific Highway up this way, with the aid of the county, when there is no connection between the shores of the two counties. The highway commission confidently ex­ pected th at the bridge would be built, and Linn county must not fail them. Every day the county receives un­ favorable mention on the ferry’s account. There is always an element of danger with a ferry, especially in the win­ ter, and there at e tim es when the danger makes it im­ possible to operate a t all and then traffic is forced to take the west side highway. The old bridge at Albany is past its prime, obso­ lete and entirely unable to take care of the traffic that would come its way. Built 32 years ago to carry a max- imiir; cf five tons, it is now but 25 per cent efficient in handling the traffic. The county court, acting upon ad­ vice of experts who have examined the old structure, has placed a five-tun limit upon the weight that may cross. And the oridge is actually unsafe for larger loads. State engineers place the life of this bridge a t three more years under -regulated tiaffic. I t will take three years be­ fore a new bridge can be opened if the bonds are voted row . ( . B. Mcl ullough, in charge of bridge construction for the state highway commission says: “ People who de- libertly vote this bridge down are potential murderers. The old bridge may last for years to come, and then it might go down at any time. The people put off building a rew bridge at Kelso and their old structure went down with the loss of many lives a month before the new one was completed. Several people weie drowned a t Selwood last summer when a car tan off the ferry. At H arrisburg a doctor was di owned a t the ferry crossing and a near accident occured there last year. Linn County and the whole state needs these bridges and there should be no hesitation in voting for them now.” NOT A SECTIONAL MATTER Certain elements in the eastern part of the county are apparently trying to force an issue with the county court or with the western part of the county, playing politics to gain some desired end. But w hatever the motive, it is not necessary to play politics or defeat the bridge issue in order to gain it. That attitude would on­ ly icive to antagonize the other section and result in making it difficult for any part of the county to accom­ plish anything. Dissatisfaction over m atters of the past, with which Albany had nothing to do, is a poor excuse for anyone opposing the present issue, which is an entirely different m atter. 1 he two bridges asked for do not concern Al­ bany and H arrisburg alone, but the entire county, and should stand upon the m erits of the present ca.se. STATE GOOD TO LINN \ \ hen ( orvallis wanted a bridge across the Wiliam ette River Benton County paid the entire cost of con­ struction. Now the state comes to the aid of Linn County and offeis about one-half of the cost of constructing the Albany bridge and ore-third of the H arrisburg bridge. VOTE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS BARGAIN IN BRIDGE BONDS Paid Advertisem ent by Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce, Albany Chamber o f Commerce, B u siness Men of H alsey, Shedd and Tangent.