PAGE 4 HA LSEY E N T E R P R IS E NOV. 1 laestfng »knyt, pL&lc parrit-z, gravely. He stretched out hla hand graph. careleauly thrust In face up­ thouaands of people pasalng: I t ca r’t ward«, caught hla aya Fur e moment ba there: It's a hundred to one to a sheet on the table. “Tuppence— ?" faltered Tommy. he stood rooted to the groend. Than a»aln»t Ira being there: I t ’s against For "Head for yourself." be took It oat. that the drawer, walked all reason I" The typewritten words danced be­ slowly over to an armchair, and sat Jullua looked at him with a widen­ fore his eyes. The description of a dawn «till staring at the photograph ing smile. “I guess you're rattled," he drawled green toque, a coat with a handker­ In hla hand. What on earth was a photograph of with some enjoyment. "Well, here chief In the pocket marked “P. L, C." goes 1” He thrust hla hand Into the He looked an agonized question at Mr. the French girl Annette doing In Julius , < a rte r The latter replied to It: Herohelmmer'« writing table! “ Washed up on the Yorkshire coast —— »*J - n e a r Ebury. rm afraid—It looks CHAPTER X IV *•' I ! very much like foul play.” "My G— d!" gasped Tommy. “T ud - In Downing Street. P«»ce! Those devils—m never re6t The prime minister tapped the desk | u ll I ve got even with them I I ’ll In front of him with nervous fingers. hunt them down I i'll_ His face was worn and harassed. He "I'm taking up your time, sir,” he took up hla conversation with Mr. Car­ , Raid with an effort. "There's no need ter at the point It had broken off. AGATH A ’ or you to blame yourself. I dare say " I don't understand,” he aald. “Do CHRISTIE we were a couple of young fool, to you really mean that things are not take on snch . job You warned us so desperate after a ll/ ' all right. But I wish to God I'd been "So this lad seems to think. ( 1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU 1 G the one to get It In the neck. Good- "Let’s have a look at his letter (Oaorrtsht Dodd. Mud * Company) by, glr.” again." , W V » V M i A i >AIM O A A A A A A a , l . . . . . ■ ^ r t ) V V iZ lrtrv V V V v v v l j un8 ^ r ‘ thKe , R ltI' T0” my J*Cknd Mr. Carter handed It over. It was (Continued) up his few belongings mechanically, written in a sprawling boyish hand. There was a pause. his thoughts far sway. He w a. still "Dear Mr. Carter: 'Thank you. Mis* Finn.” It was Sir bewildered by the Introduction of "I think I know who the real Jane James who spoke. "I hope we have tragedy into his cheerful common­ Finn is, and Tve even got an Idea not tired you?" place existence. What fun they had where the papers are. That last’s only Oh, that's all right. My head aches had together, hq and Tuppence I And a guess, of course, but I ’ve a sort of a little, but otherwise I feel line." now—oh, he couldn't believe it— It feeling it’ll turn out rig h t Anyhow, I Julius stepped forward and took her n » , i , ”e trU8! TuPPence-dead: enclose It in a sealed envelope for ( band again. f e T uppence> brim m ing over with wh^t It's worth. Tm going to ask you “So long, Cousin Jane. I ’m going to life! i t was a dream, a horrible not to open It until the very last mo­ get buey after those papers, but I ’ll dream. Nothing more. ment midnight on the 28th, In fact. Commercial and Savings accounts Solicited be back In two shakes of a dog's tall, They brought him a note. , few You see, I ’ve figured It out that thoae und I'll tote you up to Londou and kind words of syinpnthy front Peel things of Tuppence’s are a plant too, give you the time of your young life Edgerton, who had read the new. tn and she's no more drowned than I am. a e A A s » . , ■ e - s » 1» » > ^ V V h rtA )V V V tru X IT n jX iV \A / V V I . l before we go back to the States! 1 He Thrust Hla Hand Into the Crevice. the paper. (There bad been a large The way I reason la thia: as a last mean It—so hurry up and get well.” 1 T )H .,U 'v v n E X V - A D ' BEARED chance they’ll let Jane Finn escape In In the street they held an Informal crevice, and made a slight grimace DROW NED.) The letter ended with the hope that she’s been shamming this council of war. Sir James had drawn I t « a tight fit. Jane’s hand must he the offer of a post on a ranch In the memory stunt and that once the thinks • watch from hla pocket. "The boat a lew sizes smaller than mine. _ -------- — — —- iltc uuai I A n fH tine where Sir James had"con- she's free she'll go right away to the train to Holyhead stops at Cheater at don't feel anything— no— sav w h r t ’s siderable Interests. cache. Of course It’s an awful risk ...... 12:14. I f you start at once I think 1 ,hl" this? * Gee w ............................. ills!” And with ’ a flour­ "Kind old beggar,” muttered Tommy for them to take, because she knows you can catch the connection. I wish ish he waved aloft a small discolored as he flung it aside. all about them— but they’re pretty des­ I could come with you. t am dun to packet. “It's the goods all right . Th* l oor “Pened. and Julius burst •peak at a meeting at two o’clock. It Sewn up In oilskin. Hold It while I in with his usual violence. H e held an perate to get hold of that treaty. But If they know that the papers have been Is unfortunate.” get my penknife." open newspaper In hlg hand. recovered by us, neither of those two The reluctance In his tone was The unbelievable had happened. "Say, what’s all this? They seem to girls’ lives will be worth an hour's very evident. It was clear, on the Tommy held the precious packet ten­ have got some fool idea about T ud - purchase. I must try and get hold of other hand, that Julius was easily dis­ derly between his hands. They li id pence.” Tuppence before Jane escapes. posed to put up with the loss of the succeeded I “I t ’s true." said Tommy quietly. " I want a repeat of that telegram other’s company. ’ It s queer," he murmured Id ly ; ' ° u mean they've done her in ’ " that wag sent to Tuppence at the Rita Ten minutes later the two young .you d think the stitches would have Tommy nodded. Sir James Peel Edgerton said you men were seated In a first-class car­ rotted. They look Just as good us "I suppose when they got the treaty would be able to manage that for me. new." riage en route for Chester. , «lie-w asu ’t any good to them any "One last thing—please have that For a long tlui» neither of them They cut them carefully and ripped lo'iger, und they were afraid to let liar house In Soho watched day and night spoke. When at length Julius broke away the nllsllk. Inside was a suiull ®°'” “Youra, etc., the alienee, It was with a totally un folded sheet of paper. W ith trem­ . ‘T ? 11’ rrn darned!" said Julius. "THOMAS BERESFORD.” expected remark. bling fingers they' unfolded It. The Little Tuppence. She sure whs the "He seems confident,” mused the They atured at pluckiest little girl—” "Say," he observed thoughtfully, sheet was blank! prime minister. "did you evei make a darned fool of each other, puzzled. But suddenly something seemed to A h alf smile came to the other’s yourself over a girl’s face?” "A dummy?" huzarded Julius. “Was crack In Tommy's brain. He rose to lipa his feet. Tommy, after a moment's astonish­ Danvers Just a decoy?” "And It la this— boy who will de- Tommy shook his head. That solu- ment, searched Ills mind. “Can't say "Oh, get out I You don't really care, I have," he replied at last. "Not that tlon did not satisfy him. Suddenly d—n you! You asked her to marry nls face cleared. I can recollect, anyhow. Why?" ‘T ve got It I Sympathetic Ink!" . Because for the lust two months "You think so?" I've been making a sentimental Idiot “Worth trying anyhow. Heat usu­ of myself over Jane! First moment I clapped eyes oq her photograph my ally does the trick. Get some sticks heart did all the usual stunts you read We’ll make a fire." In a few minutes the little fire of about In novels. I guess I'm ashamed to admit It, but I came over here twigs and leaves was blazing mer determined to find her and fix it all rlly. Tommy held the sheet of paper The paper curled a up, and take her back as Mrs. Julius near the glow little with the heat. Nothing more. P Hersheiromer I” Suddenly Julius grasped hlg arm. “Oh I" said Tommy, amazed Julius uncrossed his legs brusquely and pointed to where characters were and continued: appearing In a faint brown color. "Just shows what an almighty fool "Gee whlzl You've got It I Say. • men can make of himself! One look that Idea of yours was great. I t never • t the girl In the flesh, and I was occurred to me." cured I" Tommy held the paper In position Feeling more tongue-tied than ever some minutes longer until he Judged Tommy ejaculated "Oh I" again. the heet had done Its work. Then he "No disparagement to Jane, mind withdrew I t a moment later he ut­ you," continued the other "She’s s tered a cry. reel nice girl, nnd some fellow will Across the sheet In neat brown fall In love with her right away." printing ran the words: "With the " I thought her a very good-looking Compliments of Mr. Brown." girl." said Tommy, flndlng hla tongue “Sum she Is Bui she's not like her CHAPTER X III Photo one bit At least I suppose she la in a way—must be—because I Tommy Makes a Diecovary. recognised her right off I f I'd »een For s moment or two they stood her In a crowd I'd have aald 'There's staring at each other stupidly, dazed “And It Is This— Bey Whs W ill Dalasi • girl whose face I know’ right away with shock. Somehow. Inexplicably, “Oh, Q«t Outl You Don’t Raally Care, tbs Master Criminal?” without any hesitation But there Mr. Brown had forestalled them D—r, Y ou I ” «“ «Y COmmiiDicalt w ith Ensign Let of the Salvation Arm y at the was something about that photo"— Tommy accepted defeat quietly Nor tnaat* r criminal of our lime?" " h it e Shield H o it*, 56S Mayfair avenue, Portland, Oregon. you In your rotten cold-blooded Julius shook his head, and heaved a so Julius. "This—boy, as you say I But I but I loved her. I'd have given *l»h— " I «««*» romance la a mighty the Wnd*"m** f ’ nC7 1 “ ,tla25 ha bought two stacks o ’ clovor Jove, that won't wash! They'd have have been because I didn't care!" m«n to go alowly, nnd watched nar- , been published at once." him he*rt W* " gft MBr,hln« °ut of Motor Hearse. rowly »o as not to mlaa the path i The young men were on the point ef him he doean t want to tell. H.a leva I straw from a neighbor whs ha had Efficient Service. "Sure thing they would I No, some­ coming to blows. But suddenly, with They came to It not long after lenv reason to beliera had done a poor Lady Attendant no” douht *h* tO° "trOnif B',t " nd Tomui’ «topped the one's hour o got fso ahead of us today by .n an almost magical abruptness, Julius' _____ _____ ...O regon From thr t.L io g Brown i v i l e no doubt he can threw n , bt on e„e But how they did It gets : anger abated. ra r promptly, asked In a casual way h * * ° ld ,h # ' * M ’ ®r or two obscure points In young Berew 1861 my goat. It's no good arguing about j "All right, aon." he said quietly. "I'm whether the path led down to the sen ford q letter. Ah, here he Is l” straw i 0° f a,au'!'j i n »i’Y n u d ' end hearing It did paid off the man how it w a. done. The game's up going. I don't blame you any for what ■traw that a damp or too greetn all H e v e failed There's only one thing (To be continued.) In handaom* atyle. W - L- W R I G H T you've been saying. It'a mighty lucky contribute to lost to the prods cer 1 for me to do." A moment later the taxi was «lowly you did say R. p re been ».be most al­ .Mortician & Funeral Director dccl.ra. P ra th e r.-A lb a n y D . mo I "What’s th a tr mighty blithering darned Idiot that It's ’" Ck t0 Ho,' hMd Tommv Halsey and Harrisburg ,f!et b"Ck ” London as soon as poa- and Jullua watched It out of sight possible to imagine. Calm down"— a lt D. T a y lo r , Halsey, or and then turned to the narrow path' alble. Mr. Carter must be warned Tommy had made an Impatient gesture W. L. W r ig h t . Harrisburg It s only a matter of hour, now be­ They wew down tn tingle Ale. Jullue "I'm going right sway now—going to Attendaaeo la n s Cettoge leading Twice Tommy turned hla fore the blow fall«." the London and North Western rail­ H a lf an hour after arrival, haggard neheols has raaeh.d TM. tfcs heed uneaally Jullue looked hack way depot, If you want to know." a»d Pale, Tommy stood before to the history of the town. “What la p r p P .w 1?,! .P S per hla I don t care a d—n where you're ’T don’t know. Pre got ,hc win(. chief. going." growled Tommy. Tk» total registration lhe K_. I'ye come to report, air. I've failed I can i t u i r both F A R M and C IT Y fens Bible nnlverait» t . ‘ 1 As the door dosed behind Julius he returned to hla suitcase U«. to r...» M». wtol«to «. L O A N S et’ * very row rate <1 inteies I .“¿ J “ " «g The Path »as now ------- -- Rlpn< Where was he going? He hadn't the ca^ o t,n.CUe’,ca0:r o ‘. 7 h r , ’, * the'UO’u^ •tltntion. ot tha lB' From 5 to 10 years. W rite me for par the aldo of the cliff, parallel to the trculars. G. W. L a v l a b . faintest Ider Beyond a fixed deter ‘to In the hands of Mr Brown, air." tea Rudders’) Julius t a n . to eu h -A moss tneetl* . Salem, Ore. 410 Oregon Bldg. minatlon to get even with Mr. Brown Well," aaid M r «darter after a min of Canby and 2* b ,rrT «row« ’» " Æ 1 T" “ ’ o ” “ « He re read flir j nte or two, "we mustn't seg at the h* had no plans taN l.h la g s ° a < ™ ‘» ‘ •«’••to'« ‘» ••- H A L L ’s Floral and Music SboD hals T T I kneee, I suppose. I'm glad to know James' letter, and «hook his head Tup­ "W hat’s u p rr he Inquired. held i t p * c a ,f « T »‘ Canby was A lb an / I definitely We must do what we can " pence must be avecred. Still, It w’.g Xg r ■** ,aalL 'I hand*!"* h*r * ’ I f ,b lt do* “ ' b*»< “ >♦ Through Tommy’s mind flashed the kind of the old fellow. mal» Non * '* ’ •'<*’“ * «!?•<* a lrp la n e f Better answer It. I suppose." He assurance: i f . hopeleae. and he Tommy longed Standing went across to the writing tsble. With N' » 7 7 ° * Portland and Cash paid for out end knows It's hopeleae!" “ 'f obit run Hug the path w ai a the usual perveralty of bedroom sta­ \and c i.'** ’ rt’ 1 b* “ * * • bY * - • Port’ The other looked up at him e . T l? ,O0M’ r wh,ch «*»••««» here « Cream, Poultry, Eggs and U “ d Cb* ' » ‘ W f Commerce “I blame myeelf. I have been blem- tionery. there were Innumerable en ^ n c lfu l reswshl.nce to a begging’ velopes and no paper. He rang No i . J ? * B f v*ntent of wheat to Port Veal. 1 sundry sent Tuesday, *ng myself ever M. H. SHOOK. aines I heard thia one came. Tommy fumed at the de­ '««ncy Hub Cleaning Works "That’s It - g b r iurt?. ntwa,** lay Then he remembered that there Jto, * * * ’ > *« * k iJ T “ ?'7 IooMtd ' * ,h* « * * with a Somethlnf la bit M twtee as heavy this '.year as tone attracted room.* <22? _^upr*T lB Jg|lu»' sitting Amor A. T u nin g i‘ was • t l M ef agoni, M p -n it!" i) « criad. " Ifn impot- »Upped at hla heart He was bs-ginaing to be rather Sew’ , ' ‘ rWu1' • n o rt" - of the "to tuf, J asbauwd of the vuauce things » he • had CUt .Akiak 5 ii. it- —-— — — nau said. said. D id papers fnr arle gPrt * riah sad Oama >retecttve L A W Y E R AND NOTARY Hungarian Vetch Seed » . W . l' K l l l Cash paid for grain. Grain chopping and cleaning done at any!to time. ‘ By HALSEY STATE BANK Halsey, Oregon I C A P IT A L AND SU RPLU S $ 3 5 ,0 0 0 L A m e ric a n E a g le . Fire Insurance Co. Hay is worth ju st as much in storage a • you might get for it in case of fire. Th ? jAinerican Eagle Piro Insurance coinpan pi p i l l pay you 85% o.f the cash value in case of loss by Are. C. P. STAFFORD, A gent W in t e r ! Y ea; it is alm ost here. mer.nys H e a tin g S to v es That See our new and complete line ot H eaters V\ e solic it your stove R epair business. H ILL & <§. A ny Girl in Trouble D ELB ER T STARR Funeral Director and Li< censed Embalmer Fall Bulbs H Y A C IN T H S a „H T U L 1 P Q M’ P,r