/ PAGE 2 halsey HA LSEY E N T E R F U I SB E nterprise NOV. 1 ITZ1 ^ T. J. SKIRYIN Am la 4 e *« B 4 e n i— WOT a e a tr a l— s e w »* ' ^ • IT . Pobllabed • » • r y T h u ra d « / ’ • r W a . U. W HEELER SRRI» Greatest Bank System R ebekahsa nd G hosts A fter the regular meeting of ’urity Rebekah Lodge No. 130 aat Wednesday evening, which vas called to order by Mrs. Uinnie Cross, noble grand, a general social tim e on the order jf a Halloween entertainm ent vas held, to the enioyment of *11 present. Every one being sent from he lodge hall, the lights were -umed out and members and quests were then sent into the oom and told to follow the string. This string led from one ^art of the room to another, vith various articles tied to it it intervals, finally winding up it a black kettle which was placed over a glowing fire, and in charge of Miss Rena Walker, m personating a witch. Con­ stantly stirring the contents of ‘his kettle, she would bring oith a slip telling the fortune >f the waiting guest. Ghost« were scattered a t in- ervals throughout the room ind added much to the m erri­ ment of the occasion. Refresh­ ments were then served by Mes- lames Cross, Clark and Bram- •vell. The rooms were artistically iecorated with autum n leaves .nd halloween emblems suitable or the occasion. Guests of the evening were Mrs. Fannie Timperley, noble rrand of Rachel lodge No. 9 of Irownsville and Mrs. Mildred McMahan and Mrs. A. A. Trus­ sing, members of the same odge, and Mr. gr.d Mrs. Dick Farwell and Mrs. A. D. Elder if Errol lodge No. 219 of Shedd. M1.KC1-. .M By CRAIG B. HAZLEWOOO AH kinds of Feed President Association of Reserve City f i t « and second grain *• fl.SO a y e a r to advance. Bankers sacks. Sack twine. A4verh»injf, 2bv an inch; no discount Conceived in the spirit of common Clover seed. Chop­ lor uiue or space : no charge for coin* good, for the best Interests of govern p in g done to suit. Position or change«, (uent, banks and public alike, based Prices right, *m ’‘P a id -fo r P a ra g ra p h e ,” 6c a lin e on broad and cor * • a d v e rtis in g disguised as n e w s FLO UR rect principles re­ Golden Loaf___$2.00 lating to the na White Mountain 2.15 tlon's c u r re n c y HA LSEY, Linn Co.. Ore.. Oct. 22, 1923 and credit, the Federal Reserve S y s te m repre­ TH E BRIDGE IMBROGLIO 7 f i l t h IS a L i e sents the greatest piece of economic Brownsville and Lebanon I legislation enact By JOHN OAKWOOD cham bers of commerce oppose ed by an Amerl- A aoapboxer pointed at a great C. B. Hazlewood can C o n g r e s s . the bridge bonds because too factory. "Who built that factory The S y s t e m 's much of the county road money Workmen!" be yelled. "Who run the record of achievement through a machines? Workmen! Who get the has heretofore been spent near world war. an Inflation period of dtzsy profits? Capitalists!" heights, and months of serious and Albany. Their grievance is real, costly liquidation. It Is a matter of but they are taking a mighty | The soapboxer told a half truth greatest Importance that very earnest that amounted to a whole lie. Hie and patriotic thought be given to the pcor couise in reprisal. Tht I listeners did not know that that par questions: How far has the sys­ portions of Lie county remote tlcular factory, typical of thousands two tem succeeded, and in what partlcu ------- . - ■ • ‘ of others, was a complete refutation from the county seat have been lars has It failed, to give our country of the He— If only the other half of as strong an J as useful » financial imposed upon and th eir needc the truth were told system as human mind can devise? • • more or less neglected in the ex­ The hope and expectation of those It Is true the factory was Capital who framed the Federal Reserve Act penditure of road money by the Ired—for a million dollars. The net that the machinery setup for the county court. Perhaps it did not | profits gave annual dividends of ( origination, distribution and automatic look th a t way to the county per cent, or $«0,000. to the stockhold retirement of currency Issue, which era. All that was true. should be entirely responsive to the commissioners, but it does to a • • • needs of trade and the varying man up a tree. But It was also true that the mil conditions of business, have been won lion dollar capital was divided up But the H arrisburg bridge is Into ten thousand shares of $100 derfully well realized. Every possible necessary to c o m p le te th e ea»t each. The ownership of these shares effort must bo exerted to preserve the Federal Reserve System from political side highway, as well as to af­ was distributed among about on< alliance and to koep Its powerful in thousand people. Several hundred of ford a convenient outlet south­ them were workmen In the factory fluence entirely devoted to the build ing up of the greatest banking system w ard to all of us who travel that They were saving out of their weekly In the world. wages and buying shares on the In way. The first bank of the United Stater stalment plan. They were Capital sts was established in 1791 and failed to The protesting taxpayei obtain a renewal of its charter in 1811 would vote bonds for the Harris-1 11 was llkew |»e true that shares the opponents charging that the hank burg budge if it were not tied Up J factories, by clerical workers and by was a "money trust" controlled b> foreigners, a tool In the bands of the . with . . . .i_ x the j . . . one a . t . Albany. It was small merchants A good many wer< Federalists, and that the act charter also owned by widows and orphan« so tied by poor management. whose modest estates had been wise ing l the ue u ju k w a a unconstitutional u o c u b s u iu u u o « i « — ■ ■ — bank was It is ro t probable th a t the blun­ ly Invested for them by their bank Note the use of the words "monej C r e s w e l l M e t h o d i s t s H o r f trust." We have the Idea that thia 1, ' o m u u ia w n e r t der was intentional and its ob­ ers. They were Capitalists. a modern term. The suspicions which The young people’s gospel ject to compel the - voters tp i i u f It uuai • ---------------» * » ” was uie also racrory true that the factory animate the demagogue today haw team of the Creswell M E. not changed in a century. b u ild Loth bridges 01' neither, a;; J corporation had Issued a million doi The second bank of the United church conducted the services some opponents hint. ! !? In ,bo,n I the material and pay the wages of States was chartered In 181« and it the local M. E. church Sun- However, the whole county I workmen to build the factory. These failed to obtain a renewal of Its char lay morning. A program of j will need the bridge a t Albany wore owned as investments not ter In 1831, the reasons being a wide acred music was followed by „ ..i.ii -. i I on,7 by Persons of wealth but also by spread belief that the bank was uncon »layers by five of the young , niail> as badly as it needs one I many people of moderate means who stltutlonal, the hostility of the states a t H arrisburg, and if the form -, bad 5aved out of their wages and sal the opposition of the state banks, tht :eople. A vocal solo was sung by rise of democracy, and the envy and I Miss Ruth Barnes. e r crashes down some day and ,rlei’ Tbey w.ere. hatred which the poor always feel to , _ ^ 'e subject for the day was costs a big damage bill if not a I And It was also true that out of the ward the rich. The dedicated life,” from Ro-1 Both banka functioned well and ac few ilHirtan lives as well, the I recelP, s of the factory, before a cenl nans 12:1-5, and was presented complished much for the country dur ' a ii i • -.7 1 taken to pay Interest on the whole county Will have to loot I bonds, before a penny waa used to Ing crucial time». The downfall ol . is follows: _ Present .- your life t o ] ~!od and an<* God will Will give it back— the bill. j pay dividends on the stock, a good both was caused simply and solely bj , fP® attempts to place the determinatior 1■' rancis Scarborough; Give youi | L et U8 vote the bond, and get Of hanking policies in the hands of ife to God and God will’ use A Half I the bridges we need. The future The workmen wrre Capitalists too may develop a more reasonable They were Investing their strengtl way of evening things up be- ' aj 01 evening things up be- .„d their talent» and their skill In ih. tween the back country and Al- factory— they wore getting their dlvl banv and its suburbs. suhtirh« denda of »» ••«'««*- «» »•» ’ bany y its suburbs. tockholderg aa(J the , stockholders and bondholders oondholders We need those bridges. We reed both of them. L et's get BUSY A8 A BEE them when we can. “Wbat sort of a chap is Flub­ dub?” “Oh, he’s a busy bee.” “ I never knew him to work.' He goes arouud stinging any- W e w ant you to place at least o n e C - T - C ’ C O R D on y o u r car on _ _ o u r h ig h est p erso n al CORPS'FABRICS-TUBES reco m m en d atio n . This rem ark ab le tiro will do th e rest. I GANSLE BROS. Props. ARROW GARAGE Phonograph «150 S T R A D I V A R A , X Ä Ä . " . ™ $80 »75 S T R A D I V A R A , w„hTOOtJt.................... $ 4 0 Also o n e used B R U N S W I C K «'"E s-JS-neW -» Victrolas and Victor Records Select your Victrola now. •nd charge no interest. Our stock is complete. We sell on easy terms Bartcher & Rohrbaugh Furniture Company 415-421 West First street Albany, Oregon “A Treasure Chest ” That is what a woman said recently upon opening a box of our assorted can­ dies. W hat ivomau doesn't regard candy as a treasure? I l is really more than that, too ; it is an absolute neces­ sity, supplying a food want in a manner no other article of diet can. Ours is tht best to be had. Clark's Confectionery i n e re s a su re cu re to r h u n g e r a t th e I C ///e C o n fe c tio n e r y and Best sw eets and soft d rin k s C a fe te r ia at th e Best cu isin e Efficient service P le a sa n t su rro u n d in g s A tany, Oregon W. S. DUNCAN Red Cross R ollcall Stock judging team s of boys and girls from every county in I I The American Red Cross is Oregon will have 446 animals to '" li“ h“ « " « w o r t of practice on for prizes a t the and credit, to the high end that the ,OU k n o w - Florence Schaub: b a t e s , regardless of n a t i o n a l Portland live stock fair. best interests Interests of of all all may may be be served bea‘ served I -,- o b Z to r j & . a ; I 3tates’ regardless of nationality " ltb »pedal privilege to none, cannoli . U1 V e„ ;° , God Wlthoul I (tj service to the world h i t h 2 n w o a caa i v t u a u IUUBC WUU a i r 1 . »T C U C I . If be left t0 othars tban thoge who I rice • ~ was E d w a rd Weber. The s e r - l ln im m en » w T • a competent through proven Judgment I /ice greatly enjoyed. enioved I m n n T t rtt ii. °ne’ ----- Th e ,8’reat u de- v and experience The d.nge- of poll I Rev. Robert Parker was nas ^2 2 u f° r , servlce during the tics In the Federal Reserve System Is , to r at Creswell for two veari I ? ”Ot °«ased- 11 »« Urgent a real one; upon us Is placed the Drj o r hl- „ „ „ . j - ? ear‘ I aow- There are thousands of ex­ All work done promptly and reason- grave responsibility of forever keeping, 3 to hls coming to Halsey. I soldier^ who are disabled and the great treat system clean. clean More than 1()0 disabJe(J vetw I ieed attention. They are receiv- I I u l u o io F. M . G R A Y , draym an ally. I ’hone No. 26» ins have been given permanent I ?£il5-kree yTa t tke hands of the A m erica s New Place I partial disability ratings, m ean- 1- . Gross. It has broadened and ng perm anent compensator. I s.- leachm g out to all cases of The Portland ^organization Many Americans fancy that, ba I ‘J 001 government and elim- 1 an<^ disaster not cov- fighting the income tax (fina: c-l body lie can"’' canse labor is well employed and our, ^a i>Bg the need of periodical I ..5 , by national, state and ed perhaps the devil knows industries have been reporting sub , physical examinations. Approx- 1 ■ a governments. It also has LASTING IMPRESSION how; the public can’t find out) ttantiai earnings and improvement , m ately 2,000 men will be callee I '?Partm ents of health, nursing, sends out much literature in its over the depression period, normalcy , n / ° r examination before tht I u <1’ "fe-saving, besides the Jun- Kriss— Does Mis» Swift practice has been restored The truth is, what , a ting boards finish their work I r°r Kea Cross and foreign relief, propaponda. It asks: “Why are economy with her kisses ? we must consider normal In the future , boards have been named at Se I Last JSear $7>°°0,000 was j j nearly •»•.vvv.uvt» b s’.iks, insurance companies and ------------------ Kross—You bet! She makes one will be an entirely different thing I ittle, Tacoma, Spokane, Port- iXDend®d fnr „„— __ for home service re- -orporntions handling real e s -flirt «n awful long time!_New from what was considered normal I and, Walla Walla and Boise lef and by the national organ tate granted exemption in the I »nd Globe, prior to the war. One reason Is, our I Men receiving notices to report 1 nen and women’1“ 1 ex-sen’lce| Carefully Conducted Sur- act ?” new place in the world as the leading for examination l^fore one ol It does not ask because it Lu man n;;inef* is O now creditor nation. That change Is a hese boards should make it f | r t ----- «vj u i a p i c r iOOKS --- - Trapp S $ looks 1 ¡M k wants to know. It knows. The | nrnl ? f k‘ho’,1a' A permanent one We are not going to I ,joint to do so a t the time desiir- 1 1 i the work here, m aintain- ° i ,be’ e children are being retnrn to the old position of debtor ioted. This program relieves th e ! vg heariquarters in Albany in masked opposition knows th a t | Regi-ter. P’ P >3 Eugent nation -Cea ,° d° 8cbo01 work under the has- Bankers agricultural I mind of the injured ex-servict I nation Bankers In In the the agricultural of Edith Forrest .i esp ot a constant nervous strain caused communities have come to the con it was its own work in the legis­ nan whose disability is of t I v„ . , as done sPlendid work as b* neglect of eves that seed help. And lature th a t secured those ex­ 1 he Southern Pacific has con­ elusion that we cannot afford to mala Jeimanent nature, because ht executive secretary, with a th«|pm ful part is that the parents' ig- tain an attitude of IsolaUon and that n«*r«nce of the condition does not wive emptions. If it had failed to se­ tracted for life insurance for itf opinion Is not a personal cue. The vill receive a perm anent incomt ted Gross automobile eoverinj? th e child from the penalty he it con- I 20,000 employes. lie entire county in her work, anging from $10 to $100 i • li n t v paying. cure them them , it would now men I have talked with are voicing nonth. \ eterans given perma m e demand is daily ar.d contin- the Ideas of ths psopla with whom bo denouncing the bill as unjust lent ratings may have theii ual. they have dally business contact. ly taxi:*? those corporations bud- ^..a|zv.,aaviyii inviensea in case easel / To keep up this VI14S work vvuik a oud- compensation increased Optometrists, Manufacturing Opticians A great many politico-economist! individually taxed on the prop­ .heir injuries are aggravated I v , o ° n^ 53,000 is required. have warned against America's sn Albany, Oregon We are making five year leans o, erty th eir stock represents. Hav­ Linnco.inty farms at 5»,•• pins comml. trance Into the European «Ituatlon, >ut no reductions can be madt I Nov- 13< two days a fter armis- « -}ce day, there will be a rollcall inder the present rulings. A dministrator ' s N’ otick ’ ing secured the exemptions, it won. Call on asserting that our foreign trade makee B f 4 m I . ano C o .. or members at $1.00 ar.d solici- ol Hearing of Final Account up less than 10 per cent of our pro­ ■ E T T Mah“ takes th e other tack and pro­ 1JJ Lyon St., Alhanv, Ore . . , - fan n e r and ation sums, which Xotice u hereby given that the final duction. and therefore Is too small an u for larger « ? »MU», niHU claims them unfair. The ubiqui­ lairy cattle breeder of England •sill 'd i be needed to complete t h P scccuntof J. P Scliedtler, as adminis­ Item to be vital or to risk our Invest trator of the estate of Mary F. Schedt- ays he has discovered that Ore- imount W hether the sum gr,-en tous league is like the drunkard meat In They forget, and most peo ler. deceased, has been filed in the ?on is the ideal stockraisinp a small or large, 50c. gor 9 who said, when startin g foi pie who have listened to them forget, Court of Linn County, Sttte of ind farm ing country, a fter r ne national organization, if the Courtly Oregon, and that the 19th d»v of No­ that the unimportant 10 per cent It home : •uivev of the whole United mount was $10.00 $9.5f, vember. 1923, at the hour of 10 o'clock Sceon,I s t, uppuaite Halsey Garage “If my wife’s gone to bed I'll Short orders at all hours lip to l l p. ni the difference between full employ­ h ates and , part of Canada, and . * kept here for loe- i --------- 1,1 a. m . has been duly appointed by said ment of our Industries and labor and Court for the hearing of objections to lick her for not waitin’ up foi ■a^ " “ tten to Secretary W est- 1 r» c a l chainnen have ¿ e n " ° l £ said final account and the settlement much unemployment and business da >$ei, western representative o il minted in every cit-/ ♦ ? ai^ thereof, at which time any person inter­ me, id if the hasn’t I’l| lick her pression. If a manufacturing enter .he American Guernsey C'attk I prominent country ' ested in I estate may appear and ile prise Is running at 90 per cent of ca­ for aettin up an’ burnin* ile.” county, and on th ? L " objections thereto in writing and con­ pacity. It may be making a fairly good ;lub at Portland, to lease him s the test the same arm to which he can take hif J lamed they will ’e r . thaV^hnf U Dated and first published Oct. IS. 1923. showing of earnings, bet it It not run- eid of Guernseys, with which Lo-house visits are m idi? i n J . F SCHEDTLKR, ulog at normal and It not earning ths Administrator aforesaid, „ p e c , « „ . n i , , .«,„.« N„v. r„ margin which It should earn la order F irst-C lan Work A mor A. T v » sino , Atty, for Admr. to be fully prosperous. It appears eh ....................... I M thelr circumst ances will per- Oklahoma is Kukluxed. Gov Imit. vlous that we shall have to build up As«nt ft» Fucene Steam LaumJiy A dministrator ' s N' oticb JMint TncxIavB. foreign Investments In this country >rnor Walton is still fighting Frr -d N C A u r p. . n u utting. llin g . Notice ” B fvby given that the under- FOR FA LI, PIPANTI NG But it will be necessary to go slowly 'gainst great odds. The “invia­ J- W- S T E P H E N S O N , f r o p county CI .airm an R o llc a ll »d'“ inistrator of the estate of W. In the matter of foreign Investment* tile empire” th at flogs and ex- A postal w ill bring our i -mp'its Ho H Kirkpatrick, deceased, has filed his There must be assurance that what fins! account in said estate with the les citizens without any privi- y n ? ° Ä M f,ler of H ^ se y was ever we’ loan will be used for produc­ clerk of I.inn county, Oregon, 'ege of appearance in court i? ?Le. L° i_ the. ,?' en select.-d in the county sn«l the county jndge has set Monday, tive purposes — William E Knox. See the 5th day of November. 1923, at ths Iust as contemptuous toward I freshman de’ -ate t n ^ S T tJ end Vice Pre«ldenL Americas Bank UMVters of. B E E F tor ctnni aw in the supposed lawmaking tentatively t h ? squ?d r t h i T hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, as ers Association. the time, and the county courtroom of purpotet ai tanning pricc^H body outside. A member who Learns. tereollegub. and ¿ L ± t ^ ± i . 5 sai l county at the place, for hearing ob­ A lsanv .O mc STORE made as charges against the order George Maxwell and wife are jections to said final account, if any, c. H FALK ionie from a well-enjoyed vaca- vas promptly knocked down I meet Reerf ; nd L?nfield and the settlement of said estate C . L. F A L K JR beaten up and thrown out. |